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' ,r M • ' /�' L���� �� ORI6INAL TO DI"TS�tLBRK - - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. t ° OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OU C SOL TION—GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF �, � RESOLVED� By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that it hereby desires to indicate to the Legislature of the State of Minnesota its support of a proposed legislative program recommended by the Public Employees Retirement Asso- ciation Legislative Committee and the Board of Trustees of said Association, such program designed to strengthen and improve the Public Employees Retirement Association Law, and which program is embodied in a letter dated June 14, i968 to the Aonorable Thor Anderson, Chairman, Legislative Retirement Study Commission, State Capitol� Saint Paul, Minnesota, over the signature of the Secretary of the Public � Employees Retirement Association, a copy of which letter has been marked "Exhibit A" and is incorporated herein by referenee as fully and completely as if set forth herein verbatim; be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That this Council hereby wishes to indicate to the Legislative Retirement Study Gommission� to the members of the Ramsey County Delegation, and t:o all mem- bers of the Legislature of the State of Minnesota� that while it is the intention and desire of this Gouncil to support all nine proposals recommended by the PERA Legislative Committee and the PER.A Board of Trustees , it is primarily intereated in urging the support and adoption of legislation which would ��` irf'�orporate proposals numbered 1� 2, and 5 set forth in said Exhibit A� and encompassed in bills presently pending before the Legislature of the State of Minnesota; with reference to proposal No . 1, as set forth in S. F. No. 217 and H.F. No. 261, pertaining to change in "average salary for the purpose of determining retirement annuities; " with reference to pro- posal No. 2, as set forth in S. F. No. 161 and H. F. No. 264� pertaining to retirement at age 62 with at least 30 years of allowable service credit and no reduction in annuity; and with reference to proposal No. 5, as set forth in S. F. No. 220 and H. F. No. 26'7� pertaining to a 6 percent across the board increase to PERA annuitants ; be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��'� APPROVED , Carlson . � �'��C ��' Asst. �orporatior� Cc n�ar Approved 19�_ Dalglish Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O � � ' � 2''��t��� ORIGINAL TO�C17Y CL6RK • • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Page 2. FURTHER RESOLVED� That this Council requests the Legislature, in the event of enactment of legislation pro— posed under S. F. No . 217 and H. F. No. 261� to consider refund to individuals and to governmental units where members have exercised the right to buy back coverage under 1g67 legislation authorizing such buy back during 1968; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this Council hereby recommends to the State Legislature that it consider, in connection with S. F. No. 161 and H. F. No . 264, establishing an exception to reduction in annuity in case of retirement prior to age 65, at age 60 with at least 30 years of allowable service credit, so as to make retirement permissible as early as age 60 if a member has at least 30 years of allowable ser— vice credit without any reduction in normal annuity due to such early retirement, since this Council feels that such a modification in the existent PERA law would be most advan— tageous to the City of Saint Paul; be it FINALLY RESOLVED� That the City Glerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit forthwith to the members of the Legislative Retirement Study Commission of the State Legislature and to the members of the Ramsey County Delegation copies of this Resolution. F E B � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19_ Yeas Nays �� 5 1969 Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor -�etez�soir- ` Sprafka p Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHEi FEB � 1969 O �� ' `• ���0��1 �� , , .�. . ,,. Jz:r:e l�, 1�63 � � . , , , . . . , � Tio:�o:able �hor li���,cr�on, Cha:i•r��n . . � � . :r�slativc i2e�Lirr..�w:�� S�uc�y Cor3miss�on , .� , , • . �9 S��z�e C�L�i�o2 • . � � s�. �u�., ��an.�csot��55zoi , , �, • . , , , � De�� Rcpresc:�i;a'cive,Ande�.