241970 . 1
'� - - 24���.70 :
It,e�ellution Ratifying A��sment By
In the matter of the assessment of �M►f!i!�* �ts �td �Mtrs �Mr� e�tsaetiwR a� ��
s1'�ti� �►! •l�i�!rtl� �l �eslt i�st,�ttal ��h�ts�t�s
1l�tttast i�-Ih4�i, f�rtt�tet �lo. �, L�jX 11e. � .
�,sszss� :
�►.p. �236502 • Maria A�r�., both sidss frc� Chezry $t. to Short St. . !
�.p. �236412 - Suburban Av�.. both aides fraa� Barl 8�. to Prant $r ;
�r.p. #236633 -.�Iaple St., �outtn►est std+� iro� �1� :3t. to Wilaoa St. �
�.0. #336858 - Eates Ave. , east side fre� fludson fload to McLean Ave. and
oa the iieat •ids cf Eate• Ave. fro, H�dson �oad to Short St.
F.O. �236501 - Natefield Ave., both sides fros Sarl 3t. to �rank St.
a.0. �238540 - E. 3iath St., bc+th aides froe Earl St. to Aancock St.
a,p. #238599 - ]!�►rl St., eaat side fres �. Fi�th �t• to Siath St.
p,p. *236411 - t. Fifth St. , both sides fra�► Hancock St. tv Gotsiaa 3t.
r g,,p�...�„��,Q� - ��aney,Ave.� both aides froai Atlantic St. to Johnsoa Pk�ry. ,
, .1.f.}•i+°' i:... . .. � . .. �. . . � . . ' ....,.. ..,,. .. .r, m �.,;:p , .... . . . .� , .. ._.. . .. ....... .......�,,. ,...... �
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71�.: .y... t ���. . t.., .,. ... -.:.� _ „ .. .
11 �����tf2 � �1Karis �Ave. � �bc��i��sid�i�:'f��*�n'7�8 t s--�e�Sh�Yt,..��. :... . ... . ._.. . ...�
�, .;.1�wA�::�2��X�� - S�brirban Av�. . both sidas fsos L�arl St. to Trwnk St. .
1�.0: �#Z#6858 - �utes�Avi., sas�`sid7�'��Mllr.l�lso�t�imad�to Me�su-�r�.�aad--..
on the �iest •ide of Eatea Ave. €rcr�r flud�on �oad to Short St.
p.�'. �Z31s4�! - Aertney'�,va:;i;D�th� e�.+�+r�s �s�oa I�tl�tia Bt. to Jo�+lon �• .
n, . • �:0. ;,#��61►L1 - .�. 7�if;t#i. S.t,:, �th sidea frorR flaucock St. to 6otsism St. .
�:�_ , � . . - ..
b��znere�ore_ _
RF�OLV�D, That tiie said asseasment be a.nd the same is hereby in a11 respecta ratified, �nd the
same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of R,amsey for canfirmation.
BE IT FURTHER RIE50LVE�D, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be
payable in �� equal installments.
Yeas Nays
Adopted by the Counci�
o:�igi sh �!�`�2 9 196�
Peterson App ved
Byrne Favor •
J AgalIIat
Fo� R-2 2M 10-88 e� PUBLISHEi F�$ a969
-.o . �
� CITY OF ST. PAiJI. ,�: ��`�Q
Repo�t of Completion of Ass�essm�nt �
In the matter of the assessment of 1�M!'i�� Nlltti �i l�1M1M #i� �Mf��#MtR� #! l+M�•
��ti'11�t�! !� M�+��Mt� � M� �!� R�+�fii�
QiMltlri� ���� �IIRljAt� �II1. 3� L1�� Ni. �
l�.�p, f�338�{�l • ltuzis Awr., botZe sidea 8ro� Charsy S t. to 8hott St. ;
�.C. �Y3641Z • 8u�urlran Aw., botl� sidt• lrwo Earl Bt. to lratilr �t.
p.p. #23lb633 • Mr►�►le �c., fouth�rest sids ire�a kla� st. ta► liiisoa 8t.
