242014 ~ ����� � �OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK j CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCII Na. OFFICE OF TH ITY CLERK CIL ESO U I —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY F�O @ � P tere0n COMMISSIONE DATF VF�EREAS, By authority of t e Laws cf Minnesota for the year 1959, Chapter 300, �.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 192216, approved May 2, 1959, tl�e City of Saint Paul� may pay a portion of the assessabie costs of Sideaalk Construction wMen s�ch costs exceed the benefits to the property or+ner, WHEREAS, It has been deterani�ed that the fall�ving described parcels of property be relieved of the following aa�ount: Description Am�unt Lot 7, Blk. 4, Irvine's 2�d Add, a�d the S 40 ft. of Lot 3, Blk. 1 , Phillip's Add. � 30.53 Pt NW' ly of Aven� as opened of Lot 16, Blk. 3, Irvine's Secoad Add. $ 28.69 Exc. W 3�► ft., lot 10, Blk. 1 , Subd. and Add. tc Irvine's Add. of Outlots $148,85 Lot 8, Bik. 2, Subd. of and Add. to Irvine's Add. af Outlots $131 .22 (Exc. E �+ f t.) Lot 11 , B l k. 2, Subd. of and Add. to Irvine's Add. of Outlots $133.65 W 69 ft. of Lot 10, Bik. 3, Subd. of and Add. to Irvine's Add. of Outlots $108.99 (Exc. W 69 ft.) Lot 10, Blk. 3, Swbd. of and Add. to irvine's �idd. of Outlots. $100.43 M'ly 65 ft. of N' ly 58 ft. of Lot il , Irvine's Add. of Outlots $ 98.72 Lot 3, Blk. 3, Phillip's Add. $ 29.68 Lot 4, Blk. 3, Phillip's Add. $ 29.68 � �" Ado ted b the Council 19— COUNCILMEN p Y Yeas Naya Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor _ Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne � .�OR161NAL TO CITY CLERIC ��� �`i��;�,���_��'� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �obert F. Peterson COMMISSIONER DATF Description A�ant Lot 13, Bik. 49, Lyman Daytons IAdd. $70.56 MNEREAS, The total aaae�unt of assessable costs the City may pay is $911 .00; nav t6�erefcre be i tt RESOLVED, That the Corn�issioner of Public Mlorks be and he is Mereby authorized to pay fro� the Permanent Improvea�ent Revolving Fund, Code 60�0 the a�oant of $911.0�, a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewaltc Constraction under the 1968 Sidewalk Contract b8-M-434, Levy No. 2A, District �io. 3, L-7�08 in t�e aaaount of $911.�U, said Permanent improveaient Revolving Fund to be reiaabu�sed frc�an the City's Share of Local Improve�ent Aid Fund, 0920-701 (1969) • _.:.._. _, _—.._ .;�.,�...�.. ��',,�. F��` � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19� Yeas Nays �E� �3 �9�� Carlson ��, pprove ' 19— Meredith � T� Favor Pa1'r�rann Sprafk2 J ���hg Mayor Tedesco A gainst ��;���� ..� 8 1969 °.. ,°.°°... .........i:`�' PUBLISHE! FEB 1Vir. Vice Presicient � DUPIICATE TO PRINTER � ���Y;�� '"? CITY OF ST. PAUL �oE Nci� NO- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F• '6�@1"BQCI COMMISSIONER �ATF M�lt�ASi, �y autharity of th� L�+s o� Mlnr�eaota For� tiaa ye��r 1959. Cha�ter 300, H.F. 21� and ratified by C.�'. No. 192216, ��pro�e� Mi�y �, �9�9. the City of S�int Pau1 , r�ay p�y a portlon uf the �ssessabia costs �� $idewalk Construct(on whsn such costs ex�ee�! the, �er�f i ts to tt� praperty owr�er, Wl�iER�'AS, t t has beea de�arml�ed �b��fi thee fot 1 cwri�g ebacr I bed parce 1 a af prop�rty be relieved of the faitowing �nountt #lmscr i pt iacr M�ount �...�..�... 1.ot 7, B 1 k. 4, !rv 1 na'� 2nd 1�dd. �nd tbe S 40 ft. of 6ot 3. Blk. t, Phlliip'� Add. $ 3fl.53 �`t NW'ly of Av�nue as t�ned of Lo� t6, 811�. 3. Irv1r�'� 5�cond Add. � �8.69 ��. w ��► ��.. �,t �Q, a��. i. s��d. �na Add. to lrvine's Adc#. af 0utlats $14$.$5 Lot $, B1k. 2, Subd. af and Add. to trvi�'s A�id. a►f Qut l ots $131.22 (Exc. E 44 ft.) I.ot ii, 81k. 2, $�bd. of and Add. tc trvine's Add. of 0utiata �133.�5 Y 6g ft. of Lot 10, Blk. 3. Subd. o� �n+d Add. to irvir�e's Add. of Autlots $i08.99 (��e. i� 69 f t.� Lot 10. B 1 k. 3, Subd. 4�' �nd Add. to 1 rv i n�'s �idd. af t�ut 1 ota. $l Ot1.43 W'1y 65 ft. of N'ly 5$ ft. of �,ot 11, IrvEne's Add. o!� Dutio�cs $ 98.72 LoC 3, �ik. 3, Phiilip's l�dd. � 29.68 Lot 4. Bik. 3, Phi111p's Add. $ 2g.�8 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith _�n Favor Peteraon Mapor Sprafku A gainat Tedesco Mr. Preaident, Byrne O ,�r-1•,��.�..��..i � DUPLICATfi TO PRINTEG � CITY OF ST. PAUL �oENCa NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �Q�r'� �� R��gI�:COr# COMMISSIONER DATF �scr i,��t ton A�unt t,ot 13. Blk. 4�, Ly�n D�ytons Add. $7Q.�6 1�'i�1�R�A�r Thea total a�cunt of asse�s�bi� costs tho �i�y rna�y pey is� �91 i.Ofl. n�arr the�refore be t t t ItESOLV�D, That �he Cvmmi�sior�e� of Pabiic Morks be and hee Is heraby autl�c��tze�ei ta Fa'Y �rom ti�► Permanent Impr+�ve�wnt M�votving �und, Code 6000 tia� enaunt of ¢911.00, s portion of thee �s�as�b1e cosCS ofi $tde+��lk 6onstructlon unde r Lha 196►$ S i�e�ra i k Con�raat 68-M�434, 1.avy tio. �1�1, D i s tt r i ct No. 3, f.•7008 i n the a�na►unt of $g 1�.qQ, s.�i d 1�e rmsnient i�rovement Revol v t ng t�und ta be ra imb�r�d firoan th� 61 ty's �haire of 1.�c�1 tm�►ranreunen� l�td �'und, 0�2qw701 (i 9�9) ��.� �. p, � ,. FG ,r;? y�,,; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— � � r'.;� :, � Yeas Nays Carlson ��. Approve� 19— Meredith �� Favor ��� Mayor Sprafka � A - gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne . _ ,..._ _��;.._ ��