•san: � � � . . , , . � . . tde herciri�h sub::.it prapos�Z� for �aend�r.�r�ts to �.he ]�.w . � . ' ' �ovc��nin� tne 1 u'�lic r.�:..��.o�c�s T:et3re:�eri� A:soc3ation, _ , . � in cc��2.��zc� wi�:z your c33r�ctive to tlle efx"ect t11a�L the � � , � s�ey�ec3 cha.��es maist b� sabm.�tte� to fi.he T,egi�l.a.tive , ' � Re�irc�e;�t Stucly Corc�ais:.ion by June 15. , � . � � � a. re�u].� oi de]i�cr�.�,io;1s a�L mee�inSs h�ld sincc t;nQ . . ' 1�v7 sessian o� 'cro S�ate ��i.��.a.�ure c,he F�iA T��is1.�- � � � . � - �lve Cc�;.��3.�tee �,rz�. t:zz s:o:�°1 0� Tz^as•L �s huvc; foz�:ul.a��ed ,, � . �. �-r.o;-r� �or pr�sC'Il�wtion to •i:.he 1�6 3�e�islai;u-re. In � ' � . • , OZ'CZCY' �`i.0 Ou��-^..'�11 CSi,1�'�.�L�@ .Ol' COSu fi':3.C�Oi'S invo2ved �here'lYI� . �` ' � � � th� �ropos�7.s fa��a;:�'ol;l ac�ed u�on by �he ���.rd a:C Trusi:ees � . • � , t�.:�^� i"o���ec2 �o t�e a:»ociation actu�.�^�y, ��r. Davis H. . . . Ro�nisc� of 1�.TL•liur S�erlry IIa.;-�sen, Consu3.t3r�; ��u�cics, . � � . . C'n�ca.�o, Ii3i�ois. S�1e e:�close a copy o�' zhe actuary's - ' � car.�:en��, a,a,�ed Sune 7, 2gC$, bea;c�3.ri�{ on tn3.s� subjee�. . ;`. • � ' . � � CJc lis� �he. pro�osed a:�enc'�n�n�s below, fal2awed ia e� .. ' ap�licabl� ins�r�.nce 1�y �h�; ac�u�y�s est�a,te oP cost, , � .� and in some insi,ances by a bxie�' co�entazy: . . ' � � . , 3. � • � ' , � �"r'.OPJat1L , _ : � � � CIz��^.,rz��c�a z "�in�I �,vey�;e ea�.^�zin�s" hasis, t��e method ' � ' • . , of r.,�ivin� a� "avE�4„e .sal�.ry" ror the pu•rposc oP deter- ' ' r��inin,ry rzo.r.^^.a rr-.�3�e°��n's arr.uity . ' , I'rovic?a�h�,�c�veruue��.7.a.x^�'o�^���se o� canj�utirt�, ' , . � nor.ca.3. a�ti�z::ity slia,?1 �.��:z �Iio �.,-�ou.�� e�uivalcr�t �o �he , . � . , avca��,c o� 'cha hi�hcst �alary on t�'nicn c�Ioyeo con�ribu- : � tions z,rere pa3e3 fo-r t�1y f�.va y��rs zrithin �ho la3t ]A ye�rs � � • . •oP allowr�b2e ��orvice pi�cec73n� re�3rem�n�. . � • . • . _ . . . . ' . ' , . . .,. � _ ' , • EXHIBIT A� . � � . � . , . , . . , ' i . , ,. � , , . . . . � � • ' . ° . �� � � � � , 2�20 .4_� _, ' honorable Thor Anc?erso:� ' - 2 - Ju.ne 1�, 1968 � � cc:. ,�-�-�� ' � � ,-� L'�ldcr i;ne c•��r,:nt 1a.t�r, �'.A Iias a.� ou�c�.a�ed "cax�eet� �ve�a.�e" concept in deter- , �in�tion of �nnui�ics uase� o� �.17.c;�ra�ole sc�^fice c?�ed:;.f;s da.i;in� bacic to i952. � � i i�.� r.o;�r cove.•s u pe-riod o� 3.7 ye�s as:d ii2cludes, fo� 25 0� tho�e ye�.r�, • . �, . �� r..a..�d.:.�� e�r:iir.�s Lircita�l.on�. Tne �.•�suit 3s an in�equa�i,e tznnuity havin�9 a.s � ; .I . the ye���s ;o 'oy, evc:� lc:.s �ela�ionship �o �:Ize fin^w1. hi�her e�.-r��n� poR.ae�• of tho�e �►e::�er� t�;no ?zave c�ec'�.� in •'c.�� :flirid i'o� any of �h� y��,rs duri:.� t•rhich ,, c:roloyce con��ibu�io:ZS t•re�c 1.i7��a.ze1 �o a �.a:�:ir,�u;a sal.rzry. T;z:is situwtion, cora- � , 3n� up t•ri�h p:r�icul.at• �orce �� t.�e nre:,e�� �i.�e, is ascri'�ed fo�• �he z�ost pai�t . � to co.isis�;en�I;� 3ccele:ated inL1r�.:L-ion ti�.zic�1 h�.� nr�v�3led for a �ooc? nw�ber oy , yczu�. . 'i''hc mu3n ob j ective o� �.?3 put�l:Lc �c-�irciuent �l.aris ,houl.d be to provide ade�ua.te a.»�:uities �.n,keep3n� tri-tn �h� eco:�arac t��n;l. It w�,zld �e�a rea.:on• � �.bl� �o assi:� th�.�c abou� 54'�,,to Ga� o� "t'inal avcra�,Q" e�,rn:ln,s would consti- � . . tu�e tzn �denua�e and m�o:e x�e�s�ie annuity, and this �cndne�� woulc� be a nove in ��a� d.irect�.on. � , . • - 1 ACTU/LT'i�"S :�51^.1�...�:11�.� OP CCST . - . ' lo�:l 30-yaar x�znclin� ra�e -rcquire�en�, 17.061�,, or 2.561�0�over present 1� � ' : rate (at � interest rate �.,su�sption.) . . , . _ . ! . ' ' ' . . . 2� • . Fi?.7I1:�^aA.L . , i;c��ire���r.: a� �r,e �0 oa• E2 �te�� 34 ye�s o� al?o�rwble sertrice c-redit i'r o Tide tna'c rc�eT�:�ez•u i:.af xe�i�•e on a nox�,�.l annui�y as early as age 0, or 62, �"�er 30 yeaxs oi a.].lowable �e•rvice credit,with'no reduction in sr�.id annuity ' because ol" suc3i e�,r1y rotires�en�.' ' . C�:���''?ls , . 1 � A: no�ccd by the a,etuaxy in his r���oran��n, the aver�e �,;e of ent-ry in�o pubLic � � , �e:vice is 3£3 yc�s, ane2 conyeu_uE:�tly the �aajori�y of the �.4 rae�b�r�hip wi12 • . r,o�L h�.ve 30 ye�s of c•rec'ii� o.� a�e 60 or 62 in order to �ul:e �.dv�.nt�;e o.� eaxly ,, ` ' r��;irc�ent. Thc .3a.ti� no�� r1.].o�r:; :�or rc�3.r�:.�nt on a �educe� a.�nuity �s easly ss ��e 5II t�r.tth on];l 20 ye�.rN o�.' �.12o,���b7.e �e��vic� cxet33�; ��.2�:�n� chis fn�;o consi- ; � de_•a;;�.on, t�1e i'�c� s�i;i11 �.