RESOLVED, That purguant to Ordinance No. 13574, approved
March 16, 1967, the proper City officials are hereby authorized -
to enter into a contract �or fire protection with Shoppers ' City
Three Inc. , 1740 Van Dyke Avenue, Maplewood, Minnesota, a copy of
which contract is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Asst. Corpora ion Counsel
���;� �� 196�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.—
Yeas Nays
, _ , . ��a�
Carlson i +, =; ,
.e, .. �
Dalglish � Approved 19—
Tn Favor
Peterson J Mayor
Tedesco AS$�gt
Mr. President, Byrne �.� � ' '`� �'
PUBLISH�� � � 3 '� l���
' . , ��
.. � � ���
. �
'.['HIS AGRLEMLN`1', rnade and eritered into this 11 th �zy
o� �_ October � 1957 � by and be���;een the City
of Saint Pauly a rn��nicipal corporation ox•gan�.zed aiid existirig
ur�der and by virtue of t11e lati�s cf the State of iiinnesota,
party of. the first part, rzcrEinafi;er r�:ferred to as "City" ,
and Shoppers! C i ty Three I nc.
Of �40 Van Dyke Avenue, St. Paul , Minnesota �� part,� of
, the second pari., hereinaft:er referred to as "App)..icant".
1�dZTNESSFTH, That for and in cons�_deratzon of the
covenants and agr. eernents herein contained, said City agreFs
to furnish upan the ter�ns and conclitions hereinafter set i'orth9
th� equip�►.ent and personnel. of its Fire Departm?zit for the
pz�o�ecticr, c�f �h� prop�rty des�z ibe� as fcll.e;�rs :
Village of Maplewood, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota
(See attached - Exhibit No. 1 )
Any calls for the use of such equipment and p�rsonnel
shall be d�rected to the Fire Ue�artment of the City of Saint
Paul. Upon recei.pt oi such caZls, said Fire A�partinEnt shall
dispa�;ch such equ�.prien�. 2I1C� per sonnel as in �,he opiriion o�' the
Fiz�e Cha�ef of �;he Fire Dcpartra�nt, or in case o1' his abs::nce
or disability, the person in aci;ive charge of i;he Fiz�e Depar�-
men�: m�.y dceT;� to Ue aaequate. 7'h� City reserves thc right
�,o ret��.il i.n, the City of Sa�.nt Paut such ec�ui�.:ne:�t and
�ei sonne� as, in the apini_on oi �;he Fire Chief or a:.�t9.?ig h.ead
of t.tle F; re Department, n?�y be necessaz°y 1'or �he prUper �.7ci
ar?�q�4at,t prot��ctiori c�i ti}ic Cit,y, aria Cha)_1 d?_spatclz for f�n;�
p1�oi;��ci,iori of �;h�� prop<�rty a'ucve clescr�.b<.,d o1�1y such ec,;�i.prac;�nt
and persor.nel G� �.n his op�nion can, fo�� the time Ue�.n� , be
. , . � )
, ' ,
• ' ',' . •� .
. � • � E�CI-ITBIT NO. 1 � .•
; � . .
All that part of the Northwest quartez• o£ the Southw�st quarter
• � _ ��� 1/`� o�' StiY 1/4) of Sectzon 14, �To�vnslii 2
. . � . � Soutl2crly of t�e I�iortn St, Pau]. Roud and lying95o thwesterl��ing
� � ' the following describcd line: y'�-����
• . . � . � . . T��
1 "��
� Corrimencing af; the Southeas.�t corne-r of said Noi•th�vest quarter
� of the Southwest quarter (i�,�nl 1/4 of SW 1/4}; thence .West one �
. ; � � ,
. / hunclred ;�ven�Y ��.Zp� feet alonb the.South line thereof to the "lace
of beginniiig of tne line he-rein to be described; theiZCe along a line
� • beac inb Nortch forty-seven (4?) degrees, twen�y-two (22) minutes
. . We.,t to the „outherly. righi-o�-w«y line of the I\'orth S�. Paul Road
• . and the�e terminating,
... . . •
• . ' Also � .. . , : :
; ' �
� • . That paxt o� the East Half of the Sou�hwest quarter of the South� � �
' west quarter (E 1 j2 0£ SW 1/4 of SW 1/4) of Section 14, Town-
; ship 29, Ranae 22, lying Seu?-'��ast�.ly o: Norih 5�. Paul Roaa
' ' (so°called); except tI�iat �73Z'� Gf t12� So�ath tr�o hu.�dred thir�y-three�
! . _ : {233) feet lying East of the West one hundred eiaht three (183)
� �, �eet; and furthe: exceptin.� that ��r` r � y- .
