242005 ORf61NAL TO CITY CL6RK • ` �
F CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� 24�U0�
PRESENTED BY �� � ` �'1� � �(� _ 1 � DATF
WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the
City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, (herein called the "Local Public
Agency") , proposes to enter into an Early Land Acquisition Loan
Contract (herein called the "Contract"� , for financial assistance
under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, (herein
called "Title I" with the United States of America (herein called
the "Government" , acting by and through the Secretary of Houaing
and Urban Development (herein called the "Secretary") , pursuant
to which Federal funds would be provided for Early Land Acquisi-
tion an.d other related activities in connection with an Urban
Renewal Redevelopment Project (herein called the "Project")
identified as the "Auditorium Renewal Project, Minn. R-53" ,
situated in the Auditorium Renewal Area, located in the City of
Saint Paul , Minnesota, described in the exhibit hereto attached,
marked MExhibit A" , and made a part hereo� by reference (and called
the "Urban Renewal Area"� and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota
(hereinafter referred to as the "Council" ) upon application of the
Local Public Agency for approval of a Redevelopment Plan for
Auditorium Renewal Area Minn. R-53, which application included a
copy of the Redevelopment Plan, an application to undertake proj-
ect activities during project planning stage, embodied in an
instrument entitled "Application for Early Land Acquisition Loan
Auditorium Minn. R-53" together with a relocation pla,n and finan-
cial plan and a certified copy of the minutes of the City Planning
Board regarding the said Redevelopment Plan and a certified copy
of the Resolution of the Local Public Agency approving the afore-
said Plan, and after public hearing in the manner required by law,
did approve the Redeve3opment Plan for Auditorium Renewal Project,
dated September 9, 1968, and determined upon the feasibility of
relocation and financing of the aforesaid Project; and
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish Approved 19�_
Meredith �n Favor
Sprafka ' Mayor
Tedesco A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne '—
Asst. Corporation Cou
� � }
2 .
WHEREAS, the financial plan submitted by the Local Public
Agency, with its aforesaid application for approval of the
Redevelopment Plan, as a means of interim financing of the under-
takings under said Redevelopment Plan, did propose entry by said
Agency with the United States of America into a contract provid-
ing financial assistance for Early Land Acquisition Loan under
Section 102 (a) of Title I , and the applicable provisions of said
Title I provide that "No loan for such purpose shall be made
unless ��� the governing body of the Locality ��� shall have
approved, by resolution, the acquisition of real property in the
urban renewal area" ; and
WHEREAS, said Title I also provides that the "Administrator
may ��� permit any structure so acquired to be demolished and
removed, and may include in any Early Land Acquisition Loan the
cost of such demolition and removal , together with �he administra-
tive , relocation, and other related costs and payments , if the
approval of the local governing body extends to such demolition
and removal'; and
WHEREAS, said Title I also provides that , "The loan contract
shall provide that the Local Public Agency shall not dispose of
any real property (except in lieu of foreclosure) until the local _
governing body of the Locality involved shall have either approved
the Urban Renewal Plan for the Project or consented to the dis-
posal of such real property" ; and
WHEREAS, in connection with the application of the Local
Public Agency for Redevelopment Plan approval and the approval
thereof by this Council , proposals for relocation and information
and data respecting said proposals prepared by the Local Public
Agency, as a result of studies , surveys , and inspections , and
upon the general knowledge of the members of the Council , and
after careful consideration of the foregoing, approval was given
to the feasibility of the relocation plan in said application
presented; and
WHEREAS, said Title I further prohibits any loans from being
made for the purposes of early land acquisition unless either:
(1 ) "The administrator shall have determined that
such loan is reasonably secured by a first mortgage or
other prior lien upon such real property or is other-
wise reasonably secured, " or
(2 ) "A governing body of the Locality shall have
assumed the responsibility to bear any loss that may
arise as the result of such acquisition in the event
3 .
that the property so acquired is not used for urban
renewal purposes because the urban renewal Plan for
the project is not approved, or is amended to omit any
of the acquired property, or is abandoned for any
reason. "
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota,
as follows :
l . That it hereby approves the acquisition of real property
in the urban renewal redevelopment area covered by the Redevelop-
ment Plan for Auditorium Renewal Project Minn. R-53, dated
September 9, 1968, and by the application of the Local Public
Agency for Early Land Acquisition Loan Contract .
_ 2 . That it also approves the demolition and removal of any
structure acquired with the financial assistance provided under
the Contract , and the inclusion in the Early Land Acquisition Loan
of funds sufficient to cover any costs of such demolition or
removal , together with the administrative , relocation and other
related costs and payments .