•e�:ains �h�;L -'c.I.e avera;� ro�ir.^,�e.2� �.��, b�.sed on t11Q � • � �..�.IyOC24�ion e�nerience, 3� �7 yc�-rs. I� �,npears, �he�e�'or::, tY:�t veiy few rae�- � ` . bery av�.il �Y:e:iselves oi �;ne �4a.•1y r��ir�en� prav.i.�:ton, t:.zil.� such ca,rly re- ! �, � �ii�acnt tri-c�izou� reduction in ��;�ui.�y wrou3.d be mo.•e ��'cr�c��ve to �ne m<�nber- . s;up and undou�tedly t�r�uld resul� in som� e�.r]y r.etir�ents wh3.eh ni�ht no� . • . o�her�.�.�c �.•cc:�ialize, x�L secr�s sai'e �o a:stixn� ;hh�� 1� 4TOt31CZ Yl0'� �1d '�O trnolesale re�irc�c:�t� on �thQ p�rt of �a'aers so �i�u�,�ed. ' , • . ; � AC l u.1?;Y�S i:Si .7�i'.',..�'�'.,' OI' COS L . � �1� �e u2 - con�ribu�ion �cquire�ent incr�ased by a�sprohzmately ��10 0�' l�O; . �,e 60 - suca inc�e�.se woulcl b� abou� Z�2�o. � ; , 3, ; . , ' � �Oi'JS^4, Increase �.n neti•r l.et�r 31L'�"�.VO2' beTlefits . . ..�_.`. . . ' ��rovide �o-r a, sc:1e oi^ ��•vivor b�ne�':s.�s pro�ortionatc� to �he ca�pensat.i.an on� whicn e:ployeQ contr3butions F.re p�id. . � . � ,• . � f . i • . .. . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . .. :� . . . , . . . . . � . � .. - � . � . ; .� ' . . . . . . . . . � . � . � . . . , . . . , .• . . . .. . . - . i � ' _ . ' ' " .' '.. , ` ' • � � � � ��204� � �io:orwble �oc Ar.dcrsou � 3 - June l�i�� 1968 . � • � CG,_",.�� � . . Lccc.�e, pu:.suw,�� L•o 1+11C�. �J.�CJVI1v I.:..:�, dci�uc�fons ax•e cux�.�en�1;f ba.wec� on tota7. . � ��1�^f z�iilc �hc: �:�,�:i:..� sa:�v:�vor benc�"�.t i:� l�.rr3�ed to 34 v o� un �.ve:�t�;e . , " s�.1.�f c£ r??6.6G �:o:��h],�►, tl�e�e is I.7.{ii+1.E:�I'@?3.�i3.011ah�.� be•c��reen �.ctw�,]. ea.rn- . � ; ir.�s �nd u��d bw ei�ts. IL 3:, o:27�y rea�onable �nd ;just, thexe�ore, to rer�ove ' :. ,� t:�e prcv�.ilir.; :ir_�cer1ua�e :�..^.�'a���s wnd prov3de �'a.�ni.ly �u'�otection on a ba.is ! ' pro�or'�ionul �o �t:e :��:ber°s inco:ne. . � � � . :�C�'U�:.Z`�T�S :i'�i'�'%:.� 0_' GO7i � . `i.le �.rtu�.�:y c±;:.c? izo� �u+�:si� an e���c:^.t� o:f co��, bccause no de�.nite fornula � .. . ; . . � �or 1iUe-r�:.Lizw�ion o.i Nurvivo� be.ze�'i�cs t•ras p�.°eye�zted; hotvsvc:-r, the actua.~y , . «a.� inc3ic�.�c1 '-�h�,t rw�ova]. o� �he ��csen� �.�:�,7uu�, wou3.d re3ul� in an 3n►i�- . ' � . ni�icr�nnt e:�'cct on i��ae �e�uireci con�-ra.but3on rate, since surv'ivor benefits � ' , � - now repz•esen�c anly� 7p o� i;ize �o��]. ob13��.tion. . ' � . � . , . . �� � � � • . : FaOP��!1.�, ' � % , � , , rirotiz:.�cn �o-r �zuwivor ucncfiits in ca�e �ecip=cn�s o� disablli•ty bene�its die . . , , uf'ccr �;� 65 ar y3 un�e� Gy:zurG]. zr:d. Pol3.ce ard Z+'i�� 1'and����ctive �� � �,., �.. . ^ n�• �.1 i.• . , . lnc la;c �.s c:i�c�ccd �y ���;c 1G ( i��i�lwc�,z�e spcciisc�.Uy se-i;s sorch c.�;at �n� . � su'rvivo�• be:�e�lzs prcviacd u.nder sec-cion 353.31 :�Y�.al1. no'c a�ply in the even� � � ' a. cli�ai�ilit;n� ciie� ,.a.^cer �.���a.nin; �.;e b5 unaer �h� Ge:ncral Ftma or a;Q 58 . . ; under �� Fvlice a.p�d Fi�e � � d; r:.�,'�cr, u�non' rcachin� such'�;e, protection for a sur��.vor �.y be provided o;�1y '�y sc?ec�ion of t�r� optional annui�y, ' - • t,rit.� A resul�ant re�.uc�io:� �n pe•rson�.7. unnuity. . CO�n�.hn� .•_'.��t.l.� . . � : ; uisw�ill�cy r��c:�.resen�y 'i:nlilLe orc�i.��a.y re�ir�ent, is not w u�.�ter o�' cho3.ce . ; '.� • on �ze �;�t oi the ne::ibe��^; ins�:ead, �chc m�bcr f ind, h:i.�e3.� in t:�e position, � . t:nde-r circ 'r��l�iu.IiCeS ca�.�nle�el.y be;To�d h:s con��ol, Sr.leY•e�h� �.�zst �er�nate � • , pub]ic �e�vice �ue to a physieul o-r rzen�a.]. �p�.:i.r�erit. 3ec�.usc thc z�a�2b��^ r.s - . . �� l�,Y�.u�, �3+s1:, c��priv�3 0� t�.e op�o�.ti��i�f to con�inu� 3n public se-rv1.c� anS �,c- , cw�ul�:�cc �,cZ.cii�iana,l. a.].T.o�cra,ble service�c��edi�:s toi•r��.•cl a ].a:�ue�.° �nrcuity wt i�r;�at � o�;ac��cri�� t�r�u7.c� bo 1�.� nca^�:�1 xvG:.�����n� �o� �� 3� �c?� �h.�,t Y�o �ho�.�.c� �:a.�, • � . � �econd3y, s�,i,':'�'er 1`irci,hcr c�c�r;va,�ion by �he �c�r1tY�.holclin� �•can h� of�-vivor . b-c:nc�i� p:°o�ccl;3on should he d3e a,:�"�e�.� a�e 65 or .58, as �he case m.�y be. It _ . , � �e�.� o:11,y �qu:i.�wale �L�:a.L -re��°dless of �;e a.� �-.he t:i3ne o� dea�h, surv�.Lvor . . beneii�t p-roi:ectio�l s;�ould be a.itoz•ded �he z''umily, trhich in most in�t�nces at � � • • the �dvunced �e ��rou3.d 5.nvol.ve onlf rz s�ouso�, but no�, m�.nor �dep�ndent chi38ren. ' � . , ,, � 1+wTU.��Y'S �'�?'L�il� 0� COST � �` '� � . : ��e wc����^sy e�t:i�ted tha cost �,� about 1�20 of' l� inerease in to�a2 required ' , , , � con�ribution ca�Q. . � � . � . 