04-402Return copy to: (e.c.) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Council File # 04-402 Green Sheet # 205453 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Jim and Judy Berg, as documented in Real Estate 2 Division File Number 02-2004, public properties hereinafter described aze hereby vacated and 3 discontinued as public property: 4 5 The properiy to be vacated is described as follows: 6 7 That part of Hathaway Street lying between the southeasterly line of West Seventh Street and the 8 northwesterly line of Adrian Street. 9 10 This vacation sha11 be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the 11 Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 12 13 1. 14 15 16 17 2. 18 19 20 21 22 3. 23 24 25 26 27 4. 28 29 That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns sha11 pay, as an admiriistrative fee for this vacation, $1,200.00 which is due and payable within 60 days of the �ffective date of Yhis resolution. That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall plat or dedicate a 60.00 foot wide right-of- way easement, acceptable to the Department of Public Works, and sufficient to provide street access between West Seventh and that part of Adrian Street lying southwesterly of the said Hathaway Street and northeasterly of Montreal Way. That, prior to conshuction of improvements within that part of Hathaway Street hereby vacated, the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall, by agreement with and to the satisfaction of affected utilities, relocate any therein existing utility facilities to easements within the said 60.00 foot right-of-way to be dedicated or to utility easements otherwise dedicated. That, until the petitioner's, their successors and assigns have complied with condition 3., above, and until further action of the City Council may release them, all utility easements within the vacated azea shall be retained. 04-402 1 5. That the peritioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save hannless 2 the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any chazacter 3 brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or 4 property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not lunited 5 to, a claim brought because of any act of oxnission, neglect, or misconduct of said petirioners or 6 because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in 7 accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. 8 9 6. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall, withiu 60 days of the effective date of this 10 resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in wriring of the condirions of this resolution 11 and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in 12 all respects with these terms and conditions. � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � .Y.Y d�� DepartmenNOfficelcouncil: Date Initiated: � 7 7 � � pW - r�t��cwoacs Ot-APR-04 G r ee n S heet NO: 205453 i Deoartrnerk SeMToPerson InitiaUDate 'i ! Contact Person & Phone: i Peter WhRe/Ead Carlson 0 �Public Works I � I ��� Assign 1 'NAttornev � MeehanRilev � m L L� O � / �� I� ' Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 2 �public Warks Brace Beese �7'� �I O� j I 07-APR-04 For �C `�-��_ RoUting 3 ublicWOrks � DeartmentDirector _��a.�r � � I O r d e r 4 �tavor'sOffice I Mavor/Assistant I 5 iCouncil 6 iCiri Clerk Ciri Clerk 7oW1 # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Loeations for Signature) Action Requested: To consider a perition to vacate that part of Hathaway Street lying southeast of West Seventh and northerly of Adrian Street. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Cont2cks Must Answer the Following QuesGons: Planning Commission 1. Has this personffrtn ever worked under a wntrect for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Cammission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The petirioner wants to develop the property for commercial use. APR o 2 20�4 ���'���� ��� MAYOR'S OFFICE AdvanWgeslfApproved: �`�� (� � �YYY�4 The property would be developed. ��-�°� �`�°°�(����,� THE PUBLIC HEARING oisadvantapes�fnnaroved: WILL BE FIELD ON None \ I Disadvantages If Not Approved: The planned development would have to be reconfigured. � � ToWI Amount of 1200 CasURevenue Budgeted: Transaction: Fundinp Source: nJ/A � Activify Number: N/A � Pinancial Information: The $1,200 represents the administrative fee for the vacation. (Explain) � �-4t� MARY ERICKSON COUNCiL RESEARCH 310 C�n HA�� PURPOSE PETITIONER HEARING QUESTIONS MAP (attached) Notices sent by: Real Estate Division Department of Public Works Room 140 City Hall - Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE STREET/ALLEY VACATION 4� City Council Wazd # 2 Planning District # File No. �2-20�4 To consider a petition to vacate that part of Hathaway Street lying between the southeasterly line of West Seventh Street and the northwesterly line of Adrian Street The City of Saint Paul, on behalf of the Department of Public Works The Council will conduct a public hearing on this vacation on Wednesday, A.pri17, 2004 in the Council Chambers on the third floor of City Hall. Public Hearings begin at 5:30 P.M. Ca11266-8850 and refer to the file number above. City staff will be ' available unti1430 in Room 140 City Hall to answer any last- minute question on this project. AA-ADA-EEO Employer Interdeparhnental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: Ali Council Members From: Peter White Right of Way Engineer 140 City Hall Date: Mazch 9, 2004 Subject: TMS Department Vacafion File No. 02-2004 I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on April 7, 2004 to consider a petition to vacate: that part of Hathaway Street lying southeasterly of West Seventh Street and northwesterly of Adrian StreeL The purpose of the vacation is to facilitate the development of a residenrial and retail mixed-use project . This properry is located in City Council District 2, Platuiing District 9. The subject petition is in proper forxn and has been signed by the requisite number of properry owners. (E}204date) U�i- �lOa, . �. l\\'``' ,•� _.-•-•' .- - ,.. - --<- --. .- _.---. .:;.. _._ . .... . __.. . -- . :..... . _,- . , �t �-�~" �� . d� .