04-410Council File # ��' �� 0 Green Sheet # 200114 RESOLUTION 41f�T PAUL, MINNESOTA (V Presented Referred To Committee Date RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of Public Service Manager-Water Utility be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 017 to Grade 020, of Bazganung Unit 09, Saint Paul Supervisors Organization, Salary Schedule, and be it 4 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolurion shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 5 following its passage and approval. o N- �{io �� DEPARTMENI'�lOFFICF✓COUNCIL: DATE IN[TIATED v ��` �IumanResources 12J19/03 GREEN SHEET No.: 200114 COIVTACf PERSON & PHONE: IN INITW/DpTE Sheila Williazns, 266-6520 � D �,�� n � c.�+ a prrcouNCa John Shockley, 266-6482 p��GNED ���Ano� �`�= cR+�c� NOMBERFOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING Fu.,v�Cw, sEtev Dm tvanxaai.SExviwccrG ORDER 3MAYOR(ORASSI) TOTAL # OF S1G\ATL'RE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCAT{ONS FOR SIGtiATIRE) ncnoN xeQt�sTEn: Approval of the Resolution changing the rate of pay for the classified Public Service Manager- Water Utility ritle for Saint Paul Regional Water Services from Grade 17 to Grade 20 of the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization, Bargaining Unit 09, Salary Schedule. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ �) PERSONAL SF1lVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has9tispersoNSrmeverwarkedw�deracontractforthisdepamrem? PLH1�T`ING COMMISSION Yes No CBCOMMI77'EE 2. Hastttispersodfmmeverbernacityertrployee? CMLSERVICECOMMISSION Yu No 3. Dces iltis persoNfiim possess a skill not nmmally possessed by any mment city employee? Yes Na 4. Is tlus pttsoNfvm a targeted venLOY.� Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate Sheet aod attach to gteen 56¢¢t , ' INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTIJNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): ', This action is based on a study of the existing Public Service Manager-Water Utility position prompted by the Saint Paui Regional Water Services. This study included an evaluation using the City's QES job evaluation system. The General Manager identified increased responsibilities which are performed by this posirion. This position is expected to manage the Customer Service Section including Revenue Management which provides information, , publications and billing services for water utility patrons. anv,u.rncES ie nrrxovEV: Approval of this resolution will allow for equitable compensation for this position and aid the Saint Paui Regional Water Services to manage the revenue sources of the utility and the vast public information needs of customers services by the utility. nis.anvwnTnces �F wrreovev: A salary increase of $225.48 biweekly or $5885.03 yeaziy has been added to the Saint Paul Regional Water Services budget. n�swvv.anT.acES iF �vor nrraovEn: Appropriate compensation will not be established. The additional management requirement of overseeing billing operations that was recently assigned to this position may not be met adequately. Tor.v,amou!�*roF�xanswcriox: $225.48 biweekly or $5885.03 yearly COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Yes FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMSER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � �� � „ �� F ���� �� �� „ ' ��,� � 2 2U�� DEC 3 0 2003 � G:\Shared\ClassiACLASS\Consultant-Williams�Sheila's Class WorkV-I Kessler, PubServMgr Stu , s er- oy-N�o CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Randy Kelly. .47ayor OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES AngelaS. Ndcmy,Director 400 Ciry Hall Annex 25 West Founh Street Smnt Paul, Minnuata �5102-1631 TO: Bernie Buliert, General Manager Saint Paul Regional Water Services FROM: Sheila Williams, HR Specialist ��� Office of Human Resources � DATE: October 22, 2003 RE: CLASSIFICATION STUDY RESULT � Telephone: bi1-266fi500 Jobline: 657-266-6501 Facsrmde: 651-292-7656 We have completed our study of the Public Services Manager position held by Helga Kessler. We have reviewed relevant job information, interviewed the incumbent and immediate supervisor, and compazed the position with related classifications and positions. This study indicates that the position is working at salary grade 20 in the SPSO salary schedule for the Pubiic Services Manager classification. Should you choose to implement this action, you will need to initiate a requisition and send it through the required process. If you choose not to implement this, you can undertake other measures to keep the position at the current level. The process can be simple or involved depending upon the needs of a particular study. It may involve any one or a combination of the following: restructuring the duries of the studied posirion to reassign higher-level duties to other positions, modifying existing processes and procedures, or studying an entire unit - its structure, functions, and operations - for the possibility of a reorganization. If you have any