241974 ,a � . y ORf�INAL TO CITY CLBRK 2419.74 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NQ,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R T 'N—GE FORM PRESENTED BY RobQrt F• P�C@r�OA % F COMMISSIONE WBBRBAS, Additions vhich aight prove to be neces�ary in the Lproveaent describ4d a� 6rading aud Paving of SHBFARD R�AD frot Davern Stre�t to Raakin Street aad YO�iN��AN AVEHUB froa MaqAard Drive exte�ded to Raakin Street and � Sanitarq S�wtr in YOLTNGMAN AVSI�t1E frc� Raakin StrQet to the cul-de-sac, Co�p- trell�r's CoAtract L-6695-17, Aehbach Coastruetion Co�pany, Contractor, have beea provided for in th� Specifications, and WHEREAS, It has been faund n�ces�ary to �ake the following Additicns: l�DDITIO�S ed ps p�r attsch�Contract Change Agrsueat No. 1 $778.tN3 ��� As per attached Ca�tract Cha�g� Agr��aeat No. 2 41.10 � TOTAI. �IET ADDITIONS $819.10 aad W�tHASs The total addition is $819.1�, a�e� the Cooissioaer of Public fiorks has agraad with th� Co�tractor tbat the a�o��t of �819.10 is the correet sa� to be added to said contract; therefore be it RSSOLVBD, Thnt the City of St. Faa�l through its City Couacil approves t�e foreguing additions tade ia accordance aith th� Sp�cifieatioas in the s� of $819.1�, said atonnt to be added to the l�p s�a consideration �a�ed in the contract, kno�n as Coeptroller's Cc�ntract L-6695-17, aAd whieh a�cnc�t is to be paid for fro� l�nicipal State Aid Froject 64-194-15 <Chsnge Agree- s�nt No. 1) snd Mnaicipal State Aid Suspsns� Fnnd (Ct+aag� Agree�est No. 2). JAN 2 9 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �A� 2 9 19�g Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor Peteraon ` Sprafka U ayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE� FEB 1 1969 O . � ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTrfENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 24�(]►"�j + •7�� CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 FROJECT A'0. 67-P-31��31 & �2 CONTRACT N0. �,-�635-ll CONTRACTOR Ashb�ch ConsCtuctian Co. , r PROJECT DESCRIPTION GTttdfil� & P&ViFtfl S'��'!"�SJ r�'�E�.Ia - ��v�7Ci� to F.�FikiA ar.d Y4IINGMP,N AWE�tt3E • t�f�ynard Dr.. est. Co Rankin St�ECt e�� S��3tary ��wor �.n YG�irGt��I3 AVE�:UE • Renkin t+o cctl-de-aac. In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the con"tract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to, or deductions f rom, the contract, Additions Construct r�anho2a Typ� I C20' d���g � $525.Q0 F,ewov�d d��e�cforat�d �:cis��aa� r�aan�oP� st Spr3a;f4�ld and Ste�erC 8nd cona�ruct;.ed t�ew �sn�l�. E�cava�ed teat taolcr - � yd. b3ci�oa �i.5 hrs. � �$i€3.�Ef 81.a0 Aug te,s` ho2es to deter�ir�� roc� ElQVat�os�s. A�ove� �rtavel base, re-e�e�,va�c:ai $�:b•�rad� az�d relaid �rave�I base fra� 5te. 22+00 to 23+a0 in thr� w��t b�ucad l�n�.� �i�c��aa�y d�e to chsn;a o� ' �rado. t�oLar GradQr Z � ' I��r;. f� $g4.Ca � _ $2E.00 � Sczaper Z �►��. @ 22.t'� � $4k.OtJ , , . 72.OQ Ad�ustod catc:� basin �`9 Ia�er�21y 3.5 �t. ; 1.urup seu� 5�.00 � Nece�a�ry cic�e to sta&i�a� e�^r4r. , , . Furnish & �nsCal�l concre�e 8p�an a� ou�Ie� pip� r�� ��. �7�90 luaap et� 5�.00 • • � ToCaI �.ddi�ioa� 5778.00 Tbi� additional ama3unt to he charged £� A:ixx�n�.�i�a2 Stats ASd Pro ject 64�i94-15. . . ( , � _.�= . �<-. ,- . .: .