�. ��. � . , R .., . • .,� � -i� � �l-yoa. PETIT[ON TO VACATE CITY INTEREST I{wc), tlie undersigned, constituting a majoriry of the owners (or their legally dtsigtated mpresentaGves) of thc sbutting properzfes, do hereby petition the Council ofthe City of Saint Paut to vacate its interr.sts in the property(ies) legally described ss folIoWS: Thenorth—south portionof Hathaway Street from the intersection with L°7est 7th Street to the intersection �aith Adrian Street in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. i(we) rtquest thi� vacation for the folIowing reason(s)_ (indicate whether you wi11 be building on thc sice.) To convert the property into a mixed—use residential/retail development. Retail structure(s) and a parking area are contemplated to be built on a portion of the vacated property. I(we) have attached six cop{es of the site plans of any development intended'for construction on the lands [o be vacated. Contact Person Name: Mark J. Bosch Name: Person(s) responsible for paymenE of vacation fee and for acceptance of Lhe terms and coaditions of the vacation: Phone: g6z_ —3344 2-8 ]— 68 Phane: Addz¢ss: Bossardt Corporation Address: 8585 West 78th Street Ste. 100 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55438 Alternale Coutact Person Name: James Berg Name: Phone: 651-227-7888 65Z-456-0889 fax Phone: Address: ggg Barbara Court Address: Mendota Heights, MN 55118 Name: Phone: Addrass: Name: Phone: Address: O�l-NO� Signatnres of Owner(s)/Representative(s) of Property(ies) Described Below: l-� � F�Y � �I I � �� �� ,��. .��.0 �-- 1. The north—south portion of Hathaway �treet from the intersection with West�7th Street to the intersection with Adrian Str eet. PIN 14-28-23-21-0028 2 The north—south oortion of xathawav Stree' from tfia intPrca�tion with WPCt 7th S1'�"PPt to the intersection with Adrian Street. PTN 14-28-23-21-0002 and 14-28-23-12-0011 � JAMES BERG am the pnritioner, or one of the petitioners in Uie above matter, and I do here6y swesr and verify that cach of the signatures on this petlrion wus signed in my preseace by the person described in tha petirion. ,.:;�, ROEERTA L FYE t�TARY PU BLIC - MMt�SOTA ivlY COMMISSION EXPI�2ES JAN.31, 2007 � State of Minnesota County of Ramsey �J- 401, Martha Fuller, Executive Director, of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, appeared before me on January Z0, 2004. Subscnbed and swom to b r�me this °-�`� day of ' , 2004. /� aty� y.^a„_,�..,,,..�.ti,�..t 1 My Commission expires_ '-��"' _. , =- �-=-.- ) �?,�,_,. . \Gi. :3�i�_>4: :.� .,iA } >'^';: ,. 3 � e ^� :� �`,�� "C-:;i�c314N.3v.2GC } y�.��,, -v °'� cv^u+�+�c�'v^°� .i�� 4 * . .. . _____ _ ___ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ .___ __ _ . ._______ ___ . .. .. FAX N0. P. 05 � y ��� °t ' COMMERCIAL PARTNERS TITLE, LLC - . 200 SOUTTi SIXTH S1T2Efi'1', SU1TE 1300 MIlVNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Phone: 612/337-2470 Fax:612/337-2471 CP Misc. File No. 22480.003 A seacch oFow aact indiees and of the publie records in the Office of the County Recorder and the Officc of the Regisuar of Titles, Ramsey County, Minnesota, as to the folfowing dcscribed propeny: Pazcel 1: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block l, J.N. Rogers Second Addition, Rzmsey County, Minnesofa. Torrcns Yroper[y Old Torrens Certificsue No. 248586 (New Toncns CeRificate Unavailable) Parcel2: 7'ract A, Registcrod Iand Survey No. 330, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Torrens Property Torrcns Cerlificate No. 389885 Parcel 3: That parcel of land situated in tlic Northeast Quartcr of the Northwcst Quazter and Government Lots One (1) and Two (2), in Section Fo�nteen (14), Township Twenry-Eight (28) North, Range Twcnty-Ttuee (23) West, Rwnsey County MIIll1e50ta, bounded and dcscribeei as follows� Bcgim�ing at dic intersection of the low water line of'the Mississippi Rivar wi43 a line Fivc hundred fect Southwesterly from and parallc! to il�e Southwcstcrly line of Rivcrsida qddilion No. 2; thcncc Nortliwesterly und parallel with said Southwesterly linc of Fiverside Addition Np. 2 to a point where snid parvllel line intcrsects a line six hundred {G00) fect Norih of and parlllcl to the South line of Governmcnt I,ot One (1) in said Secuon Pourteen (] 4); thence Northwesterly at w� included u�gle of 20 degrees 20 minutcs to said last nazned parallel line, 640.07 feet to the inScrscction with dic center kine of the 100 foot strip covered Uy the conveyance of May 28, ] 923, to thc Chicago, Milwattkee & St. Yaul Railway for the right of way purposes over and across said Section 14; thence Soulhwosterly along said ccntec line of die Chicago, Milwaukee & St. F'aul Railway 301.11 feet to a point of intersection with the line 60 fcct North of and parallel to ihe snid South linz of Ciovzmmeait Lot One (1) in said Section fourteen (14), hereinbefom referred to; thence Wesl nnd parallel with said South lina of Govcmment Lot One (I) and 600 feetNorth of and parallel to the Soud� line of ihe Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14, I 155.09 fcct lo the intersection with [he }ias[erly line of I�Iathaway Street, as said Street is platted and located over and across that part of said Section 14; thcnce Soutiieazterly along the said Eastcrly line of Ha[haway Siree[ 130.96 feet to thc inlersecUon with the prosent Southeasterly iine of Adrian Street, as said sireet is opcned and pfatted over and uross said quarter•quarter sec:don, thence Southwcsterly alons thc Southeasterly line of Adiian Street 411.87 fcct; thencc continuing South along the East line of Adrian Sucet 191.87 feet to the intersection with ll�e south line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quazter of Section 14 aforesaid; thcnce Southeastcrly at an includcd angle of 49 dcgrces 30 minutes with said South linc of snid yu:vter-qnutcr secdon a distance of 605.14 fcet to the interscction with ihe center (ine of the 100 foot strip daeded to the Chicago, Milwaukce & St. Paul Railway for right of way purposes hereinbefore mentioned, thance Northeasterly along the said center line of s�icl ri�t-of- way a distancc of 439.4 fect to the intersection with a line drawn at right anglcs from a point which ys 825 feet Southwesterly from the South line of said Govemment Lot One (I), measurcd along a line dcscribad us follows: "Commoucing at a point in tlic South ]ine of Governmem I.ot Onc ( I), Section I�ourleen (14), a distunce of 420 feet East of the Southwest comzr of tliz said Govemmont L,ot One ( I); thence Southwesterly in a straight line to a point in the South lina of Govemment Lot'fwo (2) in said Section Fourteen (14), a distance of 290 foet Fast of the Southwest comcr of said Govemment Lot Two (2);" fliencc Southcasterly along lhe above named right angle linc a distance of 535.85 fcet to the last me�itioned Southweslcrly line; thence at iight JAN-15-20Q4 THU 09:15 AM JAN-15-2009 THU 09:16 AM FAX N0, P. O6 Q�'y�a+ anglcs Norihcastcdy a distancc of 825 fcct tn a point in the south line of said Govemment Lot- Onc (1), which point is 42D fcct East of the Southwest comer of said Govemmcnt Lot One (1); thence Fast along the said South line of the Gaverament Lot Onc (1) to the inursection with the low watcr line of the Mississippi Rivcr, thence Northeasterly along the said !ow water linc oF the Mississippi River to thc point of bcginning; exccpdng from thc above described property Lot Six (6) in Dlocic Two (2), J.N. Rogers' Seeond Addivon; also excepun� from the above describeci propeny a 1.728 acre uact of land convcyzd by Quit Claim Aeed dated Septembcr 27. 