236370 2363'70
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' Theundere�gaedhereby propoeeethemal�ingof thefoIIowingpublioimprovementi by the Ctty of 8aint Psul�vls.:
� reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of W. Stevens St. from Bidwell St. to
Bellows St. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to com-
� ...�ra�a...��.i.�»wrr�r�X�}�ii7�.raw..»..........»..........«....... ................................................. ..»».....»....
' Dated this...._.....27th....day of...............:..........December...... .... 19 67.
, �. ............_..... .._... __...�......��.,����.� ,._
; co��.
' �y WHEREAB, A written propoet►1 for the msking of the following imprnvement�vu.:
`� reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of W. Stevens St. from Bidwell St. to
i , .....................................•---..................................................____.....................................»............ •---......................._.......___
�' Bellows St. and b doin all other work which is neceasar and incidental to com-
...........................................y............5.................__-- ------..................... .................Y...................._............................_....
� ,�,plet�...�aid.improveme�4t.:.................•------.........._.......-•---•---...........-•--•-----.........................-•---».._.._........
Lsving been presented to the Counail of the City of 8aint Paul......................._...---._................................_... ......
t6erefore, be it
ftffiOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and directed:
1. To inveetigate the neoeeeity for, or deeirability of,.the making of eaid improvement.
2. To inveetigate the nsture� exteat and eatimated ooet of eaid improvement, and the total ooat thereof.
3. To furniah a plsn, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. .
4. To stste whether or not esid improvement ie aeked for on 4,he petition of three ar more ownere.
b. To report npon all of the foregoing msttere to the Commi�ioner of F'inanoe.
� � l
Adopted by the Counoil..._............................._.�........-----.......---...........
Councilman .Carlson ���' 2 � Ig��
De1 g 1 i s h Approved....._................._................_..»....................
Holland .
Mp�g.�1 r 1,1
Tedesce •- -• --- •
Mr. President B�rzrre Mayor.
�000 t.s4
� _- C� PUBLiSi-;ED ��� � t� 1�b