241923 ORIGINAL�TO CITY CLERK 241��3 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE CONiMITTEE OUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONE �/ DATF January 28, 1969 RESOLVID: That application for Hestaurant� On Sale Malt �everage and Cigarette licenses� applied for bg Bradwurst House� Inc. at 1395 E. Magnolia Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted on the conditi on t,hat within 90 days of this date sa3.d Bradxurst House, Inc. shall comply with all requiremen�s of the Bureaus of Fire� Health� and Police, and the License Inspector pursuarrt to the St. Paul Legj.slative Caie and all other applicable ordinances and latas� JAN28198!! COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �p� � �; �9�� Carlson Dalglish Approve 19— Meredith �n Favor e�rso � ' S�rafkw � Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne pUBLISNEi FEB 1 �9�� 0 - CITY �F SATI�iT.PAUL T����� . Capital of Minnesota � .�,,,�, �� �e a�t�ec�t a cc�lic �a et �# � � � � . � .� �l I �,z3 po[.[CE Tenth and blinnesota Streets HEA1.'rx FtxE pxozECTtox WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissionei POLICE AND FIRE ALABM � ROGER 3f. CONWAY, Deputy Commisaioner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLI�I, License In�peetor danuary 23, 1969 Honorabls �Iafor and Cit;� Council Saint Paul, ��1�nnesota - Gentlene:�: _ 2`�ao separate applicati�ns for Restaura,-�t� On ��-Sale rialt �everaoe and C�;a.rette licens�s are rr,ade bf sepax3�.e cox^�ora+.,:.ons �al�o request the licer.ses to b� issued in the name of the corporation but under mana;;eri.al status, in ox adjacent to the Pha?nn Shoppin� �enter. Application P�1o. 1� 1�.63 Clarence Street. A�v�li.c�nt: Ke:!don ;`�lI Corr,oration franchised by Lur��s� Inc. , .Documen�s: Letter of Appl�.cation a.nd .informal �pli.cation on corporation (only). Niana�er: rlOtdE « nendir� apnrozral of as�ablis.'�ing sizch a business at this location. Therafore� no one was interviewed nor. processed in connecti.on with this business. . � Application Noa 2, 1395 East 1'Sa�nolia �venue, Anp2i.cant: Brac�wurst House, Inc. (St, Cz oud, I�finnesota} ocuments: Noth?n� subm�t,ed by the cozporation. 24ana�er. �Tavne A. Blosse3r� 537 E. Cal�fornia Ave. o�cuments: Infonnal application sub:ni,tted and int�rviemed and processe3 by the License Division. Backgraznd: Qf�'ice r�iana�er for the Llinneapolis A•sto �lub since 1964, In the general at�ea there are no 3.2 establishments. Tr�ithin � two . block radi�as there is one off sale li.�tor busi.ness and �wo on sale liquor businesses. The r..earest church and school are each about four blocks azaay. ' Very truly �Tou?�s� �t����� Lf.cense Insp�ctor �O +' 4 APPISCATIUt�1 N0. 2 Bradwurst House, Inc. (St. �loud, Minn.) Wayne �.Blosse�►, Mgr. 1395 E.Magnolia Ave. _ ` CITY flF SAINT PAUI. DEPAR�NT C►� P(TBLIC SAI*�T7C LIG'E�TSE DNISIt'fiT - Date Ja��r�v_,?;,_ 19� 1• Applioation Por On � Sale .2 Ma�t Bevera�e „ Lioense , 2, �a,�e of �ppliosnt Wayne A, Blossev ' , 3. Buainesa �ddreea 139� E. Magnolia _ Residen�e 537 E. ornia �.. �_..��li.�' " h�alen Center 4, Trsde x�me, it e�ny Bratwur��i� . .. . _..... .. ... . . 4 . .. 5. 8etail Beer Federal Ta�c Stamp g Retail i,iquor Federa]. Tax Stam.p �ri.11 be uaed, _ _ _ ,�._.. 6. t�i �h�'� flooi' ].ocated First � Number of roea�s u�ed` ��e ne?*_Q �s+^r�,g� ?, Bet�o�asn �at cro�� �treets pr���,,;t���(�r�a� Which side of street North 8. �re premiaea norr occsupied No �$t businesa Ho�r lcng 9. .Are premises now un000up3ed YesHorov long �acant One week Previous use To.y Store 10, Are you a new owner Yes Hr�ve you been in a similar busine�s before No 'iPhere "YPPhen 11. Are you going ta oparate �hia buainesa peraonally Ye$ If not, who will oparate it 12. Are yuu in anq other buaines� at the p�esent t3m�e No 13• Hav'e there been any aomplaints againat your oparation o� this type of plaoe No �Ilien ilhere �.4. A�va you ev�er had a�r lioen�s revoload � �Ihat reason and date 15. .Are you a eititan of the IInited Statea�Nativ�e Natural3,zed .,_.,.,.--.—,— 16. llk�era trere you born St. Paul, Minnesota Date of birth May 16, 1933� , 17. T am, g- married. My (�riPe's) (husbandts� name and addresa is Jaiai:� J. Hlossev �� 537 E. California, 8t. Paul, Minnesota 78. (If inetrried female) my maiden name is 19. Ho�r long have yo� 1iv�ed in S`G. Paul 35 years 20, Have �ou ev�er been arreeted No Violation of what arimir�►1 la�ar or esrc3inance _._.____.. ... 