241987 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK 24�,�8'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCI O UTION—G L FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DATF T�RSAS, In the aatter of Co.ptrolltr's Cantraet L-7�6� for th� CLASE�ICS- IVY-�AZELWDOD ST�RM RIILIEF SBNBR, Laaetti � 3on�, Contractor, the spocified datr of coapletio� ic October 31, 1969, aad WRBx$AS, The Cc�ntractor has prosecuted tbe Mork diligently aad all of tha work czcept the street rastoratian wes s�bstantiallq coapl�te befors the contract cospletion date of October 31, 1968, end tha etreet restoratian work Was delaqed by the unc�saallq wet weat�er in Octc►ber, so it was not pc�ssible to co�plste the contraet bq said date of coapletion; therefore b� it RESOLVSD� That the proper City pfficial� be and theq are hereby aeit�r- ized aAd diracted to execnte an a�Q�adsent to said contract exta�diag the ti�e of eoapletion ta Noveeber 3�, 1968, provided howaver, that this resolt�- tion s�all bave no force or effeet naless the sgreti�s on the Comtractor's boad coa�ent t�ereto and file such con�ent in Writing with the City Cc+ap- trollsr, ar�d be it F[JRT�R R�.SOLVBD, Ttut the City of Saint Fagl berebq Waives all claie for liqniduted dauges and tbat no eAgi�eQring �d iaspection cost: an this projeet will be charEed te the Co�tractor for a�sch exteaded period. �� �/ �f ,,f JAN 3 � 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson ��� `� t' �969 Dalglish � Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafka (� Mayor A gainst Tedesco P�g��s�E� F�B 1 Mr. President, Byrne �9Gg O DUPLICAT6 TO PRINTER �y �� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N�,�-�,;��( OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �"E COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coMM SS�IONER Robert F. Peterson DATF �]HERE�'�5, Ir� th� taa?���r v� Comptmller�s Contrsct L-�OC�(? �r�r th� CLA�iEt�CE- IVY-H�L1e�OD STORI�i RBLIF� SEWER, La�n�tti & Son�, CcynCractr�r. the specified date of completion is October 31, 29Fi9, and W�i�i�A:;, '�'he 3Cat�tr�c�t�r has ptosecuted the work dil�.gently anci all of th�e wurtc �xcept the street r�stor�tian was subst�tntiall�r co�pleC� �iefore th� contract campletia�n date of Octuber 33�, 1968. and �he stzeet restorat3on work was delsyesi by �he ur►usually wet weether in October, ao it was not pn��3b1ti to complete the cc�ntr�et by �aid date of c��l�tion, the�;�tQro be it R�S(7LV�T1, 'That tbe prnper Gity Off�oial�s be and they are hereby author- ized and directed to ea�c►ste ast am��d�nt to said contract extendin� the tia�e of comple�ian to Navemb�� 30, 1968, provided howev�r, tta�at ehis resalu- tion s1Ra11 k�enva na force ar effeat unl�ss the sur�ti�s on the Contractor's hond con�az�� thereto and £ile sueb coztsent 1n wri�ing with the Ci�y Comp- �roller, rrnci be it FUFtTH�:f� ItESt�LV�I?, 2'hat Che City of Seint �'�nl h�reby w��ves all claia� �or ltc�utda�ed clsmabes and that no e�ngi�neexing and insgecti�xa costs on this pro ject will be cherged to the Ga►ntractc�r fox seach exter�d�d gpz!€zd. , ,�,�> °r .°? �;{"'��-.� ��.�� � �- ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays ' � Carlson ' ' Dalgliah �`' Approve� 19__ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O