241921 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK /����� - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa '� � . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. LICENSE CO::�iU�ITTEE C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATF Ja'lil� ZS� ].�9 COMMISSIONE � i�i"HEREAS: Proper notice has been received as to change of officer and stockholder in 7,a,rry Dee�s Bar, Inc.� 315 �est Seventh Street, holders of Qz Sa1e I�iquor I,icense No. 7360, e�iring January 31� 1969; therefore� be it RESOLVEJ; That in place of Marian M. �eWanz� President and Treasurer, arri one of the Stockholders (deceased}��,t read American Alational �ank and Trast company� Executor of the Estate of Marian M. DeWanz, �th Larry DeWanz remaining as Vice-�president and �ecretazy and one of the stockholders. t�3AL�LI�OR3�ESTABLI3HIvI�NT Change Officer-Stockholder Infoxmally approved by �ouncil dan. 23, 1969 Appn. K 1200 «. K 8800 JAN281969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays ��� � � 1��� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith v Tn Favor �"'�etLTSOir- S�,rafk�. � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE� FEB 1 �g�� �� ' • CITY OF SAINT PAiJL � � Capital of Mi•�nesots °j� . ���`�r/ �e a�ti�e�t o k�lic �a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commisaioner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN. Lieense I�speetor Jazivary 23� 19�9 Honorable Mayor and City�ouncil Saint Paul� NLirLnesota sentlemen: Currently Larry Dee�s Bar, Inc. at 315 tidest Seventh Street hold On Sale Id.quor Li.cense No� 736o and miscellaneous licenses, all expirin�; Januarn 31, 1969. The off3.cers on record are Marian M. Dewanz� President and Treasurer; and Larxy DeWanz, Vice-president and Secretary. They are also the two stockh�lders. Due to the death of Marian M.PeWanz several months ago, her interests in the corporation reeefrt to her estate as per attached probate court document. There��re, ur�der the o.fficers and stockholders in place of Marian M. DeWanz� Pres3.dent and Treas�arer� and a.s stockholder, it, shoiild read American National Bank and Trust �orapany Executor of the Estate of Marian M. DeWanz with Larr� DeWan2 remaining as Vice-president and Secretary and one of the stockh olders. Very truly y�our.s� . ��` � . ?�.cense Inspector � ` CJ`'� � � � O � Form JPR 25 4M 10-66 a�',�� _ � , • . , � � STATE OF 1�'IINNESOTA •' � � �� � PROBATE COURT �� � � . COUNTY OF RAMSEY � '�-f:' 2 0 196$ - File No..........�,�32$.�...N JOHN L. McKENZIE, Clet(t �: !3y R.Ni.K. ' Re Estate o! , Marion M. DeWanz aka Marion DeWanz, ,� . j,eners Testameatary . ��� - r an . e anz, gn �enk � ' DeWanz , � ' Said decedent having died Juln 9 �18 (�, Ameri�can Nati onal Bank and Trust � Ccmpany .. is �+ereby appointed ezecu �t..r_ herein. ' • � IN TESTIMONY whereof the.Judge o! the above named Court . r . . � ` has aet his hsuid and affixed� e seal ot said Co ��'tf►is , 20 dav. p eptembel� j/ 19 68 , . � , . , . (Court Se�l) '', �c+dbate Judge. ` � , � : . � ,;,. �..'� . �. ' rr I . A . ,. , • - ,,. , •, ,. � � :i. Y . � ,'. � . , , �, � • r . , ' . r . �. � , - , ` � � � . . . . . . �. ♦ - . . . . . � . � . , . �.. � . . . . . . ' ' � . ` ' ; ` • , • cER��ca� �a � 9 6 8 3 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY PKOBATE COURT I,JOHN I..McI�NZIE, Clerk of Probate Court of said County,do hereby certify that I have compared the aaneaed copy of , LETTERS TESTAMENTARY � , IN RE: Estate of MARION M. DeWANZetc. , � • Decedent. with the original records and filea preserved in said Probate Court,and that the same is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and the whole of said original records and ffies. �`' 1 Y.:;� � ;� "�t,��'�' ti'�;,�� :i�� � • �'i�� ; �-:. . � �� .,.;-� � ::r" " '�'��',�C', II�`V�`� , ab�v� � � . ��•. . �v. �. � w r�a� �, ,, n- {;'s::��s�':,., �� � been ce������ �:� �«... IN TESTIlVIONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto aubscribed my name and affixed the seal of the Probate Court of said : county,at St. Paul,in said County, this 20th. ' �,o J n. D. 19 69 , � � / k of obate Co y unty, Minn. • � � me . . , Jan. 23, 1969 Hon. William E. Caxl�on, Comar. oY Public Safety� Tenth and Minn. Sts., St. Paul, Minn. Attn: Mr. D�►niel P. l�cLaughlin Dear Sir: The City Council today informa.Lly approved the application of Larry Dee'a Bar, Inc., at 315 West Seventh Street, holders of Ori Sale Liquor License No. 7360 and miscellar�eous licenses� all expirir�g Januazy 31, 1969, for a change in officers aa folla�ws: Due to the death of Marian M. DeWanz, President and Treasurer, and stockholder, it should read. American Nstional Bank and Trust Cao4psr�r, F'�cecutor o� the Eatate of Me►risn M. DeWama, �rl.th L�►rry DeWans res►sining as Vice-pa�eaident an�d Secretary, snd one of the stoQk- holdera. Will you pl�eaae prepare tbe auatanery resolutian? Very truly yours, City Clerk �P