236287 - ..,�,�,.<: � � _, 2��2�'� c��u�xo.......�._ ! PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' and { PRELIMINARY ORDER. T6euadersi�edhersby propoeeethemslcingoithefollowingpubliaimprovement by the Ctty oi Ssint Paul,nis.: ; reconstiuct the sidewalk on both sides of Stellar St. from Atwater St. to Lyton + Place and� doing`all other work which is necessar and incidental to complete ............... ........._.._.».................................. ...............................�..........................._........».. ......_.... � sa�,,,,id i,�rovement� ; »............................................... .................................»................e.. .............._. �...... ...............................................»... .... ............. �_......... ' Dated tLis..2Uth:..»»»day ot......................December......».. ».. ..........»� 19 6� � ................ ............»_�_.�!! .... i Connoilmt►n. I i PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' WHER,EAS� A wtitten propoesl for the msking of the following improvement� vi:.: �,?� reconstruct the sidewalk on both aides of Stellar St. from Atwater St, to Lyton I ``� P1aceNandMb�..doin.•.all•otherNwork.which Mis.necessarV.••.andNincidental»to.c....N.leteNM_N �wMw��������������������� �w�����..����������������r����w������wrrrw ����.�����������....�.w.���������R.����.�w�w.�� .��..������..� w�. ����� w..N ) . . • • M • w�� r w������« / said improvement. �������M����w������������������.�.����H��������������H��N���M���w��w���...�����.�.�����.���.�..�����������.������..����������������..��������r�N���r��.�wN����Nw�r����w« 6��in�been preeented to tha Council of the City of Saint Paul..............._......_..._................._....._................_............. tberefore. be it BFJgOLVED, Thst the Commieeioner of Public Work�be snd ie hereby o;dered snd direct�: 1. To inveetigate the neae�dty for� or deairability of,.the making of eaid �mprovement. r 2. To investigste the nuture� extent snd estimated oost of eaid imprnvement, and the total oost tbereof. 3. To furnia6 s plsn, pso5le or eketch of eaid improvemen� . � 4. To stste whether or not esid ianprovement ie seked for oa f,6e petition of three or more ownars. b. To report npon all ot the foregoing matters to the Commieelona of I+Ynsnoe. Adopted by tha Connal..._».................».�....».....�E�.2.� ���� Ys�e Councilman .Carlson DEC 2 0 1��' Dalgl ish Apptoved....................»........................................... Holland Meredith Peterson � �NM . � Mr. President B�rrrre � M83'or• �000 �.� PUBLISF;�� ��,,� �,U ����