� d r- - � �• said. East riaL*' oi the Southe
' - , wes►. a,uarter of t�ie Soutnwest quarter (E 1/2 oi S�,Y 1/4 ai SW 1/a�
; � �yinb 1'or�heas�ez•ly� oi the io�lov�ing ��scri�ad line: Commencing
� . � at a point cr� �he East lir.e o� saici Southwest quarter of the South-
j, • - west_ quarter (StiY 1 j4 of SV�� 1/4) one hundred ten (110� feet Soutr.
� of the :�Iort'r.east corr.e= thereof; �her,ce runnin to a
� � � point on the
� North lir�e cf said Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter
� • (SW 1/4 0£ S�N 1/4), one hundred twenty (1�20) feet West of the
.4 .
;° . � IVortheast corn�r the�eof. Subjzc� to all public easemeats for
� hxohways. • . .
_; � _ . . .
.� . � .
, . .
. • ;� , _
� . � � , - , . � . � �
; ' . . � � ; . • -
� . , ; .
. . . • . . � _
! . � _ .
, . . . . �
- � � ' ' .. . . . • � . . � . . . .. .i. . . . •
' � � . ' . \ . . • .
. ' • ' . 1 � . �. � . . . • � . . . ' .
\\ '
' ' .� ' '\� . . . . . .
. . . �\ . . . .. , A. . . . .
� � � • . . ' . `�� ' . , . . .. � . . .
, safe�.y spared fr. om �;hc� Ci.ty ; �t11C� �Il case an emergency arises
� wi�l�in the City w}�i_le the equipn�ent and persannel of the Fire
Depari;rnent a��e en�;a�;ed. in fighting a i'ire involvin�; said
property, sa�.d I'i.re Cliief or acti».g head of i:he Fire Department
may, ir� his discretions recal]. to the City of Sa.:�nt. Paul fro.n
the service of Applicant, such equip;nent and personnel as he
may considc>r in Yiis opin'ion necessary to r�eet said emergency.
Tn case weather or road condi�tlons are such that in the
� opj.nion of sa�d Fire Chief or actir�g haad of the Fire Depart�ent,
equipment and personnel cannot be furnished ta Applicant with
iyeasonable safety, he may in his discretion refuse to answer
the call of Applicant. The d�termination of the �ire Chief or
the acting head of the Fire aepa.rt�ent as to 4rhat equipment
' sriall. be furnishcd and ti�rhether equipmen�; shall be withheld �r
w�.�;hdra;�ms as provid�d hex�in, shall be 1'inal and concl�.�sive.
' App�_ican� r�leases t�i� Ci�,T, i.�s OfI].CGT°s, ager.t� and
ei;�ployEC�s fxora all clai.ms for damage or loss resulting from
failt�re to furn�sh ax• delay in furnish:i_n� r,ien or apparatus4 or
froin failure to prevent, contr�l or extinbuish any fa.re or
conf. l.agration �•nc�i,her resulting frorn the negligEnce of the
City, its o�'ficex•s � agents or e�,lp�oyees or other�>>ise. This
provision i.s intEnd�d totner. ate as a xelease fr�m all claims
on. the pax°t of property o;�rners or o�;her persons havin� an
interest in the pro�trty for ti�rhich fire pr. otection is requ�sted
by Applicant; and it is under�stood and agreed that response to
calls by tl�e City oi Saa.nt Pau1 is raade only upon the condi�ions
of the z�elease froi�,i al.l claims bv the property ot��tler oa othcr_
interested pa,�tyg �;rh�the7• said ca11s aie i:�ade bY App].icant o��
by ar,y other person in A.��pl.icani,; ' s behulf.