1965 from Socony tvtobil Oil Company, Inc. to che Cily of St Paul, Minncsota. Ramscy County, Minncsota Abstzact Property discloses �fiat Janics I. Berg and 7udy L. Berg, husband and wifc (as w Parccl I); Koch Refining Comp:my I..P., a Delaw�ue limited partnerslup fes to Parecl2) and Mobil Oil Corporarion, aNew York corporation (¢s to Puce13) are the Srantees in the tast recorded convcyances of said propercics. ####�9#t�MNt9####Yt#RkRt####�### The following itcros are notud for your information: ]. Wazramy Deed dated Angust 22, 2003, filed _�. as Aoeument No. _ (Torrens), exccutcd by IRET Inc, a North Dakota corporntion to James I. Bcrg a�id Judy L. Qcrg, husband and wife. (Notc; Recording Jnfoxmation Unavailable.)(Parccl 1) 2. Limited Wairanty Deed dated Fcbruary 3,1981, filed Febmary 12, 1981, as Document No. 703945 ('1'orrens), executcd by Shell Oil Company to Koch l�uels, Inc. (Parccl2) 3. Certi ficatc of Merger of Koch Fuels, Inc. inm Koch Refining Company, I..Y. filed Pehruary 20, 1998, as Document No. 1178956 (Torrens). (Paccel 2) 4. Special Wananty 1)eed dated May 15,1996, fileA July 8,1996, as 1�ocument No. 2939173 (Abstact), rxecuted by Mobit Pipe Line Crnnpany to Mobil Oil Corporation. (Yarcbl 3) R�AL ESTAI'F.' INFO� MATION: Renl Estate'1'ax in the tunount of $12,644.00 for thc yeaz?003 arc paid. IIase T�x Al0,955.08 Taxes for 2002 and prior years are paid. Property Identifica[ion No. 14-28-23-21-0028 (Inciudes Addilionel Land) (Parcel ]) Renl F.statc Tax in the amount oF$91,524.00 for the year 2003 are paid. Hace'Cax $87,587.70 Taxcs for 2002 and prior years am paid. Propeny ldentification No. 14-28-23-21•0002 (Paroe12) Real r:state Tax in thc amount of $93,574.00 for the year 2003 are paid. IIase Tax $89,155.00 '1'nr,es for 2002 a�td prior years arc paid. Properry Idenlificatioa No. 14•28-23-12-0011 (Parccl3). (Page 2 of 3) JAN ,15-2004 THU 09;16 AM FAX N0. P. 07 COMMERCTAL PAR7'NERS TfTL�, Li,C, hereby certiftes that it has madc a search in the � o�ces of ihe hcminaRer describetl CowrCS and finds no unsatisficd judgments docketed in thc District Court, Second 7udicial Disu for Rarnsey Counry, or in thc United States Uistrict Coun 'lhird Division and finds no Banktvptcy Procecdings dockctcd in tfte Unitcd States district Covrt, District of Minneso�a Third Division, against flie names of thc person(s) or corpontion(s) shovm. below, hetwecn the dates sct opposite their respec[ive names, cxcePl as sliown hereon: Jamcs I. Aerg )udy T.. Berg Kooh ReFining Company L.P Mobil Oil Carporation FROM: August 8, ] 993 Augtut 8, 1993 August8,1993 August 8, 1993 T0: Augaet 8, 2003 August 8, 2003 August 8, 2003 August8,2003 Ccrtifications by COMMERC]AL PARTNF:RS TffI.�, T.LC, as to the names and dates sliown ubovq �Iso covcr rccords in the Officc of County Rccorder as to Notices of Bankruplcy, Notices of I�cder<il Tax Licns and as to Notices of State Tvc Licns. Thc liability of thc COMM�RCIAI. PAR1'NF.RS TITLE, I,I,C is for rcasonable carc in making 4iis scaroh and shall in no casc exceed the lcast of (a) thc actual loss ofthc applicant; or, (b) thcsumoP$I50.00 This is not a title insurance policy and shouid not be relied upon as such. Por full protecYion, a title insurance policy shottld be swurod. DATTD THIS 8TiI DAY OF AUGUST, 2003 AT 7:00 A.M. COMMERCIAL PAR"I'NERS TITi,F;, LLC by� _ _x �� A�thoriZe�s;�natory� (Page 3 of3) O�f— �10�, � /;, < ,iRN THU 09;15 AM �J FAX N0, WARRANTY bEED STATE DBEb TAX DLJE HLRLiON: $ 14ZP7 � Datc: � �� � � P, 02 O�l �f O�. FOR VALUARLE CONSIDERATION, I1tET lnc., allorih Dakota co�oration, as Grantor,. hereby cottveys nnd warraaits to J�mes I. Berg a�id Judy L. Bcrg, husbuid and wife, as Grantees as joint tenants, real property in ltanisey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 aixi 9, Block t, 3. N. Rogers Second Addition together with al! hereditaments and appurtcnances Uelonging thcrcio, subject to lhe following exceptions: See �tttache<I Exhibit A Chcck box if applicablo: � TUe Seller certifies that the Selicr does not know of any wells localed ou the above described real proi�erty. � A weil disclosure certificate accompanies this document. o A am familiaz wilh �lie properly dcscribed in this instrument and I certify fhat the status and number ofwells on lhe described real ptoperty have not changed since the lasl previously fled well disctosure certificate. IltET Inc. By: Thomas A, Went , r, ' Tts; Senior Vice Pr ident RECEIVED TIME JAN. 15, 9:31AM : � /., / JAR-15-2009 THU 09;15 AM �I STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA COUNTy O� WARD FAX N0, ) ) ss. ) CJ The foregoing was aclrnowledgecl before mc this � day of August, 2003, by 17iomas A. Wentz, Jr., the Senior Vice President of 1RET Inc., a North Dakota corporation on behalf of the coiporation, as Grantor. MICHAHL A, 808H Notary PuWk, State ot North Dakole My Commfesbn Expirea OCt. 8, 2008 This instrurncnt was drafied by: Commcrcial Partncrs TiUe, LLC 200 South Sixth Strcci, Ste 1300 Miimcapolis, MN 55402 � \-�� Si ature of person taking acknowiedgment TFUC statemenYs for the real properiy described herein should be sent to; � : . ` � i U�� � �� . . � �r� � , l : LI• .:�' 4 . I P, 03 Q�! - �{02f RECEIVED TIME JAN.15. 9;31AM JAN-15-2004 THU 09;15 AM � FAX H0, r .�.�"�' i i'r71 Permitted EnctunUrances � 0�{-�{Oa P. 04 1. Buitding and ioning laws, ordinances and state and federal regulations, provided they do not adversely affect fhe present use of thc propetl'y. 2, Ulifity, drainage and other easements of record, pravided that do not interfere wiUi the use anQ location ofpresent improvements and do not render the title munarketable 3. Reai estate taxes and spacial assessments to he paid by the bnyer pursuant fliereto A. Easements and restrictions of record 5. Reserv�tion of minerals a�id mineral rights reservcd bq the State of Minnesota as shown by rccital on tlie Ccrtificate ofTitle 6. Ri�ts of tenaz�ts, if any 7. Suhject to the rights of the City of St. Panl for street pucposes RECEIVED TIME JAN.15. 9:31AM , �-;°.. .. � "k_'� , �. RY .YP�fI`� • • �IIC�X , �l[Y` �, .. . _ ,.; � • F...��.:.�".`.�'�^.,i.$�;"':3 . . .::-,: . -�. •.;�� , ��' �. 5 "�� : ��- ',�''j =-, �. : .,.'' �i::� .�'-:.� - . '<1� ,",� � ';� ' .. . . . , _. :�+��'. �' � . _ � - ���,,;.:�- w?�� '•`� ' ..y ��.�. . .' • �.. .y _�.-__`-? �'. ': _ . - - ` ? "'� � �J . �'�` _ ♦ a.. '__ =.�*� . - . . .. . . t.w�+�� .. Y r � . YsZtilK'f3FS7 C? CeEpol�tlP0.�. "' � ••� : � . ' • - _ � . - � : r�-a.....a.. � - ,►<ss�t-} : _ � .n.�..`w:.�` �� r+.-�+.ni �'fr_ . � . . . . .. ���� � . ' . . 'y ` . . _�1� �Q�'[ �k...' � " �^ ' _ ' ".+�v va�arS�°rtaersLic . re71_� � , i ' . _ �4...0:...'w _ .- - . , ,rt, ',I' - �� . -•� '.4;:".•r{.z. .. ...-.�..�. 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B .�:.. �� u:�Y C. .rd uw th<<aid'itrey ol tn<.. ;.,�d'f,�+rt. �te . ��.rv. n w{.u, .. � i : /..c�ry. u(L�1t� �r ..t, i v , .� iaRQ «+�:�urvl Lur� ri Il�c f'Wnfy '�9f4y�� . i � ,.nd`!or...�,v.u...xnd.�.,..�.i.d _�/5.:.:i+,�G....nL , j •', .,'" .. :`. : '.