04-38CouncilFile # �a U Green Sheet # 3009975 ( 5 Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlYNESOTA Referred To: Committee: Date I W HEREAS, special funds are required to pay a central service charge to the General Fund on a per full-time-equivalent 2 employee basis; and 3 4 W HEREAS, the Infortnation Services Division has a special fund for certain staff that support various city departments, for 5 which these city departments pay the salary, frtnge benefits, and central service charges for these Infortnation Services 6 Division employees, and 7 8 W HEREAS, the Information Services Division employee assigned to the Police Department is funded by the federal Local 9 Law Enforcement Block Grent, which does not permit central service charges to be paid by this grant, and 10 11 W HEREAS, certain budgets must be adjusted so that the central service charges are not applied to the Local Law 12 Enforcement Block Grant; and 13 14 W HEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.3 of the city charter, recommends the following changes to the 2004 budget: 15 16 17 GENERAL FUND 18 19 F7nancing 20 CURRENT AMENDED 21 bLnd Activfty Object Description BUDGET CIIANGES BUDGET 22 23 001 - 00000 - 9830 Use of Fund Balance 5,844,853.00 4,400.00 5,849,253.00 24 25 001 - 00000 - 7399 CenC Srv Coszs Recovered 4,504,755.00 (4,400.00) 4,500,355.00 26 10,349,608.00 0.00 10,349,608.00 27 28 29 30 SPECIAL FUNDS 31 32 General Govt. Accounts-Central Service Cost 33 34 �nancing 35 36 O50 - 30117 - 4357 IndirectCost-N.O.C. 4,591,417.00 (4,400.00) 4,587,017.00 37 38 Spending 39 40 O50 - 30117 - 0557 Trausferto GeneralFund 4,504,755.00 (4,400.00) 4,500,355.00 41 42 43 44 Information Services ISpeciall 45 46 bSnancing 47 48 626 - 31115 - 4301 Noxcnal Acfivity Services 1,525,463.00 (4,400.00) 1,521,063.00 49 50 Spending 51 52 626 - 31ll5 - 0290 CennalService Costs 83,600.00 (4,400.00) 79,200.00 Page 1 of2 Council File # °a_ � V Green Sheet # 3009975 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA Aequested by Office of Financial Services Page 2 of 2 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet ��l-3g � Departrnent/o�celwuncil: Date Initiated: FS -����;�s�:� 07JAN-04 Green Sheet NO: 3009975 Deoartment SentToPerson Initi UDate Contact Person & Phone: � �� � , � / 03 Pete�BWef 0 inancialServices a� � Asslgn 1 inancialServices De entDirector Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date}: Number z • ancial Services ffim Financial Services For Routing 3 ' Auorne //�� N Ofdef 4 or's �ce odAssiatant 5 ouncil C' Council 6 i Clerk Ci Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval to amend 2004 budgets to prevent federal grant from pay3ng the City's Czntral Service Chazge. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Foliowing Questions: Planning Commission �. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this depadment? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Information Services Division has a special fund for ceYrzin staff that support vazious city departments, for which these city deputments pay the salary, fringe benefits, and cen4al service chazges for these Information Services Division employees. The Information Services Division employee assigned to the Police Department is funded by the federal Local Law Enforcement Block Grant, which does not pernut central service charges to be paid by this grant. AtivanWges IfApproved: The 2004 budgets will accurately reflect the appropriate amount of Central Service Chazges recovered from special funds, and will prevent tlie chazging of a federai grant that doesn t permit indirect costs charged to it. _ �„- . �� �� - Disadvantages If Approved: None. � � �, j(��4 � � �� S �6 Disadvantages If Not Appmved: Accounting staff will have to spend time reversing the charges at year-end. IYs easier to correct tlus error now than wait until afrer the chazges have been processed. ToWI Amount of Transaction: $4,400 CosURevenue Budgeted: rJ Funding Source: Activity Number: OO'I-OOOOO 050-30117, 626-31115 - F inancial Intormation: (Expiain) . • � ^+N+.n!'tt.'' "�.... _�' �'-� �'n`c_3L.,a yr �3�`�';'i s � L= ��