Appla_ca�1t hereby a�re;es to :ir:demnify and save har.r,�l.ess the
City, i.t;s agents , officers and emr�loyees fror,� al_1. cl.aims for iraju_ry,
loss or darna�;e i;o ��crsons or pro��crty arisiilg ou1; of �.}Ze use
and oporai;i.on of the c�quipment of i�he Saini; Pau]. I�ire Depart;-
merit iil the servi.ce af Appl.ic�znt. o�i t;he Ap}�licant ' s r�rernises.
Applicant fur�;her agrees to re�_r;�btzrse �;hc� Ci�y for al'1 loss
of ar�d damage to sa�td eqvipment wliil.e bei.ng used to fuz��lish
services to Applicant.
Appla_cant agr•ees to p��y to the Ci�.y i'or the sErvice
providecl for her. ein, t;he. annua.l minimu:n charges and the rates
for labor and repair worlt and use of equipment provi.ded for ir�
that certain ordinance enacted by the City Council of �he City
of Sa�nt Paul on trie �_ ,._ day of � � 19_�.;
and as amended thereto; a copy of which schedule of rates is
attached hex�eto. Applicant agr. ees to pay annually, in advance�
said annual minimum charges and agreES to p�.y a.n adciition�
thereto, with�n tY�irty days after rec�9.p�; of bill therefor,
folleti�ring each p�,rticular call., such amounts as may become due
for labor� use of E'.C�ll�pl:�ent and rep�ir ti�rork. In case oi
failure to make such paym�ni; �aithin thi.rty days, the City rnay, �
at its option, immeda�ately terntinate this contract. In case �
of enactment of ar1 ordinance changing said annua.l charges or �
said schedule of charges for labor , use of equipirient and rEpai_r
work� Applicant ag�ees to make payment in acc�rdance ��ith such
chan�es coinmenci.ilg thirty days after �rri�;ten no�:ice thereof s
pravided, ho��rcver , th�t such ch�nges as to annual ch��rgcs shal]_
not be eff�ctive until th� succeeding annual. payrnent under
this contz•act shal.l be due.
� t:��i.i.i;��.t;.1;. 1 1J 1 i.C�i ti 1' v.�1�C t:t� l,U i�: u J��.i7� v�Y� �=s.�_ t,i�i� ��a'i i� �r:�
conditions of saic� ordina.lce aild� upon thirty days ' •4rritten
r,atice oi' ac�y araendment thc:?�eto , �.grees t�o be 'uourid by the
tezms ancl coi�da tion.s ofi su::h ar;end�;:ent. Said ordi.n��nee is
incorpozated i.n az�d �r.ade a part of. t�his cailtract by reference
wi�;h the sai>>e eff'eci; as �.f fully set. for�;�i herein.
`.['he azii�ual cliaz�ges un�ier i;Y�is con�;r��ct shall be adjusted
� ai. t�ae be�inning of each year of the coni:ract so thai; t.11ey
will collform to the charges provided for irz said ordinance, on
the basi_s of assessed valuation. '1'he statemei�Ls of assessed
valuation of tl��e property covered by this contracL and provided
for iri said ordinance, shall be furnished annually at least
fifteen days pricr to tl:e expiratiori of each yeaz� for 4rhich the
annual charges have been .paid.
This .contract shall be for a contintzous terrn si�b ject,
howe�rer� to cancellation by �ither party upon thirty days '
rrritten notice.
IN WITNESS L�JHEREOF, the pari.ies have hereunder set their -
hands and seals the day and year first above written.
� � � � �
; BY �_______.._..______
� Mayor
; G�mmisszor_er of r u�lic Safety
� .
City Clerk �
Forri Approved: �
Special Assistan�;
Corporation Counsel . City Comp�;roll.er �
. In Pr�sence Of: / � SHOPPERS' C ITY THREE i NC..
�3):„�' . -C .._ ✓�. ' ^ � � � i ' --,- -.____..
._` __._ ..�f��.. `� - _�._.. By � �.:f_�1��:_..L.:.-..�%_ //'_,;,,�1 / T: ;�:%;�._____
� ; � . _
Cl� (�¢'r'� ^�� ) l`reasurer`—
/ // �1 1 J�V t,:1
� l+/. = I� �. �.�� �i�+(. i' /.
! / i n �
�....� '" .r.�: ' ��. '' � .