� .. .:�'�� / ' � Lou 2�iri ( 5) ..'siz (6�7�. ssvcn (�I_. aight :iE) . �� �e �� . 8}pck ene (N':� • ' _ �, a _'� K '� y ��� ��uqa to t►e' ze ded�p]at ther�oE� � .-_ � � vy tiy .md of" r�eozd'ia'.�L9d' of'ficc oE: the Ra�+tst.r oL 8eeda .1as .�ad for ..� � saiL:�CO6bt�•', Snb}ect �to.le� z't4bpa .of th2 Cit,Y�of St. Paul tb�"its�et .�: �� ^�''� . . , I P�F�ai, 'l.a d�ts� five .tSJ. .siY �fbS aicd+aevex C1) of Ehe 1_and hezein � , I . ' desczibsd: ._ � . e �� `' :; ,.. ._. . : : . . '_' { � � I r 6 u b j e e t C h a res� c vation da Pavdz of�the State �:'MinESeota.of all _� �. i , ' i � �e ta�c3n �Ls"tricts coacatnad. ' t . mlaarals� minezal ri�Pube in'ttu"st foz 4 ( � ' . e,. ' _L . , . . ' ... . 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'�' � �/, c s ��•' , L.L•— ' _ '" _.. . . .. of said��eTParation.'md tltat said m+'7ontion �hat a miyorate aenl._—... _'__ . � ' . . . ' � . . ' .. 'j �._—' . . _ . . ���_'..,.,,Fn , , _' " . . ' . � ' ' . . . ' \ ��. :�.�, . - 1 ' ' SyLp Rfld • - ` � � ''° i� _�r.._i-��_1 ✓'. . � �. • ' . .. .. •... • ' - � f 'y'y'F � � � � . ....Cnr�'J.. ra_� . . �O {M10�,Y ,lilt N�l{ � . . • n N.. � �. � / . 1.9 1 ' �� � ly �.i / 1 � a _ . ' . r� RetM�mr o1111Mh , ( '��» �. . � ��µ. t � y. Mm �� mo � r mM � P, �� i. ' �V��+WUL � +` � ,. . ..IV � � i '. . . . ' ' �4 \ � �R! . . � � �. ' \ . ' � �1� � .l..., • '. I. `—�'— _ . . ... . �\ � 1 • s n�_ . �. 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JAtSS COFIPANY Date OS/32/196� 2, fiLAZN& HeET6R. aecxecaty o£ eta[c of tTe etate o£ Iowa, cuetodian of the zecroctle o£ incorporatione� cettiEy that t6¢ cotposation name8 on ttie eaYtifieate 1e in exietanee and vas �tuly incnipetated under Lhe lawa of iwa on the date printed above� wit6 pespetual 8nraticn� Ybat all feee requiced by th¢ Iova Buaineae Cocpocatica Act La<e 6eea paid by [Le eo�oraiion. tLat Ue most zecent annual cocporate zeport xeguised by Ioxa Code eMpter 690 hae beea Siled by the eeesetasy af etnte, av8 Gui articles of dieaolution �ave not been Eiled. 2 fvrtt�eC certify t4at aeeocdio9 ta the secosde in Yhin oEEice LEe aDOVe aemed cospasatEOn filed an �endsevt ov 12(19/1984, eLanging the wxposate iitle £mm JAHL& AEFRIG6RATZON WHpANY to T. P. .TIW65 WHPANY. j �i e � F.�rn- .. � - _ . --� . - _ ';C3�1�tS Y.0 1005 RT � A[fidavit of Pnrchaser of Regisiered I.and (Corporation) ZedTe OF MlNNESO.TA Y. Courtey o( NannsQ+n Asent LaWreIiCE A. Lundgl0n _6ein(; F�et duly m.'orn, tays that he u thr.--. .._ __. _..._... _ _ for ap�� __KOCh Fuels, Inc_ Delaw a'm�pa•adon wgmuttE and tsuting vndn the Luus nf tkc Sta[c of..�--- . - 4111 E_ 37th Street North _ having itr Prinaepa! p!a¢ o) bunrzeu at__'---"'---..—..--�—' ICansa s in ehe Ciy ot.-W. zchx.t-a._.—_...—Co�.+ry of Sedgwick.._.__—._.__�d S�an. oj�..--- Ramse��y That vaid �mporation u the purchmn oJ re5�i�tsred @nd, eitmtod inYfilii"ipw County� Minnnota. Tfiot fvrsuanf to the artider and bvkm+ af soid corfmNion, tfic ofjicers authorued lo eiecute dttd+ mt tFe_.— _,_ _ g}�e�r�narp. pf the Boazd. President,_and.. Vice President _ oJ zaid <orpamtion, and that said mrpo�at•on hu a roryom�e seal, ^3: Subsribed and e(uorrz to be/ae me thi� lOth �v--r•�+^-t - ., ... . Notary Pss6[ig Nennepin Cavnty. SfV+� .... . ..._ . . � . %ty Commixrion qfires---... _ :J_ri6o�i "�... :.s_ •v.w+++vwn^ie.�w..:.�.. �,...:.: �: �: y�. � -�e: _ ._ .. -� ucE9 TAX 'vE � TA% ��� � ��� � �,� I (ED TA�EO iA% � n� � t7 �'. . � s�oo svW DEEC Tq% �'� � ED TAX �;; "; s�m s�ce fED 1'it : EO iFF �"� �� siao s�oo� LEED iF% OFED iA% � � f100 31oa � EO TAX �EFO TAX , _ �. % sioo m 9 Ev T4X DEiC TPE � P'` � . .�� �,� � DEE�Tb% 9EE�TAX � Y �? n -12� � s�m fim -�. �EED �AX CEEO lA% �;�-- �. � s�oo � s�oo DEEO iA%��,pFED IAE • Cjt �� - . i � � ° �`v�� s�oo fioo DEEG iA% �EED iAE Sloo �Stoo��� DEED TAX OEED TA% � . a a'' �� i sioo sioo DttD lA% UE4D SAX UFED TA% D T�x : . � .�,�!� y � ,� e - �.L Pl �� s,ao r�oo ��. s�oo sioo �; 2reyared by: L. J. Williams� Jz Attorney at �Law Shell Oil Company RWO Shell Plaza Nouston� Texas '?001 pf:J IAX DEFG TAX 11F'W' d'+'. � siao , siro Address for tax pucposes: Koc]I Fuels. Znc..� Y. �. Box 2256 Wichita, icansas 672J1 7D39Y5� _:E� �AX ED lA% � , s�� s� DEEL. �1X OEEU'`4x ���, _ �.�! ��;; ��m .�� DEEO TAX DE U iAX aEED tA% OEED T41 > �� { �� dz` � ' m 2 �?�?; :�co :�m s,ao :,m pEED TA% DEED TAX �� � �� s�m �( �� � OEE� iAx UEEO TAX ��� � `� Ry i � sro s�oo ?LL� �F.: DEZDTAX / ��� 3� _ f�0o DEED TA �EED TAX �j:��$,�_ s�� s�oo D EO TAX DFtL TR% "� J-'\ � i^ � sioo� ' � 2 s�oo OEED TAX� DEEa iak �-�,i'{/Y� ��`::: S W flm / DEED TAX DEED TA% ' DEEOiAX ' OEED TAX \ ` a � _��,�''+ "� � � y � sioo� I s, /� s�ao s�oo CEEO SAX �EED iAX � ' � ,yn/ � { :.'� d%: '"' � � � s�oo s�w DEF6 TA% � DFEO TAX c� "i '�'�: s�oo sioo DEED T4X OEED iA% ' 7 ..:::.;n -� a:--�°:�, .. i sioa t�oa DEEO dAx� �M.. AY �/�'-'� \ n d �? i..... �s�ao ... s�ao DEE� iAX DEEJ TAX , �,�-„> �yl� � s�oo siaa - EEJTU� �DfECSAi( ��� I ,c�"i' y � f�oo f1o0 . `4'. _ .� , _ . - : . �- « � � �. , .� � �' � `; � _ : - � :�- . .� . ; � �. - : �. _, �,. m ' � 1 r - � R [��� r .�. a� '. ai � � `Y�'.` 3 _ � � � D � '�J- � .. �... ��, . �� ��n ,1 3 1 �� rb �� � .G �1'�� � �W a.R. n'_� � i'C/' .� `� : �1� �C] a wU' .�' ¢ �+ .; LS � � ��._N �= a� � � �o� � ��.� _ :Z ze=;^ S +.,Z �,,; � �����i � � ��.�W�cri '�. :¢ � W � � 1 �: ' ° U . � aea�..o.,; !! { 2 .. ' �, � 0 3wgz �'� Q 1- . . `=. ° < c U . W � � ` w i. � -_ W H �' � m df ', �� . °� �'� � / y � �t � �- � � _ ,.?` • �. � � .te-ata,�� �� � r �'� ' i: E+ OS�}t' _ ' . :: , ., �J— 'F' SG L ,°�° vGL� • � . -- z-. - : -:- :" . ` . _. _..:.__ . �.._ .: . ...r �.: - , _, :_ _ _ _:r.'_ _ .t:._. , .. . :'. ..�... _'. .�_'_ ' _ �. t � � . _ . � QT-�� 127H9 srarF n� ne�auxar St[HEUxY at statE oiv�siun m' cum�muuuxs vuFn m.nnen V/lP/19n[ 959:9?J�tl - _i�980 CERTIYICATC OF H�R�9Ii PuTSUant to the provisions of Section 2(3(c) of the Delaware Cencral Cozporation I,aw, Eor the purpoces of inerging Roeh Fuels, inc., a Delaware corposation, vith and ir.to Koch RePinin9 Company, L.P•., a Delavare limited 'partnerchip, the undcrsigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. NTme and Domi '1 £ C t't nt F�tities: NaIDe State of Domicile xoch Fue1s, Ine• Detaware corporation Koch Aefining ComPany, L.P. nr.lavare limited partnership 2. Suiviving Entity. The name of the suivi�ing entit� is Koch Refining Company, L.P• 3. An AgYeement of MeYgel� to bc e:PectiVe oA DeCembeT 31� 1995 at 11:59 � , aetting out the texms o£ the merger has b¢en approved by the boatd of direMOrs and the sole 5hareholder of Roc� Puels, Ine. and by all of the partners of Xoch ReEining company, L.P. and has been approvad, adopLed, certified, executed and aeknovl¢dged by eac� oY the ��nat3tuent entities in . accardanca with subsection 263(c) of the Delawaie General Corporation Law. An executed copy of the Agree�ent of MeTget is .