242082 o1�lO1NAL TO CITY CLtIlK 242p:�2 f ' 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR65ENTED 6Y COMMISSIONE � A*G RESOI,YED, That the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to rent Prom 3M BUSINESS PRODUCTS SALES INCORPORATED for the use of the City Planning Boaxd one model 209 copying machine at a monthly rental of $42.00 af`ter a delivery charge of $30.00 and to purchase supplies for the ma.chine from4 the same company For the copying machine without advertisement or competitive bids as patented articles not available f`rom any other source wader Section 290 of the City Charter. CODE• 3�43-247-340-205 ��� Reqn. 1725 City Planning �'PROYED AS TO FORM: APP80VED: � �� �1SSISTANT CORPORATION COUNSEL COMPTROI,LER GV, CHASING AGENT FEB � 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson ��� � ��5� Dalgliah Approved 19—_ Meredith �?�n Favor J F�e�ers�' • Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr.Preaident, Byrne 1/17/69 Stanton/lb p�BLISHE� �E8 15 1969 `_���7 . � O;�PLICATE TO PRINTER F�`��C���� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEI� DATF 1��OLV�ll, `�iat tYle T=utc���s.:>in�; .�erat :�s �a�reb�r aiztT,.orized to ren-t i'rom 31�c B�T;`Z'V�SS P��I�UCTS S�.LF� TI�?CO�iPOF,AT� fo� tl�e use of the Ci�;� P1�tnnin� Bo�,ra. o�.e model 20g co�yan� rrrs�,achine a.t � m�nt3Yily rent�J, o�' ��2.00 aftex° a del.a.v+�ry chaa�� o�' �'�0.0(3 �a:xd. to �i:sch�.�e su�p�.ies for tri� �achine �'rom the same cerm�uany �or the er�pyin� machxrze without advertisement or ccu.r�.�eti-tiv� ��.c�� �.s �a�tented r�ticles nat avaa.l�,b1e �'rom t�y ot�,er �c��;x°cc� ���x��<r ;�-:c�:�.�:a 2g� of ti�e Ca�;�- Cl�.a,rter» CC't;�.' 3�1�+3_.�?!��.,;;1��'.�-�20� 1��a��. 17�5 Ca.ty i'la.nnin� Ai��'ii.)l�,L�:;l l�^l41 „�'�,1 ���t':i��+i.: J�i��7i"�.�.���1'.Tw: . „.�, ����°�-.�+ �� A:�S�S�l�.ia'`�' ..C�a:t..�'��ti��'7�i��COU�VS��I,.�.._.�_�__. �0�:�'�'i��L� �/ . _ .. � _�-fl���'�l/'�'ll'.1����<� �� m.._.._.._..,�. .�... r 1,cz-i�a�z^�� 1�.��;�`�:� � � - ��,;�;� . �,+6:�' � . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19__ Meredith Tn Favor Fetersvir- Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne 1/17/�:9 atantox�/1� O