242077 � r e:et,ral to cft3 ctert " . � � + . ORDINANCE ,���0�`7 �" - OUNCIL FILE NO �, ` � � PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO � — � / i An ordinance granting permission to F. H. Bathke Realty Company to keep and maintain steps on the west side of Cleveland Avenue abutting its property on Lot 140, Hewitts Out Lots First Division. THE GOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Seetion l. That permission and authority are hereby granted to F. H. Bathke Realty Company to keep and maintain steps on the west side of Gleveland Avenue abutting its property on Lot 140, Hewitts Out Lots First Division. Section 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to F. H. Bathke Realty Company for the keeping and maintaining of said steps upon its compliance with the following terms and conditions, viz: a. That said permittee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of One Thousand Dollars (�1,000.00) , conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance. Said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully indemnify and hold harml�ss the City of Saint Paul , its agents, officers and employees from any and all damages, claims, demands, actions or causes of actions of whatsoever nature arising out of or by reason of this per— mission and authority, and by reason of the ' contiri.ued presence and existence or removal of said steps; b. Said permittee shall provide public liability insurance and shall protect the permittee and the City of Saint Paul from all claims or damages for personal injury, including accidental death, which may arise from the operation, maintenance, continued presence and existence or removal of the aforesaid steps or arising out of the same, which public liability insurance shall be in amount not less than �50,000.00 per person for injuries including accidental death, and subject to the same limitations for each person in an amount of not less than �300,000.00 on account of any single accident or incident, which said policies of insurance or certificates relating thereunto shall be filed with the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul; Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk ayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Ozi�latl to Citf Clerk ' � `� . ORDINANCE � ,�420`��7 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �j / � c. Said permittee expressly agrees and under— takes to maintain the steps in proper condition and to keep the same free and clear of any obstacles or snow; d. That whenever the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by its resolution, shall determine the discontinuance and removal of said steps necessary in the public interest and accordingly order the discontinuance and removal of the same from said location, the said steps shall be discontinued and removed from the subject public sidewalk area, which public sidewalk area shall be restored by the permittee at the permittee' s sole cost and expense; e. The said permittee shall, within twenty (20) days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publica— tion. FEB 2 � 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the C nci� Carlson � ...�,}g}�}i'_._ � Meredith /' In Favor Peterson ��1 �? Against Sprafka Tedeaco Mr. President y e Ap d: �E g 2 5 1969 ttest;,,._, � � Cit Cler Ma r �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By �ua���HE� MAR � 1��9 � > � Saint Pa.ul, hiinnesota Mareh 3, 1969 To the Honorable, the City Couneil Saint Paul� Minnesota CrL'At1P•1D@A: We, the undersigned, do hereby aceept and agree to abide by all the terffis and conditions oF Council F`ile No. 242a77, being Ordinance �o. 14118, adopted by the Council on February 25, 1969. F. H. B�ATFII� REALTY C0. � u � Cou�cH PYIe Nd. PA8Q7&-8Y Ja�yes J. Dalglld,h.— F.H�I�}�kehq! "�ti�,pi aection o�lxtt►lie�` ::-that ecrlbed b�t �' vacated. �� � stre�t: ''�� . - ,# +� y�tbHc 1'he' I� - No �eantetly �f s�,. t'°ts ; flitiion�, b��IF�' 1. �hst the vl�cat�t be rltb ect to � ail t� ternu aad i�n�y ot i �:" ��2a8 of th8 L�{�p� amended; �. T�'a aF+�aiflo 'bs�re- trit�ed to protect�t�ro�b ot �th�,,yNorthern Ststet Ptqwer Com- 9. Z'tlat�t�1e v#�q� `'�;, - Narth Cie c( °�' � �p� e ,04 tures .,� - °' �V�t -� ��' . �'tilFl�bt�1s! r ; oii eh�tT � � � _ t!e bit�t� 4' # the � : a P+i b�s Attd ppro- � � a boad in I `, Cil Feblyary q, 1989� . �PDroved 8bbrual'Y 7, lY8➢. . (F�ebruary 18. 19Qf1) � � � � � 1 March 3, 1969 I'� � � i l : � I ,�--------� ' F. H. &�thke Realty Co. ��------�--___, ��`�, �2� Clevelan8 Ave. N. �'V� St. Paul, Minn. j,__._-_�\ ;\� i ;�� `, f Gen�tle�nen: ;;`�% ) ,� � 4�'e enclose s. co of(}rdinane� N�.`+1 llA �/a,ntin py � �x' � you permission te ?