��.. %- 2�� 19 N " �shbach Cor�a�r�sct�.vn Cos� sm f / � �,L_ � Y /.C�nstrucC�on En ' eer / Contractor L , ..,�... �' ��.r�/w�'19� . B l"� i 9 � ,�=�— Engin � � �� ��.���`� ��,�� /r, ' �. _ �� ,e'L�-1� � 1 g� Commissioner �` �.� • q ��,�.�f Com roll�r � � � ` , � 0 riginal (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Engineer .. - J C ITY OF SAINT YAUL - DEY�RTh1�NT OF PUBLIC WORKS ' CONTRAI:T CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 2 ' rROJECT I�O. 57�p-3�8�-�,�2 CONTRACT N0. �,-�,695-17 CONTRACTOR As�bach ConaCruation Co. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Grading nnd °FVin� �'�'.�L�.��1J �:�3AT? fram Aav�m St. to f���:in St. ttnd__ X.42Z1'�'�;a"�'� �1�JI'�"J� rc� �?�yyaa�rd �?�c. exr. to F�erkizt �L. �n�1 S&��.��a'� Sec;�r in YO�IT:u€?rltt A'JE. ,� fm� Fat�kin at. to tPao sul-d�-sac. In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to, or de�uctions from, the contract. Addi�iou� Remove concrete pave���.t - 16.� t��,. ye�s. (� $1.60 $2b.4td Aea�ve concr�t� curb 49 1#.n. f e. C� � .30 �.4.7E3 To�a�� Ac�ditfans y41.10 TP�e s�ovC x�vaF 4.rea�E a*ere n�ca�sa�y t� c�nstruct tbe accel�rs�ton l�e �t Rank3� �treeC and Shepe�rd Road. , �his additidr,al e�unt to ba ffna�ced ��sa� t�.inicip�l St�te Aid Suspeuse Fund. . , , , . , / ;�� /.. � . _, � � .�±I � r" , 19 � `" As�bac�i Co�a��YUCt�an Co�n�,r�y / ', 1./��. r z .� r-r.1_ /- ),_! Corstrucfiion En�in r � . Contractor f� �-�. ����'' /�r ��'.�4z.��:�..+s.. � ' � �` �/��" 1°—� By �19—� Chi gineer • � / ��3 i g� / � �%' ^,' i9� Commiss ioner � „ �� 1�-�1 f-�, o`mp -ITer /� � . Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplica�te (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. ,To Comptroller To Engineer • � � , CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 2,419.!� CONTRAt.T CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 PROJECT N0. 67-P-31�3X & �2 CONTRACT N0, L-G6�S-17 CONTRACTOR Ashbflch C�s��t�al�tion Co. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Grad�.n� & P�'�i�ry 4s"'''`F'1�r.ID P:��� - �FV��tt C4 f'�as�tc�.n and S'Q�JIYG.�i���.�t AVE?4`'�E • Maynard Dr. Q��. to Aant.in Stra�t ar�d S�z:sitrsry Sec�c�r in Y�}�P3Gt�A�3 A�EP�'J� - Ra.�kin La , : cul-de-3a�c. In nccordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for � items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to, or deductions from, the contract. Aclditioz�s Construct nara�aola Typcs I (20� d�e�) ` $52S.00 Fe:�,oved �o�QriorAtad ��i���.ng m��hole st Sprin�field �nd Ste�erC end const:ucted �aQw m�mai'�slQ. Exc�vataad t�st tnol3s - � yd. b�.�tcY°�a� 4.5 h�s, @ �$18.Ofl �1.OU L�ug test halas to d@tes�mine rack al�vat�a�s. ��vad �raval base, re-ex��v�te�i sub•�;r�,�� end rel�id �ravQl basa lEro� Ste�. 22+00 to 23+Q� in tht� wa�t boutad l�tae. P3o�e��ary due �o ch�ia;e� a� ' grade. I�otar Gradar 2 hrs. g �1.�.�0 � _ $2�.Q0 . Sc��aper 2 l�rs. @ 22.ttfl � $44.an , . 72.�0 Ad�ustad catc3� b�sin �'9 Ieter�lly 3.S ��. luzap seama 50.00 NecesBary dve to r��s�Cia�� err¢�r. , , , . Furtzish 6 Ins�olY c�ncrs�e epron at outlet pipa e� S�. 57�9A lu�p scus SO.i3� ' � ' To�al Addit3aa� $77�3.OdT Thia additionei �iunt �o be cha�g�d t.o I�a�cipal Sta�� Aicl��xo��ct b4-194•15. -rl ��� ...-- /-/�< : : .�_ -�-� . %� l�'' 19 � � ffi�hb�c� Co���rucicio� Gac�� �n � . ��L � Y C.�nstrucLfon En ' eer / Contractor ,/��. ..�� ` ,,��• ' �..