. e.�__` i
' � � :. ,, /
, _._
.___ �-
� .- .-- -__
�, % � .- �•_ _
(OffzCel') �Ass�istant.TSeeretary `
�!pp�c�vc1d as to foriii and executi.on
�h i s �_ ___ d a y o f _____�_�_..____
. lp6,l.
Spec�.a1. As;:i_st.ar�l.�C:orpol�ati.or� Cou�1�c.1
The charges for equiprnent and pexsonnel actuatly used
for fire pr.otection L-or the applicant sha11 be in
accorc3ance with the follo�aing scheclule:
Pumper-$200 per hour ox fraction thereof.
LacZcler Trucl�-$?_00 per hour or fraction thereof.
Rescue S�uad-$200 pex haur or fraction thereof.
Hose Wagons-$100 per hour or fraction thereof.
, Foamite--$?_00 per hour. or fracta.on thereof. -
� � �
! The charge for labor, apparatus arid other equipment shall
" be fagurea from the time oi leaving the fire station until
� the tinte of return to the stati.on.
, . Cutuicif 1�'ib• tlu. :'�"-193 (lt�lin:u:cc P:o. Cut�tricl 7'crui; Char�;es lo Co�ifnnn
. ' � . . 1157.1_.-Jly �\'ili:;uu 1:. ( �tscn-- lv As.���;��a �'.�lu.illuu. Tlic cuutrrict � SI��'CIOi: IJ .
' sh�ll ti Ic,r n cu�ihiiuc�ir: lcrm, sulijrct ' Chargcti fur l � ni�rni�ut and 1'rr:;��na��l.l
• ' An unlinnncc ��rovlrl�•ii: for tiic �n�T:- howct�cr lo cauccll;itwn hy citl�cr p�irty � �
� Ini; o[ rnntr:�rl5 �•nlh vllin::es� oU�cr vE�u�i :�0 ctays' :ticillcu noticr. '1'hc on- 7'hc i9iarj�cs for c��ti;��in��nt :�u�l ��cr::��n-
,, . gucenunent il sul,<livr.:i�,t�s. in•icatc r.ur, nual ch�rL'cti tn;<!cr �;�Ict contr:�cl sh:�ll ncl •irt�r•.illy uscd for tirc protrctii�n
for thc ap,lic�nl :;I�:ill I�c !n nccorilanrc
pc�ralion�:, �url Lir�i�•idu;�l::, for tirc �,ri�- ►�c :�cfju::lcd :it thr bc�,innin�; of cach u•ith thc Iulto�cinG schcdulc:
tacllon to bc !�u'�:i:iic_� hy thc l�irr yrar so lhal thep ttiill cunfu:iu lu tLc F'�un cr — ::700 x
Ui•pnctn�r.nl of t!:;: r��ly nt Srtint F':iul I ch:irY.cs s��ccL9cd iu ticcUun 1:'. cn LLc �' E :r hour or Sr:iclial
oul::ldc t;�a,clly IimIL:, .nd c;L•�I�IisLinL' �basls ut a:.sesscit t•:�lualia:; .nd thc tlicrcof. �
. a s!•Lcdulc oL t:des lo lic cl��r:cd Lar:dcr 7'ruc4:--;..pU per hour or frac-
!. sltitenirnts ot .�ssessc.l t•�Iu;�Iiun pro- tio�� liicr�uf.
tl�cref��r. vlded fur!n Sectivn 1 shalt Ue furnfslicd R^_scue Squad—;200 per Lour cr trac-
at Icasl IS da}s �,rior to U:e cxj�lr.�Uon
'1'hc Cr�un^il ef tLc CI!y ot 5-�tnt Paul o[ thc ycar fo: whic>> .thc �ni,ual tio�i thcrcof.
Aors Orilair.: ct��rLes have becn patd. - Fiosc \1'a,;o��s—$160 per hour or fr.�c-
;;f'Cl'i0:� 1 tluh thcrcof.
