242067 r \ }'.y/ .' OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK ����� I f: CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU I R L TION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED� By the Council of the City of Saint Faul, that the provisions of Resolution of the Council , Council File No. 23i26g, are amended in the following particulars : in Paragraph No. 5, designated, '�Gontinuing Coverage, " sub- paragraph A thereof, insert a semicolon after the word "month" in the 9th line thereof, and strike the language "for at least one (1) normal working day (for his type of position)". FOR APPR� � �� Asst. Corporation Cou set F�B � 19fi9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays .�a�e�' ��� � ��6� Dalglish / Approved 19—_ Meredith S Tn Favor Peke�se�-, � ' Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE� FEB � 1969 O T . . . 2420�'� Co.mcil File No. 231269—By Robert F. Recrea�on�A dteendant I iA�� COUNCIL Peterson— ��� NO. Substitute Library Technician � CLERK FILE Whereas, The Council oI the City of Helper (Alarm and Lightingl ,°,aint Paul has heretofore provtded for Any employees who is participating as a comprehensive health and welfare the insured in any other government- ,� and insurance program £or City em- al health and welfare program for �EIVERAL FORM ployees and empioyees of the Board ��hich contribution is being paid by of Education of the City of Saint Paul the employer ' and for employees of the Board of Any emptoyee whose services are nA� Water Commissioners of the City of furnished So the City or a depart- Saint Paul, all of whom are herein- ment or board of the City, or to after referred to, for convenience, as the Board of Education of the City of . City employees: and Saint Paul (Independent School Dis- Whereas, It presently appears desir- trict No. 625) under written contracts able to consolidate in one document between such employee and the City the rules and regulations heretofore or any board or department thereof. (+ �i At� `� �i�* ���' adopted with reference to coverage of or said Board of Education, and a V�i !Ai A��� i City employees under the aforesaid �vhose salary is paid in accordance �� � GM��� ��`� comprehensive health and welfare and with the provisions of such contract , insurance program; now, therefore, or agreeinent and whose name is not � be it carried on the usual payrolls of the � ��ijp�� �����l��,s Resolved, That'effective as of De- City, unless such employment con- ��,��� ^�`��a�A ,�� cember 31, 1966, the following rules tract expressly provides that the em- Vo7 and regulations shall apply with re- ployee shall be included in the City ference to coverage, including the and Board of Education group in- �Q1� ���t� t� �,� City-pay coverage, of the officers and surance program. � S�rt�! `� ��, employees of the City under the City's 3. New Employees—New employees � ���`�� ��� +� *� comprehensive health and welfare and who work not less than twenty hours insurance program and contracts; a week, except those in classifications i i 1. It is the determination of the speciflcally excluded froin the City Council of the City of Saint Paul that group insurance program by the pro- all officers and employees of the City visions of this resolution, after having of Saint Paul who presently are el- been employed.by the City for one igible for and covered under the City's month, shail be eligible to insure with health and welfare and insurance pro- respect to themselves and their de- gram shall continue to be eligible for pendents without evidence of insur- the coverages to which they are pre- ability at their own expense through sently entitled, subject to the terms, payroll deductions,provided they make conditions and provisions of the afore- written application and authorize pay- mentioned insurance contracts and roll deductions within thirty (30) days further subject to the terms, conditions after becoming eligible. Employees and provisions hereinafter set forth. making application more than thirty Inclusion or exclusion of all new City (30) days after they become eligible employees, including provisional em- may insure by furnishing satisfactory ployees and excluding from coverage evidence of insurability, at their own temporary and emergency employees expense, until they become eligible for and other employees as hereinafter set City-pay coverage. An e�nployee upon forth, shali be determined in accord- become eligible for City-pay coverage ance with the provisions of the spec- may insure with respect to his depend- ifications controlling, the contracts, ents at his own expense, through pay- a•hich contracts became effective March roll deductions,without furnishing evi- I, 1958, and as modifien tiY agreements dence of insurability (either as to hiin- between the City and its insurance self or his dependents) provided he carriers, which modiHcations are re- makes �vritten application and author- Flected by