D001270- City Clerk - Finance Dept. • _ - Dept. Accounting (Civic Center) _ - Engineer (HGA) _ - Contractor _ - Project Manager (CPMn h ��t Date �— � CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP4.01-24 ADMIDIISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint PaLil Civic <'enter Exnansion. CP-4 Buiidin� Constmction known as Contract L- City Project No.015117 M.A. Mortenson, is composed of the following: I. � Drop ceiling at skyway per Request for Information (RFI) MM64, PCO #ll7. Reason: Rain water leaders s(ope required cei6ng to be lowered. 2. Reduce PT beams per Contractor Proposal #428. Reason: Vatue engineering. 3. Provide railing at Arena Lobby 199 around coWmns per Request for Proposal #4.50 (PCO #60). Reason: Field wnditioa Safety concem around column footing which had ro remain. 4. Ccedit for Item 5, Change Ocder 4.01-18, motors foe oveehead doors is in Contract Documenu RFP N4.80 was for electrical work only per CPMI $2,016.00 (3,S1A.00) 6,619.00 (3,814.00) 4,432.00 (826.00) (701.00) 816.00 $4,718.00 Ietter dated 28 April 1997. Reason: Work in base bid, not an extra. 5. Lower strip footing at grid 411 per Field Order #F438. • Reason: Poor soils caused footing to be lowered. 6. Revise B.5 PT beam per CP 1f4.100. Reason: Contractor sequence change. 7. Cnterior coun[ertop and cabinet revisions per CP #4,103R. Reason: Owner value engineering. 8. Correction to Change Orders #4.01-15 and 4.01-17. Reason: Mark-up for PCO X25 and RFP lt434. Total ORDERED, That the Ciry of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 4 718.00 said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as conuact L-. 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Pund. APPR VED AS TO F RM f � Assistant Ciry Attorne 4wta-�/�' Expansion Coordinating Committee � Expansio Co,qi ' 'tin 'ommittee V � Director of ivic Center �� Architect and which amount is to be financed from: � �-z � �9� �``f 19��._ ---�-�- � �� 19� ( M A Mortenson 9 ����� 38524 � GREEN S�HEE � � DEPAPTMENT DIAECTOR � QT/ COUNCiL � GfTY ATfORNEY � CIN CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES �IR. � MAYOR (OF ASSISTANn � G.Qy�n l� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ����� RECOMMENDATIONS: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R) PLANNINCa COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICF� _ CIB CAMMITTEE � i1 1 _ S7AFF _ _ DISTRICTCAUFiT _ SUPPORTS WFiIGN COUNGL OBJEGTIVE? (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ���� ��<< ��� y� { � ; ��`�� s � = � PEFiSONAL SERVICE CONTiiACTS MUST ANSWER THE fOLLOWING �UESTIONS: i. Has this person/firm ever worKed untler a contrect for this tlepartmeM? YES NO 2. Hes this person/firm ever been a city employee� VES NO 3. Does this personttirm passess a skill not normally possessed by a�y current city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on seperote sheet antl attech to green shcet ISSUE, OPP�RTUNI7Y (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why�. IF � � ��-���,�1 ���_ ��- RECEiVE� 'Jtlt 1 4 1991 CITY CLERK � .:��;w. ° i�?�7 pEPT �F Eltiiti�AtV ��G�iT� {� � AMOUNT Oi 7RANSACTION $ �� �° •� FUNDItiG SOURCE L �'r`�+ i FlNANCIAL INFORbiATION (E%PLAIN) �C�G+��� r �:� JUN 2? 1997 CI�Y ���C�� �Y /ENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO NUMBEH7' / 7J�� ��,�lJ(�'Od�fJ �G4��t d �J . C� PROJECT: CONTRACTOR Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota M.A. MoRenson PO Box 710 Minneapolis, MN 55440 Original Contract Amount: PO # 015117 $33,973,000.00 PO # 385,700.00 CO No. Oeduct Add C4.�1-01 C4.01-02 C4.01-03 C4.01-04 C4.01-05 C4.01-06 C4.01-07 C4.01-08 C4.01-09 C4.01-10 C4.01-11 C4.01-12 C4.01-13 C4.01-14 C4.01-15 C4.01-16 C4.01-17 C4.01-18 C4.01-19 C4.01-20 C4.01-21 C4.01-22 C4.01-23 C4.01-24 Subtotal 34,475.�0 151,969.00 29,684.0� 10,193.00 24,598.00 86,610.00 (4,535.50) 29,410.00 8,927.00 4,482.00 22,000.00 15,460.00 50,000.00 3,253.00 24,705.00 29,188.00 40,889.00 8,883.00 (4,422.00) 19, 081.00 5,531.00 8, 734.00 (9,016.00) 4,718.00 $594 816.50 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: GONTRACT DATE: 17 June 1997 CP-4.01 Building Construction Multiscope 18 January 1996 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $34,953,516.50 • � r1 LJ • 3. I�� (2�10 Date: 10 Maroh 1997 Contract No.: 4.01 It is requested the completion date be ( � extended, O decreased, O unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). Reference RFP No.: ; FO No.:_� PCO No.: '117 Title: Drop Ceilinq Skvwav Rain Water Leaders Basis of payment: (Check one) (X) Firm price for performing this change +s S 2.Q16.00 Adequate supporting details and information (Increasedl (Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. ( � Time and material per contract, but not to exceed ( � Actual cost at completion of work Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: March 10, 1997 Contractor �0�. � ���=-- Contrector Signature FOR CPMI USE Action Recommended: (Check onel () Change will not be made. Explain: 4. 