�19Ca°/ B �19� Engin �- : , r f'� � ��`F��'�� aCr 15l"i ." %i �'� .y � .e1� � _ /.-. 19� .� Commissioner ;�^t,��_�;�� C.�'"v7 �,, ;/Com�1 �r � � , Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Tripli ate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Engineer ., _ �, ,� C ITY OF SAINT "PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 2 rROJECT h0. g�-p-�1$g-j�2 CONTRACT NQ. T-ti�9S•],7 CONTRACTOR, Ashbach Construct3on �a. , PROJECT DESCRIPTION_ Gr�din� And P�^v3n; ��'.�la�?n �:OAT� fzom T3avera3 wt. to Fankin St. �cfd jC�,'.s�"�G."�.�T �1VI'"'tt� �cta P'�,,v»�ard �r. �a�t to Rt+�^k3n St. ,s�d S�€ailtar5� Secr�r in '��iI�TGNAAI AVE. from Ran�:in St. to tho cul-d�•s�c. In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Sai'nt Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise in�luded in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for .additions to, ,or deductions f rom, the contract. Addi�io�e Remove roacrete pAV��er.t - 16.5 oq. yds. � $1.60 $2b.w0 ��vQ conc�rete curb 49 Iin. f t. @ ,S .3fl 14.70 To�a� Additfons $41.10 � The above rea�vml ities�s c�re nQ�es�ary to construct the ece�lera��.on lane at �ankfn Street e�nd 5hegmrd Aoad. This additier�sl emount tc� be fiiaanced fre�a Fiuniclpal. Stete Aid SuspQnse Furcd. , , . ���%�� ,/ , . ' �:rt� � t:.�,_,,.-�.1_ /- �� lg � �- A�h��ch �Con�ttuctfan Cc�z�a�y Cor.�tYUCfiian En�in r � . Contractor � �� �� �i,-,�:..c',.�:,,,�;,.�. �� /�/ 19� By �-aG19� Chi Engineer � , / / . � f /��196 . /,� .f / �%i ,,r� 19 � • Commissioner - ;��� � �`��`�� ompt�t er � � // � Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) � To Contractor To Accounting Div: To Comptroller To Engineer DUPLIGATE T{�eRINTER ������� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONER HQ�1er� F• �@�er80L! DATF WH�RI�AS, Addit3.ons vhish �i�ght prove �Q be me�ceaser�l in the Lwprow�ent described a: Gradit�g and pev#rtg of S�ARD RQAD frc� Dav�z� Str��t tcr Rat�kin Str��t and YOrIN(� AVE�t'JI� frc�m Maynaxd D�riv� �xtended to itsr+kin Street end Sanitarp SeWer in Y�NGMAN AVEi�t1E groa Rankin Strae�t ta tbe eul-de-eac, C+c►�p- tir,ller's Contract L-66�5•17, A�hbach Ce�natruction Cvmpany, Contractor, have be�n pravided far i� Che Speeifi.cations� and WHSRBAS, It t�a� b���n found ��cessazy ta �ake the followl.ng Addi�ians: ADDI?IONS Ae per att�ch �on�raax �han$e Agreeement No. 1 �778.tJ� As pe�r �ttached Can�ract Cha�ge Agre�aent No. 2 41.10 TOTAx. H�T AD�IT�O�iS $819.1Q �,a WHER�AS. Thee total additian ia� $819.10, ar►d tha Coaraissio�er of Pubiic Works has agreed with the Ce>AtractQr Claa� Clie euMOUnt of $81'A.10 is the corre�t sum to be edded ko s�id c�ar►�r�►ct, Charefore be iC R�SOLV�D, Th�C the City o� St. �sta►1 thre�ugh i�s City Caur►cil appm�ees the fora,going additions �ade in Aace►zda�nce w�.th Che �pecifieatians in the swn of $$19.10, sdid s�aunt to b� sdded to Che lt�ap .�aum con,�ider�►tian �a�n�d in �he� cantract, known se Comptrolle�r'�a C��tract L-6b9S-I.7, nnd �hich amount is to b� paid for ftx�w �s�nic�.pal St�tte Aid Pro ject 64-19G-25 (Clxsnge Agre�- aient 1Vo. 1.) end 3�nicfpal Stste Aid auspense 1'h�s�d EC1��nge Agr��ent lia. 2). ,��� � �'- 1���" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , �. ., Carlson �''- �' � �, Dalglish � Approve� 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka ('� Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O