3. That the disposition of real property acquired with the
financial assistance provided under the Contract , in accordance
with the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan for Auditorium
Renewal Project , Minn. R-53, is hereby approved and consented to
by this Council .
4. That it is hereby found and determined and redeter-mined
that the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan, as heretofore
approved, cannot be achieved through rehabilitation of the prop-
erties in the project area to be acquired under the proposed
contract for early land acquisition loan, and that such acquisition
is necessary to remove conditions of blight and deterioration
within the Project Area and to accomplish other Redevelopment Plan
objectives .
5 . That it is hereby found and determined and redetermined
that the proposals of the Local Public Agency for proper reloca-
tion of individuals who may be displaced in carrying out the early
land acquisition and related activities in connection with the
project in decent , safe , and sanitary dwelling units are feasible
and can be reasonably and timely effected to permit the proper
carrying out of such activities ; and that such dwelling units
, . .
available , or to be made available , to such individuals are at
least equal in number to the number of individuals that may be
displaced, are not generally less desirable in regard to public
utilities , and public and commercial facilities , and that the
dwelling units are available at rents or prices within the
financial means o� said individuals and are readily accessible
to their pl�ces of employment .
6. That it agrees, upon behalf of the City, to assume , and
does hereby assume , the responsibility to bear any loss that may
arise as the result of the acquisition of land and the undertak-
ing of related activities with financial assistance provided
under the Contract in the event the property so acquired is not
used for Urban Renewal purposes , because either the Redevelopment
Plan for the project is amended to omit any of the acquired
property or is abandoned for any reason; that this Council further
represents that it will enter into a formal Agreement with the
Local Public Agency, in form and substance satisfactory to the
Secretary, a copy of which Agreement , entitled, "Cooperation
Agreement Respecting Loan Un�er Section 102 (a) of Title I of the
�='"" Housing Act of 194g , as amended, to Undertake Redevelopment
Project Activities in Auditorium Renewal Project , Minn. R-53" ,
between the Local Public Agency and the City of Saint Paul , having
been presented to and considered at this meeting, and is hereto
attached, under which Agreement the Council specifically assumes
the obligation to pay to the government upon demand any loss
sustained by the government under its cantract with the Local
Public Agency, and which Agreement by its terms is assignable to
the Government upon request ; and it does hereby further authorize
and direct the execution of the aforesaid Agreement for and in
behalf of the City of Saint Paul by the proper officers of the
locality as authorized by law; and that the Clerk is hereby
authorized and directed to file a copy of said Agreement as
executed with the minutes of this meeting and in the office of
the Comptroller. '
'7 . That it agrees pursuant to the aforesaid Cooperation
Agreement that an expression of the undertaking by the City to
assume said loss , if any, shall appear on the face o� any Project
Temporary Loan Note and Notes issued by the Authority payable to
the United States of America respecting the loan under Section
102 (a� (e� (b) of Title I , Housing Act of lg4g , as amended, which
expression shall be in the following language:
, � .. . - ��[''�```
ORI6INAL�TO CITY CL6RK �;�t���!� '�
"Undertakin� of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota"
"As additional security for the payment of principal
of and interest on this Note and all other Notes,
which are issued in accordance with the terms of said
Note , the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, for good and
valuable consideration, hereby agrees to pay said '
principal and interest in the event the funds on deposit
to the credit of the Project Temporary Loan Repayment
_ _ Fund, referred to in said Note, are insufficient to pay
the same when due and the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota,
hereby pledges its full faith and credit for such pay-
ment. This Undertaking is made in accordance with and
pursuant to the provisions of Section 305 of the
Temporary Loan Contract (Early Land Ac�}uisition) dated
- between the Housing and
Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul ,
Minnesota, and the United States of America, identified
as Contract No. Minn. R-53 (TL) for Project Min.n. R-53. "
JAN 3 0 196�1
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Car�son yAIV 3 C� Y9�9
Dalgliah A proveci 19__
Meredith �
_��___ln Favor
Peterson '
Sprafka V Mayor
A gainst
Mr. Preaident, Byrne RIJ$LISHfs� FEB 1 19�
�� . �� � � �.�
Area Coda 612 �LTY o.e PAUL J. KELLY
223-5I21 �a� g, THOMAS J. STEARNS
�� : _ • ,,5 ARTHUR M. NELSON
�s "` ° �� JEROME J.SEGAL
316 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 5510Z
Corporation Counsel January 31, 1969
Honorable Mayor and Members
of the Council of the
City of Saint Paul
Re: Auditorium Renewal Project Minn. R-53,
Saint Paul, Minnesota
As counsel for the City of Saint Paul (herein called the
"Locality"), I have examined the certified records of the proceedings,
inclurling, particularly, those certain resolutions adopted on January 23,
1969, and January 30, 1969, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul,
State of Minnesota, approving the undertaking and ca.rrying out of Early
Land Acquisition, demolition and removal, relocation, disposition,
and related activities by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority
of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (herein called the "Local Public
Agency") with the assistance of a Temporary Loan frora the United States
of America, Department of Housing and Urban Development, under provisions
of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (herein called "Title
I"), and authorizing the execut�a�n of an agreement with the Local
Public Agency, pursuant to which the Locality assumes the responsibility
to bear any loss that might arise as a result of such acquisition
in the event that the property so acquired is not used for urban renewal
purposes, because the urban renewal plan for the project is not approved,
or is amended to omit any of the acquired property, or is abandoned
for any reason. I have also exaa�ined said agreement.