5. CPMI Job No.: 3225 �Proceed on the following basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. () Basis of payment shall be $ �The folfowing modification is recommended: () Change in completion date is accepted. () Ghange is acceptable with no change in price. �hange is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( ) Other Reasonfor Change: (� Design Change O Client Request �(QField Condition () Suggested by Contractor i) Design Omission or Other lexplain} Is this a part of the original contract scope? ( YES �f�iNO ts Contractor's Est+mate attached? YES ( 1 NO A/E consulted. YES ( ) NO A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: /�� l cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- r z 3/10/97 • � ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION SAINTPAUL, MN 55102 PH:672/293-9154 FAX:6l1/293-955i Description: PCO#117 Title: Drop Ceiling @ Skyway Rain Water Leaders S Amount Mortenson Labor: (See attached) Mortenson Material. (See attached) Mortenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposal) $ - $ - $ - $ � t��d St. Paul Civic Center Expansion Summary Change Proposal General Conditions $ (Mortenson Work) SUBTOTAL M.A.Mortenson $ - SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS 1 Mulcahy $ 1,902 • 2 $ 3 $ 4. $ 5. $ 6. � 7. $ - 8. $ - 9 $ _ '10. $ _ SUBTOTALSubNend $ �� SUBTOTAL Fee M. A. Mortenson Company Fee� SubcontractorsNendors Fee 5%: M. A. Mortenson Work 15%: $ 95 $ $ 95 Total Material & Equipment $ - M. A. Mortenson Material 8 Equipment Tax: 7% $ - SUBTOTALTax $ - SUBTOTAL:M.A.Mortenson+SubNend+Fee+Tax $ �� Bwlders Risk GCL Insurance Costs Payment & Pertormance Bond SUBTOTAL Insurance & Bonds 0.0007 ($.72/Thousand) 0.0038 ($3.77lihousand) 0.0050 ($4.9593lThousand) $ 7 $ 8 $ 10 $ 19 • TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 2,016 Page 1 �� • mu�c��� .� . 5232 N. GLENBROOK AVE. • OAKDALE, MN 55128 PHONE: 770-5250 To: Date: Project: Pricing: Description: ����o ����o��� MaR 10 1997 '�•A� ��RTENSON CO3 M.A. Mortenson Attn: Ron Schreiner 300 Eagle Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Mazch 7, 1997 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4, Job #951042 R.F.I. #M-64 Drop Ceilings, Soffits and Bulkheads Down 1'-0" From Grid B.2 to B.4 at Skyway Ceiling L4. Add Soffit Closures As Per Details, Also Add Additional Layer of 5 /a" Gypsum Board to Each Side of Head as Detailed (Approx. 496 SF of Soffit) Cost Summary: • Labor: Carpenter Foreman 8 Hours x$23.14 Carpenter 8 Hours x $21.99 Taper Foreman 8 Hours x$21.55 Taper Hours x $20.55 Plaster Hours x $21.80 Tender Hours x $21.90 Laborer Hours x $I6.50 *Extra: Supervision 3 Hours x $25.00 Sub Total Labor 75% Burden on Labor 4% Escalation on I,abor After May '97 Totat Labor a a e $185.12 175.92 172.40 %I��III] 608.44 456_33 42.59 $1,107.36 • *Due to Schedule Requirements � , . . , , M.A. Mortenson Page Two • Materials: � Studs: 440 LF 3 20 Ga. Studs @ 385 Track: 40 LF 3 - 20 Ga Track @ 355 Insulation: Gypsum Board: 526 SF 5 /s" Type X@.275 Taping: 526 SF Taping Supplies @.04 Fasteners: 526 SF Misc. Fasteners @.OS Tools & Equipment: Miscellaneous: Manli$/Scaffolding: ManliB Rental Materials Sub Total 7% State & City Tax 10% Escatation on Materials After January '97 10% Escalation on Materials After January'98 Total Materials Labor & Material Cost O.H.&P@15% Bond Cost @ 1% Total Quotation � �Z.�� $169.40 14.20 144.65 21.04 2630 75.00 450.60 31.54 48.21 $53034 • Schedule Impact: • Please note that we cannot proceed with the above work unless notified in writing. Signed: Mazk A. Peterson Project Manager $1,637.70 245.65 18.83 $1,902.18 /smn � � � . ♦ The Construttion Organizaiiorz� 10 March 1997 3225 � �2�� BUILDING DIVISION Minneapolis Office 700 Meadow Lane North P.O. 8ox 710 (55440-0710) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4899 Telephone: (672) 522-2700 Facsimile: (612) 5203430 Susan Jones CPMI c/o Saint Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul MN 55102-1299 Re: Subject: • Dear Susan: • Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 MorEenson ProjecE #951042 l�F��� PCO#117 - Drop Ceiling @ Skyway Rain Water Leaders In accordance with HGA's 08 January 1997 response to RFI#M-64 regarding a ceiling conflict at the Skyway rain water leaders, wherein we were directed to lower a porrion of the ceiling, we quote the sum of Two Thousand Sixteen Dollars (+$2,016.00) for the added costs. Enclosed are copies of suUcontractor quotations and oux price breakdown. Please let me know if you need additional informarion or clarificarion on the enclosed. If this work is to proceed, please issue a contract change ordex'. The amount quoted includes only the cost of the changes identified herein. Changes to the contract not specifically identified as revisions are not included in this proposal and are excluded. Morteiison reserves the right to suUmit a proposal for addifional costs and time related to the impact of this change on unchanged work or for the efEect of this change in combination with other changes. Very truly yours, �. � J� Allen S. Troshinsky Assistant Project Manager file: CPMl �M/ PCO#117 RE�EIti E� � Minneapolis•Seattle •Denver•Coloratlo Springs•Milwaukee•Grand Rapids•San Diego•San Francisco•Honolulu•Los Angeles � � , St. Paui Civic Center Expansion Change Proposal ST. PAUL C►VIC CENTER DQ 300 FrIGLE STRF-ET SAIN7�PAUL, MN 35702 PH: 612/293-9I54 Fi1X 6I2293-95 :scrtPtiorr. CP 428 ��8: _�—ce .oRenson Labor. �ee attachedl tortenson Material: See attached) dortenson Equipment See attached) 4ssociated Costs 'Change Proposap ;eneral COndRions: AMBASSADOR � rZ�o g pmo� / . s s4 << 3� � � �` $ (2,808) $ f I ��i�l �i I $ " $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ .$ .