A�:plicanfs ATay Appip for F'irc T'ro- •i SECTION E Foamitc -- ;^UO per hoi:r ur irartion
tcclfvn. \Vl�enc�:�:r anp �•iliagc, �;uvcr:t- tticrcot.
mcnt7l sufx:i�i_ien,private cnrpor�tion. C3ty to ILetain I?quip�nent SufIIclent The charge for labor, app�r�his and
, or indi��tdu;�l loc:�tcd oul:.fdc uf .i�e �0 1'rolect City. 7'lic l�iae ChieC, or 1t� other equipmcr.t sh�ll be�lii;ured from�
)imits of lhc City ot St. I'aul dcsir^s casc of his abscnce or disability, thc �hc timc of lc:�vin�, the fre st;�tiun�
person in actl��e c1u�r�;e ot tLe Fire until the time of rettu•n to ihc statiun.'
thc Cily to furnJsh it or }:im �cilh lirc I)e �rlrncnt, may in l�is discrcUun rc-
protcc:ion. hc or it shall ue�!te trrltlen lain�in thc Cil•, such e ui
Ap��lic:�tion tlurctor to th,: Fi�c nc��:�r�- y q P���cnt and 51�:C'1'ION 1•t
,.,.. „c a..; cu�, .:t,u�it;;i�ig tric cor- Personnei as may in hi� opinion bc
��ur�te arca or {he n�:urc .^.nd e>;tcnt neccssctry ic�r the p�opet• and adeqt�a:e L'illir.d. 'f"he Depnrtment of Pubiic
p Ssfct� s;�;.il bill lhe appiicant annutilly.
of the pro��erly for ��:l�ich such fire Pro,ection of the City, :ind si��ll Sn ach-ance on the annivcrs�ry da:e of
di�:pa'ch for thc protection of thc
protectiou i, to bc fur:��:;licd, and fn eacl� con.:act for ttu annua� charRes
the ca�c of .ri��atc cc.r:ora:ions and �niilics:nt only such personnel and
lndividuals,Yurr.ishin(; a�lc�al descrip- ecluinment :n respor•,se to tre :�iarms or rereinbe(�rc� p:ovlc:e<I fur, and shaL
tio�� oi thc tca] ;st:.tc u,;on tvhich tl�c c:ills by �uthu.i.>.cd persvr.; , j:l :;:: Gt.� lhc a;>piic�nt, itnmec':ititcly :�.ler
bt�i!di,:•; �ncl ��-:sc:�ii it�_per:}• to bc opin:ou ca�: :or tlic ti�re bcin� bc; ',cY, pa:I:CUIB'i T'C5,)GI15C to a f:e or
i ! F fire a;arm tur ch;.r�c; fo: persoi�ncI,
rot_c:�:d arc toc,;tc l, to�et3�er in sll satcly spared .rcm tiie City.
p appar:th:s and othrr c�uipmc:�t fur-
cases �cith a slnt�rnr.nt of the total nished there[or. Immc<R�!ety after the
� psscssed valuati;.n o* s:�id rea! estate SECTIOid 9 � 'return of ,he personncl, �p��aratus and
and persc��ial proper;v or of propert;; City dIay Recall Appara.tus in F.�ner- ;equip;iicnt fro�n eacn p;irticular fire or
ir.clt�ittd in said curpaate area as gency. Tn cas. an emerf;ency .rises, fire a]arrn, the Fire Departm�n: sh�11
ahot�•n Sn the records of the County ��i.hin the Cih: «•hile the equipment! •fur�ii;h the Cummissioner of Yublic
Auditor as of ihe �!ate uf aiiplication, �r.d personncl of the Fire Dep;�rtinent Safetp u•i.n a)1 the daita which m��• be
sald s t a f�m v n t s tn ri: furnished are en•�aged'in fi�h?ing a fir� for thc needed for thc PUTDGSC ot prepa:ing
aunually thcrca.tcr. ;npplicant, the 'r'irc Chicf or ott:e: per-' such hi;ls. At the iim� of billin�; the .
son in active chas�e ot t2i:Fire Depart- aPplicaut both foc the annuai charge
5E�'TION 2 men:may in his d'•sc:et:on �eca11 to the� and for ?he scr��ice furni�hect in
COIlL73CL I�073ns to 1T? Furnished. The City trum the service of the snplicant. respor.�e to each particular fire al�rm,
Fire Department st:a?1 thcreu�on fur- such equipment at:d perscnnel as he the Ce:nmissionrr of Pablic Saiety siiall
nisii the applicant �ti�ith cunt*zct forms r.iay in :ii; opin:on consider necessary furnish the Fire Chicf wIt}i copies of .
to be madc out and excrulcd Ul' tt�c to meet said emcrgency. The deter- cach of said bills.
