236305 23����5 c��u� xo........_... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ; Theunderaignedhereby pmpoeeethemaleingof thefol�owingpubliaimprovement by the City of 8sint Psul�vis.: � ��a..._,�_ _ --- _ _. _ . --- - ---. --- :_ � roei......:�'Etki AVL._�_....... _�....................._.. _.,.....�_.�,....,................. v.,..,..._,..:......;.z....w. ..... .. ...u................,. ' �P �6 frc�aa iihite Bear Av�. ta� BteTud Rd. at�t i� ��AR RVl�. t'ra� ; Ide�o--'A�e'►-'i�--I'eerpan�e�r'.-�re•r'°�'.�rf.�i�'�6a"'_"8'j'��E�"l�ri�ng".�..�s �"..c�oastr'uet� , . ing stx�et, alley and driveway returns; by constructing and reconstructing side�aralka; by conetructing storm water drainage �acilities; by constructing sewcr, wster anc3. ��. sex�rice conneetions; by .reconstructing an ornamental lighting syste�; by r�eon- $tructing s traPPic coatrol syste�; and by d,oing all other Work which is neceseary and i�sctt�eia'�]. �o ccrmpl� �said 3�provement. ; - . . i PRELIMINARY ORDER. � , _._- .W�EREA$, A writte�„pro,�oeal for the malrin�_of,the followin�improvement:vu.: ;. f . ._.. . ___ Y .._ . _ . ..._.._ .... . . ._. ___ _.. _. . . . . ...... .. .....,. .___ .___�.... ., ..�_... .. � ; . ..... .. .._ . ...k.,. ,.... � � �� ,�`�prirr���"'' 1�`A��. f�c�t��ihi�e�Bear Ave. to �ebe Rd. �. WHITB �A"It dV$. �r�a � .� �' Id�a.Ave.;.tc�,.;I�t�psateur__Lite....bY �8� 8x'�n8y -P�viza8 and aurbing; ..by con�tx�utct,. ing street, alley and drive�ray returns; by construeting and reconstrueti�ag sidewalks; by cons�ructfng stc�rm water drainage facilitie�s; by construeti� sewer�,•�bt��*:aadt..���-_.-� gas service eonnections; by reconstructing an or�ental lighting syste�a; by recon- structing a traffic control system; and by doing all other srork Which is neceesary �� a� i:�oi�,sni�e�: :to �ple�e ee.i.c� �.mpro�emen� . , _ . �. 11Y�iDVlr i tiLi 1Lb4 4Ltl W111LlItlB1UII6T OI 2"11D110 W UYSB Dtl niau ie ucacv,� vaiivaw �..�..a:�.:,,:,�. l. To inveetigate the aeceesity for, or desirability of,,the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and eatimated coet of esid improvement; and the total ooet thereof. ( 3. To furnieh s plan� proSle or eketch of said improvement. . 4. To ate►te whether or ao�esid improvement ie aeked for on�,he petitioa of three �r more ownere. 6. To report npon a11 of t,he foregoing mattere to the �mmiesioaer of Fiasnoe. Adopted by the Counail............................... ���:� � 1�6�........ Ysse Counc i lman ae-�. ���� 8 ���� Da1 ish Approved..................... g ....._.................._.._................ Holland Meredith ��,�i?,t Tedesco .......... ........._..........._....�.- .......... . Mr. President ���� Mayor. �000 �.�s� � .r /1 [�11BLISHED ��'� �� �. lJ