$ ' �\ � � -�� Zq' �) � (126) (496) (3,372) 3,33 (��r� i M. A. Mortenson Company Fee: _ $ SubcontredorsNendors Fee 5%: $ M. A. Mortenson Work'!5 $ SUBTOTALFee Total Material & Equipment 7% $ pA, q. Mortenson Materiai & Equipment 7ax: $ SUBTOTALTax $ enson + SubNend + Fee + Ta�c 0.0007 ($.72/Thousand) $ gudders Risk 0.0038 ($3.77�Thousaad) $ GCL Insurance Costs payment & Ferfor�a�� Bond 0.0050 ($4.9593lihousand) $ SUBTOTAL Insurance & Bonds J � Page 1 = C . 8) � - ( .�- ( a�5 �, ���� � �5`� . � G� �' ��� � �� � JUN 17 i"=�� C� Contractor Proposal No.: CP 4.28 Project: ST. PAUL C4VIC CENTER CP.4 1.�0 �Z.'�� Date: June 14, 1996 Contract No.: 4.O1 A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: it is requested the completion date be O extended, O decreased, O unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be r1 LJ 2. Description of ihe change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if appficable). Reference RFP No.: 4.28 : FO NO.: Title: Reduce Post-tensioned beams. 3. Basis of payment: (Check one) (X) Firm price for performing this change is S(3,508) Adequate supporting details and information (Increased) (Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed S () Actual cost at completion of work $ Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: June 74, 1996 Contractor ��� ��� - Contractor Signature FOR CPMIUSE Action Recommended: (Check one) () Change will not be made. Explain: �Proceed on the totlowing basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. �hange is acceptabie, basis of paymeM is not acce table. �asis of payment shall be S�_� ��T��N1N.�- (� The foliowing modification is recommended: O Change in completion date is accepted. ��`�oR-K- � P�'pC�=-�— ( 1 Change is acceptable with no change in price. �� `fp &, ,ppN� ( 1 Change is acceptable with no change in completion date.�-� �� � ( ) Other • Reasonfor Change: Design Change O Client Request O Field Condition (} Suggested by Contsactor O Design Omission or Other (explain) 3. Is this a part of the original contract scope? ( 1 YES �NO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? ES () NO 5. A/E consult �. �� ES O NO Prepared by:� Approved by �ctirnk- Approved by CPMI Job No.: 3225 V N dC�- C-V,�l-�7A�lOt `�1 Date:� 9�P Date:__ /9� Approved by: (Owner) Dat CPMI Inc., c/o Saint Paul Civic Center, I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza, 143 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, MN 55 7 02-1 299 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- � � , �o cz�o 6/14/96 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion Summary Change Proposai C J Description: CP 428 Trtle: Reduce Post-tensioned beams. MoAenson Labor. (See atlachedJ Mortenson Material: (See attached) Mortenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposal) $ Amount $ (40) $ (2.808) $ - $ - Generai Conditions: $ ' (Mortenson Work) SU870TAL M. A. MoAenson � (Z.84$) SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS t. AMBASSADOR $ (126) 2. SOWLES $ (496) • 3. CECO $ (3,372) 4. AMSYSCO $ 3,334 5. $ - 6. $ - 7. $ - 8. $ ' 9. $ ' 10. $ ' SUBTOTALSubNend $ (660) M. A. Mortenson Company Fee: SubcontradorsNendors Fee 5%: M. A. Mortenson Wo`ic 55%: SUBTOTAL Fee SUBTOTALTau Total Material & Equipment M. A. Mortenson Material & Equipment Tax: $ $ 7°fo S SUBTOTAL:M.A.Mortenson+Su6Nend+Fee+Tax $ (3,508) Builders Risk GCL Insurance Costs Payment & Performance Bond SUBTOTAL Insurznce & Bonds 0.0007 ($.72lfhousand) 0.0038 ($3.77(fhousand) 0.0050 ($4.9593lihousand) $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ (3,508) • Page 1 ST. PAUL C1VIC CENTER IXPANSION 300 EAGLE SCREET lOB ID: SAINf PAUL, MN 55102 PK 6I2l193-9154 FAX.� 6L2(193-9557 • • O Q m J i N a d, a � N b � � n � 1 L b h G q J a N y N � b � 4 m N � e a U � �� O � Z N m U K O I�C�OiZ'�0 � <� o� �m �m ��� F � N � M � F- � tY Q W a m � � o ° o 0 0 ° o �� N o 0 0 0 0 a 0 � LL � N � y�m fO. o o S o 0 0 d' � N O O O O O p a o � O � z Q V Y Z � N p ° o S o ° o U � o 0 0 0 0 0 � m � � m W � °� o 0 0 0 0 0 a o N o 0 0 0 0 � Q U K w W a o p Z� � o ° o 0 0 ° o g WO o 0 000 � �Z ��� � � � �m� m m m � ° n ai � m �i c N . �° c a' n g p o � K O m � 5 � o s W ° z ` o W m u" O � w o 1° �°w� � _ � g� � o � J � J �� m N N 9 C I-' m r N � � J J � � � � � m o ` m m � a1 m m 5 � o � � �S� N m N a . Mat'I ��2�0 ST. PAUL C1V1C CENTER ECPANSlON 300EAGLES7REET JOBID:951042 SAlATPAUL, MN 55102 PH.� 612/293-9154 FAX.� 6l2/293-9557 C.P. No. CP 428 Refetence: Date: 6/14/96 C J • Material Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Measure Concrete - 5000 psi S2 cy 54 -2508.