questions or need assistance in this matter, please call me at 266-6�20. cc: Bazbaza Woolsey Thomas Dobrick G: �SharedlClanifCLAS51CoKUlmno-�lliamsiShei(a's Clars WorkViKUSler, PobServMgr SadyUf Kusfer Dererm.wpd: An Af£umative Action Equal Oppornutiry ADA Employer CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STUDIED: DATA SOURCES: APPROVAL OF DESK AUDIT REPORT Public Services Manager Helga Kessler Sheila Williams August 14, 2003 Heiga Kessler, Incumbent Barbara Woolsey, Division Manager previous desk audit TION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: , . , , Background 0�1- �1 �d Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) administration and the incumbent of this title have requested a review of the level and scope of responsibility of the position to determine whether the appropriate salary grade is assigned to this classification. In 1997, the position was reviewed a8er having public information management duries added to the position. That review resulted in a change in title and salary grade. Subsequently, supervision of a Public Information Specialist position was assigned. This position now manages the Customer Service Section in the Business Division of SPRWS. Customer Service includes the Call Center, Public Informarion and Revenue Management which was added to the section in 2003. This study will determine the appropriate compensation to assign based on job functions and level of responsibility. Study Components Review of job profile Comparison to ciass specifications Comparison to other positions QES evaluation and analysis Recommendation oy- �F/o Job Description Public Service Manager - Water Utility (PSlvn is a single incumbent classification that performs respcsnsible professionai and supervisory work in pianning, developing and implementing the public information, call centerandrevenuemanagementprograms forthe SaintPaul Regionai Water Services. Revenue management handles the billing of urility customers and is supervised by one Office Manager position. The Call Center handles informarion and complaint calls for SPRWS and is supervised by two Senior Customer Service Representative positions. In Public Informarion, there is one Public Information Specialist I position that aides in development of various publicarions for the utility. The studied position directs the core funcrions ofthe Customer Service Section, participates in utility wide management functions, manages and monitors the unit budget and provides direcrion and department wide public information for all media. These duties go beyond the expected responsibilities of the current classification. QES comparison indicates the following factors leveis differ: Effect of Actions, Impact on Policies and Procedures, Consequence of Error, Physical Effort and Units Supervised. Classification Comoarisons Several professiona] manager positions exist in the Business Division of Saint Paul Regional Water Services. Those titles and other appropriate comparisons aze included in this review to determine how the level of responsibility compares. AccountantIV Positions in this classification perform highly responsible professional accounting work involving planning, organizing and supervising a function. It requires a more specific degree, more experience than PSM and more specialized experience. The types of positions and area to be managed typically relate to accounting work while the studied position has mulriple areas to manage. QES comparison indicates differences for the following factors levels: Knowledge Required, Impact on Policies, Consequence of Error, Physical Effort, Personnel Authority and Units Supervised. Water Oualitv Sroecialist III This classification requires that assigned positions perform highly skilled professional and administrative work inplanning, coordinating, implementing and evaluating watertreatmentprograms, operations and projects. Qualifications require a scientific degree, more experience than PSM and specifies professional level experience. QES comparison indicates the following factors levels differ: Amount of Discrerion, Impact on Policies and Procedures, Physical Effort, Personne] Authority and Units Supervised. Cable Communications Officer (CCOI A position in this classification performs managerial work in the professionai administration of the Citycabletelevisionfranchise,programmingandtelecommunicarionsoperations. Thisincludespolicy development and implementation requiring interaction with the Mayor's Office and all administrative units within the City. It is expected that this position act as a division manager within Technology and Management Services with a level ofindependence and responsibility forbudget andpersonnel similaz D�- �fl b to the role of this PSM position. Both positions aze responsible for an aspect of communication; however,the CCO positionhas Citywide unpact, involvesongoingcontractandnegotiation activities, and requires more extensive technical expertise and experience than the Public Services Manager title. QEScomparisonindicatesthefollowingfactorslevelsdiffer: EffectofActions,ConsequenceofError, Physical Effort, Personnel Authority and Units Supervised. Grants Manaeer This position performs highly responsible and complex professional work in the coordination, administration, oversight and management of funding for projects and programs. It requires a general degree with more specialized experience than the Public Service Manager classification. Job duties are singularly focused for Grants Manager, where the studied position has three distinct functions to manage. QES comparison indicates the following factors levels differ: Consequence of Enor and Units Supervised. Mana�ement Assistant IV Positions in this classification perform highly responsible professional work directing a major function or ongoing program of a large unit. They may perform any one or more of the following types of functions: strategic planning, project management, research and analytical services, grant development and administration, contract development and administration, financial and cost analysis,liaisonandpublicinformation,andbusinesssuppor[services. Thesepositionscanperform duties very similaz to the public information and projectmanagement aspects ofthe studied position. Many of the same skills and azeas of Irnowledge aze the same for these positions. However, there is nothing in Management Assistant IV positions similaz to managing a call center or revenue management unit. Conclusion Additional job duties have increased the level and scope ofresponsibility expected ofthis position. Significant changes include the restructuring of the Business Division that has the Revenue Management unit assigned to the Customer Service Section and a Public Information Specialist position handling the rudimentary aspects of public relations. Therefore, this single incumbent classification should be assigned to a different salary grade and the job specification should be updated to reflect the additional assigned responsibilities. Q. E. S. Evaluation and Anal sis The QES analysis supports allocation of the position to Public Service Manager - Water Utility at the new salary grade 20 of the SPSO bazgaining unit salary schedule. Recommendation It is recommended that the position be allocated to grade 20 in the Pubiic Service Manager - Water Utility classification. oy- y� o CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy Xe(ly, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Angela S Nalezny, Director 400 Ciry Ha[7 Annu 25 West Founh Street Saini Pau[, Minnuom 55101-1631 Barbara Woolsey, Acting General Manager Saint Paul Regional Water Services Sheila Williams, HR Specialist �� Office of Human Resources December 15, 2003 Twenty Day Notice Te7ephon e: 651-2666500 Jobline: 651-266-6502 Facsimile: 651-192-7656 o `c�' w �_ ° m c� - � o , ` _ z _. � �: � y _ � Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that the following changes are being made to the Public Services Manager classification: Change in salary from grade 17 to grade 20 Update ofthe job specification Should you have any questions or concems regarding these changes, please contact me no later than January 3, 2004 via email at sheila.williams�ci.stpaul.mn.us or by telephone at 266-6520. I have received this memorandum and wish to waive the time remaining on this Twenty- Day Public Notice. �S a�,d.�� ��� Signahue � Date cc: Thomas Dobrick An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity ADA Employer oy- �(�o CITY OF SAINf PAUL Randy Ke11y, Mayor December 15, 2003 Shari Moore, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization CSO/City Clerk's Office 170 City Hafl Re: Twenty Day Notice Deaz Shari Moore: OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Angela S. Nal�ny, Direcfar 400 City Ha11 Annu 25 West Founh Streer SaimPaul.Minnuom S.iIOd-1631 Telephane: 65]-266-6500 Jobline: 651-166-6502 Faaunile: 65/-29I-7656 Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that the following changes aze being made to the Public Services Manager classification: Change in salary from grade 17 to grade 20 Update of the job specification Should you have any questions or concerns regazding these changes, please contact me no later than January 3, 2004 via email at sheila.williams�n ci.stpaul.mn.us or by telephone at 266-6520. � Sincerely, • � �G�.. � "ti��� � HR Specialist Human Resources I have received this memorandum and wish to waive the time remaining on this Twenty-Day Public Notice. m ° n N W b � ��. �� /1�� �a-�a� Signatur� Date c' 3= �. �� - An A�rmanve Action Equal Opportuniry ADA Employer ,., Proposed Title of Class: DESCRIPTION OF WORK The City of Saint Paul Class Specification oN- yia PUBLIC SERVICE MANAGER - WATER UTILITY CODE: 554 BU: 09 Effective: General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional and supervisory work in planning, developing and implementing the customer service program of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services, including the public information, call center and revenue management units; and performs