It is my opinion that:
1. The Locality has full, adequate, and lawful authority
and power pursuant to the City Charter and the Statutes
of the State of Minnesota to approve the undertaking
and carrying out by the Local Public Agency of the
Early Acquisition of real property, demolition and
removal, relocation, disposition, and related activities
to the above identified Urban Renewal Project pursuant
�tova� �aontract between the Local Public Agency and the
Government for an Early Land Acquisition Loan under
the provisions of Title I.
Mayo� and Council 2. January 31, 1969
2. The Locality has full, adequate, and lawful authority
and power to enter into a valid and le�ally binding
agreement with the Local Public Agency, £or the
benefit of the Government, under which the Locality
assumes the responsibility to bear any loss that raay
arise as a result of such Early Land Acquisition and
related activi�ies recited in such resolutions.
3. Said proceedings have been taken and said resolutions
adopted in form, manner, and otherwise as authorized
by law; and further, that the agreement has been duly
and legally made and executed within the authority
prescribed by law.
None of the proceedings and no suthority for the execution
of said a�reement for the Locality's compliance with the provisions,
terms, and conditians thereof, upon demand of the Govermaent, have
or has been repealed, rescinded, or revoked and said resolutions are
in full force and effect. No Iitigation of any nature is now pending
ar threatened, either in State or Federal courts, restraining or
enjoining the Locality's execution of said agreement or affectinR
the validity thereof of the proceedings aforesaid.
Respectfully submit ,
��ation Co nsel
i a�u:.� � � �
Assistant Corporation Counsel
! a
��i�s t� �����` � ��ry�0�t ��r�$���i� �� �
C�ty ot Saiat la�l�, �am�rr�ta, ��►sr+�rta +��iis� #�rr "L�,at i�lie
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Gos�ra�a#� �Itsrs�r�i�a �iltd �wr """�oa��s°��at�' , f�r �i�u►ei�►1 �ii�
.�.r titi. � o� #�. �r�s �o� �►: i , .. � t�►ia.
s�l�d *"!`it�� T'�� wi'��i t�!► �#�s� �+��i►tsflF ot A��'#oli! �$s�'Mr�Ullt �ttl+lplt
t.�r "�o'rt�s�tt" , aati� #� ,ei� t�� th�t i���� of �I'�a�i�
a�d � I��Ir�o�t ��rlt�'afia ��Yid �r �!�ls��a�r�r"�: �'��ri
to t�t:D 8'��1 t�i� rr�l+d be �1� ��� La�tl�► � ��f���+*
�is� e� ot�r ��sted �#��.t��� �� aar�rotf� ftiti� aact t�►�a►
�C�w1 8�t��lo�M�t� P�o,�s+�':� (�+M�ra►#,a �a11�1 tht "Ps1►,��It"�
iA�►tili�►d as t�r► "A�rti#.�►ria� ��r�sr�►2 �ro�a+ot, M��. �-�3*#
silwt� ia the Aaditas�i� '��ri11 Arfa� ��attd �� �r +Cit�r at
Salat Ps�l, 1�[i�t�ta�, d�rsari�A ia� �lat �iDtt h+s�t� att�+d,
N�c+1�d �tbi t l��`r i� a�t�+�► 1i �#rt #M►!'i0�� 1M� r's!�'�4i ��i1t s�l�,i�
E�ir "Qa�rs �I�wrorl A�+ra"� �L
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(h�r�i�t�r r�tsrta+t tt► as t�e *�G�Qaacil") nrp�a �►BPlie����oie o#" tlal
L�oal Publi+� t��Y far a�►pr�►�ra1 oi s ��rnl�rprr�� Plaa� !or
J1�rd��ri�t �1 A�; '�p�. �••�;, �i� a�li�riio�t il�!�rr�►t a
so�r v� t�ur P�rrrs�lo��t Plaa, � �pplioatios io tard+�rt�►1ts l�w,�
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la�t�et �at3t�a►d *A�rpli�aSiars iar �a�si� Laarrd �sq�r#aiti�sa 3�a�t
I►�iior�o� l�i�n. �.-��� te��rtl�r �r1t� a r�i��iar p1aa. a�rd tl��
eital �la�t �t a eysriixis4 ��r a� t�r ria�i�s �►t t� �it�r Fl�
�l+�r�l ae��ard�t� t3�+� raid R��sla►�t Pla� add a ���rtif#i+�d oA�r
ai t8� Rssol�t�� ai t�b� L��cl �►1►1tc �t�o�r �Yix� 't�har rr#�w�•
�id Pia�� a�rd +a��r �bl�� �r�.r3� ia t� ��c s+�re� �r ls�r,
tii a�rr+� '� ��di�►ielop�t�t �+�nt i+�r A��i iasittr �t�rtn�t. ls�►�l+r��,
iat�+i �pta�wr�" 4, l�, a�d dat+�=u� �tp+� t� t�a�r�At�l�t�' at
s�+�lov�ti� aa�i #i��#a� �rt �tA�r �tto:f�rald �i�c+,�ret t �p+4
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeag Nays