5. . �. � . . r c.'?��n.:� � : , . . -.•-�--;t---- , c�%, :czc:�� ��e boax�" inereuse �or all Pa?'� r.nnt�i.t��s ' � Prov-i1� �or an incrc�.:c in i�,vo� ol a3.1 p•�sons on the P"�2A retir�rnent rolls, � �l �oun�in,� to 6� of .^.�nui�ies curre�tl;r� bein� prz�.d. • ' . � � , , , . � . , � - - � � 2��04� ' Iia;ior:�le 1 ioi• l�zdcr�on - � - . J'lzne 1�;, 1�68 , ,� . , � CC'��'�."� • � . • , i7sc Lo �.:c w��_r.:s.3.r.� co�� oi livi.��, �..�nui•c:ies �.?-rc�,y ;�un�L•ed as� b�co�i.n� � •'�nn� T' il lil .1. J. �� � `V^','' rl' � 1 '.11G� 0� ��a.. �/t� �S• e� . i;zc:.....���,�y ir.�.c:.,�;;a.:�e �c��...:rw u. .:.,ir�„ c,.a�ilJ r.c..c.,. � :n� It �OCS Z•i1�:710'.�i. �'��.LT2� '�:?^,� 7'C�12��.^.w �.."�^. �'�?'l�ri� 3.� �.,Zi��:,:�:��.f CL].ii'..CLt3,i. 't',O C�.S�'. 072 � i: 1��:.C� w'Zlau.l.l11.Ce�a i�i11.�:a� Ut73�1.J� JVC�ytZuC'' bl �tr1LQ u��.I.Lhj b�.y�. Qi 1n.t^Za.��0�9 hwve �. , . • ' , . � , wr.�?y c:ecrcwscl �.urCal�:J�.I�Li �i�['�Vi• In reco�i�io:� of �his ��.tu�.�ion, .'c� is - � , ce�:cd not o.l];,• dc�irw�Ze, bui: neccssa:c•y, •�o provide �'or aa a,�ros� �Lho bourd . �, : increa.:e :r�oun4in� 'co 6; c.i a..�nu:i�ies �e�ny ��da�f►he Gost thck^eof '�o bQ • � ' ' fi:�wnc�d fi~�, tl:a S�1;u�� G-:n�ra1 1�evenL� b"u.�d. , : . . • . 1!C`i'III�iY'S :'�°:i'r?'!�'1'�^ CF CaST . . . , • , . � i�z� a,:.��...-^�,/ cs��a.�;e� th�,�� such incre^,se wou2d cost about �G sui1�.9.on. � � . " . ,. , , , . . . . . . 1 . . . . . " . .- � . �, C -. . : . . . 6. � ' , .} • I-^�Jl�'^^..� . , : ' ' . ' L';:�cr�:;��oz� of bu�r_b�.c?: on prior s�rvice, to 2nclude pust si��e �.nu �cuehin� . , �crvic� • :.'i1C �;.:: «S ].j'. i��:•T Y'Ca.C2., j�S'GzJ'1�CS :C'O's' '`L'I1c^. �li�.'C�:1c''..3� O.L EL7."lOi•T.�,U�.0 serv�.ce c-re�.it -` � ��^.in�t p;,:,t �.u�?ic �erv�.ce r�:�c?cr�d. It is �:�opos�d tha� f.his p�ovi�ion be . � er.cc:�c�ed to �noi�:a� nzw� servic` p�r�'ar��:41 fo-r �'chQ St��e oP I�iinne�o��,, wnd as . � • � tewchcr, 3f t�:e z�e�ber h�,s no execlit �here�or in another 3.oct�3. re�irc�enL• , ' cifVlr�i • i . �, . - � �.� . � , . CJ✓�~1.'1S - . . � � � . ' .. , � 1 � l.li�i f..{.Vil� ;.o ���.�!'ce btir,r�wCi�bPJ an -�i.�����.C.' •��.l��irl�v c.+1iU (iGa.L'�� rii'C.rt�..Ci�r �'�4rN �irVi.��.iXLJ��'. � . . • � . . vnwer ;:�ie 1w,, �lirak,h �'u�+c 30, 1.;&3., tti-�en uhi� pr�.v.i.le�e e�3rcc1. Upon r��-tor�- � . � . . �:lon oi �hc b��►-b�,ck t'e�,�uxe in ?965, the pu�.°Lht;.e •�r:�� -res�i,ra.c��ed �o p�ior p�a'�- � � ;, ' : Zic ser.�,rice o:Z?;l. S�:e �.� r�^�.�L��s Ys.�ve =cquLs�ed tha� the�t oe �.�vcn °c:�e �^i;h�' �' ,� t-o r.^w,^�.:e •rccuire3 pwy��ir�s in cx��er �Lc c�:;�.�:� �.13.o�•�wb1e se��cc crEdit coveri.n; . � . • prio�' JlG4rVC �:ad f:cac.'ain� e�:�,�lo��en� fo.� �'��.c,'� �'��ey 1.:�v� r_a c�ed:.i: in �..ny o�t;�er � . , f1u1d. �?�r a ve�� Li�n3.��d n;4m��r o�' �.zch :��c;uhsts ha.ve b�� rece�.vcd, zndica�- �. - . i:z� tra� ��sswU3;l fcn�r r:.�1'�crs h�.ve �Y�.a.s '�.no7. a� pxiar serv�ce. Tn ordcr to • . ' : �ccc��:;�o-?.���e 4hc n�c:M�b�r� concc�^r�ed, it is xca�ues�ed tnat �ho b�y-ba.ek p�ov2�ion � ' • be �.:nc��c� �o ::�c3�:de ��t s�ate and te::�chin� e�ploymen�. � , • 1:li.�U:^'f�V�J J.�'.���.fl'T�is�.i.^'� �i� lili��� � . . '. , . . � . �, . . . . . � Since �iz� �soci�.��ia� hw�� r.o rccoxd of•horr �uM.�,�sy �t�rnb�.•s r��Y�� ha.ve prior ��ate . oi• tca.c�.n; �crvice� or �h� 1en��Y�� c�' service so involved, �kiQ ac�uary t�as � , ur�.ble �o m�ke. �r cost cal�cu]�a.txons.. � � � � '. , . . . • . ' � ' ' , � . , , � . . . � , , • . . . �. , . Y.�'.'�'�?�S�Y., . • . —�.... , L:�ce.��c_z o:� tiz�e in ta:�i.ciz �o r,.a.?:c requi�e8 payrl-^..�ts on to�31. :a2�-y retroa,etive � � �; ' � , , to �;1,v_?��,19�7 � ,. . ', .Uni.�1..,,:rr. ].��`r, CY�a�tc�: 'j, Sec�xo:� 1, �hc c-r.pi�w�io:Z i�ute is Dec�:i:�cx. 31,. � _ � . 1;03, �."o�� W.:::i.�2� rec�a:if.rea pa.y�er.ics in a:a�r �O �8].11 CO�'E:r1b'lttO:y c�:cii� on ' to�w2 �^ �-�y i•c-�roa,c�t.:ve to J�,y 7., ay57. It is �ronoscd ti�t �is t:tma limi� � � � � � ba c.��end,cc: bcyoncl Deee:aber 31, l��&. . . .. . . . • r' . . . . � ` � , '. , . • � ; � ' ' , . . . � � � � � ' - , . . " . . � • � . � . . �. - ' . . � .� -. . � . . . i . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . : . . , � . �. . . � - . � . . . .. ., � � • . . . ' . ' . � . , . , '. t , . . . . , . , . . . � . . . . � . � . � - � 24�0��� _ � . . ' • Ii0i10i'�b?C T:1G:C �'�z4c:con - 5 - Sune 1�, 190�3, . . .