related duties as assigned. Suuervision Received: Works under the general and administrative supervision of a division manager or department head. Suuervision Exercised: Exercises general, technical and administrative supervision over professional, technical and clerical employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans and coordinates lectures, meetings, open houses, exhibits, displays and other special events to bring information about Regional Water Services activities and policies to the public, including construction acrivities, conservation efforts, wet lands restoration and special programs that benefit utility customers. Acts as liaison to the public and the media on behalf of the uriliry. Plans, develops and implements special programs such as WaterWorks which provides services to financially disadvantaged customers. Establishes public relations and customer service training programs for Regional Water Services employees. Develops, coordinates and compiles customer and employee surveys. Researches, plans and implements new methods of informing the public about the Regional Water Services and the services it provides. Prepares and monitors the annual budget for call center and revenue management budget activities. Prepazes, coordinates, publishes and disseminates materials such as pamphlets, brochures, the utility web site, and other publications to provide public information to the utility's customers and the general public via mailings, television, radio, open houses, tours and the print media. Develops and prepares internal newsletters, fact sheets, activity reports and other information for presentation to the Board of Water Commissioners, General Manager and staff. Establishes and monitors performance measures for the Customer Service Section. Supervises and directs public information activities, the call center and revenue management units including the establishment and interpretation of policies and procedures; providing public and intemal information; resolving complaints; billing administration; and customer response through conespondence, meerings and/or telephone communication. COMPETENCIES PUBLIC SERVICE MANAGER - WATER UTILITY Page 1 oY- 4!0 Proy�c3se��'itle flf Class: PUBLIC SERVICE MANAGER - WATER UTILITY CODE: 554 BU: 09 Effecrive: Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of theories, principles and practices of public information and joumalism; demonstrates the ability to apply this understanding in resolving the full range of problems associated with the work. Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of operarions, procedures and requirements of the various communications media, including television, radio and newspaper. Demonstrates an understanding of the functions, programs and goals of the department; demonstrates the ability to apply this understanding in resolving the fixll range of problems associated with the work. Demonstrates an ability to expertly plan and manage, mu,ltiple or high-impact special programs, projects, surveys and studies; prepare reports; and make recommendations within negoriated time lines. Demonstrates an ability to manage budgets; and demonstrates an understanding of the availability and skill level of the existing human resources. Demonstrates an ability to laiow when to listen and an ability to speak, write and work with diverse groups, including the public, media, ]egislators and other government officials. Demonstrates an ability to obtain, develop and distribute information of interest to or requested by the media, employees, special interest groups or the general public; demonstrates the ability to produce reports and other correspondence that can be easily understood by the reader. Demonstrates highly effective leadership of supervisors and employees by supporting the vision and mission of the organization; demonstrates an ability to facilitate the goup problem solving process; demonstrates an ability to direct others in promoting desired behaviors within the organization; demonstrates an ability to promote employee development through training initiatives; demonstrates an ability to provide and encourage the creation of a positive work environment for staff in the SPRWS. Demonstrates the ability to identify customer needs, develop customer service standards, effectively train staff and mfluence others in continuously improving customer service. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in journalism, communications, business or a related field with an emphasis in public relations and six years of related professional experience; this to include one year in customer service, public relations, finance or an equivalent area and two years of supervisory responsibilities. (No substitution for education). Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license, or equivalent out-of-state driver's license with no suspensions for driving related offenses or revocations within the two-yeaz period prior to the date of the examinarion. PUBLIC SERVICE MANAGER - WATER UTII,ITY Page 2