Dalglish . Approved 19�_
Meredith Tn Favor
Sprafka. Mayor
Tedesco A Sainst
Mr. President, Byrne
��i��u V 4�
2 .
W��EREAS, the financial plan submitted by the Local Public
Agency, witri its aforesaid application for approval of the
Redevelopment Plan, as a means of interim financing of the under-
takings urider said Redevelopment Plan, did propose entr'y by said
Agency titi�ith the United States of �lmerica into a contract provid-
ing financial assistance for Early Land Acquisition Loan under
Section 102 (a) of Title I , and the applicable provisions of said . �
Title I provide that "No loan for such purpose shall be made
unless ��� the governing body of the Locality ��� shall have
� approved, by resolution, the acquisition of real property in the
urban renewal area" ; and
WHEREAS, said Title I also provides that the "Administrator
may ��� permit any structure so acquired to be demolished and
removed, and may include in any Ear�ly Land Acquisition Loan the
cost of such demolition and removal , together with the �administra-
tive , relocation, and other related costs and payments, if the
approval of the local governing body extends to such demolition
and removal '; and
WHEREAS, said Title I also provides that , "The loan contract
shall provide that the Local Public Agency shall not dispose of
� any real property (except in lieu of foreclosure) until the local .
governing body of the Locality involved shall have either approved
the Urban Renewal Plan for the Project or consented to the dis-
posal of such real property" ; and
WHEftEAS, in connection with the application�of the Local
Public Agency for Redevelopment Plan approval and the approval
thereof by this Council , pr-oposals for relocation and information
and data respecting said proposals prepared by the Lacal Publie
Agency, as a result of stud'ies, surveys , and inspections, and
upon the general knowledge of the members of the Council , and
after careful consideration of the foregoing, approval was given
to �he feasibility of the relocation .plan in said application
presented; and
WHEREAS, said Title I further prohibits any loans from being
made for the purposes of early land acquisition. unless either:
(1) "The administrator shall� have determined that
such loan is reasonably secured by a first mortgage or �
� other prior lien upon such real property or is other-
wise reasonably secured, " or �
(2) "A governing body of the . Locality shall have
assumed the responsibility to bear any loss that may
arise as the result of such acquisition in the event
. 3•
that the praperty so acquired is not used �or urban
renewal purposes because the urUan renewal Plan for
the project is not approved, or is amencled to omit any
of the acquired pr. operty, or is abandonecl for any �
reason. "
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota,
as follows:
1 . That it hereby approves the acquisition of real property
in the urban renewal redevelopment area covered by the Redevelop-
ment Plan for Auditorium Renewal Project Minn. R-53, dated
September 9 , 1968, and by the application of the Local Public
Agency for Ear1y Lanci Acquisition Loan Contract .
2 . That it also approves the demolition and removal of any
structure acquired with the financial assistance provided under
the Contract , and the inclusion in the Early Land Acquisition Loan
of funds sufficient to cover any costs of such demolition or
removal , together with the administrative , relocation and other
related costs and payments .
3. That the disposition of real property acquired with the
financial assistance provided under the Contract , in accordance
with the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan for Auditorium
Renewal Project , Minn. R-53, is hereby approvec���and consented to
by this Council . .
