242052 r ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK " ���' "o�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE - DATF In the m,a�ter of improving CHATSWORTIi STftPET from F'ront Avenue to Co� Street (City Pro�ect P-338) by constructing a bituminous overlay; by constructing storm water drainage facilities; by eonstructin.g sewer, water and gas servic� connections; and by doing all other work wrhich is necessary and incidental to co�plete said improvement, nnder Prelimiaary Order C.F. No. 23�+861 approved August 31, 1967, and Fina1 Order C.F. No. 2�+0863 approved November 6, 1968. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named i.mprovement, as submitted by the Commissioner oF Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved; and be it f`urther RESOLVED, Tha� the Purche,sing Agent be a,nd he is hereby direeted to advertise for bids on this i�aprovemsnt. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncF E� � 1969 19_ Yeas Nays - Carlson pproved ��� '� 1969 19— �� i Meredith S Tn Favor P�r- ' Sprafku Mayor Tedesco -�—Against Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHEi FE$ 8 1969 O . ��;���;� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER C�� OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO� - � FI LE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT COMMISSIONE Tn the msttR� 03' i�qprccrvi�n6 G�A'�C�G�TS �'�T �a l�e'cint .A�renUA tG Cc�a�o �tr�t (Ci�Y Pra�a�tf� P«��3$) �r �o�atructing e� bi��d�ticaue� taverl�Y3 by cona�t� stor�a �ater drs�,� �a,ciilitiess by �ans�ss�uatiaag �wror, xa#e�c and ga� �erv�a� �o�eeat3oa�� a�9. 'bY dpin�g al.� s�t�2�er w�rk �hi.ah �.r nea�s�ary' �d inc�i+�ta�al '�o c�oam�3ete ee�i.d i�rov�mty ux�der �eli�is�arY f�d,�r C.F. �a. 23�1 +�Brc�vmd Augu.�s� �ls 1�7, +�d Fi�l. 4rder C.�'. No. E4t)863 +�roved 16oM1r�mber 6, �.9dg. R�OL�D, Tl�►t the p1+e��s an�d. a,pr�citicstions =or � abave nam:rd in�i�^cvement, as submad.tt+�d. "by fi.hte Ccmoni.rrir�zx�er o! Publ#.ar W+�+rk�c, be an�. tYu same are h+rraby �proved; es�d 'be it lurt�r R$�10LVBD, Ths� the Pur«�aing �xt 'b�r �. b�� 3� 2�trerby dix�ted to a�dver�i�e for bida� on thla i�mp�ccrvem�nt. t��4ik.� '1� � �r �.��� ' tk�N 1"� . ' ti ,.. . COUNCILMEN - Adopted by the Councii 19— :, ' Yeas � Nays �� � ; , �� �,� f � :,.a '':;,.,; �; ., . .� Carlson ., ' ' �� Approved �� 19_ B�g�sh- � � r--_ ��� 'i Meredith �� Tn Favor P�te�seri— Mayor Sprafku �� A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O