242026 Orisinal to City Clert � � ORDINANCE 2��p� �6 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� ��� An ordinance am�ending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled; i'An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil 5ervice Bureau of the Gity of 5aint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, r' approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting an asterisk (�) before the title F'Ticket Seller�' where it appears i.n Section 7 under the heading "Special Employmentsr'. Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by i.nserting in Section 7, un.der the heading "Special Employments=', the title "Box Office Attendant". Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approva.l, and publication. � , Approved: _ vil Service Commi ioner t FEB 2 C 196� Yeas Councilmen Nays � Passed by the Council Carlson , � � Dalglish � Tn Favor , Meredith i�eter� Z5 Sprafka Against TEdesco -•s,= r .�e�?��+�it•� '�� �!�� � ' �;;�� Tr Vic�; �rc = . f� tl � ►16 �lp V@C�' — �8t: • � ' y Cler �� ` ,May �� Form approved Corporation Counsel B r / ,, �`�0�6�PUBLISHE::: MAR ��- ���� Duylicate to Printer ORDINANCE ��,�a�-��/� e FF,.t: �'��.�K�„!"P 1� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO J"� ��� -) An ordinance amend�i�.g C►rd�r�:ance No. 3250, entitled: "An adrninistrative ordinance relati.ng tr� t�Ze Civi1 Servi�e Bureau of the City of Saa.nt F"au1, approvi.ng and adopting rules and �egulatz�ns th�refor, �' approved August Z0, 1g14, as amended. '7CHE �C3UT3CIL 4F THE CITY' QF ;�,IN'T` JPAU`L� DOE� ORDAIN: Section �. '�hat Ordinance �'o. 325Q, approved Au,�ust Z0, 191�#, as amended, l�e and tha s�.mo �.s her�by further amended by inserting an aeterisk {*j before the tatie "Ticket ae�ler" where ft appeaxe in Section 7 under the headin�; ��Special Ernployments". :ection 2. 7Chat said c�rda�.naace, as amended. be and the asame is hereby further amended by inses�tang in ��ction 7, under the headi�g ���apecfal Exnployments", t�.e title "Box Office At�end�r�t'�. �ectior. 3. �l�is ardi.nance �ha.11 take effect a�:d be i.r� force� thirty days a#ter at� �r�ssage, approual, and pulblicatita�.. .Approved: Civi� ►�ervice Commi::ioner . s �,"��„ � . - �.,,.. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish � Tn Favor Meredith Pe#er� Q Sprafka Against Tedesco _ Mr. President (Byrne)' ' �___---,,,. � r �, n `� f } , � I , I � I � i � ;-�., This or�.inax�ce establishes a ne position of Box qf,fice Att�ads�afi � � ;� �.. at $2. 00 a;n hour. Th's became n.eeessa y because t�e Aiaditori�m. is goiag '� ix�to the bt�sines� nf s lli.ng t�i.eir own tie ts since the Field S�3il.icic Ticlaet � C�E#ice clo�led. �, 1 il ` i .; � � , :, � , i � I st .� " . 2nd �� Laid over to � � U 3rd and app � —Adop+ed `�'� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays � �arlson �arison �alglish �alglish w�eredith � ��r) � �eredith � � .+ li / �PefBrsvir� �f�eTyea '`s rafka � �S rafka i p P � \�Tedesco � edesco ��.,. ,. .�_ _ Mr. President Byrne �,:�P�esalen��B�tr� ; OlYir. �,'��d Y.es:3�zi` (t'cce�e�n)