riders or indorsetnents to izes payroll deductions within thirty said contracts which have been ex- (30) days of the date of such el- ecuted by said insurance carriers, igilibity; thereafter, satisfactory evi- namely:Minnesota Hospital Service As- dence of insurability at his own ex- sociation,Mercury Indemnity Company, pense may be required. and The Minnesota Mutual Life Insur- 4. Eligibility— ance Company, and the City. A (1) Any employee other than a pro- 2. Ercluded Classifications — Em- visional employee or other than ployees falling within the following an employee in a classification classiftcations are to be excluded from specifically excluded from the ;he City group insurance program both City group insurance program by with respect to coverage paid for by the provisions of this resolution �he City and with respect to coverage who is paid on a bi-weekly basis, ?aid for by the employee: this is, paid every two weeks, Substitute teachers :n order to be eligible for City- Emergency employees pay coverage must appear on Temporary employees the payroll for an aggregate of Auditorium employees who are paid 13 bi-weekly payrolI periods and on a performance basis must have been on each such Parking lot attendants at Midway payroll for at least five full Stadium working days (40 hours); pro- Library pages other than full-time vided, that any time prlor to Library pages separation from the City serv- Student Library Aide I ice (loss of reinstatement el- Student Library Aide II igibility) shall not be considered Recreation Leader I in det�Ymining the 13 aggregate Life Guard payroll periods. 1Vater Safety Instructor (2) Any provisional employee other Park Aide I than a provisional employee in Park Aide II a classification speciFically es- F E B 6 1969 �dopted by the Council 19— � ___ FEB 6 1969 Approved 19—_ Mayor �O �ebruary 6� 19bg ; �� �'', � t � � i � Mr. John Haider '"—�--- ' � �-----�_..�., ��. Ch3ef Examiner & Director o�' personnel � �� Civil Service Bureau � ���� � Dear Sir: The City Council today gave Fi Reac�i �o Cauncil Fil� No. 2�+2065, amendin� Ordir,ance No. 3250, wit ef' er�ce to Division 7 of Section �i A. This ordinance will came up for adin� and Approval o�' Form on l�ebruary l�+th. , �"���'�\ � �/y���°��` �J � �� Very txuly yours, � __.__._ � Cit Clerk. n8 ;'/ ..-_----J � i, 1 `�\ „ j .���-. DUPLICATB TO PRINT6R ������� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �"E COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEI� DATF I���OL��, i3y tile Cauncil o�' tPze �ity of �aint i'au1, th�z�t the provisions c�i �.esolution o�: t�e Councf�., Couneil Pile No. 23�.2b9, are a�uendocl ixa. the �ollowing �a�,rticulars ; 3n Paragrapiz No. 5, designsted, "Continuing Covera�e, �' s•a►a— ��aragr�ph 1's �hereof, i�asert a semicolon a�'�;e� tl�e rworc� "montht° in tlYe }th lin�: t�eroo�� and etrike the �r�ngu�,ge '�for at le�.st one (1) normal workin� day (�or tais i;ype o:� ��o�ition)'� . �°- 1 r :l � ��� �. t t Et,. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , t, �'� {,�rlso� . Dalglish Approved 19__ �_" Meredith _ Tn Favor P�e�e�sa�. �1 Mayor Sprafka (�i Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O DUPLICATE TO PRINTER . ������y�� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ���� �a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E Na. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF �ti:aU�'V��33, !3y ti�e Council of tl�e �ity of aaant i'aul, th�,-t t:�e provisiona o�' a�esolution o:t' the CounciT, Council Pile No. 231269, are a�endecl in thc; followi�a� p�,rtie�al�rs s in Pa�agrapll No. 5, de�ign�te�i, "Continuing �ov�;r�.�;e, " sizi�– l�a�agra,�� :`. �her�of, insert a semico�.o�. a�'�er ti�e �vord "�ont:h�F in tt�e gtl� line t�ereo�, ��d strike the 3�anguage "for at le�,�t one (1) no�mal workiu� day (for Ii�� type o� j�s O.�'i�.�j.OTl�tr � - :� � �.� I.,;�;� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ^^ Earls� _ Dalglish Approved 19__ ,_� Meredith Tn Favor P�� �. Mayor Sprafka �w�� Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O CounEil File No. 231269—By $obert F. Parking Lot Attendant I �eterson— � Recreation Aide 1M1'hereas, The Council of the City of Substitute Library Technician Saint Paul has heretofore provided for Helper (Alarm and Lighting) a comprehensive health and welfare Any employees who is participating as and insurance program for City em- the insured in any other government- � ployees and employees of the Board al health and welfare program for of Education of the City of Saint Paul Which contribution is being paid by and for employees of the Board of the employer Water Commissioners of the City of �DY employee Whose services are Saint Paul, all of whom are herein- furnished to the City or a depart- after referred to, for convenience, as ment or board of the City, or to City employees• and the Board of Education of the City of Whereas, It presently appears desir- S9int Paul (Independent School