242089 242,0��� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � � • . CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE Cor�tl�rEE NCIL RES UTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONE � DATF February 11� 1969 RESOLVED= That applic ation for � Restuurant� On and �ff Sale Malt Eeverage and Cigaret+e L�.censes made by Richard C. Dudley at 50E� Selby t�venue be and the same are hereby granted. on the condition that �aithin days of this date said Richard �. Dudley shall compl�r with all requirements flf the Bureaus of Fire� Health, and Police� and the License Inspector pursuant to the �t. Paul Le�islative Code and a11 other applicable oriiinances and la�s. FEB 1 1 1969� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �E B 1 1 1969 Dalglish / Approve� 19— Meredith ,��n Favor Petc��ae� /\ ' S�rafku V Mayor A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE� FEB 15 1969 � :. , � CITY OF SAINT PAUL n Capital of Minnesota 2��0`�'! • �e a�t�e�t a c��lic a t " � e p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICE AND FIBE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Dcputy Commiesioner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN. Lieenee Inepeetor February 11, 1969 Honorable Mayor and �ity �ouncil Saint Paul� Minnes4ta Gentlemen: Richard C. vudle�� makes application for Restaurant, On ancl Off Sale Ma1t Bevera�e and Cigarette licenses for 5(� Selby Avenue, which is located on t,he South side of the street betu�een Mackubin and Kent Streets. This location has beer. licensed for a similar business since 1933. The last licensee, Lupe DeVora, has held the licenses since January 1968. i There are no other 3.2 places within two blocks. The closest � sale Liquor place is two blocks and the closest Off Sale Liquor plaee is one and one-half tal ocks away. �rhe nearest church is one block and the neaxest school is about six blocl�s away. Ms. Dudley w orked at krr�ours and Compar�yy from May 1963 to March 1968. From March 1968 until Jarnzarg 15, 1969, he workeci for the Avenue I,ounge. Very truly yours� �Z.�� � � License Inspector � '1"4 '� ��1�ti MA'�A� �1M'�# t� 1� '� �IT! ���',► �!' '!� �1"1'�' {�' �►�!' 1yltif+ Tai� la to a�rLr�r � t'hat = 'lt�w �arak�uN! t�r �q�t lx+r�► t� b�ax' !►�r��l� �u�n ta l�ci+�ii R�►. S06 t+�� �►�o►�. �i�« ia�i. �t�ta, +�sd Dsw �M �b�r ����►�r a�rs�tgrw�►t� r�t.�► tb�r :1auM�'L�s�d �os �► 1� Ai tbr p�i�rs l�r� t� +ar�arati�a at aa �� ss� 11a1t �r�c sawsa. s�. �earss��ra a�.. �.r.a� �soc t�►� ta� soao�t.• ih►�os a�wi ��rn a►! t� �i�� ts�ali o� � Ctt�► �! h#a�t l�tv�, � t�is �i��ntt�Ow. �„ss�+r t+�► �!a► tANt ��a�+�sy 1l.v�� s� �r�.tr lo�r tlr�r �t�tt�a et � bNaa�#ia��. Da� �'.l1lrlU � �ty A►�"' l+IrisMllts'�►'r �fi�. . �i.csbard �. 1�udl� i . C ITY flF SA INT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF' PUBLIC SAFE�TY LICENSE D�PISTt7N _ ,/�J'�i4 Da�a --�'�l��^" " " -.�--_19� �nl �F. �nA��� _ 1• appl3.o�tia� tor ' Licen�e 2, Na��a of �ppl.ioaat J�"i G�1�9 R p r,EQ � 3. Busineoe addreae �lU� - '•-��'�' ;� Residenos ..�. �4. Trade x�►me, if any 5. Retail Beer Fedexal Taa Stamp�Retail Lzquor Federal Ta� S�amp �rill be uaed. __. _ _ __ _ -.-�..,..--..-.`.. 6. C� wh�t Ploor looated Nuinber of roam�s used'� �.�., ...�. _ _ _ .�.._._...__.. 7. Betwean �at croea street � �Ihich side of etreet 8. �,re premisea no� oaoupied��hat businese ' . Ho�r lo�ng _ � .._, �, ,. 9. �re premiaea now un000upied' o�r long vacant Prev�ous use . � . _ _. ,,.._ 10, �Are you a new a�mer��� ve you been in a sim.ilar bu�ineas before ��,r�� �fhere 'GPhen 11. ,�re you gcuag to operate �hia buaine�s personal7.y If a�o�, who w�.11 opera�te it 12. Are �ou in anq other buainesa at the present tim�e► ,4 _ _ ... ....-- T--��- • 13. Hav'e there been any Qomplaints againat your oparatian of thi� type o� place�� YPhen �Ihe re 1�. H�ve you ev�er had any licenae revolaed��_Nhat reason asxt date 15. Are qou a oitisen of th;s IInited Statea�Nativ�e Naturali�ed �... 