�e�p enc� maintain steps on the �aest �ide � �veland 1�venue ebutting yaur property� on Lc>t 1.40, Hew�,t�-'�s-�cz- Lats� rat Divi�ion; al�o bill in the Lc sum of �.15 t� aover t�,e`ost o �lic� an o�' this Qxdin�nee. , � We call ,your speeial at��t�nti�n to P a�raphs a. and e. QP Section 2 which require the fflir�� o�' a, bond the amount specifi�@ anc� the filing of an acceptance�ii;� the t�r af this ordin�cnce. The acc�p�ance must be filed i�-�-� o�'��e_,� 86, City H�11, wri�hin 2Q days. I� not so P31�d;,��tie ri dinar�ce�' es v�id. ;���, ,� �� Very truly your�, � l � ,� � �t �` `� i �. '�,,.'� � - _.___�- City C�.eric n� Daplieate to Printer - � ORDINANCE ���`��`�� ' COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��j/ � �.n ordikiane+� granting pernission to F. �i. 13�tl�ke �te�lty Com��ny to keQp ancl m�intain steps on the west sic�e af �levelanc� Avenue abutting its praperty on I,ot 1�0, �3et,ritts 4ut Lots Fi�°s�C �ivision. TIiE COUNCTL 0�' TI-��C CITY Ol�' SAINT PAUL DO�S OI�.t�.A.IN: �ectior� 1. Z'�at permission and authority a�e ilereby granted to �. ��. �atTzt��; I�ealty Co�pany to keep and maintain ste�s o�z the west side o� �leveland Avertue abutting it� praperty on Lot 1�0, II���*itt� O�t Lots �'irst Divisio�. Sectio� 2. Ti�at the Co�xissioner o� Publ�ic �orks �.s lxereby aut3�erized to issue a permit to �'. �i. �ath�e zealty Compa�a.y for the deering aizd u��i�itaiui�zg of said �teps upon its compliance with t�e followi�� ter�ts� an+ci conc�itions, viz: a. That said permittee sht�ll �urnish a bond to the City of Saint Paui i� the sum of Une Thousand Lollar� (�1,000.00) , condition.e�. to co�ply with all tlze term� of th.is orc�inance. Saa.d permittee expres�sly agreea andl ux�r�er�takes to Yully indemni�y anci �toar� har�les� the City o� Saint Paul, its a�ents, o�ficers and employees from �.ny and all damages, cl�,ims, demands, aetions or et�u�es ��f �:ctions o�' wlaatsoever nature �rising out of or i�y r��son oi thi� pei— misaion and autriority, anr� by reason o� tne comtinued pre�enee and existence or removal of said steps; �a. Said permittee shall provide public liability insurance and shall protect the �ermittee ancl the City of Saint �'auI �rom a11 claims or damages �or person�I i�jury, includi�g aeci�ental death, ��rhich ma� arise �r�oli� the operatian, maintenanee, continued presence and existence or removal o� the aforesaid step� or arising out of the san�e, which publie liab3lity insurance shall r�e in amount not lesa than �50,Ot70.d0 per per�on ror injuries inciuding accidenta�. �ieath, and s�bject to the same limitations �'or eaeh pereon in an ainount o� not less tYian �300,000.00 on aceount o�' any single accident c�r aucicient, s�rhieh sai� �o].icies of iri�urance or ce��i�:ic�tes rel�ting thereunto ��iall ��e �iled wi�� the Comptroller of the City of Saia�t Paul; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peterson Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor b5 Form approved Corporation Counsel By Dnplicate to Piinter ' � ORDINANCE ;�a��.���'����� COUNCIL FILE NO `/� � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO�/� c. ;��a.c�. periu�.ttee e�pressly a�rees �n�i Lznci�r-- t�.k�;� to �aintain tt�e ste�s in proper co��ition an�. to keep �ne sa�ae �ree t�nci clear o� �ny ��s��,cles ur sriow; d. Tna� whenever the Council o� tY�e C�.ty of 5r�int P�zul, by its resol�tio�., sl�all detera�ine 1;lie aiscontinu�x��e ax�cl r�moval o� �aid ��teps necessary �r�. t,1e ��u�alie interest �.nci �,ceordingly orc�er t2�� discontinu�ix�ce anc� remova�. o� t�ae ���se �rQn� saiu loeation, the saicl steps sh�11 U� ciiseontinuec� anc� removec� from the su�bjeet pu�3lic sidewalk are�, whicla ��u�'alic �i.c�ewalk �,rea si�ial.l �e re;�tored by �Yie �er:r�ittec� a� th� permittee' s sole cast anr� expense; �:. ��i�; �aid pc�xmittee shall, within tw��t�• (20) u.�y� a�ter t�ie Pasr�age o� this mrdi��,r�ce, fiZe a �rritten aeceptance thereof w�th the City �lerk. Section 3. '�'his ord�inance shall ta'�e e��ect �znd �e in �'oz ce �tY3irty (30} t��,ys fro� and after its pASSa�e, A�p�ova� and publica— t:ioxl. ��� � `�:: ���� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson l) Me� Tn Favor Peterson � Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By � ORIGINAL GITY OR SAINT TAU4 TO PAYOR OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER N° 2648 RECEIPT - - - Q�R� . 1 �qb� RECEIVED OF �J' �-�-h-� $ ,00 Fp � . �1 , �s � � � , '— � � �m ���.- a l� . �s� ��9..��.52�.ae�v.�C.� C�u,�, a�L�kTCuk� v�� � �o�'` 1�1'O t�,���,�A ��'t Loto ''��,�.�,'� C�.c�,c�,�,�, . CITY COMFTROLLER � C ,�_ ��i �c��'� � ��.�.,-. �O BY .� . � I st y 2nd � � Laid over to 3rd and app. � �—Adop+ed � Yeas Nays :Ye_ as Nays �Carlson �Carlson �alglish �—Belgfhh—' \ c�����'� Vvleredith eredith Yeterson �eterson � �Sprafka � �Sprafka � �j �edesco �iedesco �. President Byrne �. President Byrne �O