241989 Oit�6INAL TO CITY CLBRK 241��� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES UT ON-G� L FORM C MM SS�ONE Robert F. Yetarson � A T�HSRBAS, In the aatter of the contract aith Beatsum S� Kellq, IAC., for thm constrnetion of the MARYLA�!1H-BRAIIiBRD SBt�ISR SYST�i, Fro ject Ho. 68-S-1258, Cosptmller's Cantract No. L-7�58, which had a eontract cospl�tion date af Octob�r 15, 1968, and iiBERBAS, The Gontractor did mot co�plete the coatract work until Ne>vea- ber 25, 1968, a�d tb�ra is no shflWing t�aat th� failur� ta co�pl�te the �rk ia the sp�cified ti�ae Was dne tc� csnsss beyond the Contractcr's control, a�d �RBAS, Seetion 1.54 u€ the Speci€icetions for Street and Se�er CoA- strnction prc�vfdes for pa�eat of liqt�i:dated daaages a�d the costs of engi- neering and ia�pection tc� E�o City for failt�re to co�plete tha work by the Coatractur withit� the ti�e sp.cified, and WHBRBAS, The Toltz, Ki�g, Duvall, At�derson � Assoeiates, I�+c. EngineeriAg Cospa�q, Consulting Engineer fcr said project, has sgbsitted a cl�ia� i�a the a,onats of $342.34 for eagineeriAg ead ia�pection eosts for the period fro� October 15, 1968 to Rove�ber 25, 196�, phich period covers the delay i� coapleting the �rk, a�d �iHBRBAS, T�e Citq did aot suffer as�y other sea��rabl• dasag�� dm� t� t�e delay iA co�pletittg the �ort;. ngN, therefare, be it R$S�LVED, Tbat tbe City hereby vai.ve� liq�idated damages and eztends the coatract cx��pletfo� date te� �ve�b�r 25, 1968, provided that Beatso� S� Kelly, Iac. paqs•�to t�e City t�e �us of $3�+2.34 to cc�ver tha extr� cost cf � � . eagineeri�g aad iaspectioa for the period of October 15, 1968 to Nove�ber 25, , 1968, as clr�i�ed by Toltz, King, Dt�vall, Andersan � Associates, Inc. $agi- neeriag Coapm�y, said a�oa�t of $342.34 to be credited to thie prnjeet to ccver ssid clai� bq Toltz, King, Dava21, Ander�o� � As�ociates, Inc. Engi- aeeriAg Cospa�y end alsa prorided that �,this re�oluticn s�all bave no force or sffect �nle�� the s�reties on t�e Coatractor's boad cc�asent thereto aAd file snch cansent in writi�g vith t�e Citq Cosptrcll�r. ,�AN 3 0 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �/,�� � Y` �q69 Dalglish � Approvec� 19—_ Meredith " � Tn Favor ,�, Peterson ' Sprafka U Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISWE� FEB 1 1969 0 D�.PLICAT6 TO PRINTER �A���'� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� •-i � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F"E N�• COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MMISS�IONER Robezt F• Pt?!�@!x`80T1 npTF '�IEREAS, In the matter af the co�ta:a�cC w�th Beat�on & Kell�y, Ina., for t'he construation of tk�e �ARYLAI�t�-B1tAI�VBRD SEWER SXS?EM. Pra,�ect �in. b8-S•11�38, Comptroller's CAntr�ct Na. L-7fl58, which hed a ec�ntract conpletion da�e of Jct�ber 15, 1958, and W�IE�'���A�, The CoAtractor did not campl,�t� the contracat wcrtc until Navem- ber 25, 1968, e�nd there is no shaw�.n� �k�g� the failure �a cc�mplete �he work in the apeeified time was due ta caus�a 'be�ond Che Co�trector's control, and WHEREAS, Sectiean 1.54 of the 3pecif ications for Street and Sewer Con- struction providee far geyment of liqeiidat�d damagse $nd the costs of engi- neertn� and inspeetio� to the C�.ty for €ailure ta cc��plete �he work by the ContracCor within the time apsc3�fi�d, �nd WI�REAS, The �calt�, �Cin�f 1�va11, Andereon & Associates� Inc. �n�ineering Compenq, Consulting �r�gine�r for said pro�ect, t►as suba�itted a clsim in the amounts af $342.3k fcrr engiaeering and insgectivn casts For the �eriod from Octah�r 1., 1968 ta d�avember 25, 1968, which pe�iod cc�vers the delay in ca�apl�Czng the work, and W�EREAS, The C3ty did not �uff�� any other measurable dama�es due to the delay in completin�g th� wor�e; n€ow, Cherefore, he it RBSOLi�D, That Che City herabq walves liquids��d daa�age� and extends the coatr�ct completion d,ata tio Nov�mb�r 25, 19G8, provided that �eatsan & K�lly, Inc. pays Co the Citp the s�wn o� $342.3�► to cnver the exCra cost of engineerin� and inspection for tha per;it�r2 +�f Octob�r 15, 1968 �o �tove�nber 25� I968, as claimed by To2tz, Kin�, Duvall, �derson & Associ.etes, Inc. Ean�i- neeria� Co�psny, sa�id a�aunC of $342.34 to be credi�ed ta Lnis pra��ct to cover caid claia� by Toltz, King, Duvell, ,Aaderson & A�ssac3ste�, Inc. Engi- neering Company and alao prov3ded �hat thi� res�lut�ar� �h�ll heve no force e►r e�€ect unle�s the suretias on the Cantr�cto�r's bcynd cansent thereto and f ile s�ch cvnsent in Writing Mith th� Gity �ptrolJ.er. .��� � � ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays f Carlaon I i�`�r �" Dalglish �r i, Approved 19� Meredith ` Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka L� Mayor Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, Byrne O