16. llhere �are you bara te of bir�th���_..�� �?� 17. T axn+��6arried. �fy (wife's) (husband�s� nam�s and address is ..,..,._,._.,— 18. (Tf married female) my maiden name ia 19. Ha� lon.g 2�ve you 1i.�ced in S�. Paul ��,� .����_ �0. Have you ev+er baen arrested J�j Violatioa af what criminal lavr or ordinanQe _ � '':��.�� ����e you regiatered vot i.n the Citt�rr P St. P�t�l Yea No, .. , _....,,....�.... (Ans�r full a�d Qomgletel . These a "lioation.s are tharou hl aheol�ed ax�d an fal�if, Qatian �.11 be aause for enial.- : `y , . • 22, &umber .uP 3.� plaoes �rithin t'vo bloaka �f'�� 23. Cloasa� intoxicating liqu�r placea t� Sale � � Off Sale� ' � 24. ldeareat Churah. �► Neareat School �Q 25s Number of b�othe Tablea Chairs�`� Stools � � 26. '@�t oacup�tion have you followed for the past five y�sarso (Give namea of em.ploy�ax°�' and dataa ao employed.) ..3�/ -�3 -�-/-��' , /..� � -/- -- /r-- 27. Give� sa�►mea and eddreesea of tv�ro persons, reaidenta of 3to Pl�ul, Minne, �rho oan give iaf orm�t ion o once rning youo _ / G��' , .��.,�.s Nams . I Addx�a e 7`'� Na�e �' �ddresa � � � i�natare of pp icant State of �inne aota� C y of Re►maeq �s� , � � _ being first duly aworn., depoeee arxi says upon oath t he � read the regoing statement bearing his signa"ture and l�aws" the ccntenta thareof, and' that e sam� is true of his own. lmarrledge e�cept aa to thoee mattera therein a�ated upon. infoz�matian and belieP and as to thoae me�tters he believ�aa them to be true. . �.gnature of Applicant Subsaribed arui sworn to befo e abe ' � th' � � day of 19� . ,� ,'G,� � �r��t�',�.°� No r°y blia s Ramaey Cotanty,� , so a � l�y Cemnn.i.ssion expires�1�'��i�� ' (Note� Thsse atatemant forms are in duplioatee �Both eupies must be Pully filled outa notarised, and returned to the Lic�nse Divis ion��— � AF'FIDAV�T BY-APPLICANT • FOR RETAIL BE�R OR LIQUUR LICENSE Re�►- le �Q��! Liaer�.so , � � .. �s.� � r . ; Name of applicant f' . ; . ; ' _. �, ¢ y "�<:. � r Bueines$ addreag /GC.� . ., . . ; ;. � , , . . _ _ . t Are you the sole o�er ,�f tk�is bus �4 w If nut, ia 3.t a pQrt�4er�rip? ., . F _, � 0 orporat ion4 ,� , Q�her3 _ ,. . . ._. . .� ,_ t}thers intereated in bu8inese, inalude thoaa�`by loan of money, proparty or other�t3.ses Name Addre s s Ho�ar i.: . IP a aorporation; give ita name Are you interested in qny �ray i.n any other 8eta3.�. Bee� or Liquor bu�imass? ,'� .....,._ As sole o�er? Partner? ,Stocskholder? Qtherarise� (Through loan of mom.ey, etc. �cplain) Addresa oP auch buaineas and nature of i.nterest in ae►a� j ✓ d 3 ure of a pl ioant State of Mianeauta) �as C ty of F�maey � �' ° .�. , �hai�g�+t�fxat .duly eworn, cl�apo�e a��nd" �r•apan, oe�th that he.,has �read the for oing a fidavit bearii�g his sig�uatu�i�e and ]sn.o�rs the aontenta �i�areof; that the sa is true of his o�rn 1�o�+rledge, excep� ae to tho$e mattera therein sta�ad�upon forrration and belief and ae to those mQttera he be- lievea them to 'be true. ✓ � S �na ure oP a pplioant 4 Subacribed nd sworn ef re � / 'a da of � 19 Cp� , ��7.._ l� // ,c;@ , Dofl�,�f ) Notary b c, Ramaey Co y� �t[inneso � r.. My cc�misaion expirea �.�7.9_� �:; . .- • _ . STIITE OF M]NNESOTA � SS COUNTY OF BAIdS'�Y ) Q ^ _ . ��+ being f3.r�t duly avrorn, doth depose aud aay that he makes this affi vit aox�neotion with applioation f or .� _ . _ _ . _ _ " Sale" liquor lioense (� ale" malt beveraga lioenae j it� the Ci�q of . _ � _ Sfx►te oP Minnesota $ain.t Paul, Mi�qx�.esota; that qour af iant ia a resident of the arri has resided therei.n for �/ ' y�ears, montha, and is State now and has been for the time abo�ve �sntioned a bo�pa fide side�t aa a nd tha t he n aw re s ide s a t N0. �.�3 (,,{���G!/X,,,e",� � .� ,GZ`s!X�, ���, Minne a ota. . . �� Subsoribed and avrorn to efore me hia � da o 19� � �� � �� ������� . . .�- � Notary blio, �msey Coim , Minnesota � a��sa�� exp��s � 3 / �a