� on Pile at the pzincipal place of business of the surviving entity, Roch Refining Company� I,.P. at 4111 East 47th Street � NortA, Wichita, Kansas 67220. A copy of the P.�, cf Merqei � will be fuz�nished to any stocicliolder or partner o£ the constituent entities, without cost, ipon request to Roch Refininq , Company� L_P• at the address indicated above. KOCH RF.FINING COMPL�tiY� L.P•� a DelawaTe limite:i partne^ship sy: icRC/G8, INC., its qenera2 partner i. ,' / ' G BY: C[L i t� �4 Name:� Dpnald L. Cordes Tit1e: Vlce President � .-{ = . �.....,�J' F�1Q� '�r' ��,8:�s� G tii� � • -�" f r — ' ; i i ' . . .Y-��.:�.�'1. �. . .� . . . .. � . � d r�e' ', � � , i:^1.6.':_.��:. . ./� � I �� C : .... . S 1 /�� " '' j � 6�J'_ '�'.,� _.�-�- i ��J -- �j �:;� :,.__ i ___.__.---. � Oy- yo� 3 t'� ti � N TRAfVSFER EN7ERED JUL 6 81995 � SPECIAL WARRAN7y DEED � MeKENNA, DIRECiaq FEE-375 P erty AGRICULTURALCONSERVATION OTA p� PAro COUNTY OF RAMSEY�r��`� MSer counm O �� That M081L PIPE LINE COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, whose address is P.O. Box 900, Dallas, Texas 75221, hereinafter called "GRANTOR", in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.Q0) and ofher good and valuable consideretion the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, to it in hand paid b�v(OBIL OIL CORPORATION, a New York corporatioi, has granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, sell and convey unto said MOBIL OIL CORPORATlON, a New York carporation, whose address is 3225 Gallows Road, Fairfax, vrginia 22037, hereinafter called "C,RANTEE", its successors and assigns, forever, all that certain tract or parcei of land situated in Ramsey County, Minnesota and more particularly described as follows, lawit � No. 77273 ' RAMSEYCOUNTY PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ��� MtNntesoTA EED TAX AMOUNT �' � � Tfiat parcei of land situated in the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and Govemment Lots One (1) and Two (2), in Section �ourteen (14), Township Twenty-Eight (29) North, Range Twenty-Three (23) West, Ramsey County, Minnesota, bounded and descnbed as follows: Beginning at the iMersection of the low wafer line of the Mississippi River with a line five hundred feet Southwesterfy from and parelle! tothe Southwesterly line of Riverside Addition No. 2, thertce tVorthwestedy and paraltel with said Southwesterly line of Riverside Addition No. 2 to a point where said parallel tine irttersects a line sa hundred (600j feet North of and para(lel to the South line of Govemment Lot One (1) in said Section Pourteen (i4), thence Northwesterly at an included angle of 20 degrees 20 minutes to said iast named parallel line, 640.Q7 feet to the intersection with the center line of the 700 foot strip covered by fhe conveyance of May 28, 1923, to Chicago, Mihvaukee & St Pau( Railway for the right of way purposes over and across said Section 14, thence Southwesterty atong the said center line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway 34'1.11 feet to a point of intersection with the Iine 60 feet North of and paralle! to the said South tine of Govemment Lof One (1) in said Section fourteen (14), hereinbefore referred to, thence West and parallel with said South line of Govemment Lot One (1) and 600 feet North of the parallel to the South Iine of the Northeast Quarter of the NoRhwest Quarter of said Section 14,1155.09 feet to the intersection with the Easterly line of Hathaway Street, as said Street is platted and located over and across that part of said Section 'f 4, thence Southeasterly along :�,,�, ;;-. � u ;= F 1 . D�/- �loa, t;r:'. � : � /�t �8-�3-)�-00li-t O�F- yo� 29391'73 the said Easterfy line of Hathaway Street 430.96 feet to the infersection with the presertt Southeasterty line ofAdrian Street, as said street is opened and platted over and across said quartervquarter section, thence Southwesteriy along the Southeasterly line of Adrian Street 411.87 feet; thence contirtuing South abng the East Line of Adrian Street 19'1.87 feet to the intersection with the South line of the Northeast Q�tarter of the Northwesf Quarter of Section 14 aforesaid; thence Southeasferly at an included angle of 49 degrees 30 minutes'with said South tine of said quaRer-quarter section a distance of 605.14 feet to the intersection wdh ihe ceriter i'me of the 10D foot strip deeded to the Chicago, Milwaukee, & St. Paul Railway for right of way purposes hereinbefore mentioned, thence Northeasterly along the said center line of said right-of-way a distance of 439.4 feet to the intersection wifh a line drawn at right angies ftom a point which is 825 feet Southwesterly from the South line of said Govemment Lot One (�), measured along a line described as follows: "Gommencing at a point in the South line of Govemment Eot One (1}, Section FourteEn ('14), a�istance of 42C feat East of the Southwest comer of the said Govemment Lot One (1); thence Soiithwesteriy in a straight line to a poinf in the South line of Govemment Lot Two (2) in said Section Fourteen (14), a disfance of 290 feet East of the Southwest �mer of said Govemmerrt Lot Twa (2);" thence Southeasterty along the above named right angte line a distance af 535.85 feet to tfie last mentioned Soufhweste�ly Gne; thenc� af right angiss Northeasterly a distance of 825 feet to a point in the South line of said Govemment Lot One (1), which point is 420 feef East of the Southwest comer of said Govemment Lot One (1}; thence East along the said Soufh line of the Govemment Lot One (1) to the intersection with the iow water line of fhe Mississippi River, thertce Northeasterly alang the said low water line of the Mississippi River to the point of beginning; excepting from the above described property Lot Six (6) in 81ockTwo (2), J.N. Rogers' Second Addi#ion; also excepting from the above described property a 1.728 acre tract of land conveyed by Quit Claim Deed dated September 27, '1965 from Socrony Mobil Oil Company, Inc. to the City of St Paul, Minnesota. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-mentioned property together with aU and singufar the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging to the said MOBIL OIL CORPORATION, its successors and assigns forever, and we do hereby bind ourselves, and our successors and assigns, to warrarrt and forever defend, ali and singular, said premises unfo the said MOBIL OlL CORPO42ATION, its successors and assigns forever, the GR,4NTEE herein, against every person whomsoever law(ully claiming or to Gaim fhe same or any part thereof, by through or under the GR,4NTOR, buf not othenvise. There is excepied and reserved unTO GR,4NTOR, its successor and assigns, the rights-of-way, easements and priviteges to enter at any time and trom time to time io fay, repair, maintain, operate, and remove pipe lines and teplace existing � � :� tines with other iines, for the transportation of oit and gas, and products thereof, water, or any otiter fluid or substance together witfi such drips, vaives, frttings, meters, and similar appurtenartces as may be necessary or convenient to the operation of said iines, and to erect, repair, maintain, remove and operate electric lines, telegraph lines, underground communication cabEes, graphHe and steel anodes and other devices for the control of pipe line corrosion, over, across and through the above descrtbed property. Further, shoufd it become necessary for GRANTOR to relorate, case. fower or othenrrise protect its pipefine or pipeiines w powe8ines due to GRANTEE"S use of the aforementioned property, GR,4NTEE, its heirs and assigns shail reimburse or cause 4o be reimbursed the GR,qNTOR for a(I reasonabte and necessary costs of labot and materials incucred by the GRANTOR in casing,lowering, refocating or otherwise protecting ft pipeline or facilRies. Dy�ID� The easement herein reserved is assignable in whole or in part. This conveyance is sutrject ta ail valid right-of- way easements, apparent or of rewrd, induding but not limited to the minerai deeds and reservations affecting the estate hereby conveyed. This conveyance shalf be 6inding upon the parties hereto, their heics, successors and assigns. EXECUTED this 15th d � aray , 1996. ATTES � MOBIL P1PE 11NE OMPANY �ss�gt s�crp, ary BY- � . _.;',.i.,- . 'A�ee�at ;.t� : : _ - . ,� _. >7: . ,`" � _ e .::���: 3 , � ,:. . f �; :,. . =;. , � � ' ' 29331`73 1 y ► - 'OSi-�G� _� :'C . '-, �v i.... 2939i73 stateorT�cas g CountyofDallas § Tkus instrument was acl�owledged before me on � ttav 25, , 1996 by Timothy C. Felt es Vice-President of MobiI Pipe Liae Company. :•.', ,-.�'3wd€� ^`� . � Q� a `'' , 'iy : YVL�-�+� p : :; - '5::�:. � :�i ca`` ot ... � ��: . `�, -"' �: .� J97N6Efl8AYtEMhUGdN ,`� �,l �. . - • - :' Mrcdnamonoure�s - �oihmiSSic,U?txpireson n,�,,,,h,r Ts,�99s. Decam5ert8.78s9 „ �-....»...�•�4' : ': � � � ' � �+xsau x �_ �ling{�, 1 .50 R� �, `� : � o0 _ fnifisls� . � '� � Tbis inaYrur�t'�was-dratted 8y: NARAE: as S.�ICC�{;. ADDi€ESS P(� Roo iDAW�s �Tx 7522 t •(RX SiAt�MfNYB �:DR THE REAL PRbPERFY '6ESGRFBE� iN TfiiS #N3iRUtJtENT $tj�LH 8E SENT TO: ��'� rvAME:—CF-�oN c .�5.►ACC . N � wfmESS: Po Bc�c4o� i�tawES.r,c��� `,•,' -:, c = >:+: _�e;L' �' i_r, , zt;= uy '� 8 l o.t P�I '96 BY m: Moa � �� � 7. Recoras Administr i6d�t'Nay Deq.R e e F � :651 7t4 667a � � U ofPages 7 Reply to Vacation Inquiry File # 02-2004 ro. Earl Carlson City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Phoneri 266-8850 Fa� i1 266-8855 'F.om: Ross Larson Qwest Corgoration 390 Commerce Drive Fax that part of Hathaway Street lying between West Seventh Street and Adrian Street We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C °�('� �a-�.\�-�c=�S �v ',.��\.�Z�. v- .�,.���r�rcv...� Ct.��.� �S PxaC�.�s. Lp �.,:ac SySh Q . � �, e% �.v1_1�+�Q.L �."� ��r�� �?.en�l��V��..(b�� �.�\�. �..--e.�Ccw�..\,�e� S o— R..��S�e. ....r:���S �� .. �t.�-.. ���f5 ` r":p ,�� S_ Signed AA-ADA•EEO Employer �- ab `�� Date 1<.6�I..a Reply to Vacation Inquiry File # 02-2004 ro: Earl Carlson City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Phoce� 266-8850 Faxx 266-8855 ofPaga 1 'From:�3II Xcel Energy Sitin� & Land Ri�U # that part of Hathaway Street lying between West Seventh Street andAdrian Street We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will approve this vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ That easement rights for existing Xcel Energy electric facilities remain in place until such time as: ' Existing facilities are removed; and Owner grants to Xcel Energy easements for any relocated faciiities. PLEASE PROVIDE A COPY OF THE DOCUMENT RECORDED SUBSEQUENT TO THE ADOPTED VACATION RESOLUTION WHEREIN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED RIGHTS ARE GRANTED. AA-ADA-EEO Employer oz-zs a4 Date (�l-yo1 Department of'Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Ha11 Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy Kelly, Mayor Januazy 20, 2004 Dave Callahan Nor[hern States Power Company, d.b.a. Xcel Energy - Siting & Land Rights 414 Nicollet Ma!1- ?th Fl. Minneapolis MN 5540I 1993 Snbject: Phone: (651) 266-8850 Faz: (651) 266-8855 .. �� �� � � ��l � �?i � �� � TMS Deparhneat E'�Te N`o: 42 ZOQ4 Deaz Mr. Callahan: The City Clerk has refeaed to this office for recommendation the petition of James and Judy Berg for the vacation of that part of Hathaway Street Iying between West Seventh Street and-Adrian Street The putpose of this vacation is to: devetop the area as a mulfi-use retail center. Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concems over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before so I can prepaze a report to the Ciry Council on this matter. For your convenience, you wili find a reply form, with fas traasmittal memo, on The reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regazding this matter, please call Eazl Carlson at 266-885�. Eazi Carison Real Estate Technician 1 1� �.� AA-ADA-EEO Employer Sincerely, Jzn.23. 2004 4:23PM Xcel Ener;y Rice St. 3rd FI k ol i O3�1��P. e ro: Earl C�rLson •F:�: Dan Woehrle City of St. Paul Xcel Enetgy Reply to Vacation Inquiry Reat Estate Division Gas Division File # 02-2004 �n�� 266-3850 �o�# F�� a66-asss i F�x# that part of Hathaway Street lying between West Seventh Street and Adrian Street o�t-uo�� We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will apgrove this vacation subject to the follow�ng conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (� For the followi�yg reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Xcei Energy owns and operates a gas main in the subject right-of-way. This gas main connects to the gas main on Adrian Street, which provides gas service to several cusfomers (see map). Xcel Energy wiU require an easement for the gas main in the proposed vacated right-of-way. If the gas main can not remain in the right-of-way to be vacated, then Xcel Energy requires that the developer shali assume ail cosfs of relocating existing gas facilities, and shail dedicate easemerrts as may be required for continuify of gas service to the development and to any other customers currently served by gas facilities within the above described area. , Call Gopher State Ona-Cail (651-454-0002) prior ta any excavation. Signed j ��� - NickJ. Boosalis, PE Xcel Energy - Gas Distribution 651-229-2317 Date January 23, 2004 AA-ADA-EEO Employer tx!