242023 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK � ��'f���6"' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL Nd. � ' I,zC��u'.;�'•�t��ITT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL RESOLUT ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �.! " �'@�J. �, 19�9 COMMISSIONE F RFESC!?.?�; That licenses a.n�lied for by the follot�,�nr nersons at the ad�r�sses state�, be and the ' same are h�reby �rantPd. t�att Dutcher 1123 N. Da?e '��:�ndow C3.eanin� :�pc�.7788Renewal 'I�,r�n City �ieat �unnly �o., Inc. 4C� ?s;. Kellog� 4V�45�-9(Foo�s� " 8022" Eden Valley Butter Co., Inc. 1132 '%hvrchi�ll 2�T�490-Z(Foods} " 8076• Leonard Juda„v 10;33 �"ront Tree Trim & 1q�547" 8121�� " '� 34#548-.rj� n a n George ?�. Busse 89� ��. Lazroenteur k'lorist-�3. " 8126" f� « - Z�57S �� � n Dennis & Herbert �arz 1�60 Universit�r C1rig.Cont. D ' 8172" ° " Off Sale I�IaIt � n n a n �"igarette a " '� �dward J. Kasorzyk 501-3 Universit�r Restaurant �-1 " 8S84-F� " " Tave rn " " " " " Off �ale N�alt " " * ° " Cigarette " n " ;onn,v's Bar, Inc. 8�?E� Pas,�ne Rest�urant C-2 " 86�:91' " " Off Sale �ialt �t n n " " Cigarette ,: u a Host, In•^.. 11'��-b Arcade Restaurant '"'-2 • 87�7" r+ „ Tav°rn a n a n n �ff Sa1e� Ma]..t r� a n " " �igarette " " n Tsden Valley i�utter �. � Inc. 1132 �hurch$11 Foods �PDT�f " $?51*� �merican Red �ross 413 �uditori.um Ji�arette " 8753" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approve_r] 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ��l����a� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ,z.��NS�; tipml,ql'�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE FP.b� �L� ��F9 Gontd. Pa�e 2 Cusick's, Inc. 81; �'ayne Resta��r�.nt �-1 �1�p.878E��enewal „ " G�f f Sale I�alt n n n n � �3.gal'ette n e+ n �ittman Liquc�r Store, Inc. 1110 �. Larr�enteizr C�ri�.:on�.. � � �?814" n n �1g31"ett� tt ►� n Gentile's. �n�. �R7-9 Pa�me �estaur�nt �-2 " 8854" " " Cff Sale Malt " n „ �' '� C�,�ai'e�te n im n n et �ig.Qoer'�2P�i n a n Lyle M. Triviski 67�3 Se1bsT Restaurant C-2 " 8920" n � Tave rn �, n rr " " aff Sale Malt " " " � �� Ci.g�x'ette n n r Victor� �tuto Park, Inc. 34� �'abasha Gas Sta.2P " g92''j" n � n n n �i.garette The HousF of Mor�an, Tn^. 741-3 E�mund Rest.a.u-,�ant ^-� " 89�" " " Off S�le I�alt " " " " " Ci�garette " " " 501 Ent�rprz.s-,s, Ino. ,501 Burr F�e�t�urant �-1 " 8954" " � Off �ale Nialt " " " " " �i�arette �' " „ Minnehaha Tavern, Tne. 17�t E. �iinnehaha Restaurant C••1 " 895�" " " C�ff Sa1e Malt �, w r� ■ " �igar'ette �, n n Larrv Eugene ��o,ye 4�-5 N. �exington RestaUrant ^-1 ". �974' " " Off Sale Malt " " " �� n Ci.garette " " " ° n Bau�lin� 12.�► " 8975" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approveci 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O ��;�0?:3 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK r CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. LICEIdS�;_oo�I'rTE� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY F@'b. Li 19Fg COMMISSIONER DATF • �ontd. PaPe 3 �'lla Swedal 9� �urr $eautv Shon �pp.9421�enewal Alonrae H. S^hulz lOd8 Areade Grocer•r A-2 " 9fl33" n w BUt^her " " n n " �ff �ale Ivla�.t t� n n N i� �igarEtte h n n �liver Thein S^hool of �eauty, In^. 5-7-9-11 E. 7th �eanty �hop " 9079' �uo�ramerica Divn. of a�I.�.R. Co. 296 �. 7th ?�Tardwa.re " 9�92" a ` 390 1' . �=aryland " " 9�95" P�arvin Price 847 �udson �?d. Gas -%ta.�P " 910$'� � n ��ri.R@A•�2T'. n n n �� " ��garette " " " F.�i. & Lfl�aell �harchill 87� payne Barber " 9110" Thomas 'r. Dumont 973 Pa-°ne Beautu ;�t�p '° 9153" I�artin S. Berwald 6831 F. 3�'d. Barber " 91t7n A-1 Auto T'arts & Salvage, In�. 3�3�3 ^.omo 2nd.Hd.M.F.Pts.Dlr." 9186" Edward �.�azla��ik 320 Front G�,s Sta.4�` " 9190" Angelo �J'itzli 2001 �roilliam-Roseville Bev. ° 9192" n „ 3�9��-� n n n SunraY Smorgasbord, In�. 2109 Hudson Rd. �igarette " 9�5° I�x'old C"zulde� 1202 Pa�me Qrig.�of�t.D " 9215'" n n Cl.�aret� n '" �' Sup�rior �'�00", Inc. 243 t�t. Pt.Dou�las Rd. Gas sta.�? " 9216' � " Grocerv A-1 " n John A. Remington 1152 Rire Gen.Rep.Gar. " gz3o" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 9—. Yeas Nays Carlson � - � '� �. �� Approve 19—_ / �, Meredith � Tn Favor , P� � Mayor Sprafka � � � ���`)��a� Tedesco A gainst % � �/ ::��4��i�i����:�;;::::: �...................... .. PIIBLISHEi F�B 8 1969 Mr. Yice President � O