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Subtotal -2808.00 Page 1 �oo �Z�.o � AMSYSCO, Inc. ,�� AMERICAN SYSTEMS 8 STRUCTURES ��^ �}�\ \� V� POS7 TENSIONING SYSTEMS \�+S V � �g96 U ��N �NGQ' May 30, 1996 M.A. Mortenson Construction Co. 300 Eagle StreeY St. Paul, MN 55102 (Fax: 612-293-9557) Attn: Mr. Todd Schilling M �� C �NS �A• Subject: St. Paul Civic Center Expansion St. Paul, MN Dear Mr. Schilling: 740 RACQUET CLUB DR AD0ISON. IL 60101 p08) 628-6969 FAX p08)62&6309 . Enclosed is the change order with reference to the RFP 4.28 dated May 14, 1996. BSR is charging us cost for design and redetailing cost of $3,140.00 to which we have added 10% for our general administrative expenses. A Vetter dated May 28, 1996, from B8R is enclosed. Since the strand for the bonded system is supplied in coils/packs of specific length, we cannot, therefore, take advantage of savings of 1,600 feet. We will have to purchase a full length coil regardless. The changes have been incorporated in the shop drawings. Should you have any questions, please feef free to call me. Very Truly Yours, ��u"` �j�° Sc`' ,�,9- Rattan L. Khosa, P.E. President and Chief Customer Services O�cer cc. GF. • C.O.F. B.F. CR.F. O Scniinn Since 19fl� PLANT PTI CERTIFIED MEMBER, POST TENSIONING INSTITUTE MBE �`z�o • AMSYSCO, Inc. AMERICAN SVSTEMS & STRUCTURES CO POST TENSIONING SYSTEMS 740 RQCAUEf GWB DR AD�ISOR IL 60101 (708) 62&65'09 fAX p08� 628-6309 CHANGE ORDER • • TO: M.A. Mortenson Construction Co. CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 1 300 Eagle Street St. Paui, MN 55102 Aifn: Mr. Tou'd Schiliii�g PROJECT NAME: St. Pauf Civic Center Expansion St. Paul, MN Contract Amount: Total of Previous Change Order: Totai this Change Order: $ 108 046.00 $ 0.00 $ 3 334 00 TOTAL REVISED CONTRACT VALUE: $ 111 380.00 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Refer RFP 4.28 dated May 14, 1996 1. Deduct anchor & duct cost 2. Add design & re-detailing cost (BBR) 3. Strand reduction 1,600 feet Net Add = ($ 120.00) $3,454.00 $3,334.00 Please acknowiedge this Change Order by signing both copies and returning one copy to AMSYSCO, Inc. for our files. Payment terms of the original contract apply. If there is no response in two weeks, we will assume you have accepted this Change Order. By: Rattan L Khosa. P.E. Accepted by: Date: Date: O PIANT PTI CERTIFIED o.._..,,, r....,. ,oa, M19FMRER POST TEPlS{01�14N61NSTITUTE MBE , 05-28-1996 11�35RM FROM CANRDIRN BHR . a �: � } i � � • P.O. BOX 37, AC�N ONT �� RIO M15 36a 3450 MIDLAND AVH� a61NCOUR7. ONtARlO M1V 6Va • Ma}� Z8,1996. : � 4 Amsysco, Ina � 1 740 Racquet Clu� brive, � A@dison, IIlirlois� 60101 � Attention:7ames��onald ! < Re: St Paul C', 'c Centrc ] TO 17086286309 P.02 � � ��� CANADIAN BBR IN 'fEL: (618) 29'1-'li FeUC: (s7 24'I-9� Your Fax ` a� 15,19 6. ' _. :Prv � '(�'e have review��i atiove Request fpr praposal_ The saving is not as dramatic;as stated and to the required r'design (the�drawings and calculations using the fnrces giveci in the tender already been sub 'ued) results in an increas� __ ,e_in cost for Caziadian $BR as fol�ows : Canadian BBR � ` . ` Savings anchor cost and ducting US $,(120_00) C Design sts and dra'�ings : ��140_0� 4 Total add�tional costs,lifb 4.28 US $ 3,020_Op � { , Amsysco � ; There is a� savangs of 7.600 ft_ Of 0.6" strand cruly � • M. 1}t1COR1IIlUi1, President � C e � ; j � � I ' TOTAL P.02 � 1 � � ' '!�0 �2�0 — -- ° � � (� �� a o o� �� - o � �� � nc��(o) c� U o 0 "- 707 North Secopd Street • Minneapolis, MN 55401 -(612j 338-7929 - FAX (672) 338JB07 ������ � � 6 PRdPCfSAL REQUEST UU M �� :, 8 t99 "j'Q:�y,�;�'d1`-�Mp�NSO� DATE: s/.ts/96 2595033 JOB N u"MBER: 300 Eag1e St St Paul MN 55202 j�,: St, Pau1 Civic Center LOCATION: s t. P a u 1 ttN CIIANGE PRGPOSAL NO. 2 0 THISCHANGE: Deduct $126.00 ISESCRiPTION OF PROPOSAL REC�tiEST , R .. F P^�_-# Revi5e P/T Beam Size at Beams 4PTB129 thru 4PTB143 r 1 U • Deduct .4 Ton Reinforcing Steel.... ...$176 00 Add 1 Hour Detailing ......... ........$ 50.00 Total Deduct $126-00 ,/ NOTE: PLEA5E CONFIRYS TH1S PftOFOSAL BY $ifiT3lNfi ONE COPY ANII SZETt3KNi�i�'i iT TO OUR OFFICE. Ai�i ACKi�iOWLEDGED COt'Y W"II.L BE RETURNED TO YOii FOR YOUR FI1.ES. ."vCc;EPTE�: isY: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE 1111.E: DA AMBASSADOR STEEL MiNiv"EAPOLIS SALES OrFiCE a i'� % �va�-.�.o�% �'� .� C � � > Thomas T. Chegaris IITLE: SALES REPRESENTATZVE DATE: s/zo/96 TRUE HAPPtNESS pEPENOS UP�N A PERSONAL REVffIONSN�P WITH GOD OE.� 1��. ,�-�� 03: 15 PI.r2 >rCECO CD—FRIDLEY �� � Ceco Conerete Canstructlon �� �68N UNCOLN 6TREET NE • HAM LAKE, idINNE3mA 85301 June 44, 1996 M, A. Mo�tsnson Company 700 Meacfow Lene P. O. $ox 7'i0 Minneapoiis, MN. 55440 Attentian; 7add 5chilling Subject: St. Pau1 C#vic Centar CP.4 Cew # 50961070 MAM 951042 • Re: RFP 4.2$ Dear Todd: F'02 �J.J �2"� � ��a,z,.3,��, FAX(6fR)43A.ET�6 RFP4.28 reduces the deep beam at �.21 from 95' to 72` for �33 lineat feet. .Ttte resu(ting formwprk savings is $3,372_QQ. The price breakdowrt is: Labor. d66 SF Ext sfde labor/7.2 SFItJfH - 65 Mii Labor 65 MH @ 20.75 - $1,349.00 • Burden g84 Mat'i { cLD existi�g) 466 SF x 1.50 6_ 99,00 Cost $2,932.00 Ovarhead & Prptit 15% 440.00 TOTAL SAVlEVGS $3,372.00 Pisase call if you have any questions, • Your 1�� � Richsrd J. Gardner � district Engineer � JUN 19 'S5 �2�54PM �1z872ES24 : ' � .�� ���L� • ■ ' ► � i � � � � � � � � �1�� P.2i2 u�l.J `�. Sbro4les Company 26� 3 Bryant Avenue South Minneapolis. MN 55408-2� 24 MinneapoLs 642-872-1656 stz-a72-s82S (FAX) Bi1UngS 4062a6-a36t - 406-2dE-8330 (FAX� Spohane 509-922-9727 $pg-$21-5984(FAX) �n t a —_ �____ Bid Date: JV�e t01h. 199fi .._ P,y�c �: St Paal Civic CenterExpansion, GP-4. PfO�.L005W�1: SI.P6W.Mu1t�e50ta . ."'_'_'_____..."__'—_"_" oen, cvm�: M. A. MorEensen Compaay --.-- _____ –- c.c. narness: �oo �� Horo, Phone: e�z-z9s-s+aa M{�ggppL9. Minnesofa 55422�4899 F9X' � 812-293-9557 mm�n�: Neather Jensen - - -_ -- _. ..-- 6iaaaYS Wme: Simon K Klhan�Ca--.— __.... _ . �(Q�;, This p[ice Aroposal is for tsbor On[y inci�Ming necessaN EqulpmenVfools for the Erec6oMnstanalion o( tt�e Scope of WwK 89 [dtl�iatea �rt me CkV WGE OROER DOCUMENT(s) �wted below. REQUEST for CNAN�a�.