242051 Orisinal to City Clark 4 ti ORDINANCE 2��0.��. COUNCIL FILE NO - PRESENTED BY � _�/ ORDINANCE NO- / // �_ �� AN ORDINANCE SETTLSAiG THE CLAIM OF PAUL S. NAPIER AGAINST THE CI�Y OF SAINT PAUL. THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SASNT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Seetion 1. That the proper City offi�ers are hereby authorized to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035- �+21, to Paul S. Napier, the sum of $1.35.7�+, in fu11 settlement of his claim f'or dama,ges sus�ained on June 18, 1968, as a reault of an acciden� involvin� a C3.ty vehicle dr3.ven by William Campeau, at or near 202 3outh Wheeler Street, � Saint Pau1, Minnesota. � S�e�ion 2. That said sum �hal]. be paid to the said elaimant upon his execu�ion and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by �h� Corporation Counsel, for a11 damages sustained in the manner afo�°esaid. Section 3. That th�.s ordinance shall take effect and be in �'orce thirty days after its passa�e, approval and publication. FEB 2 ? 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council � Carlson � Dalglish Tn Favor '��' U � J Sprafka Against Tedesco . P esident yr A oved: �E B 2 � 1969 Attes : . City erk Mayor �" O orm approved Corporation Counsel By � PUBLISHE� MAR � ����' Daplicate to Printer ORDINANCE ��,��,� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� �� AV �R3aII�ANCE S�TTLTIdG� TI-iZ:Q�A�.l�7 QF FAUL S. NAFIER AGAINST THE CITY f3F SA�NT PAUL THE COUNCIL 0�' fiHE CITY OF SAINT PAtTL DOES OR�AIN: Section 3.. That the prop�r City offic�rs are hereby authorized t�o pay aut of the Tort Lisb�.lity Fund o035- �+21, to Paul S. N�pier, th� �um of' �135.7�, in fu17. ��ttlernent of his �3.aim for d�ma�es sustained on June 1$, 196$, as a resu2t af an aacident invalvin� a City vehicle c�riven by Wi].li�m Gampeau, at or n�ar 202 So�.th Wh�eler Street, Saint P�,ul, �?inne�ota. Section 2. That �sid sum shaZl be paid to th� said claimant upan. his execution and de�ivery of a relea�e in fuil to the City, 3n a form to be approved by the Carporatian Counsel, for all damages susta�.ned in the rnanner aforesaid. Section 3. `rhat this ord3.nance shall �al�e eff ect and be in forc� �hirty clays after ite p�ssage, approual and publicati�n. � � �.� ��;s�;� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson �- Dalglish In Favor --�Iqe�dittr-� pPtPrann � Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) .________�_ ° ' � �� � Ist �'S � 2nd �3 Laid over +o 3rd and app. `—�'�—Adopted '� I Yeas Nays Yeas Nays $srf�a�' Carlson �s Dalqlish Meredith �L��Q�� Nf�i" � Pefie�san on � prafka � Sprafka Yedesc , Tedesco Mr�P�� � .� . ent .8�e� - � ' Mr. President Byrne O