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. By
Resolution Approving Assessment --
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon File No.—___ 17223
auid F'ixing Time of Hearing on the Award
of Damages
In the matter of
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j � '' '� Open, widen and extend the alley in Block 4, Hazel Park �lafi Br'by �condemning" `j
`and taking the north 20 feet of the east 20 feet c�f Lot 10} sBlock 4, Hazel �
F Park Plat B.
. _ _,_ I
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Also condemning and tal<ing permaneri-� easements for sewer purposes on, over,
and across the followin;: The Wcs�c �� f�et of east 20 feet of Lot 8, Bloek 4,
Hazel Park Plat B, and those purts oi Lot 9 and the east 16 feet of Lot 8,
Block 4, Hazel Park Plat B, lyinb nor�hw�sterly of a line 4 feet southeasterly
of and parallel v�ith tne northwes�terly lir.e of Blk. 4, Hazel Park Plat B,
Also condemning and takir.g ter:�por�ry eGs�ments for construction purposes on
the following; The w�st 8 fee-c or -che eas-t 28 feet and the west 8 feet of
the east 16 feet of L"ot S, �;lock 4, I�a-��l Park Plat B, and on those parts of
Lot 9 and the east 8 feet of Lot S in 5aid Bloci< 4 lying between two lines 4
feet and 12 feet southeasterly o� and purallel with the northwesterly line of
Blk. 4, Hazel Park Plat R, ar.d on tha� part of the C. St.P, M. & 0. Ry. Co.
right-of-way lying southeaster�y of a line 8 feet northwesterly of and parallEl
with the northwesterly line of Blk. 4, Hazel Park Plat B, southerly of the nor�h
line of the alley in :Blk. 4, Hazel Parl< Pl.at B ,extend�,�i�,,��,�. �.�s�erl.y ..�o£. a�.�li�.W,»
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�,W,,.>.w,2$,y�fee-�;,,�est b�' the--e�s�- l�n-� o� �6"-e "�`;°'Bl`k: '��;'�Haz�l Park Plat B ex,.,tended, saicl
temporary easements to remain in e��ect for a period of one year commencing on
the date of ratification of this order.
Also condemning and�°-taking an eas�ment in the land necessary for slopes, cuts,
and fills including ri�ht of remov�.l o� lateral. support from subject land or
remainder thei^eof, occasir�i�ed by excavations thereof or construction of slopes
in the grading and surfacing with bitw;�inous material the alley in Block 4,
Hazel Park Plat B from the C. St. P, M, and 0. Ry. Co, right-of-way to Van
Dyke St, including turn around✓
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-- - -___ - _— _
sessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the
sixteenth day of April, 1969 _— , at ten o'clock A.M. and that the Commis-
sioner of Finance be and he is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter.
Yeas Nays � � 1969
Dalglish Adopted by the Council
Meredith � r� 1969
Peterson � A o ed
Spraf f.a /
Tedesco �1.�In Favor �
ay� Mayor
� Against
Form R-3 �
PUBLISHE� 1�AR � �g��