-�to�. ..,� - � ���� MCI Network Services, Inc. 02/10i2004 CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL Earl Carlson Reat Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102-16I3 OSP National SupQort! Invu[igylions Dept 428C>M1 Loc 107 2400Naith Glenville Riobardsoo, TX 7.i082 RE: TMS FILE NO. 02-2004 — EASEMENT VACATION REQUEST — HATHAWAY STREET BETWEEN W. 7TH STREET AND ADRIAN STREET — Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota MCI ID: 945-2004 Dear Sir or Madam: MCI has been notified by your office regarding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the area in question, it has been deternuned that MCI does not haue facitiries within your project area. Yon shoutd address correspondence concerning any future projects to the attention of OSP National SugporUinvestigations at the abave address. If you need fiuther assistance with this project, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ohn Bachelder dSP National Support / Investigations (972) 729-bdlb Easement-No Facilities.doc • RECEiVEs �. j � ..r_;�^ ,._.. oF4! ESTArE P�VfS1C� Reply to Vacation7nquiry File # 02-2004 # of Pages 1 To: Earl Carlson �From: David Urke City of St. Paul District Energy Rea1 Estate Division District Coolin Phonets 266-8850 Phonefi Far u 266-8855 Fax # that part of Hathaway Street lying between West Seventh Street and Adrian Street We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We will approve this vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Par the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ DISTRIC7 ENERGY ST PAUL, INC, AND DIS7RICT COOLING ST PAUL INC, HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. Signed Date 1/22/04 ov- yoz. AA-ADA-EEO Employer 6�!-yoa CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy Kelly, Mayor RECEIVED JAN � � 2004 January 20, 2004 David Urke District Energy St Paul Inc and District Cooling St Paul Inc 76 West Kellogg Boulevazd Saint Paul MN 55102 Subjecta Dear Mr. Urke: DISTRICT ENERGY T1VIS'Deparhuant T+�1e 114_ U2-30Q4 The City Clerk has referred to this office forrecomm�ndation the �etition ofJames and Judy Berg for the vacation of fhat gart ofHathaway Stceetlyingbetween West Seve�h �treetand Adrian Street: The purpose of this vacation is to: develop the area as a. multi-nse retail center. Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use ofthis proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before so I can prepaze a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you wilI find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you woud rather respond an you Ie±te*hea3, p�e�se ref :±o :he above iis:ed fi?e number when replying. If you have any quesrions regarding this matter, please call Earl Carlson at 266-8850. Sincerely, Eazl Carlson Real Estate Technician Department ofTechnology and Management Se.rvices Real Estate Division •, 140 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 (0204inc� AA-ADA-EEO Employer O'-��i-10�.. �arl Carlson Real Estate Division # of Pages Ruppert Reply to Vacation Inquiry� � File # 02-2004 Resl # a We have no objections to this vacation We will apptove this vacation subject to the following conditions: For the followinp reasons, we cannot approve thls vacation: Comcast would like to retain its utility rights to our aerial plant within vacated area. Attached Is a map showing our facilities. Any relocation of said facillty would be at the cost of property owner requesfing this vacation. Scott 7�ppert Comcast conrtructTOrc i2se ymy�mcRvoQ rlydcnSRQ�s, NG�ssiiz 'j'a;65IA93.5116 Plione BSIA93.5127 Scoer '�pperl�cab(e.comutsr.com P1T1T=7 � 0 �I �-�oa... Earl Carlson - Vac # 02 -2004 Response From: Linda Murphy <linda.murphy@ci.stpaul.mn.us> To: <earl.carison@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 3/8/2004 7:13 PM Subject: Vac # 02 -2004 Response CC: <mbosch@bossardt.com> To: Eari Carlson Real Estate, 140 City Hall From: Linda Murphy Public Works, 800 City Hall Annex Re: Vac. # 02-2004 Hathaway Street between Seventh & Adrian Streets Date: March 8, 2004 The Department of Public Works has reviewed the above requested vacation. The petitioner proposes to connect Adrian Street to Montreal Way to allow continued access to the properties on Adrian Street. They would then block off Hathaway Street to allow construction of their project over the vacated street. Hathaway Street is intended to be realigned/reconstructed by the City as part of the Brighton Development project, probably not until at least 2005. The only utility Public Works has in Hathaway Street is a sand rock sanitary sewer tunnel which would require a subterranean easement, but would not preclude building over it. The following concerns were expressed by staff: 1. That we shoufd receive dedication of the new right-of-way prior to the vacation. (Is this possibfe?) 2. The oil development site has one gated access point ofF of Adrian St. And another gated access point off of Hathaway Street. These need to be considered prior to vacation approval. 3. Adrian Street does not currently connect to Montreal Way. Adrian is about 2 to 3 feet lower than Montreal Way. They need to submit plans showing how they wiil construct the connection from Montreal Way to existing Adrian Street. 4. Adrian Street will be dead-ended to the east once Hathaway is vacated. A temporary turn-around acceptable to the Street Maintenance Engineer needs to be dedicated. Therefore, the Department of Public Works requests the following conditions be placed on the vacation: 1. That a permanent subterranean sewer easement In favor of the Department of Pubiic Works shall be reta+ned under the vacated area to provide for the existing sand rock sanitary sewer tunnel.(width and elevation of the required easement will be determined by sewers) 2. That prior to closing off Hathaway Street, the petitioner shall construct a connection between Montreal ov-yoz Way and existing Adrian Street under an ordinance permit, to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works. 3. That the petitioner shall maintain existing access to the Koch Mobii site to the south and east of Adrian Street. 4. That the petit+oners shall dedicate and construct a temporary turn-around on the east end of Adrian Street to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works. 5. That the petitioner shall be responsible for the reconstruction of both ends of vacated Hathaway Street to eliminate the appearance of a public thoroughfare, including, but not limited to, all costs and expenses for the removal or reconstruction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, boulevards, drainage structures, and signs. 6. That the petitioner shall cause to be dedicated the right-of-way necessary for the future realignment of Hathaway Street. (LeYs discuss this further) # of Pages 1 Reply to Vacation Inquiry File # 02-2004 To: Earl Carlson •From: Bill Tschida City of St. Paul Water Services Real Estate Division 400 Commerce B. Phone# 266-8850 phone'� Pac # 266 Fas Y+ that part of Hathaway Street lying between West Seventh Street and Adrian Street �� We haue no objections to this vacarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We will approve this vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q The standard Board of Water Commissioners easement, whose conditions are described in the attached February 8, 2002 Standard Easement Provisions, shall be retained over all portions of the vacated azea. �ignea AA-ADA-EEO Employer � Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy Kelly, Mayor January 20, 2004 Bill Tschida St. Paul Regional Water Services 400 Commerce Building Subject: Deaz Mr. Tschida: F�EGE:VEd 5airrt ?eii R�s��af Vti2;¢r S rvices E�'s�taer�ng O�isir^a :3s�;s:e TMS Deparhnent �'+ile No. U2 2004 The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition of James and Judy Berg for the vacation of that part of Hathaway Street Iying between R'est Seventh Street and Eidrian Street. The purpose of this vacation is to: develop the area as a mylti-use retail cenfer. Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before so I can prepaze a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fax transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regazding this matter, please ca11 Eazl Carlson at 266-8850. Sincerely, Earl Cazlson Real Estate Technician (0204incil AA-ADA-EEO Employer 01/20/2004 15:52 6512665848 CAPROP PAGE 61 H of Pagcs 1 oy-yoa, ro: Earl Carlson •From: Commander City of St. Paul �'rafficJAccident Uait Reply fo Vacation Inquiry Real Estate Division 100 East � xth Street File # 02-2004 PAOneb 26e-ssso p�M§ Faz a 266-8555 Fax # that part of Hathaway Street lying between West Seventh Street and Adrian Street We have no objections to tbis vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacation subject to the £ollowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following zeasons, we cannot approve this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � �" Signed J , , \ 6' ��"� C��'��� Date �� �� AA•.ADA-EEO Empioyer 03/09/2004 13:36 �;;, 6512286241 Reply to Vacati on Inquiry File # 02-200 FIRE PREVENTION Eari Carlson City o� Estate Divisio� plwne � FmcN # peB 1 �From: Ch is Cahill Fire & afery 100 E 11 � S � Phom � F� � between W est Seventh Stzeet and Adxi Street PAGE 01 � -o4-4by that part of Hat6away Stmet lying . . . . . . . . . D We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . • - • • • • • • • • • - ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' We will approve this vacation subject to the following conditions: •.•••••• ...........❑ For the £ollowing reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: . . . . - • • • • • - • • .........- ���:5� c�-e @ �f�O � � �7�-O� ' ` y'..' • {'CaNc._�, •� c �l�vJ �C � V ' ` S ; � oC � w� r T'�'l. � � `�/tN\ �W � e v.� C�'e JQ /J`�J fr`B'✓t„�' ����� C�c'ti'�"� r'�w�r� vP�✓�.. /��cro,�.. 5 C°�. r,.� ��- e�-� rn ��-�.�..( �,.�� li 5�-� �°�Q- 'Frd',� 7'►'� �` . /�� l� a c �� 3� 9 �� y __����� Signed Date �� � ti „ti Z��,� AA-AAA•EEO Employer o�-�/o� February 20, 2004 BO$SARDT CORPORATiON Professioria! Conrb'tu:tinn Marurge�s City of Saint Paul Fire and Safety 100 East llth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ATTENTION: Mr. Chris Cahill. Fire Protection Engineer RE: HATHAWAY STREET VACATION FILE #02-2004 Dear Mr. Cahill: -.._ tii 4 L i �i ;<<'- v � - . 4F/; - LSTAFC .nil �/: ^i't - - • �,� . Pursuant to our telephone conversadon on February 9, 2004, the attached site drawing shows the connection of Adrian Sueet to Montreal Way. This connection provides access to the properties along Adrian. We trust that the attached plan addresses the Ciry of Saint Paul's concerns regarding Adrian Street access, and we request your approval to vacate Hathaway Street. If you have any questions or other concerns, please contact me at 952-8373344. Thank you for your assistance in processing this request. Yours very y, ��� Mark J. osch Vice President � : � Enciosure: 2 cc: Earl Cazlson Jim Berg File: 0305.125 F:�2003\03055 WRRESP�3MISC\0220D4cspoahill.doc S585West78HrSn • Suite100 � M.i�uieapalis.MN55436-1094 • 952-8_?65408 • 500-290-0I19 • Fec952-837-1265 • n•vvw.bossaidt.coni S�AV"IlL�1�'� LL Dµ-4� . . ��- From: Tom Beach To: Carison, Earl Date: 3/3/2004 12:12 PM Subject: Vacation -2-2004 Hathaway LIEP has no objections to the proposed sVeet vacation. My understanding is that a new right of way for Hathway wili be dedicated at 90 degrees to W 7th Street and that Adrian Street (which currently connects to Hathway) will be opened up to Montreal (at least untii the new Hathaway is compieted.) H of Pages 1 Reply to Vacation Inquiry File # 02-2004 To: Earl Carlson �From: Gina La Force City of St. Paul Libraries Real Estate Division 90 West 4th Street Phone# 266-$$50 phone�' Fac a 266-8855 Fax # that part of Hathaway Street lying between West Seventh Street and Adrian Street D�!-yoa. We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�� We wiil approve this vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q � � � Date AA-ADA-EEO Employer Department ofTechnology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy Ke11y, Mayor �EGE9i�E[� January 20, 2004 Gina La Force Library Administration 90 West Fourth Street Snbject: Dear Ms La Force: �':u � � 2 ���� �Efai r'��-A7E D[V(SI€��t Phone.� (651) 266-8850 Ficc: (651) 266-8855 TMS Deparhnent Fiie 110. 02-2004 The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition of James and Judy Berg for the vacarion of that part of Hathaway Street lying hetween West Seveath Street and Adrian Street. The purpose of this vacation is to: develop the area as a mulfi-ase retail center. Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before so I can prepaze a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will fmd a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Earl Cazlson at 266-8850. Sincerely, Eazl Carlson Real Estate Technician (0204inc� AA-ADA-EEO Employer JRN-26-2004 16�03 5T PRUL PqRKS REC Reply to Vacation Inquiry File # 02-2004 To: Earl Carlsoa City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Phonzil 75fi-8350 6512927405 P.01/02 'From: ry'II11 E�g11@SS Parks & Recreation 300 City Iiall Annex Fax i1 26b8855 1 Fax that part of Hathaway Street lying between V4'est Sevenfh Street and Adrian Street We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We will approve this vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q � s��aea � � M-ADA-FEO Employzr � - Z� -0� Date JRN-29-2004 11�14 PED 14TH FLOOR 6512283220 ro: Eart Carlson •F�o��: Paul Dubru. City of St. Paul P. E. D. Reply to Vacation Inquiry Real Estate Division 1100 Cit Hall A File # 02-2004 �oM� 266-8550 p��# Fac n 266-8855 Fax # that part of Hathaway Street lying between West Sevent6 Sircet and Adrian Street P.01/04 ��� � � We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We wiil approve this vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q � � s���a Date �— 2-`J 'u C f` ,- M-ADA-EEO Employer � t7Federation 6512985671 02/11/04 01:53pm P. 001 , #ofPages 1 ����� ro: Earl Carlson 'F�om: Betty Moran City of St. Paul West 7 Fort Road Reply to Vacation Inquiry Real Estate Division Federation File # 02-2004 Phone i 266-asso Phone N Fzx � 266-8855 Fae � that part of Hathaway Street lying beriveen West Seventh Street and Adrian Street We have no objeetions to this vaeation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed Date , AA-ADA-E80 Employer ,