�F3DER: RFP #4.28 nEnucr $496.00 wmp s�m prka �y�ORE of WORK: D�s�c�i.Rtio�;. CpilCrete Relrtforcing Sf6ei: Post- Teneloatrr9: SbvcNral3teel Premi�g= Mlsc Motal Fabrlcatlonv: DeieteA Ton cocrete relnforclny�steel_� 5360.04 pertnn, "' Oe�¢latl t.stto unaar taat of P.S. grandsfapprox_Saauy($j'a,aa per�om,a • J I i� L • � co�t��tron June 17, 1996 Ms. Susan Jones CPMI:c/o St. Paul Civic Center 143 West 4th Street St. Paul, MN 55102-1299 RE: St. Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Building Construction RFP 4.28: Reduce Post-tensioned beams. Dear Susan: RECENED 32ZS���� JUN 1 7 '�" ��2� � BUILDWG DNISION Minneapolis Office 700 Meadow Lane tJortfi P.O. Box 710 (55440-0710) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4899 Telephone: (612) 522-2100 Facsimile: (612) 520-3430 We aze submitting a cost proposal for the changes in work defined by Request For Proposal 4.28 dated 14 May 1996. We are requesting a Change Order to decrease our Contract Amount by Three Thousand Five Hundred Eight Dollars (-$3,508.00) to perform the subject modification as identified in RFP 4.28. Mortenson reserves the right to submit a proposal for additional costs and time related to the impact of this change on unchanged work or the effect of this change in combination with other changes. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact me. � Sincerely, ����1 ��d� Todd Schilling, Assistant Project Manager �cs cc: File: RFP 4.28 Minneapotis•Seattle •Denver•Coforado Springs•Milwaukee•Grand Rapids•San Diego•San Francisco•fionolulu•Los Angefes RECEI\ic� NOV 1 8 1��6 r1 LJ • • � �:��i s • It is requested the completion date be () extended, ( 1 decreased, (} unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date wilf be BR�.P05AL Contractor Proposal No.: PCO# 60 Date: November 17. 1956 Project: ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER CP.4 Contract No.: 4.01 A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: /�/vl � 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). Reference RFP No.: ; FO No.: ; PCO No.: 60 Title: Added railin in Arena Remodel 3. Basis of payment: (Check one) (X) Firm price for performing this change is $ 6 619.00 Adequate supporting details and information (Increased) (Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed S �� Actual cost at completion of work $ Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: November 17, 1996 Co tractor�_ � ��---�- "�v' \ � /. Contractor Signature FOR CPMI USE Action Recommended: (Check one) ( � Change will not be made. Explain: `� �olz�a CPMI Job No.: 3225 �roceed on the following basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. ( 1 Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. () Basis of payment shall be S �The following modification is recommended: (� Change in completion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. �Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( ) Other ReasonforChange: O Design Change ( 1 Client Request �Eield Condition ( � Suggested by Contractor O Design Omission or Other (explain) 3. Is this a part of the original contract scope? ( � YES �J�10 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? YES () NO 5. A/E consulted. YES O NO cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- r� LJ The Consta�ction Organication� 17 November 1996 � � .�ZZS - ¢o�; � I7(�1Z�� BUIIDING DIVISION Minneapolis Office 700 Meadow Lane North P.O. Box 710 (55440-0770) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4899 Telephone: (612) 522-2100 Facsimile: (612) 520-3430 SusanJones CPMI c/o Saint Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul MN 55102-1299 Re: Subject: • Dear Susan: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Project #951042 PCO# 60 - Added Railing at Arena Remodel In accardance with HGA's verbal field directive, we have added concrete curb and metal railing azound the rivo columns immediately adjacent to the bottom of Arena Ramp #199. The column Uases were modified by RFP#4.50 and presented a faII hazard that had to be corrected. We quote the sum of Six Thousand Six Hundred Nineteen Dollars (+$6,619.00) for the added work. Enclosed are copies of subcontractor quotations and our price breakdown. Please let me know if you need additional informafion or clarificaflon on the enclosed. Please issue a contract change order. The amount quoted includes only the cost of the changes identified herein. Changes to the contract not specifically identified as xevisions are not included in this pioposal and are exctuded. Mortenson reserves the right to submit a proposal for addiiional costs and time related to the impact of this change on unchanged work or for the effect of this change in combinafion with other changes. Very truly yours, �� v � Allen S. Troshinsky Assistant Project Manager • file: CPMI � PCO# 60 RECE EVI p NOV 1 8 1996 Minneapolis�Seattle •DenverCOlorado SpriogsMilwaukee•Gra�d Rapids•San DiegoSan Francisco•Honolulu•Los Angeles 11/17/96 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion ���Su Change Proposal � 6 C_� Description: PC0�1b0 Title: Added railing in Arena Remodel Mortenson Labor: (See attached) Morfenson Material: (See attached) Mortenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposal) $ Amount $ 281 $ 37 $ $ General Conditions: $ - (Mo�tenson Work) SUBTOTAL M.A.Mortenson $ 3 �� SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS 1. LeJeune • 2. Wasche 3. 