21, Are you a regiatered voter Yn the Cittgrr of 3�. Pl�u1 Yes Yea No. ___r_:. . (Ane�er ful�.e�a�d aomplete�. Thgae a �lics�tions are thorau hl cheolflad a� aa fa aifioatian �`ill be cause for denial, J 22. Number uP 3.2 p]aoes within tivo blooks on_ 23. Cloaea� intoxioati�ag liquor plaQee ths Sale In ,�� „�,enter '��f S�le One Block 24, Neareat Churah Two Blocks Nearest School Six Blocks Wa 11 Bench 25s Number o� boo�tha_�� Tablea 29 Chaira 74 Stools 18 .. _ 26. 'iP�t oacupe►tian hav'e you follow�d for the past five y�earso (Give xaame$ of emplo�ar� and date� �o employed..) Office Manager at the Automobile Club of Minneapolis From Au�ust, 1960 to the present. Mr. R.B. Hoelscher was immed�,ate stAermor. 27. Give� �mea and addresses of twa psrsons, reaidenta of 3ts Pl�ul, �.i.nnes who aan gi�e in�ormation aanoernin.g you, Name Dr. J rom _ Ka ��a,_r. _Ad��}ea� - 2650 MaVer_Lane __ - Name Mr. Gordon Beneke Address 2U30 E. Idaho �ve. �� �! ' � � Si�na re o pp ic n St�te of Min.neaota� �ss County of Ramseq Wa ne A. Blosse tieix►g first duly s�rorn, deposes en�l says upon oeth t he ha� read the foregoing statemen� bearing his signature and l�o�rs the oontenta thareof, and-that-the sams is �rue of his o�e�n l�owledge e�eoept as to tho�e mattera therein ��ated upon inPorm�tion and belie� and as to thoae mattera he believaa them to be true. ��d/����r���-� Signa oY Applicant Subsaribed and s*orn to before me ' r day oP , 19� � � No i°y Publics, ey County,� ,innesota My Coxr�.saion expires � ` `� '� ' ' (Note� These etatemen� forms are in duplicate� �Both copies must be fully filled outa notarized, and returned to the Lioenae Divis ion��— DENNIS R.BI,ENI8 NGttiry Public,Hennepin County.MCinlb My Commisslon Expirns Aua. 16, 1971. AFFIDAV�T BY,APPLICANT � Ft7�t RETAIL BEPsR OR LIQIIUR LICENSE Re: �^Sale_/�AL� �/�yq(� Liaense Name of applioant Wayne A.__Bloasey � Bu�insss addrea� 1395 E. IKaagnolia, Phalen Center dre you the sole o�rn.er of this buainesa4 Yes. Tf not, �s it a pa rbnership4 aorporation,Y , otherB Others interested i.n. buainesa, include thoae by loan of money, property or other�3.ee� Name ist l�ational Bank Ad�reas 4th & Robert Hcr�r Loan of xone�y , If a carporation� give its name Are you intereated in any way in any other 8etail Bser or Liquor bu�in�s�? � da eole o�wn.er? Partne�3 Stoe]dio�.der4 Other�iae? (Through loaa of momey, eto. E�plain) Addre�a of auch business and nature of i.ntereat in sa� ignatur of applioan State of Mi.nnesota) �sa Co�mty of �msey �¢� � oST'� beitig first �duly sworn, depo�ea and says upun oQth t t he has-read the f egoing affidavit bear�.g his eig�tui� and �,ows the contenta thereof; that the sams is true of hie ciwn l�ioarledge, eacept aa to thoee mattere therein stated�upon inform�tion and belief and as to those mattera he be- lieves them to be true. .�� DENMiS R. BLENiS aotsry Pubtic,Hannepin County, Mtnrt; S1 2'@ Of' a pplioant �Y Cotnqflsalqp Expireis Aug, lb.I971. Subacribed and a�rorn t� bef'or� ma �day of 19� . ' • tary b a, Ramsey Cotu�tq, Minneao My aoa�.isaion expirea � " � � 19� : � STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS CCAJNTY OF R,I�SLY ) � �3' -G being first duly sworn, doth depose ` and saq that he makea this affidavit in ocmneata.on with applioation for " Sale" liquor Iicense (" ��ale" malt beverage lioense) in the Ci�y of _ . 3tate oP e ao a Saint Paul, Minnesota; that youx affiant is a reaiden� of the and ha$ resided therei.n for ��� �q�ears, `�� montha, and is Si�ate nvPr and ha s been for the time ab o�ve udsnti oned a b ona f ide re side nt oP sa id � and tha t he now re a ide s at N0. 5,3 L• �c�,'�<�"�.r'/flrC'c � � �p� Minne a ota. .� /� .'`� �„� � � Subaoribed and s�vorn to before me t ` day of,C� 19� � ' N ary Publio, �msey County, Minnesota Bdy commissicm expires � � � � `� � DF.NNIS R. OLEN!S N6t�Ty PubUc,Henn�pin Co�nty, Mi��n. 1�1y Commisafan Sx�ir�s Aua. 16, 197�. . � , . Januexy 23, 1969 Hon. Wm. E. Carlson, Ca�n�sr. of Public �afety, Public Safety Bldg. Attention: Mr. Daniel McLaughlin Dear Sir: The City Council today informally approved the application of Bradwurst House, Ir�c. for Restaurant, On Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses at 1395 E. l�gnolia Ave. Will you please prepare the custo�arbr resolution covering this me,tter? The Couneil adopted a motion striking the provision Por Off Sale Malt Beverage license fro�► the application. Very truly yours, City Clerk n8