4. That it is hereby found and determined and redetermined
that the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan, as heretofore
approved, cannot be achieved through rehabilitation of the prop-
erties in the project area to be acquired under the proposed
contract for early land acquisition loan, and that such acquisition
is necessary to remove conditions of blight and deterioration
within the Project Area and to accomplish other Redevelopment Plan�
• 5 . That it is hereby found and determined �and redetermined
that the proposals of the Local Public •Agency for proper reloca-
tion of individuals who may be displaced in carrying out the early
land acquisition and related activities in conn.ection with the
project in decent , safe , and sanitary d•we•lling units are feasible
and •can be reasonably and timely effected to permit the proper
carrying out of such activities; and that s�ch dwelling units
. . ��'�����
, . 1�� . ...
available , or to be made available , to such indivicluals are at
least equal in number to tYie number of individuals that may be
displaced, are not generally less clesirable ir� regard �o public
utilities , and public and couiniercial facilities, and that the
dwelling units are available at rents or prices within the
financial means of said individuals and are readily accessible
to their places of employment .
6. That it agrees, upon behalf of the City, to assume , and
does hereby assume , the responsibility to bear any loss that may
arise as the result of the acquisition of land and the undertak-
ing of related activities S�llt}1 financial assistance provided
under the Contract in the event the property so acquired is not
used for Urban Renewal purposes , because either the Redevelopment
Plan for the project is amended to omit any of the acquired
property or is abandoned for any reason; that this Council further
represents that it will enter into a formal Agreement with the
Local Public Agency, in form and substance satisfactory to the
Secretary, a copy of which Agreement , entitled, "Cooperation
Agreement Respecting Loan Under Section 102 (a) of Title I of the
Housing Act of lg4g , as amended, to Undertake Redevelopment
Project Activities in Auditorium Renewal Project , Minn. R-53" ,
between the Local Public Agency and the City of Saint Paul , having
been presented to and considered at this meeting, and is hereto
attached, under which Agreement the Council specifically assumes
the obligation to pay to the government upon demand any loss
sustained by the government under its contract "tirith the Local
Public Agency, and which Agreement by its terms is assignable to
the Government upon request ; and it does hereby further authorize
and direct the execution of the aforesaid Agreement for and in
behalf of the City of Saint Paul by the proper officers of the
locality as authorized by law; and that the Clerk is hereby
authorized and directed to file a copy of said Agreement as
executed with the minutes of this meeting and in the office of
the Comptroller.
'] . That it agrees pursuant to the aforesaid Cooperation
Agreement that an expression of the undertaking by the City to
•assume said loss , if any, shall appear on the face of any Project
Temporary Loan Note and Notes issued by the Authority payable to
the United States of America respecting the loan under Section
102 (a) (e) (b) of Title I , Housing Act of 1g4g , as amended, which
expression shall be in the following la�guage:
• • - , . .
�� ���� �� ��� � �� '� ���
ii a�ri 1a� �i �1� 1�1+1� aM s�x +�� l�ir'�,�
rrbiait +� is�t la�► a+��r� ��Ir � #�rws +�►f �i+i
�is�, � Cl�� +�# �aisi f�wl, �t�, f�r � s�
•�tlw�ie3� ��#���, fl�rra� a�arvn�s �► �► ��d
�ar�� a�1 is�+�n�rst #►� t�M ar�r+��i t�lw #+� +�r ��r�tt
�o t�4r� o�+�rtit st � tsa,�+a�f ���ta�r � �r�r�t
, !!�!� �ttiT�'Mt i� is �rt� :�'#+�►�, � ��ti�il�t t�+s �r
't�D� �+�M �� �M aw,t �r t�#��► �!' s�t !"a�e�„ �aMt+�rta�,
��!' !�� lis i�i �1t� +��wt +��li* frrs �t �►
��. '!i!a �rt�kLs� �r ri� �a► ar��wrr� �ri� iri
�aq�'a�Mt# t�rt '� ��nr+r,i+��+o�r s� �ti�r�r � �t �
l+r��si�e7► L��► ��w�R ��arli L�wt 1�l,�+�#�s� i+r��
rs1�s � �rri� �
�3�t �t�i�e�ri�► �t' �s Ci'� �t �t� !�*
lfi��wrf�, a�wN #� �t#� �a� a►f M�►�l+�e��, ii��i!'i��rt
+as 6�ra#s'�rti Yi: 11�t. �� �'!�j t� l�,��t# l�as. �••3�.#
JAN 3 0 1969
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Carlson ,9RIRIi 3 0 1�
Dalgliah Approved 19—_
Meredith �n Favor
Sprafka Mayor
Tedesco A Sainst
Mr.Preaident, Byrne