T.O. #236rltS8 - �at�� Aw.. +ea,�tt sid� �ra� �ui�oo Ra��d to lGcL�a� Aw. and
oa th� wast �id� oi� Setes wv�e. lre� Bud�rew ltosd to Short �C.
l.0. �336501 - ilatl�leld A��e.� trvc#� eida� �r�r ltaxl st. to lraak $t.
lt.0. i238�W0 - B. 8lactb► 8 c., b�t2► sid•s ls�aie� wrl 8 t. to Has�ock 8 t.
T.O. i238S99 • ts�l l�t,. taat side fzo� E. �ilth St. ko Sixtl� St.
l,0. f2�6411 • E. �iith 6t., botb sid�• fraw Haoco�lt St. to Qotsiaa �t. •
�.0. tZ3W►49 - Ruun�ey Av�., 1�t� silu fraa Atlamttc at. to Joh�sa� Plwrj.
.. ' .. - . .. . . . ... . . ._ : . .. .e . ..,. I� �..M.e a..5 .. �. .. . .. . .. . . ... ... . . . � ....... . .. r.,s... 1wEr �
..,. � . � ' - . . . . _ ., r 't" _ . . . . . . . �!
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`.�i`' � MtT� �M�.� �A� i�d�« ���''���:�i��. �0���'����L.�. _... _ . . ,►..�.,
1�.p. i2364Ia - Salwrbas Aw.� botb s idu lr�+w 15�►r1 S t. ta l�`�csok �t.
... ,.. . . , .. .
!�tl, #��',�1 •_�;iti�i Aw:, �+�t"si� ticaii 'B+�d1r�r�:itoa�d -tn` �Lit�`�ir�s. ya�d ....�
aa tha tit�t si�he of Dat�� Ave. tran Hni,�o� Ra�d ts Shost �t.
��.b: ��9ir►09�`- Ru+�sy 1A�v+�.,'bertb sidie �� Atlaatic Se. to Johasa� P'!�. .
�.p. ��3bt11 - �. si!'th St.� bo�h sids� iror Has�oclt 6t.- ta.Cots3.aa St.
. . .. = a ex-
penmzuree necessaxily incurred for ancT in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz:
Total construction costs .. . . . . .. .. .. ........ .. . $ 17,S31 25
Engineering . . ...�Ra .��4�1t��tion .. .. .. . .. .. .... . � 2,103. 86
Inapection . ...... .. .. .. .. ...... . . . .... . . .. .. .. .. . $
Postalcards . . . .... . . .... .. .. .. ... . ..... ... . . . . $ 17 10
Publications . .. .. ... . . ... . . .. ...... ... .. . ... ... . . $ 171 00
Gollection coats . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. ... ...... ... $ 342 00
Court costs for canfirmation . .. .. .... ... .. .... .. . � 17 10
Comptroller cost �t�
TOTAL EXPF.�TDITURES .. . . . ....... $ 20,353 21
Charge to . . ..... .... .. . ���0-701. . � . . . . .. . . . $ 2,240 94
. .. ... . .. .. .. . . .. ......I�Qg-pssessable. . . . . . . . . $ 557 46
Net Aaseasme�,t . . .... .. .. . . .. .. .. .... ... . . . .. .. . $ 17,554 81
Said Commiasioner further reporta tha.t he has assesaed and levied the total amount as abave ascer-
tained, to-wit: the sum of $ 17,554.81 upon ea.ch and every lot, part or parcel o� land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said ass�sment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Cammissioner, and made a pa.rt hereof, is the said assessment aa
com�leted by hixq and which is herewith aubmitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
considered proper. , �
Date� Deceauber 31, 1968 ission of Fi
Form R-2 2ffi 10.68 8 a�,