� , . . C�•.�-�-.�� � , ' r�:..�n -�r+_•�r ^ �i e. n-.� •Ll•h �.. �i.e.� ne� n � l`n, rv 3�• t n . u :t,.�. l:ii......i...:C::1'G Oa. .::L7...� 1.�,.. j v.:.. .`1,.^.,�,.vC1'ii:..v.�,.G:! Ylw.a �u...S1 C.•�:.�,�CC�. ZT_c,h re��.c:.�;..r • r'�T.:1 .".'.G::?:iC:L'.i i0:' G'i,��..�;�1.^.22'i�.^� G:..'' C'',i:i0'.::1'�; �t?i.:,C LL�C�.C:C 't.�IG' ullOYC��C:iG7.01..^.L�. Si:L�liil2i:0• I� �;i�.3. �c �. ��I:;lsic•�.1 :���:��JNJJ�.L?..�i3i��y i:o co:r.�lc�e tse calcul.w��.on� �y t:ze e�±d . t � .� (") n r�� � +..n� �....� ^�,�•. � ��+ 1 F ry; e �• � rT . . - � O'i Z.�vti• �.:1:i.__Ci.� .....a� 71w.t��....0 ��a.� L":1.�t1� Gti_2�.�•;.3..�7G' l7C �.�li:L':�Ga�CGZ �..1 i3�i:'1T2" '�^ �1.�.: • ��^�T� �� t a ��� ��r� � !1N�-t^��Y t /�'�n ♦.1�1�- Y�rf •.1 fj S � r': '�^ � . 1/v��J 1NJ S��.J�r ♦��N 4.`�i��r �!V y��r+�t.4.a�LV �lllll�ii LtJw.���V W �5..� �ee:iuio�l Ga! �;o Y�r'ne�+:ner , . . 0j 1�VV �:�� ��'il.�.-�S,'O'�� iVi iJVV�Nr� �C1.�i�,,,���I�^C�YEi�W�y .�a Gi t4iV\r�i�� �X�i\r�v" �GMLi�V� ' ' , • � . � Zl��• �i1�^i Vu��ViylJw�� l�11vti .1�3 Iil7Vt.:t��JC�ii' .L%��/ J�.i.11.N� iiwil�Cl.�►�J 'E.�,^'�..1.�2 ZT'�.3.�. Y:�,�T-C3 �.:1 �� � � � . � � � .�'., �-1p � .r..� a .h t��1 yn �,•�� M'� . '+� �•�� r r� tt YhN�P 1 ~Y �^ • yq ' � . 1���7�:.i�.�i i�.ll�y H�.7 �l.7 Vl. .L�r u�.v.�. �r:/�l.l w�t.• �. �� �.� ti�.1��v ��.1.+ alZ r��L�.l��i�� lul��� . - . 'i':LC':�'ZG:2 Oy � ^ .�ir"'.� +•,-;,n+-� '•':^ ^'��LG' ,�..''.1C1 �i,I3C iCC?CS""�. �C�cZ:''f113^:3� O� ' �.1.. .�,,L�C1;:C,"1'i: Ctc��....... �a w ., .,. .,. I-:c�.I-c?i, �3�.zc�-c:i.c:� 4,_1 L•?c7.�ase �:G.O�.I.O LCIr�.�- g•ri?1 be c:�.�,�ed on Decc:LLber• 31, 3;68, , , � 4.:. G2� ::.,icrz ?wc•c�-r da.-�e �2�e py��e�� g��:ovisic:l �o� rn,�.I:in; �a,;�:'c�n�s re�s•oFZC�ive 3,y, on �o�al ���^-�,� ��ri11 c:T,��.-�. I:';:�ee, t2�s �irou�n �oi �w:i�e::� ti�ri7.1 �,:ve no oppor• , I'ar thes� . �� �. , �LL"3'cy v0 ��i T.^.�3.^�.v.C1:2VC COyt'��:i.:�u�4:4',y' G:r'C't�.� 011 �O�.J.�. .Sc`3a.^�"'+f• ' • �;•ro •rew::,o::�, a�ao�„ a•�:c��, �� i� re�,•se�•�cri tl�t.�-�;ne ti�� ].ira.ft conc�rned be` . ' � � e::tendtc3 beyozza �ec���cr 31, 1��. � � • , � . � - . . : � � �r T,y1Cr r�r,m�h�l1 , , c+sZ , , . �7"J.'1:._ >> :��:.±:.��.'�:a Ox CC��! , � � i:a.c p:�����:.3. i:o .i:,.�.1 ��ii�. l:.0 �;.�s�ve�y recer.�Lly �a,c�ed u?�on� by t�� Fo�s•d oP - � irustec�, �d �e �,c���y ha,s no� 3te�c �.:3� .2�y cost �calcuZa,�3.o:��. A.s �oon � :�;. , thi� in�o-r�:t3cra is i�-a�i..^.nEd 1�, 3.t x�1.11 'ne �ran�n3.t'ced i;o tha Cce�a3.ssion. � � 8. . . � . . ; . � ,�. . . Z::Ol�G�f'Y . � '. �::.�.iG::��;; �o L�z:s �.;67, Cha;?��ez• i�'.,�u, t:i�.cY�. pr�v%dc� �or �, sub�,lfsaEn�t�,I. r�oi�thl;� ', - . i!:'•j.'.'.^sl"i. �;� �:�i Mi:..';�°�'���:'i.0 '!:'Y C�:.'�t`,^.�+�? C�^.:L'� . . .�.►.........., ' ?.s-+ 1 n•-�= rt �. -'?�1 �"n, i�"^.t '-n �^,�o � r• .�." �'i�w�. ^��Z::C31V . ZlYIi.�.�. `ti.iC �i�.vc.�t.L7.I:u �..:'l� �1:::.a. c,.:lill'r::.cr 1Vu �iC...�. �'d,..�.G:'J'CL� c'3. �aQ.j7��,.Ci' �.TI }1y/ • o:.° �;15 ;.c_� r:o:��cii e�:?�cL:i.�e 3u?Y 3., 1.;6?, n:.°ov'.�u.ed �:13ai; �:��e: (3.) pe�°son r��c:lred . P�°io� �o �L�.3y l, 19�.?9� (2) a.�.:�,:�.�c;� i:�c]�:d�?.r� ��.L^e sup�l.wze:rt ti�r�ul.d no� e::ce�d • , �20� �on��h3,Y; (3) �;��.ui�:zit h� �,� lea�� 20 fc�� o� �CJiTc°�..ble �c.�vice w� u . . • r.�^�'��t; �n�. (Ir) �.t�.�i�:an� .•r�s e?3�ib3.e �o� �.e:��io:� ti�on -�es��:i.r.a.t;io:�-of ;�L7�1ie • ' � � , �cr;r.icc. i� is p�oL���e�. tha� 'ch� 1.�wT•r '�e. 4:�w.ded.:i�► �,z•:o �xc�.�, S�ri�;I� �et�o.^,.c� , � � �iv.i.'cy to Ju1y 1, 1;67 iiz ^11. a;��;�Lca'�3.e c�,�e,:.: (�) cna.� �h� rcr,,�.�ed 20 years . � � ai a11c,r�,u1e �e�v-�.ec c�°ecL;; U� c.':�::.�e�i �Lo :incl.u�e �� 3��,r-Uwc2.w ��,:7.e, ne�a��n� . . .. �l�e :��ec��i�y t:�.t the a1.1.cw�,�'?� �er�.ce b, �aa.3 t�� �. n�r�;�'�er; �ncl (2) i,'n:t ;. , ,' �+ � cover�e b� a�.'�rr�,ec� pe�so�� t�:i:o �:e�� �.1.1.�o-�:�c-r rer,�;i���en-cs e.:ccp� 'ch�,t the:is � �,.^,cour.�� �re•re p?a�^�3�c:� W deicc+�d wca3zz�.�y b�;i3 p�:din� ra;c��l�cnt of t•eti+e- � ' � � x:c�z� w;;c, �:u� @e3.e�cinU tlze r�ouir���.�a� tha.t they,h�,d i;o,b� �].i;3.b1.e �'o�• p�n- � . • • , ' .� � � sian upon �+.e:c�:i.na�Lio�. o� publ�.c :e:�v'scQ. . � ^ ` . � . . . CO,�-�,-r� , : ,:� �t...� . � � Oi �:�c.�z::,�aer oa" a::��u's.�^..;�:. t•�:o i'v�11C:I �120x" �o July 1, 39E�? �zr3 w�re s-L•iLZ � - �. '�:i.vin� ws o: Ss1�r' 3., l;?u79 oi17;j 26d cju�l.:i�`ie�3 �'c�.