'appliCant ptt:su,nt to proper authority mination of the Cnief or the lctive
by its viliage cuuncit, or o:t�cr gove�n- `head of tl�e Fire Departmnnt as tu SECTIC�.I 15
7ng body, or in case cf corporations what equipment cha;l be furnis9ed or Deposit of \Ioneys Receiced. All
ar.d indivi�uaTs, by authorized persons, .withdra�a-a as provicied herein, shall be mone�-s received from thc apolica::t in
in accordance �•:ith thc terms, condi- final dnd conclusive. aymeat of char�es for fire
p protection
tions and limitaiions contained in this ' ou4side of the City uf Saint Paul are
ordinance. Said contract forn, shall be SECTIO:I 10 , hereb3� ded'.cated and shall be credited
prcpared by the Corpor?tion Coimsel I �ill To bc Pald in 30 Da}•s. '1'ne bilis te a Fire Fightin� Equipmen! Trust
fn accordance �•:•iti. the provisions of i in payment of any rharges accruing 2�'und. The Comptro2ler is tiereby au-
' Sectior.s 43IIAu :nrot�gh 436.10, A4inne- ur.cier the cuntract shall be pa?d �cithin thorized and directed to assign a prope.-
' Sota Statutes. j 30 days ufter receipt thereof, and in code nuinber the:efor.
' SECTIOTt 3 � case of non-payment within that time
the Cily, througn the Fire Chief of SECTION 16
Snrety Boi�Q. ' the Fire Department, may upoq wrft- '
(a) Aiter pro,cr execution of the con- tcn notice immediateiy terrninate the �a Charge 1b'hcre Reciprocai Ag:ec-
tract nnd its apnro�•al by the Corpora- contract. The a �Iicaut shall ment. No charge shall be 3r.�pose¢ for
Pr p,y tor the use of flre e ui>nent and
tion Counsel, it sh�11 be delivemcl to the fire protectien the ;ums specified �1 I� pe;sonnel
the Fire Departrnent o: the City, to- in the schedule incorporated in this
in the case of cunimur.i:ie, maintainin�
th�r with a svr�t hond in such sum �paid fire ciepartr.ients which have �e-
B� Y erdinance, or in ar�y amendment to
as tha Fire Chict sY:all in his fliscretio,^., sa:d sc'riedule x�hich shall be duly '
and subj�ct to thc aoprov��] of the adopte:! by the City Councii, pro�:ided
Ci!y Co!ir.cil,d^em sdecivate,s2id bond Enat no z.mended schedule s?:all o into
to be dratrn ar.d a tr.u���:d as ?o fe=.,, — � � � ,,.,,,� ci�;zo.^�t ^�r�em•snts for sach se*_vice
P. __ e:ect c�:i] a:t:r 3; d�ys' •v;ittc:: :.. wiih the Cit
by :he C�r;:o-at�,n uu:,s". Said :..,nd to :i�e applicznt. Y• �
Sf�all be e::ecuted p::rsu�r:[ to proper
auth�?rity by or 'n tehatf oi ap;,licr.n., r ` S.?;,'T:Cid 1'1
a�.' ay a res,;o:�sibte su.e+y co:::,a_�y� SECTIU_i 11 t Spccia2 Artangtiments.In spc:ial sihi-
. authorized to do busir.e�s In t}:e �tat�� Approvzl of Coi:tracL. After proper aYions �c}�en t`ie .`:ie service v;nic}a the
of nT_i:�neso?a. The e::ecu?ion of said execc!ion by tne ap�,licant and ap- municipnlity d::sires er �vhich thc City
� bond sha:l be approvcd by the Cor�ora- pro�•al by the Corporation Cou�sel,sai3 is read}� .tc furnish va*ies from :hat
tion Coursel, zr_d the sarety sn�ll be coiitrac:and bond shall be submitted to previded fo: by this o:di.�ance, par-
appro��ect by the City Courci!. ,the City Council, ard upcn pro�+er ticularll' in situatior.s�vhere the service
(b) The cenc4tions of ssid bor_d shull apprcva] by the Ciiy Couacil shall be is to be f±:ni3;hed only in case oi
be for the payme:�:of�a�l c,arges�vhich execated by the prcger Ci;}• o_ficials, e�treme en.ec•gencp, the City sh,ll be
shaii become ciu� ,ursu2nt to the con- and a copy thereoi delive:c3 to the authorized to ins�e a coi,tract tizroegli
tract for fire pra!ectSon, for the zeim- 'pplicant. Said contract 'shall be in �i; proper c_`fi.ers for such fi:e s�rvice
burscinent to the City uf all dama>es force and e�ect fro�r; and diter ea:ecu- upon terrns a�reed upoii br t?�c pa.izes,
!o tht equipnieat used in ccnt�ecti�n 'ioi: and deli�•ery by the City o: Saint �•rithout refe:Ance to the requircments
with the fire protectior. furnished to Paul. of this ordivance.