4. $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,579 ' 376 10. SUBTOTAL SubNend $ 5,895 SUBTOTAL Fee ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION snnEaccESrx�Er �osiD: SAlNT PAUL. MN SSI01 PH: 6!?/293-9154 FAX� 612/293-9557 . SUBTOTALTax M. A. Mortenson Company Fee: SubcontractorsNendors Fee 5%: M. A. Mortenson Work �5 Total Material & Equipment $ M. A. Mortenson Material & Equipment Tax: $ 295 $ 48 $ 342 37 7% $ 3 $ 3 SUBTOTAL: M. A. Mortenson+ SubNend + Fee+ Tax $ 6,557 Builders Risk GCL Insurance Costs Payment 8 Pertormance Bond SUBTOTAL Insurance & Bonds 0.0007 ($.72ffhousand) 0.0038 ($3.771ihousand) 0.0050 ($4.9593JThousand) $ 5 $ 25 $ 33 $ 62 � TOTAL CFiANGE PROPOSAI $ 6,6'19 Page 1 C� • . O Q m � � Q «, Q N b C � v n Z � �1 � L Z ��i h a �i Q \ N b 4 �I m O � a � �$ O � 2 a =-' a� ��o L"`0012�0 � N � Q � � J � c�D N F O � � K w � � Z Q� y °? o o ° o ° o 0 0 U W n N � � O O O a . O � � LL Q N m y� m � o 0 0 0 0 0 d' � O O o O O 0 a � N LL O W 2� V � 1�`-, �p � N� �� 1� N O O � �� N W Z o U iy � W � o � � � � °' � a r v oi ` � m a . Q N O� � oJ � Q U � � W � N t� � m M � � Z n m O Oj .�-� � W� g�o �Z W o�� � � � m �m� m � 1� W � N N� M g o 0 K O m � 3 � o e W °' z `o � LL O � w °> o � m W j � � = d g � m � g n o C� a m¢ � � J J � H O � O IO N m A d � ID p] Ll] g m s � LL �3� N rn m a � MaYI t7C�0. l2`�� ST. PAUL qVlC CENTER EXPANSION 300EAGLESTREET IOBID:9i1042 SAlNTPAUL, MN 55102 PH: 612/293-9154 FhX: 612/293-9557 C.P. No. PCO#60 Reference: Date: 71/17/96 r� L J � Material Quantity Unit UnitCost Total Measure Concrete 0.5 cy 53.73 26.87 Grout 0.5 cf 79.54 9.77 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Subtotal 36.64 Page 1 � `a � d r r�7��\\�_ � �� ��. � ������ �. • S T E E L C O M P A N Y I I S W. 60TH ST. � M[NNEAPOLIS, MN 55419 612/861-332I 612/861-2724 FAX Ms. Heather Jensen To: Mortenson Construction 300 Eagle Street St. Paul MN 55102 R ����d�� SGP 2 4 1996 � MORTENSUN C�• CHANGE ESTIMATE Page 1 of 2 Change Estimate No. 31 Date 9/23/96 E110 Project St. Paul Civic Center Expansion St. Paul MN Revised plans and/or sketches dated Field Condition at Arena Ram� We propose to fumish material and/or labor as indicated below for the described project subject to the general terms and conditions as included in the original contract, unless noted: DESCRIPTION QF CHANGE Additional material and labor costs due to additional rail required at Arena Ramp #199 as shown on D&M • Iron Works drawings 27-4 and 27-4E (blueline attached). Please refer to page 2 of 2 for additional breakdown of costs. Erection Included • Sales or Use Tas Included Status of Change In process o:\ceform Change Estimate Amount $5,579.00 Performance Bond Included Schedule Change I�3ot scheduled Sincerel� � �3�cott c, Project Manager �.+ a+ i�n� � �1LU! COGG4 P.lil �W 4� 40 • • L.H. Sowles Company 2813 Bryant Avenue South Minneapolis, Mianesota 55408 Telephone: (61Z} 872-4656 Fax: (612) g72-6S24 Date • Z O 1946 I,e7eune Steel Company Attn: Scott Houdek TeIephone� (612) 861-3321 F� (612) 851-2724 Re: St Paul Civic Center EXTRA WORK I�OTIFICATIQN Leleune's N.O.C. # t E 7�P6�C B� el .17. 5 6 Other Reference # �,1� l�t 02A ��+�► 2 7 '�' Z 7"4 E This is to notify you that�F.A.F--# /ZQ hP �4u G�!a� �vr��iil effect our price as follows: �dd � cl s[ sE�i lONS �G RAIL.r�7��Ae�s F! Nartd 2kte pN — 3 � � z o_S o r.J.E�.d�H� hac4�nr� /6 �� �v 7 >D 12-3 • It may also effect the schedule. ?he schedule effect cannot be de[ermined at this rime as ic will depend on the notification to pzoceed, delivery date and/or situation on the constcuction site at the rime work is performed. We reserve the right to apply for a schedule extension and associated additioaal expenses due to the schednle (such as inefficiency, weather, acceIeiarion or overtime) at a tater date. . Piease make a change order to our contract for the amouni above_ V ery truly yours, L.I3. SOWLES COMPAISY � Mi1:e Dvorldn Pm;art Mana¢er � i, d �2r10 • D& M Iron Works, Inc. P. O. Box 18127 Mpis., Minn. 55498 Phone: (612) 639-0009 Fax: (612) 639-0025 Piease Deliverthis information to: � From: �N��7 �R.�C-�—� Number of Pages To �oliow: O Date: `/ 5 �1� - ("!G� '- -Gt�l IC.._ �.�Z�Z'-- �n��tJl,. r f"1� � ---- . i r � i�_ • C � _�c�� r�� �- , =_-- -r�- -_ -- � _— - - - - ---- ----- - - - - ----- �- --- ------- - ------ �T�: � . °_���T� -�°o - _ - - -. . _ � �� C � • � � , �, � -,�.- ,� I � . 1 4i . "_ _ ---'--'--^ -�' ��, .... � _ i e C',r?�`= �" � . � � �� ;..2�.i !-?"`'.--•'--'�� '___ . : i. . '�t..r;: `. . ' F r � ;; I-'.. _'X . l.' ��Sd� m� ;- � _.. tF1, .`� `4� ^ �°' �� • . 4 ." �" v "..:��54. Z` ': :' .�,fi;�:;.. . :_�:, ,. _ �-�;... .;1� ,_ � .� � �. t � : �.. .S - _.�;k, _ _ h a����� '.y�+ ..ty,- ,�tE_�*"� . � � ��I :_=, . ':?,�•�,.i�~ ' S ' f t • x � � .. � ��^��" �'��Y>f�' � I. , • � }` n � ,., `Z � ?4?j- � ,� „ �.^t::- `c.���„�.,�"�n: � � � ,�'�t=.:Hy�,_,� . '_ '_�. -. � _ . _,..:��;? _ .�.� � ` o �_� �� � �' A H V ` �p A JG -�A �� cC � � i�, . . . � , I � V _ C � v I� � : �+ � � � i , �s� ;, : � '. f � ; ii � � �; . . � i�0 �2.�1Q � �� � �� �: : ,- i � X� �_� � �. i � N L (i `�)� l) �}- � � V , r � I S, �c. � � . � : �; ` !i _ �' . 