� �Izc t;un�lc::e•rsia�l n^,,,�en�� , � '�y m.ee'�i;:� tii� iou�:� -rc�,t::i.�^uae:��� s�c�i�ie3 3n Ci��.�•�cc'6f�3. a�I�crs ��r�r� no� so � ccve�c3 ��c^azse �v�;� �:hou;�Z �,Y+�;J �=au 20 fe^xs o� �.a�ruU2c� �e�vico �.z �.�et3:e-, � , , : , . �, � �o:zt, xt z:�.: no'c c�•..c13te;� � a. ��'r��-r due �Lo �he �,c•� �I�a� ��hc;� h�? na.dQ b�- � . • , . bu.ck�. l�l:io, 'r,her•c tr�ra ai;ne-rs :�ha h�.d a23. rc+u�•r�en�� e.Vccv� �hwt tliey ��rerQ . no-� Q1i;i.b1e �c� ..�uzizity u�on �c����.�3.on �"rc�a2 �ublic �ervico �ctd p]�,ced thC3r � , account� �xi a cl��errad aLyui•�y 'c�..::.3 um�31 �.�aoy rc�,chod ra�3�mcnt �Q. Since . • � , . _ . � . , • , , . , , , . � . . . . ; � l • . .. , . . . . . . � . . - -.. . � .. , • ' i , • . * ' t . • �����`2 �� ` . . . �Zono:ab2c iaor 1!�ci�:son . - 6 - ' �.ne lk�, 1�6F3 �� . `� , .. � ' , . � . t'.ic:.c 2ai;:.cr r.:c:��:����cc: wr..�u.5.;;w:z��:, ca�:i.e h�tit,r� r,ua.?iticc2 �o� �u��-,1��:�'c�1 p�,y- ; � '� 2.�..^.21�.^u G:.:CCi7V �'O.i ��'.2Q �:Z•7J �^air�:Li:�',r,C::'ri 1J.':.`01i'1:�'.LO:]S �L�°S�'i O1.i,ti�172G'G� �.v 1S �'C�.V �Y:i:C1� ". , , , i,'.:cy �L^o•.z?d 'ue �;-r^.�2��e1 ��:e cavc:•a;.;e �•c'c�oa.c��.ve �o �'L:�y 1, 1;�7 �3�er�r wpPli� . . � � ' . � cw�lc. A.s ycu ;xe �:t:y:c, �o'!I.:,:�ir„ el7:.ci::`cn� o� Clia.��e:: C£39 �hQ Stwt� o� � � . ' , � � ' i�:ir.ne:.oi;s �u.c�e �n �.n�ra���ia-�:i.an :i:� �..� .::o�uz� c?n:ie�^� ss Nuz'�cicnt �o �infzz:ee . : ' thcse a�;li.f::io:�:i.3. oi�3i;;w�:ian�, vr.�.cn urn°:�ei�L� wa,s done b�,sed en �E �n3.tia1 �. . a.s�.��3on �-�h:;.� tlze �::Li:�o �� p of s�►�.nu�.�Lan�s concerned would "�e ezlt3.tled tA � ., ' . ; r. �he �:p�lemental. �w,n:lc�t�. � . ; �. , , 9. � � , � . � � ,, . : ����4T� • " ' ' , Clrwn�c :n �n'�-�:.� rec�u:i.r�ent �or �e�arc�en�,; �:� 10 to z"`iv�: ycar� o� r�l.lowa'�le - � :.ervice c:rc;.���i ' . . . . `i'ue cui�cn� 1.�:'rl :L'CC11L'2,Z�es i;:a.�� a w::��c�^ aav3 a� 3ca�s;, YO ycaxs oi' allcwablc ser- - , ' . � �. ' � vlce ca��3i� in oa°der ;;o c;�:,�.3:.fy �'ai• ru�xiu7.ty. Z-� 3� prorosed tha.�c 'che nvanbesc oP � . ' yer.s� so requirQa be redueed �;o f`ive. � ,� ' . ' . , . , , ; ,, � . : ., CUi^•i�'L.l� , . ' �i'iuw :s:r.:.�c?�:en'c uo;z3.c1 �c�.��re � �..� �zee�:.oc�-�ion ior L-Yie Ehor�=c�rtt publie .. � , , , : • . . c."mloye� t;�o Gz,,e:�s pubZ:I.c se:cvice �� �si :d.v�ncerl u�e. Fo� any periol o� � � , . . ' ' �7.1.o���wble c�+�.c� cove::su� 3.e�s ��1�� 1.0 ye�:3, �h� �:�::oer �o:�r I2�,; no ch.o3ce � ul�on ter^.::i.zzut3on o� rub7.i.c se�eva.cc o�.'her �'a4.n �o��.cc��t �, rel`u�ic�.:e►1� o�' e� ' '��� ' - �.. • ; . ployce con��i�u;:io:�s. Q�z �he o�ae: hat2c�, :i� 'cHe •r�c�,z3z�cc3 �:ei�.o3 oP such ' - cre�.t i� re3�ce3 to �-ive ye�s, :�nc x1�be� �ri7.3. '�ecas;:e ei2�3�t1e3 �Y,o �o:ce an- • nuity, Ilo���ev�r ��a.liq in �atio �� �Iie y�ars of co;��r3bu�ory �c�nber�hip. ' . ' AC'�''JIL�Y'�a ����;,t�� 0^ LOai . � , . . � : , ' ' � �''r:e u��'c�;.� no-��;s �^.�,�c t:�3� �ropo�ed c:za��oc ir�uld ha,ve vers,/ �.3.1:�1e ef�ec� on � "�� : • the ac�:u�ri�.1. c�ntxi'auS:�.on rer3ui��c;::eri��s bec�ur� iE�w e�ployeos ti;ould 3� a,�'fected � ' t,hCZ`Cby; houcvcr, he clo�s po3.n� ou� �'+�,�.� �Lhawe w�o wou.1�1 benefit' t8o�;h s�r.l].' . . ' in nu�►ber, �e�resen'c � h3� .cast'�ro�sp. , � • , � - . . . . . . � ; . . . . � , . . , . .' : . ' ' �rr,;�.+� � , i � . . '.._.:..._...,. , ' ; . �, � . • '. .The:.•� ar� �c.ro o�her �o7a1�s ths� the Cc��i3.s�3on is �qu�sted �o consider��in its : � . � deliLer�'cions. � , .. , • • C\' � ;. � ��o y r�L cicals witn '�lze f:.c� �hwc 3� �:howe po�.�'�io.�s oi� �;:ze 3:*.r triz3ch de�ine . � r` .: • tIZC �CT'i1 ���2v'�::'�,,t,;a^. :^ '^ +'�f t� i01• �he Zr,z-r�,�o�'.0 01° C�C'GEii:Z].I717l� �?111372±.'`L3/� Si1C=i ave�a�e �` _ ' � � � �u.Li.L.L-� �J J�L1::.L�4�� Lti ah'�`�'VQ'J c�.�ai��� li�(:ia��ji1 tjul�t�. JV�q 1�11�! i�O�VVO rC.a.M �a�.° �0 . . Jul;f 19 1.;67, 4.nd 'coca.Z sw�.�f L-hcr��.�"�e�°, dc�pi�e �ue �;:eizc'�w:e�� cont�,:in�d in . � T.��tiY:, Z;�7, C:zwy;.e� Cv7, Sec�:ion 1, to i��e ��:"':"ec�; �Y:�� ��:U��w raa�Y P�;l contrf• � �. ' ' bu��io::y ai2 totwl �:.3.�f re�i•aa.c�ive co Ju3;l l, 1957. As yau l�naw, in mc�o- � , � . �-^�1wL::_i 3c:�ucd by 'c�:cn Si�ec_w7. l+wws���.� lli�orney Genera,l ��TiL�� ;•S. �e-r'�ine : � , on J�czne 21, 2�67 dew3.i.r.; zri�;:� �;�a:; p�.:�:icu�^ su'a�ec-�, he �oin�ec? out �`�.li�.t, , � . . � : ".��� :L� noi; to 'ne a.:s�::ed tl:�,� -Y.��e ��;i�].�.�u1ee in�ice:c�^cI t.