242020 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � -J CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� � �'"'��� T.SC�.�1SF CC�II�Tm� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N�� COU L R SOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY L� `'� Februar�,T �, 1969 COMMISSIONE DATF RFSOLV�: ?'rat Appli.cation K-71.76 for Restaurant� Tavern� 0{'f Sale Ma1.t �evera�;e and Ci.�arette licenses, applie� for by The Hosnita.l Idi;ht club� Inc. at I�00 l�uditori.uri Street, bA and the same ar.e hereb�r granted. �N S�ILE LI�10�. ESTA�LI SH��'ETdT NE;�1 Inforr.lally ap proved by �ounc�I October 17, 1968 Old Location F�"8 4 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��,� �t Carlson ���'� � A ro 19— Meredith ,� Tn Favor � �� 1� Mayor S�rafku l� Tedesco A gainst �, �r. ��'����� PFI6LISHE, �f8 8 196� ;E1r.�Vice jPresident "•.••�.•..• °�°