4 I . ' ,� � { � k' � ' ' � �� ' ti ( 'I R . � `l� � �' 7 _'Y__ ��� � �� y �.,� �� ���SIJ , � y-�' G21,�� • �� i �' � y 1 '�i �w v�' j � i�j cS � ��� �� _ CS r I ��! , =r � t�vc'T , �.iij . Fi �¢ I 1 � io I � I Cl �s l � c— �; m � �G � ' �. n r � u1�11�n, FRI n9:a-t F3S 61_' Sui 2i_^ LE:iEU\�E STEEL C'U. Jwl.J1�.1�7� U°tlCF4'1 L tL PI 1F.!41 W6�KY.�. i ��� � �yC ---- 322 � D 8� M Iron Works, Ir,c. P. O. Box 78127 RECEIVED . '� V �' • Mpts., Minn. 55418 ; ;�,�; =-;;,:;,:: Phone: (612j 639-0009 Far. (612) 639-0 � �, ���1311997 `'` Please DeI'rver this Fax irtFonnation to: S � m ��„� P.1/i CPMI � �R� l� Fram= JAGK D. DAf�lIELS�iV � �Z Nambe� of Pag¢s Tn Fot{ow� 0 pate 1131197 R�: CN(C C�NTER ST. PAU�, MN. ARENA RAMP #199 MATEF2IAL .................................. �348 � ABRICATIQN .........................•-- $1 �643 �rA�un�� .................................. �z4� SHIPPING .................................... �50 ALLQWABLE MARK UP ........... $342 TOTAL-• ....................................... $2,624 � � � SCOTT,THIS IS A SEVEN LINE PIPE RA1L AND IT TAKES TIME TO FABRICATE AND GRIND THIS RAI�. TH(5 ITEM !S ALREADY DONE O(V S1TE THEY SHOULD QUESTION TNiS BEFORE WE ARE TO�D TO DO IT. AGAiN 1 WARN YQU THAT WE SHOULD NOT DQ WORK THAT HAS NOT BEEN CHA�IGE OR�E�Z. — - t�£��' 4E�?EVNE C�pnIGE E`i-T #?il PosY-iY Fax Note 7671 �a�a ��3tf9� pagez� C�i,.z io _ _ ' `'__ u 8�1-332f u _. ;'nm-T. i >;-�� 11-�JT,-1'�9C ��2�19Pf1 FROfN 4Joache Iritartc�r-�s TG 25��557 F.91 �YASC�IE INTERIO�S, INC. � � �Z�O 1A735 4-tlGI-IWA`l 65 i�1-E. • HAM LAKE, MN 55344 •(632) 434-88t2:• �AX (612) 43Q-8$5$ Paintin� c� Warleove�c', Haterials: Item: Primer Paint Roller Sand Paper Mask Paper Mask Tape Saz. waste Othes • Item: Rent Equip Spray Equip Paste Mach Sm Toa3s SaEety Equp Lift Equip Cfiange Request/Proposa2 To: Kartensou Attn:Allen troshinsky Date: lI/1/96 Project �: 145Q 1'roject:Civic Center Description of Praposed Change: RFP-450(adt�a�ioa3. rail) Break-down of Qtp_ Cost_ 8.80 2.00 18.20 5.50 3.00 0.65 2.59 2.39 @3$ 3.OQ� io.ao Equipment: Qty: Cost: Total_ 0 36 Q 2 0 0 1 0 �otal: QSQ$ 32_00 @20� 26.00 7.Q0$ 103 3.00$ 103 @15$ 7_50 20 O 7 3 5 Proposed Costs Labor: Item= Apgrentice Journeyman Sprap Hrs Fareman overtime Benefits Izisuxance Taaes Supervision Travel Qty= Cost. �15.8Q 5.00 ;20.55 '21_3p �21.55 30.82 34.00$ '� 33:.00$ ! 19.30� 1�.00$ : RECAP 'pF tiaterials: Labor: Equipment: Bond: overhead: Profit: . 30 _ 00 COSTS: Tota1= 0 103 0 O 0 34 32 zo Z2 O 33 20I 3S O 22 19 Total Propased Chaage Amount= S 326 ' ��e�x�x�r�x��� ����r��x�e*�**x******t�**�***x*�*********�*��**�:**�*�:**** Wasche Office Use: C/R Niunber: � How Requested_ RFP-450 , C/R Value: 316_00 ; Requested By: bSort Deli.vered: � C/R Status: Pending Entered= � x*x**zyr**** xarxyr*z**xx*xax�x��ex:x�x:xxxxx*x*x****'*re�,t**x**x****xx�,c� • Change Status to: GC CfQ # Date: Est. Cost- value/Co�t bp Phase- Phase: Cost 5cheduled Est. Estimated Type: Values IInits= Casts_ : (attached seperate scope sheet 3f nec_) � IIpdate AIA?_ AZA Item #: Desc AFFIRMAT{VE ACTIQNlEQl1AL OPPORTUNI7Y EMPLOYER/W8E AA:r�nnnn..l:� � n...- �I..:...... value= TUTRL F.61 � • i : � . � =,. 1 �' ' `� ; . � . ' ��� : ; . i i �1 1 '� �, . �- � �_. . : � , ; i; 1 t . � l ��� , � �� � , i i ' i � ( 1 �i i t` ; • � i � I � � �� 1 � t I 1 V , t ' 1 1 , i E` , �' , � @ � , � �: i . � � i i t E� .. �� \ ♦ G •,� . � l� �2`I� 1 f ; £� ��' �� � �� ��� ��� � �, �.� 1 i i ' i ii �i :; �� �� ;� i� ij i� � i i! � • L N � y � � N � 3 .� o ^x 3 � � N t+1 L�. � 3� �x � £� � �' d a� v Q ����, � � a' N U �vV � �,� �i � T � � �.^ y y (V � o. Q G � � � W o U 49 Vi 69 V3 � a�i V � O o 0 0 X + L .� �" 0� N • U � � � W p ' S C � o a'�i m o r C] x � a U ` � a� o 0 0 0 U U E�" a � o r s s o •? w � O y� � x U °' ° n C} � � `� �i � � E y ' ia a�'i e � ` v` o p ` a v' y � 'a V � o�'� •� �F v3v�cav� V] c � o o c� o . 3 � � x ❑ � 3 �-� w � o � ° o x y • a.� ` o U � O U N � � � Q � a v � ^ N d ��2 � ���� � �, � � �, � � �� 3���� m � d � � � T O � O O o O� Q' o E» vi sa 00 x ..l . '5 F . ¢ o � �Fo � ��a�°a � O O e �} M O o0 vt W �� �O N N 69 EA V3 � v� O o O t� cs3 v� sv a � � . ���� v e �n � � r N N 0 ' o 0 � � � � � 7 � � o � � ^�., a X a � U Q � U � I� 0 0 a F '� H � � � � � � � ❑ � � � ;; ; : , �; t,� ; � ; �� t _ ; '��. � ; .- , , �; - a' 3 ; i , : ; ; ; ;t : � :- �� ;�: , ; � ' ; ; , ' _ : ; +,� ' - � , ,; ;, S ��y � s . �; �� �� �� � � , I ;. : � ' �� ;; ., 1 1 � �_ , i , � , . . � t 1 � 1 e s' �- 6 i�i2�0 t � / �.1� . ��� �`,� � . .� � ��_>, �� �� � _��, �_ r�� �- o Y`a.�..a. � `{ � �� 4 (. 4 • . �PMI , «s wPSC a" screec SaiM Paul, MN 5577L 28 April 1997 Mr. Ailen Troschinksy M.A. Mortenson 300 Eagie Street Saint Paui, MN 55102 RE: Saint Paui Civic Center Expansion Dear Allen: ►�0 �2�0 / 7�M � Per our conversation today, Change Order #4.01-18 has an incoRect approval on it. Item 5, Motors for Overhead Doors 420E and 442 is not a change to your contract. The contract documents require ail the door have motor operators, which was understood by your subcontractor when the shop drawings were submitted in June, 1996. (See attached copies of shop drawings). The electricai to these two doors was not included and Request for Proposai #4.80 was issued to Gephart Electric for this reason. Since two moce change orcie(s have been issued since #4.01-18, deleting it off the change onier creates accounting difficulty. instead, CPMI will issue a credit on the next change orcler. Please advise immediately if you do not agree. Thank