�a,� c�nloJees be . -rcru�c�. to �:.:?,c p�.,;�cz�s on �ot�,]. �:I..*�a:y �e�croa.c�ive -�o �1tz1,y 19 195? trithout : � � � rece-s41�"2�. w corre�pond:in� inci•��.se in their av�-rat;e ���,."i.a.ry �d a eons�c��en� � r ; ; h3;�:cr be.�ei3.t �e�altin�; �`�,h�ei'��n. �t ?� � T'ae obvia�� 1e�3.slat3vo purpose is ' . - ` . . . . 1 .. . . � _ - , _ , . , . , _ . • ,,: , . . . . , � . , • . • � � , , . . . /� ,� -� ° , � �5���#� � . � � •, :�OAO'.'ai.u:.0 1.'�10." pu'2C'1Ci;.0i1 � 'r — t�171G' Z.�y Z.i� . , . � . . , ' , , it�O pC�"'..J.i: C"L���O�v3S� �.0 f:.�1C2= G1;"�1G::y i.0 �?� i C�i'O�c�ivC co���•ibution� 011 . to��l w^ ^J �:�ov�� ���;� VlaCl'G'N:�1V+:r �^.�.cl 'u-y ��zc�: cxmy�loyccs �o-s thc period . ' � �c�:� Ju3;l 1, 3.:57 �;o Ju:2c 30, 1;07 ^.�:c2 �o �i1,::ce�y inercw:e ::Izei�.• benei:tt� • . . �: '�a�cd upo� �c.^_,'� ::nc�e�:.eci cc;�-c�ib•xc:io�s, °k %� �•." Ee �.L:o �tw�cd :�.n �, ' , I�Il.vcr�c u^^�..�.:,.:°y'� � ii X 35 �12CiC��,.S�^.d b;� vi��t�e OY' 1'Cv7.'UwCT'i�ti"G f:i7�.0y�^.� f171CZ , �,:iploye�-� contl_bu�io.zs �c pu-r�u�n� �o I�.ws 1967, ��p��r 6f37D SecL-ion 1." ' • ' O�i �rc b1::is o� thc x"o-re�oin�, a.-^.nux.-�ies 3.n �,p;,olica,'ole c^.,es Y:�zv� been. co�- .�_�' , � . �Kted o:� "uyc:w�� :.^�s�J°J 111CI11�•'t'�1T2� �zy �.c2�.�xo.�,l c��cli� oat�,i:�ed by r��bers .� . : ' t•rl:o, av�..ilc3 tac�scl�e� of thQ nrivile�e oi z�.:�.n� the rc.iuired retroszctivQ � , ��r''.1G"1�S OTI �`O�'.c^.�1. ."iw�S�I• • , ' - , ' ;. I� i� dcsirable t,ha� tllc 1.�.:�r be pro�erl;r �:e:��c3 uo cic�ly c�efinQ th� tcxm . "averu;c ��^y" as bein; the �a?a:cy on stirhi.ch �.^�y,.nlo;�c� con��.3butions a:c� paid, � ; �hereby del.ctin� re�erenc� to �'o�cr �a.r.inriun sal,�ry limi���ions. � , . � ; � , , . , . � � � � � w r � w. ��M r' � � r r � r . , . . , i� . � , . • , . �e seco�d a��o-rte.n�•a.;.^.^a. t��'nich r.cea., cl�-rR.��ication i� thwt in conn�ction z•rith � � . � � , ' ; ��bers trho mw?te required r�:trowctive ��ney�2tc on tota.l. sa2�sy �t tlle C�� @educ- . , � tion ruto t��iiile cove-red Uy t�.hc 33�ic T�'u,~�3, �.�d :�r'�io subscqu�ntly vo�e �oi°�.Saeial� . . � Secur�.��y covcr a;e w�d tr�.nsi'c�-- to t.�ie Coor�in�,ted i"'�.,�d t;szdes� i:z3c�z the d.ccluc- � . • � t3on ��,Le�is �;. lnis su�jec� t-•ru� �•�;�rie�,ti��d in ouc� i���Er o� r� i�, 1,�6f3 ad-. • � , , . cLres�ec: ta �tl:e Co^�.:�i.ssion. In �ue'� in�•��.�ee�, it t:c�a�cl �,�near er�uita.bl� for F��. �o �^.::e reflz.:•�::�.��s in :c"wvor oi Uoth �xployce tznd c�los►e+^�, rc�rc:.c.��3n� : .� • . � � tHe dif�cra�ce be�t•,��:1 �L�e wrnoun�s rec�wuiz•e3 w:der thc �.sic �d Coa�•din:�cd � . �1i.:c1:, 3� ���:n�s t�,e-rc �a,3.d in c�.��; 01�, to r�,itie co�.�responcl�.r.� book �u�t- • \' �.�..��N� z•�l�:re o'�Zi�w�iar�s �rQ cover::3. bf �.r.:��11me�t pa��;nt 1�;��c�ncn� ai�ed by�.�'.. . . � •. , ta� nc�ber, And c�.�.�if`�.cat3on to t�e e�lcycr. :Je,-r�ciuest; �h:;, �ho I�e�.�l.�.- • . � � ��,zre �aena 'w:e c�.s�c3n; Lzu to rr,�e .i� cie�x .�a,t such res4tnc3xcenty or adjust- . nents nu�l be r�c:e. � , , , . . ' r w M r N 1� Y � � � A r r � M r A.�� ' , ' ' ' In r.�.clitioiz to -�he it�..; sn�cii'3c�,1.ly ��:+'ion�d he�ein, undaubte�y there �rill ' � � . . . be o�Ii�• ::ii:zor ��:�c�:i�:1iw �ropo�ec: bf LY�c �I3a�� o� i��a��.IbVVJ b����rcc�i ncv ��d tho � �:isao t?��,t ��za I.c�isla,�ure w�l.�. ne=:� cos:ve�^�e, u.nd t�r�ch will d.e�.3.�w3.t,h a�nis-� . � . � t��.tive cli�s'icu3.�iey or tcchnicalitic�, z�qra�ar lo:s covor3Yt,� �hQ so-ealled , , . , . `�ouwekcepin��� �oblc�. . , , � • . ' . . Yotu•s vcry ��-u3,y� � � � ' � , , . ,. . , . . . � � . . ..,. c . . . , . � . . PUI3I,IC �:•1'LOY��S 1RETIl'��k..7P 1�S..00TAs"ION , , , . 1 � , . .� . . � Secre�ary ' . � • : . ; , �. • � � . , , . . . � C�:;�:dl . � . . � � . .. � . enc. � . . � . . ' . • n • � . � , _ .� . � � . - ; • . , � , � � � � , � , � . . . ��_ ����.. i � �7�� �. �� � ��. ���� ��� ���� ��� � ��� ����► �. �� ��t ��� �+�t�,�'� �� �.r ��!!. � ��' ��.�� � ����! � ���+��"l�'����' ��" �� �b1�i� � , �t� ���.�.,� .�.�"�pt�'q� � �:��ts �`�" � � �"�..'�.�.�C` 'C ���. "��.� �.�,�k. .�. ���a� ,�� � ���� '�� �� ��.s�. ��a� '�,r' �� ���� � � ��� �� � ��� �� �,� ���.�� '�r '�c� �!�� ��.�►��� �� �� �+�� ���;�� ��� �#:�►� � �at +Gl�.� �a.�` ��. ��� �� �� �� ���� � �� ��� �� �� �� �� ����.� ��► �3.�i�. �. +��' �i.� . A°'►��'w��� � �� �+i#�MJ�1l�* �iM.6�IRJ4 #t�Sw �#F�f,�� �� �� �� �� ��a� �Ei���er�� ��»����'.