04-40Presented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Committee:Date: WHEREAS, Wells Fargo, Corporate Security, would like to donate three used computers and two used laptop computers, total estimated value of $2,500, to the City of St. Paul, Police Department's Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task force; and WHEREAS, the ICAC task force's mission is to form a multi-jurisdictional operation that investigates crimes involving child pornography and egploitation of children online; and WHEREAS, the public purpose of this donation is to increase the effectiveness of the ICAC task force in investigating on-line child pornography, educating members of law enforcement and the criminal justice system about the prosecution of internet predators, and educating teachers, parents, children, and others about internet dangers and how to avoid them; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Police Department would like to accept this donation from BOMA; and BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul accepts this generous donation and egtends its sincere thanks to Wells Fargo, Corporate Security. ✓ ✓ � ✓ ✓ Adopted by Council: Date: Adoption Certified by Cou �y: . A�proved by o •: Date: By: RESOLUTION CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Council File # Green Sheet # oa- �� 206014 �1 �/,� Requested by Departmer Police By: � / . Form oved by C ty By: �� d y Mayor �for I �.d�L�P of: Attorney: to Wells Fargo i(�ICA� computers.cr D�PnR ENT/OFFICE/COUNqL DATE INITIATED �ro��� 12/30/03 GREEN SHEET No. 206014 � CONTACT PERS N PHONE INITIALID INfIIALIDATE Clllef Wi1112IR FIIIIIC}� 266-5588 1 oernx�eeorr wxECroa 4 crtv<ounrn Please process ASAP. ❑2 CRYFTTONNE/�_ ❑CfIYCLERK ❑F&AtlC1AL5ERVICE501R_ �FYNNCIRlSERV/ACCTG �VOR(ORASSISTAHT) ���wnRIGH�S TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED Approval of the attached council resolution authorizing the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task force within the St. Paul Police Department to accept the donarion of tluee used computers and two used laptop computers, total estimated value of $2,500.00, from Wells Fazgo Bank, Corporate Security Office, for use by the ICAC task force in the im�estigation and prevenfion of child exploitation on the internet. RECOMMENDATION ApproVE (A1 tif Rejeti (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for ihis department? PLANNING COMMISSION VES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfrm ever been a ciry employee� CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO _ 3, Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normatly possessed by any current aty employee� YES NO 4. Is ihis personmrm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The ICAC task force is a multiyurisdictional task force funded by the U. S. Department of Jusuce and administered by the St. Paul Police Department with a mission to: investigate on-line child pornography, on-line solicitation of children and related on-line exploitahon of children, educate law enforcement and other members of the criminal �ustice system about the apprehension and prosecution of intemet predators, recruit and establish addifional resources through involvement of additional law enforcement agencies, and educate parents, teachers, children and others about on-line dangers and how to avoid them. The ICAC task force currently has active participation of eight law enforcement agencies around Minnesota. Computers aze an essen6al tool used in all aspects of the task force mission. The donated equipment will be used to fiuther our mission. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Approval of this council resoluUOn will increase the effectiveness of the task force. The nature of the invesrigations require dedicated, specialized equipment to perform the forensic exams and online invesfigafions. The addition of these computers will allow us to reallocate exisUng funds to ICAC related azeas that were mmder budgeted or where unforeseen expenses arose. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED s �, yp; �.s ; ry �„��..4.a>a».3� ��p,�� None �•<_. . . $;i; � � .�[��'"�� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED The ICAC task force will go without additional hardware or will expend grant funds for hazdware that could be used m other beneficial ways. TO7AL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ COSTIREVENUE BUDGE7ED (qRCLE ONE) , YE��� ��� � FUNDING SOURCE Donation from Wells Fargo Bank ACTIVITY NUMBER 436-34056 / FINA14CIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) p � q y 7 - ! lE'6 wuauou u�in vvciw i my� wi ivnv wuipmcro.�i.ya.cw