236401 j 2���01 � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ' �OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RES ION-GENERAL F RM COMM SSIONE Robert F. Peterson Dec. 29, 1967 �. ne�t wF D..1�74n Lii►r�Ls � -- Whereaa, Comptroller's Contract L-6925, Pederson Bros. Inc. contractor for the 1967 Dist. No. 4 Sidcwalk Contract has been aubatantially completed, and Whereas, Said Coatractor rcquests that a portion of the 5� retained ander the contract from estimates for work dene, b� paid in advance of the final completion of the contract, aad Wh�reaa, The Co�i.ssioner and Chief Eagineer of the Department of Public Works approve the paq�ent at this time of $1,000.00 of the $3,535.98 retained; therefore be it, Resolved, that the proper city officiala be and they are hereby author- ized to pay an estimate in the amount of $1,000.00 from the retained percentage amounting to $3,535.98 to ssid contr�ctor; and be it, Further Resolved, that this resolution sha11 have no force or effect unless the auretiea on the Contractor's bond cor�sent thereto in writiag snd file such consent With the Citq Comptroller. ���V , ���� � �.'��l� ��r COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson '��� � I� ���� ;,�., �, _ .�gdisFi' Approved 19.— Holland � Tn Favor Meredith • Peterson J Mayor � Against Mr. President, Byrne �l1�ii.i,r,IiEJ ��� � � 19�� �22 T , owuc�r�ro.e��ras ���� ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCU NO �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISS ONE� �b�rt F. *et�r�en 1967 DA� �C• 29� L1_2� v..L.. il'�r�ss, Co�tr011�r'• Costract ?r6923. �i�ra�a Sros. Lc. coatsa+cter f�r tb� 1467 Diat. �o. 4 =ida�alt Ceatract haa b��a iabawtiall� c�pl�t�d, aad Nh�r�as, �aid Coatracter r�q�ssts that a tortion of tl�e Sx s�tain�d aod�r ti�e centraat tro� rati�at�s f�r wrt bw, b� taid ia �dv�acs �! th� liasl . co,rl�tiea of th� coe�trsct� aad I ifi rua Tb� C�i�aioar as� C.hi�t �u ias�r ef th� rlrat ef lui►lic ! . t �� Wir1c� a��rw� the �a�rrnt at thia ti'e of �1,000.00 of t1r �3.33S.9a r�taiwd; , tirr�t�osy iie it, �solved, that the prop�r city olficiala l�e aad th�y ar� hts�bp aathar- ised to �a� aa �stf.�at� in th� �tt of 31.00Q.00 !rw tla r�tais�i p�rceatap . asountias t� �3,33�.98 to uid coatraetor; and tie it. tarth�r �a�1vN, tl�at ttiis s�►so�uEiea sball baw ao f�ra� os •�t�et m�l�s• t1N sas�ti�# on tlM Catsact+ar'a beed aoas�st tiMr�t� ia �rritie� a�d fil� s�ch aon�at Mith tht City Co■*troliar. : ; � DEC 2 91,��7 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19�. Yeaa Nays Carlson ��2 9195� T°,�g�. APProved 19� � Holland J� Tn Favor , Meredith ,' '' Peterson � �yOI' eT�eaco A�t ! Mr. President, Byrne �b. ��a � ��