242009 ���',VV� Connoil Flle No............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and ' PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' Thennderei�nedhereby propoeeethemslcingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City oi 8eint Psul,vIs.: reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of W. Stevens St. from Bellows St. to ..........................____...............................�......».... ........................»........................................».................. Bidwell St. and by doing all/work which is necessary and incidental to complete � s a id�improvement._.......................�......._. .....................................».........................._...........».»........_........_.... , Dated tLis., 31st.....d�y of.........................JaauarY...... _. lg 69 ..., . ; ................... ............_ ..... .. � Counoilmsn. i i I . PRELIMINARY OIZDER. ' � � WHER,EA� A written propoee►1 for the maldng of the following improvement� via.: '� ` reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of W. Stevens St. fram Bellows St. to i ...........................................................................................____..---•--..............-------....................... ......................................__ � Bidwell St. and by doing all other work which is necessarq and .incidental to com- j ..................................»......_............._...._............_____. .......................................................---........................_......................... plete said improvement. ' _.....--•..........................................................___..............._.................................................._......................--------.... .... 6sving been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul....................................................._.........._... ......�, ' ,� t6erefore, be it R.E$OLVED, That the Commisaioner of Publio Worke be and ia hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveetigate the neueeeity for, or desirability of,,the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigste the nature� extent and eatimated ooet of esid improvement� and the totsl ooet thereof. � 8. To furnieh�►plan, profile or eketch of said improvemeq� � 4. To atste whether or not esid impmvement ie asked for oa P,he petition of three�r more owaere. b. To report npon all ot the goregoing mattsre to the Commiesloner of F'inanoe. .�f�d'� S .� ���� Adopted by the Connoil.............................. ----•---.....---.................. Ysss Councilman Carlson �a�v 3 � 1�9 Dalgl ish APPtoved.._......................_..........--•--............----..._... I3e�arn�--- Meredith , Peterson , Tedesco , »....».. . '... . .......�... Mr. P�esident B�r�rre . Msyor. �000 �.aa _-, - � PUBLISHE� FEQ � 1969