Dis- able to consolidate in one document trict No. 625) under written contracts the rules and regulations heretofore between such employee and the City adopted with reference to coverage of or any board or department thereof, City employees under the aforesaid or said Board of Education, and comprehensive health and welfare and K'hose salary is paid in accordance insurance program; now, therefore, �'ith the provisions of such contract be iY or agreement and whose name is not Resolved, That effective as of De- City1eunlesshsuchuemployment fc ne cember 31, 1966, the following rules, tract expressly provides that the em- and regulations shall apply with re- ployee shall be included in the City ference to coverage, including the and Board of Education group in. City-pay coverage, of the officers and surance program. employees of the City under the City's 3. New Employees—New employees comprehensive health and welfare and who work not less than twenty hours insurance program and contracts; a week, except•those in ciassifications 1. It is the determination o£ the specificaily excluded from the City Council of the City of Saint Paul that group insurance program by the pro- all officers and employees of the City visions of this resolution, after having of Saint Paui who presently are el- been employed.by the City £or one igible for and covered under the City's month, shall be eligible to insure with heaith and welfare and insurance pro- respecf to themselves and their de- gram shall continue to be eligible for pendents without evidence of insur- the coverages to which they are pre- ability at their own expense through sently entitled, subject to the terms, payroll deductions,provided they make conditions and provisions of the afore- written application and authorize pay- mentioned insurance contracts and roll deductions within thirty (30) days further subject to the terms, conditions after becoming eligible. Employees and provisions hereinafter set forth. making application more than thirty Inclusion or exclusion of all new City (30) days after they become eligible employees, including provisional em- may insure by furnishing satisfac6ory ployees and excluding from coverage evidence of insurability, at their own temporary and emergency employees expense, until they become eligible for and other employees as hereinafter set City-pay coverage. An employee upon forth, shall be determined in accord- become eligible for City-pay coverage ance with the provisions of the spec- may insure with respect to his depend- ifications controlling; the contracts, ents at his own expense, through pay- which contracts became effective March roll deductions,without furnishing evi- 1, 1958,and as modified liy agreements dence of insurability (either as to him- between the City and its insurance self or his dependents) provided he carriers, which modifications are re- makes written application and author- flected by riders or indorsements to izes payroll deductions within thirty said contracts which have been ex- (30) days of the date of such ei- ecuted by said insur8nce carriers, igilibity; thereafter, satisfactory evi- namely:Minnesota Hospital Service As- dence of insurability at his own ex- sociation,Mercury Indemnity Company, pense may be required. and The Minnesota Mutual Life Insur- 4. Eligibility— ance Company, and the City. A (1) Any employee other than a pro- 2. Excluded Classifications — Em- visional employee or other than nloyees falling within the following an employee in a classification classifications are to be excluded from specifically exciuded from the the City group insurance program both City group insurance proe am by with respect to coverage paid for by the provisions of this resolutIon ihe City and with respect to coverage who is paid on a bi-weekly basis, paid for by the employee: this is, paid every two weeks, Substitute teachers ;n order to be eligible for City- Emergency employees pay coverage must appear on Tempprary employees the payroll tor ari aggregate of Auditorium employees who are paid 13 bi-weekly payroll periods and on a performance basis must have been on each such Parking lot attendants at Midway p�yroll for at least five full Stadium working days (40 hours); pro- t.ibrary pages other than full-time vided, that any time prior to Library pages separation from the City serv- Student Library Aide I ice (loss of reinstatement el- Student Library Aide II igibility) shall not be considered Recreation Leader I iti determining the 13 aggregate Life Guard payroll periods. Water Safety Instructor E2) Any provisional employee other Park Aide I - than a provisional employ2e in Park Aide II a classification specifically ex- �„-,..._.