236283 � �3�2�.`3 c��u� xo............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. � T6euaderei�aedhereby propoeeethemal�itngoithefollowingpublioimprovemen�by the Clty of 8sint Paul�vL.: • reconstruct the sidewalk and replace with integral curb and aidewalk on both sides i ................»...........»....__._.....»................................................... ........._........... ................_......................-- � of Grand Ave. from Cambrid�e St. to Wheeler St, and b doin all other work which .........»............................_._.»»................ ................»......................................�»�...................».............................. ; � i�,,,s n,ecessar�and incidental to..com�lete said im�rovement. ; ..... .......................»......._.... Dated t�...r..2Uth�....day of......................•--....December .. . 1 ......... ... ... . .._�� ..e�r!�...�.�.......��- � ConnOilmt►n. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHER,EAS, A wtitten pmpoesl for the muldng of the following improvemant�vis.: �� . reconstruct.the sidewalk.and.re lace with integral curb and �idewalk on both sidea � ��� ..............»... ..» . ................. ..... . .....�............___.......................................................»......_....._....... of Grand Ave. from Cambridge St. to Wheeler St. and by doing all other work which ���, ....�._.�..............��_......_....................._...._......�____ .....---.._............�....................�...�....._....................................._.___.._ 1 is.neceasar�.and.incidental to�com�lete_ said .im�rovement:..�... � '� .. ....... .... . ... . ................. _ ... .. . . .... .. ....»....................... ........._ 6a�in�been preeented to the Council of the City of 8aint Paul......................._......................................---..... ...... t6erefore� be it R,ffiOLVED, Z'hut the Commieeioaer of Publio Worke be e►ad ie hereby ordered snd directsd: 1. To inveatigate the aeceeaity for, or deairability of,,the malcing of se►id improvement. ` 2. To inveetigste the nsture� extent snd eatimated �oet of said improvement� and the totsl oost thereof. > 8. To furnieh s plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvemen� • 4. To stste whether or not eaid improvement ie aelced for on t�he petition of three ar more ownere. b. To report upon aU ot t,he foregoing mstt�ers to the Commisdoner of Finsnoe. Counc�..._ ..'�r � r) `1��� Adoptedby the ...................» _.:......................_...... Ysss Counc i lman .Carlson D��� '� �96'�' Da1 g 1 i s h APPtoved........................................._...................... Holland Meredith Peterson � TeA....,._ ......«.. ... Mr. President B�trrre �� ` _ ^ � Msyor. �000 �.� � Pi16L1S�riE� . ..��� ;� ��;