236360 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. ����� OFFICE �F THE CITY CLERK U CI RE L ION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMI551 ONE DATE _� , e Cit 3sint Paul by resolution, Ccuncil P'ile No. 236066, a o d Dec er 8, 1967, ec�cmued and tcx�k certain lands for the opening and idenirig oP the Arch-Pennsylvani.a Highway, includiag therein the lands described aa �oll�r�; Weaterly 45� feet cf Bortheast � of I�ot �+, Irvine's Additian of th�t- lots to the Town of St. Yaul, and East 41.25 t'eet of the Weat 82.5 feet of the �arth 101.5 feet of IAt 5, Irvine's Addition of Outic�ts t� tbe �c�n of St. Paul, aad �iS, The cn,rners of the said above described propertiea, Daniel M. and Carlyn J. Pilla, and Raymond �. and Me,ry D. �icgan, have filed ob�eetions to the award cf damagea ft� the ta,king of the said properti�s; and W�S, The City wi].]. not require i�ediate posaeasion of the her�inbe- fore deseribed property; and �&lS, The City ia desirous of obta3.ning add.itional appraisals to de- termine the value �f the properties to be acquired; be it R&SOLVED, Tbat Council Resolution lTo. 236066, app�roved �9ecember 8, 1967, be hereby amended by deleting theret�c>nn the properties described as �ollarrs: Westerly 45� feet af I�ortheast � of Lot 4, Irvi.ne's Additi4n of�ut- lots to the Tar�n of St. Faul, and �a�t 41.25 feet of' the West 82.5 feet of the �Torth 141.5 feet of Lct 5, Irvine's Addition of Outlots to the Tvwn of St. Pa.ul, and be it fl�rther R�SO�YBH, That those portioa� of all pric�r crders pe:rtaining cnly to the t�ro above deseribed praperties are hereby eaneelled., anuulle8, and. resainded, and all proceeding� in �ch matter discontinued, it being the intent of the Council that the said prior orders sliall stand as approved, excluding therefrcrm the two above deseribed properties. COUNCILMEN �EC� �� ���� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ���--�x�,;� ��,�,� Dalglish proved 19— Holland � Meredith - In Favor . Peterson � Mayor Tedesco A gainst - Mr. President, Byrne PU�LISNE� �1�r- � �i i��l FO�M F�F'°f-�GVi�I� ' ` J �� � Asst. Corporation Counsef `�Za