242016 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK �(�„���_� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. C I OLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF i I In the ma�ter of grading aad paving of LAFAYETTE ROA� Prc�m Grove St. to Arch-Penn. H�. (City Pro�ect F-3�+7A) under Final Ord�r, C.F. I�o. 2�15$8, approved Janu,ery 7, �-969• RESOL9ED, That the plaas and speci�ieatior�s for the above ne�ed iffiprovement, as submitted by the Co�.i.ssio�r of Publie Worka, be and the _ sa�me ere hereby approved; and be it f�rther RESOLVED, That t�e Purehasing Ageat be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bide on this im�prc>vemeat. F E B � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19___. Yeas Nays Carlson ��� �= 1969 �� / pprove ` 19— �'�' � Tn Favor y , Meredith �� J t��� Mayor A gainst Tedesco :�:�:��o�.�. :���i�i:::::::� � 1969 1vIr. viceePresident PUBLISHEP �EB �� DUPI.ICAT6 TO PRINTER �'�,[_+.. //� e �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. �" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAT� �n t.h�e m�t�er oP gradin� and per�ring c►t �JIFAYETT� Rtfl1D trom Gro�v� St. to Arch»P�enn. H�r. (�sty pro�ect P..34�A) una�r �s1 t�rct�x, C.F'. po. 2�1588, agprrnted JaauarY Ts 1969• RE30LYSD, 'Tbat the� p].a� eu� epe�citY�stiona tor tbe abo�re �ased impravearent, as subattted by the Camm�lamionar o! Pnblic 1�orks, b�e a�d tl�r , same are hereby gppreyv�d,� sr�t b4 it t�i,rther R$SOL'PSD,� Thst t�he }'?��ein$ �nt be and 2� ie he�reby �l.re�t.ed �o edvertiae tor bids oa thi� 3a�rQVre�eat, _ ws .,�ti ��x._ - _} _ r-, � e. ,._;. -- �., ��, - �,� _ ;' �;� ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays -;: �:.� � Carlson �� Approved 19— ande �--� � n Favor Meredith P��_ � Mayor Tedesco -`�-'� A gainst Mr. President, Byrne ��