__._____ cAfzded from the City group in+ December from which such c1- , surance program by the' pro- �gibility for City-pay coverage shall visions of this resolution who is be determined shail be established paid on a bi-weekly basis, that for each year by the Council by : �S, paid every two weeks, an Sapdrbi weeklytwho fa]s to appea� order to be eligible for City-p Y P coverage must appear on the •on the designated bi-weekly pa�•ro:i payroll for 13 consecutive bi- for any month as shown on thc weekly payroll periods and must table adopted by the Council, or ar. have been on each sucli payroll appear onPa3pay olihfor any month for at least five fuli workmg shall not be ehgible for Citp-pa> days (40 hours). coverage for such month and s}ialt (3) Upon the completion of the 13th be required to make direct pa�•- bi-weekly payroll peFiod under ments to The Minnesota Aiutuat (1) or (2) above, an employee Life Insurance Company, the ad- shall become eligible for Crty- ministrative agency, in order to pay coverage on the first day maintain continuous coverage. of the payroll period following the completion of the 13th period, B Such employee.shall co co�ve age so ', , but in no case earlier than six eligible for City-pay �nonths fro To ided dheeis on he les s than t enty hoursea we k n�t ployment, p C Such employee who has been granteC I� payroll at that time; otherwise, he shail be eligible for City-pay tobbet paidl a part of his salary b� coverage on the day he returns to active work in his Crty em- the City during_such leave, sha11 ployment status. continue to be eligible for City-pa> B (1) Any employee other than an coverage. employee in a classification spec- D off regular�City payrollslasbaeaesul[ ifically excluded from the City group insurance program by the of personal in3ury arising out o! provisions of this resolution who and in the course of his e�nployment is paid on a monthly basis, that with the City shaa �coveraget dur�- is, paid once a month,a�co err inglbhe periodthe is receiving com- to be eligible for City-p Y roll pensation payments from trie Cit> age, must appear on the paY for temporary partial disability or for an aggregate of.six monthly payroll periods and`must have temporary total disability and not been on each such payroll for otherwise. if a teacher, or ar. at least half time; provided,that E Such employee, any time prior to separation emploYee having regular civil ser��- from the City service (loss of ice status, whose e�nploy�nent be- reinstatement eligibility) shall cause of tlie period of the schoo: not be considered in determin- year contemplates absence from thc ing the six aggregate payroll pyyrolls during the summer months. periods. shall continue to be eligible for (2) Upon completion of the sixth City-pay coverage during such ab- monthly payroll period,such em' F Su heemployee insured for coverages ploYee shall become eligible for under the, City group program for Crty-pay coverage on the first day of the payroll period fol- �yhich payroll deduction is author- lowing the completion of the ized, who has insufficient earninR< sixth period, provided he is on from which to make auahoriiem�um� the payroll at that time; other- roll deductions, may P Y P wise he shall be eligible for directly to The Minnesota theutad., City-pay coverage on the day Life Insurance CompinY•order to he returns to active work in ministrative agency, his City employment status. maintain continuous �bern ade for direct payments may, six con- C When employees are compelled to a period not exceandg thereaficr lose time from City emploau yn such secut�ve months, cause of service on )ury, conversion provisions �nust Ue e�- time spent on jury service shall be ercised to maintain continued co�•cr- considered as �vorking time for the age. . City for the purposeroudecover geg be it eligibility for Crty g p Further Resolved, That upon the 5. Continuing Coverage— egective date of this Resolution. Pr1O" resolutions of this Covncil. Cotn��'' A An employee, once haaing�otverage File Numbers 185997. 186279. 18�'�;"• eligibility for City-p Y �pc�v�6. shall, each month thereafter, con- 184689, 193886, 200681, 200696. 2��5�; tinue to be eligible for such City- z13fi92 222p19, 220640. 222191. pay coverage so long as aa oll,is 2z5715, 227853, and 228537 berii cancelled ployee, if on a monthly p Y and superseded hereby; carr�ed for at least one (1) normal That the C�b working day (for his type of posi- Further Resolved, d�rected to tion) or, if on a bi-weekly payroll. Clerk be and he is herebY insurance carrlcrs. so ]ong as said emploYee is carried transmit copies of this Resolution a on the payroll for the payroll period thA opt d by the Council Deceml�er="�' occurring during the first portion of each month for at least one �I� 1966. 1gGG. normal workin� day (fo�r o�dst for APProved December 22. of position): the pay P (December 24, 19G6) each month of January through . . . �.- s - � �( ��,�o�,. ��. � ; � � ��� �� .� �� �-� �:..�._ -� �..� �.. -,,,� ��._•._.e� � — _ �_¢___ ' � � �: c.a-.�:� � T� ��. �..�� �.�- ��-�-�-, � , � � �� ��— �a � , � � � �� �-�--`�--�--�.-� , -�t-�.-�-�.- ��.�,P , ��-�-��- �� , -�'� �' N-- -�-�P � `--�._ �z � - � � � 1