236354 �����.� c��t�xo..�. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT ' ° and , PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' Theunderei6nedhe�eby propoeeethemsl�ingof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the City oi Baint Psul,vis.: , reconstruct the aidewalk on both sides of York Ave. from Kennard St. to Hszel�aood :' St. and by, doin.g, all..other_,work which is necessar,�,► and incidental to com�l_ete..ssid. � im rovement. �����_��.���. ; .......�...........»..........__.......................»................»............. . ................................._...... 22nd. �, December ,., ,,,»,,.,,_, 19 . � D�fAd this..............�........ds of..............................................».. . . � t ................. ....................___ ...�..... ; Counailmsn. i � ; PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' WHER.EAB� A �vritten propoesl for the making of the following imprnvemen��vis.: � reconatruct the sidewalk on both sides of York Ave. from gennard 3t. to Hazelwood � —.......................................................................................____.....----------....................................... ..... ...._..............._.__ ! St. and ��doin�.all other work which is neceasarX.and iacideatal to com�lete said � .................... ...... ...................................__--- . --....................... ....................----------...........-----_ ...................... � � improvement. � � � 1 ...._..�..............................................._...�...___.........--.----...............---... ... ..................................w._........ � . .._..................................................._........-.----..------......._..........::...................--.------.---.....�. ................._........... ............ �� - 6�ving been pr�ented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul......:_..__..._................................................_. ...... t6erefore, be it BE80LVED, That the Commieaioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered snd direated: 1. To inveetigate the neceeeitq for, or deairability of�,the making of eaid improvement. ' � 2. To inveetigate the ns►ture� extent and estimated ooet of eaid improvement, and t6e totsl aost thereof. 3. To turnish s plsn, proSle or eketuh of eaid imprbvemen� • � 4. To etste whether or not eaid impmvement ie aeked gor on 4,he petition of three or more owners. 6. To report npon all o#the foregoing mattere to.���pnmieeioner of F'insnoe. �. . � :���.� � '� Adopted by the CouaciL.._..................._..... ............._................._.. - ,Ysse � . Counc i lman .Carlson ��'�� � ���� Del g l i s h Apprnved....._........................................................... Holland Meredith Peterson . Tedesco .......... . . ..»....... .. .. ... Mr. President B�trrre Mayor. �000 t-s� _�� �- �> ���t.1S�9C�a ��I��; ; u �:;�� i`