the 2pplicant,�c:�a ior inde,nnit5•in�the �
City, its officers, a�er,ts and emolo}�nes SECTION i2 S}.'CTIOtiT 18
aoainst a1� cIaims for injury or darnc,�e f�tll;u21 Charges.C2:arges fo: fre pro- If any part,sentence,or elaitse oi tiiis
to persons or Froperty arisino from tection shall Ue 2s folluws: The a �li-, ord!nance st�all 'ee adjudged coid or of
the use of sai:l equipmc�it in f�unish- F�
ing tire p:ote^.t?on tu tne applicant cant shall pay an cnm;aI mir,:n,um� r.a ef:'ect, for any reason whatsoever,
putsult.t to the con?ract, ar.d for the charge of ;,lfl for each j10,00O3 or frac-j such decision shall not af'fect the as�iiE-.
full perFormance by tS�e appli�ant of tion tnereo:, o; assessed �-aIuation of i i:y of ari}• cf the remaining portions
all ti�c ciuties and obli�a!ior.s a�san:ed the real and per;onal prog,er!y fo: ot this ordinance.
uncier the contract. w'hich the f;re �:Jf°CtIO:] ic to ba fur-
nish�d, i�ir,7tlding t}:c rea? esta+.� upon SECTION 19
whic�: thc bui:<iing� and pe*sonal prop- 1'his ordii:an�_e _=nall bc dce;ned a
SF.CTI,O:' 4 erty are located, said assessecI ��clua- p,-,�t of tiic S<^.int:°atil Lc�islativc Ce3e
C�nditimis ot Co:�t:�.rt. The cont.-act tio.i to be cctertiiir:ed by U�e ?a[es; and shai] be i:icorp.�:ated tliereiit ^nd
to be F:ec;aieci by t�e Co:,or2tion figu:es �ho��:n on .t,e bool;s of the gicen 2n e�prcp.ia:e c;i,ptcr and/or
Conr.sel r.:311 cor.tain th� fullo«•i�ig Cotmty fltrditor. If the anr_aai pa5•- section nu�nber a.4 the tir.�,c of the next
terms 2nd cor_�!itions, in additian to; ment; h;,�ed upon �.sse�sed c;luatior:s recision of t�:e sai.l Legisl�ccive Code.
such o?iicr terrn� and conditioii; as the� of the real and persen-�1 property pro- '
Corpo:a?iori Cout:scl witFi the approcai� tected si±all be less tlir,n the fello•,ving SECiIO�i .0
of the Ci•y Co:::cil, sLaP ser_ f,t to minirn�uil charge>, .he�: th? a�»;icant q•h:� oi•c?i��anee s'.ial: ta?:e rfFec! antl
ir.corj�ora.e in saii cenh•.ct. � hari p^y in lieu therco: mininiu:n
char�es ra follocts• be ir. fo.ce thirt�� da}•a ^..ter its
SE;"CIC�\ E � In c�sa .he ap;;licaat is a^ 1n�li:idual Pa.ss��c. approv%I and pi.blicatim.z.
rcle:�,c Cit}• fto�n P� ior Ckiiu�s. - ' i: n::::�: ::, .,::;.;;; ;.
