236285 . 2��2Rt5 . c��� xo..�.�._... � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � and ; PRELIMINARY ORDEIt. ' Theuadere�aedhereby propoeeetihemsldngof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the Clty of 8sint P�ui,�►Is.: reconstruct the sidewalk on the east eide of Edgerton St. from York Ave. to Wells .............. ........._____......................»....................... ......».......................................................................... � St, and on the west side of Edgerton St�from York Ave� to Whitall_St�and by doing ; �......................»......____................................... ...........�,.... ; all other work which is necessarq and incidental to complete aaid improvement. ; ...._.....................»....___..................................................... ........................_..............._....e. ................. ....................�............................................. ............ ................... _......... � Dated tLie. 20th. � � December 67 . ............. y ............................................ ...., 19 j ................ . ...............__��..... . i QO11n0�1m8II. I i i � � PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A writtea pmpoee►1 ior the msking of the following improvement, vis.: recvnstruct the sidewalk on the east side of Edgerton St. from York Ave. to Wells ...........................................................................................____................................................... ........---...........................__ St. and on the west aide of Ed.gerton St. from York Ave. to Whitall St. and by doing ...................................._.........................................__.. ......................................................................»............................_...... all�other..work.which..is.,necessar�.and..incidental..to..com�lete..aaid improvement. ..�� 6a�in�been preeented to the Council of the City of 8aint Paul......._...._........_......._..................................... _.... t6erefore, be it BEBOLVED, Thst the Commieeioner of Public Worke be and ia herebq o;dered snd directed: 1. To inveetigate the neoee�ty for� or deeirability of,.the malcing of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigste the nuture� extent snd estimated coet of eaid improvement, snd the totsl�et thereof. r 3. To furnieb s plsa, pro5le or eketch of said imprnvement. , 4. To�tate whether or not esid improvement ie seked for oa�he petition of t,bree or more owners. 6. To report npon all of the foregoing me►tters to the Commiseloner of F'insnoe. �:;1�'.� �� '.� d�'�E: Adoptedby the ConnoiL.........................�»�.................................... Ysns Councilman .Carlson �EC 2 � 196� Da1 g 1 i s h Apptoved..........»....»..»....»..».............._................. Holland Meredith Peterson � --�tdcse�., / ...... � ... Mr. President Bgzrre o � MaYor. �000 �.a ' PtfBL1SHED �.���j �� ����`