� ����� �3��'��, �►+� �,+�:���>��a��a+� a�� r�r�.31 � i�t��� � � � �� ���, ��,�a�� �r �°�� ���►�a�. �+� �►� �a ��r �k� � �.���r� �� s� ,a�� �� ���.��.��:� �'��° �� t ��' fi�� a�i� '� �+'��. '�i� �►�1� ���.�,� �.2�, ���� ��� �.���� � �� �� � a� �� �:�' ��� ����.���.� �"�� �d��� � � ����� � � . ��� �� +� �ti � � +�i,. +�t . ���� �� �� �� ���� �� ��'����� � ���� ,,r�.'�/ � ,���r � ,:��''fl� f�7 j`G°�i�� s�'1 ,, '�R� ���� �«� � �:� '�� __ ��.� �'�► �� '� ��, ��L? �` . ' �'�i °� � �.'� ar �� '� .,�'��9rX'A�C.�; " ��.��.$?°��'I w �� : rcwre ro pR�Nr� �!r�,��� CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�N�i� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 8Y COM M I551 ON ER �pTF Fage 2. FURTIiER R.ESOLV�D, That this Council requeste the Legislature� in thQ event o� enactment of legielation pro- posed under S. F. Na. 21� and H. F. No. 261, to conaider refund to individuals and to governmental units where members have exerQised the right ta buy baok coverage under i96'7 legisl�tion authoxizing sueh buy back during i96s; be it FUKTIiER R.ESOLVED, That thie Council h�reby recommends to the 5tate Legislature that it eansider, 3.n connection with S. F. No. �6i and H. F. No. 264, estt�blishing an exception to reduction in Annuity in case of retirement prior to age 6�, At �age 60 with at least 30 year� o� allowable serviee credit,- $o as ta make r�tirement permi�eible a� ,early a� age 60 i� a member has at leaet 30 yeare o� allowable aer- vice oredit without any reduation in normal annuity due to euch early retirement, since this Couneil feele that such a modific�tion in the exietent PERA law would be moat advan- tageo�� �o the City of �aint Paul; be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and direoted to tranemit forthw�th ta the members of the Legielative Retirement Study Commiseion �f �he State Legislt�ture and to the �embere of the Ra�isey Cc�unty Delegation cop�.ee o� �hi� N.esolution. '`��,�`s � �`��Q COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays :. t,,, ,;;;., Carlaon � "''�)� Dalgliah Approved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor ,,,.�Feter�e�ye,, Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne O i TO PRINTER ������A� " CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF N.ESULV�D, ny the Council af the City of S�int Paul, that it hereby deeires to indic�t� to the Legislature af the St�te of Minnesvta its support of a proposed legislat3ve program recouimended by the Publio �mployees ftetirement Aseo- ciation Legislative Committee and thQ Boa�d of Trusteea o�' ea�id Associatalon, suoh program designed to strengthen and improve the Public Employess Retf.re�ent Aseaciation Law, and whieh progr�m is earbodied in a letter dated June 14, ig68 to the kIonorable Thor Ander�on, Chairman, Legislative Retirement Study Commi�sion, St�te Capitol, Saint Paul, Minneaota, over the signature of the �ecretary oF the Public Employees Itetir�ment �asacigtion, a oopy o� whioh letter has been marked 'OExhibit A" snd i� ineorparated herein by reference as full.y and completely as if set forth herein verbatim; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this Cauncil hereby wishes to indicate to the Legislative Retirement Study Cosnmi:�sion, to the memberg of the ktamsey County Delegation, and tn all mem- bers of the L�gislature of the State o� Minnesota, that while it is the intention and desire of thia Cauncil to support all nine proposal� recommended by the PERA Legislative Committee an�i ;t�h� FERA Bosrd of Trustees, it is primaril-y ��,�tereeted in urgxn� the support and adopt3on of legislation which would incorporate proposal� numbered 1, 2, and � set �orth im said Exhibit A, and eneompassed in bills presently pending before the Legielature of the State o� Minnesota: with referenoe to �roposal No. 1, a� set �orth in S. F. No. 2Z7 and Ii.F. No. 261, pertaining to change in "average �salary for the purpose of determining retirement annuities; " with reference to pro- pos�xl No. 2, as set �'orth �.n S. F. No. 161 and H. F. No. 264, pertaining to retirement at age 6� with at least 30 years of allowable serviee vredit and no reduction in annuity; and with reference to propo�sal No. 5, as set forth in S. F. No. 220 and H. F. No. 267, pertaining to a 6 percent aeross the board increase to PER,� annuitants; be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19__ Meredith Tn Favor Peteraon Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O