a�r:t tr u^� c t r�e u`. $�0. • Ya�.;cd 'o�• tnu i.ot:nr�l :-1.rci � . •
Th applicant icleasc t e Ci'.y, its In c � th� ao�licant is a �illa e orI �'eas--Councii:r.en Carlson, Dal 7 h,
offi°e�s, a�ent; an;l en:,1�..ecs. fro:r, a21 • I • r
o'.tier �:.�:cr!u:ieiitel si�SdEc�snii i? siiall FIo:[and. Pe:e:�.on, Tec�•�co, ,1.-- Pi�,i-
cla�ms fo: dama�s or ioss resu?tin� p�y a�:eruunl mir;;•num char;,c u.`5�0�). de[tt (�:�r::e)--6. .
from failure to IIII'l1i5�1 or delay in In c<se ihe ��p.icant is a P:�rinershi�, Ks-ys--D.
furt�i�hi��� rr...n or ap•�r.�aruc, or .:om a<coci;:.;o•�� cr ricaic cor oration, c>:- •
failu:e o �re< <o �l or e:<ii;:- �ept a c}uircl;,pit or the;��•hall pa, a A[tpt•et'er� \istcc� 1S, 19G�.
gni::h vy conf?. rit;o � 1°tiie: re- m:runt i a�:nual ch�i c of ;150.
suiting froci� t� . t c Is c u: of thc TfIGJIA� i�. 23Y'i.'�F_,
Cit�-. it_ o.t.c�r., �r,�:;�� ur e;a��;ucees, ••A s�c ;tio;:" as Ls�J in t?�e �rece:?- i,i.Sor.
or o;!�erv:se.:'i;r ao-;iir n' ::ii incem- in•� pir �:.�h �h.il! not i�e co tru�d ...
� ca�•e �i:�:i;i:c t i� C t its as ui �i u is froc,;s et i:u:ttii�u ls �cl�o Attes�. .:; .rr„�� •1L?
t�'.>� 11':� . are �..st,�._�ted to�c;hcr• s.Ae.y fo�' the FS:iF1;t1 . . ._II_
ot�i:•crs, z�cnts ar�:i c::ip;o.e;c from r�ll F Cit�� Clei•�;.
clain�s for lnjur�, I�.s> or <L:na�e to �'�����Oc� o`�,tin p:etection. S!ch in-
crsons or ,rc> >'v occ�.ir.ir��: in cc;i- �i�iduat� i 11 pa>� tl�c an�:��: tnini- (�Iarc)t 13, 79u'i)
p i � '='`: munt char�;e of �50: Lut in thn cfi�cre- . .
necHon ��:ith p•^;�••�no:;co �d tha s,�rv_ , _._
ici:s licrcun�Icr .r.d arisinr out o: and tion ot Firo Chi�i. such :ndi��i<.ivals
caused by th� ne^lir.:lt a,L•: or ontis_ �n'y J°:''ti�- cr.:cr .nto a cantract a��d
furnish a joint to�:c!. ln such ca�c thc
sions uf applica:it's oftic�rs, agcnt; ur ���1„Ity of tiie tn�;d siuili be iu sudi '
cmployecs. �mo�nt as tLe Fire ']hicF ��•itjt .hc
S'r'.CPiON 6 ��P!'rov;1 ot t?tc Cit�, Council, s'�aII
detcrmii;c v:f., furnir;h ad,q�;�tc pru-
P.ciu�`ut:rsc City f��r Pa�nl;ed E,i:iP- t^c'ioii to ii�c Citv.
n��t�t. The a;plirant �c�ll reimbur>e t:�e 1'hes,� an��ua1 ciiarF'^_; shi?t be p3id
in�c ,��ti« of ���hcihc.i thc nppl�rr�nt
I C ty fur :,ll lo- iI dam;��;c to :1i;1 I dunn th ye�r n•�uirc or rc�::^stv
��.�� li:icnt whih G•in�; :i,�� o t}�e thc t i ' U: ihr r l.itnn�er,t �:id
I��r-r.r:.c ot �n �I�.,��it ln ic^i c" ,� �r:r 1 oC t'� F;r� D nt�nci t S�.r.h
� ith th fu� i:'u�.; r�` ! i�r ul_c-� 'ch� � i:ill t in <�cti ? i t� .Lc
i tiu.i prv.. _.t t�:r L.; t-u .ou,rn�'. ch:i i f,r e ir�m � �n,l on�trl
ac(n i 1• U:ccf t�: f cc. j ri�!eclio�t for tha�
apf,licrnt. !