you. Sincerely, COST, PLANNING AND MANACEMENT INTERNATIONAL, INC. ,�����9��--- Susan Campbell Jones Project Manager cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson ``3225-404.2 < � i�o I2�o • °_ CONT-RACTOR'S P-ROPOSAL Contractor Proposal No.: FO#4.38 Date: December 04, 1996 Project: ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER CP.4 Contract No.: 4.01 A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: 3. it is requested the completion date be () extended, ( 1 decreased, ( 1 unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). Reference RFP No.: ; FO No.: 4.38 : PCO No.: Title: Lower strip footina alona qrid 4 11 Basis of payment: (Check one) (X) Firm price for performing this change is $ 4,432.00 Adequate supporting details and information (Increased) (Deduct) must be attached to aflow Owner to evaivate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed S ( 1 Actual cost at completion of work S /�� � Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: December 4 1996 Contrac or Q4�.�. � �-=- ConYractor Signature POR CPMI USE r� L Action ftecommended: ICheck one) O Change will not be made. Explain: �Proceed on the follawing basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. �) Basis of payment shall be $ `�The following modification is recommended: () Change in completion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in priee. �Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( ) Othes CPMI Job No.: 3225 2. Reasonfor Change: ( � Design Change O Client Request �Q,Field Condition O Suggested by Contractor O Design Omissron or Other (explain) 3. Is this a part of the original contract scope? () YES �l(S NO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? YES ( 1 NO 5. A/E consuited. YES ( 1 NO Prepared by: �f�"� (CPMI) Date: 5� 1�-�I � HGA n"°• Approved by � � � • Approved by___Ci� Owner) Approved by: IOwner) CPMI Inc., c/o Saint Paul Civ�c Genter, I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza, 143 West Foun cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring Date: Date: SaiM Pauf, MN 551 3225- • • 12/4/96 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion Summary Change Proposal � i21"�o � L ���� SL PAUL CIViC CENTER EXPANSION 300 EAGLESTREET JOBID:95I042 T�� SA/NTPAUL, A-fN Sil02 PH: 6/Z293-9/i4 FAK 612/293-9557 Description: FO#4.38 Title: Lower strip footing along grid 4.11 $ Amount Mortenson Labor: (See attached) Mortenson Material: (See attached) Mortenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposal) $ 1.779 $ 752 $ 73 $ - Generel Conditions: $ - (MOrtenson Work) SUBTOTAL M. A. Mortenson $ 2,604 SUBCONTR4CTORSNENDORS i. Ambassador � F7 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1.088 191 SUBTOTALSubNend $ �.z� SUBTOTALFee M. A. Mortenson Company Fee: SubcontlactorsNendors Fee 5%: $ 64 M. A. Mortenson Work � 5°fo: $ 39M1 $ 455 Total Material & Equipment $ 752 M. A. Mortenson Material & Equipment Tax: 7% $ 53 • SUBTOTALTax SUBTOTAL:M.A.Mortenson+SubNend+Fee+Tax $ 4,390 Builders Risk GCL insurance Costs Payment & Performance Bond SUBTOTAL Insurance 8 Bonds 0.0007 ($.72lThousand) 0.0038 ($3.77/Thousand) 0.0050 ($4.9593/Thousand) $ 3 $ 17 $ 22 $ 41 � TO?AL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 4,432 Page 1 • • 4 N J • n a M Q \ h b i Q i � . v h � q � M � N C � N � b � da � � LL U Z � a -' o � � � N m 0 1`� 12�n � � ^ Q � m �� � O � N �g o� � 0 � � � W ° rn ° o ° o ° o ° o Z o 0 0 � � N N � � O O O a . O o LL � f- N O� O O O y� m ? o 0 0 o O o � W r N p o 0 0 0 p a o LL p � 4 W }} r p o o O O O V O O O W � p O O Y Z n N o 0 0 0 0 U ? o m� � W ~ � � p p o 0 0 W �t1 � O O O O O O a I� N p p O O O � O Q U K � W n, o 0 0 0 0 0 � v 0D o 0 0 0 0 0 mZr oi o o d d d g �a w �p �n �� �n v m �O �o m ��r °' v °' `�' o �� g o o � K m � g � � W y " a ° w � o R mW� a � x � 3om � O � a m m U1 J J N �p � � � J E N O 0 O RI N N t6 N � (II p] (f1 3 m o� LL NgN N m N Q \J MaYI ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER IXPANSlON � l� l o 300 EAGLESTREET JOB ID� 95I042 S�t/NTPAUL. MN SSl02 PN:612/293-9154 FAX:62/193-9557 C.P.No. FO#4.38 Reference: Date: 12/4/96 • • Material Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Measure 5000# concrete 14 cy 53.73 75222 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Subtotal 75z22 Page 1 C� �a�2�� • � C.P. No. FO#4.38 Reference: Date: 12/4/96 compressor w/ hoses - '1 ea hammer drill - 2 ea Eqpt. ST. PAUL CMC CENTER IXPANSION day day 300 EAGGE STREET JOB ID: 9> I042 SAINT PAUL. MN 55102 PN: G/2/293-9l54 FAX: 6l2/193-9�57 fY. UNIT EQPT 3 17.70 3 6.52 EQPT. 53.1 19.56 TOTAL EQUIPMENT 72.66 Page 1 • � 7pl Nonh Second SVeai - Minneapol�s, MN 5560t -(612) �ea ���o � E� : 1�': ,:. � •�� PROPOSAL REQliEST ''�•A• �URTENSO�V C0. "j'Q' M.A. MORTENSON DATE: a-2-96 JOB i`1UMBER: 2595033 300 EAGLE ST ST. PAUL, MN 55102 �:ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER ATTN: HEATHER JENSEN LOCATION: sT. PauL MN CHANGE PROPOSAL NO. 3s THIS CHANGE: ADD $475.00 PLUS TAX DERCIZiPT(ON OF PROPOSAL RFOUEST FIELD ORDER 4.38 � LOF7ER FOOTING FOR WALL ON GRXD 4.11 ADD .85 TON REINFORCING STEEL: LUMP SOM ..................$400.00 ADD FREIGHT ..................$ 75.00 • TOTAL ..................$475.00 plus tax X ►.o °/ T -� . 5og . y 5 • ---- IVOTE: PLEASE CONFIRM THIS PROPOSAL SY SIGNINU ONE COPY AND tiENRN1NG LT TO OUR OFFICE. AN ACKNOWLEDGED COPY WQ,L BE RETliRNED TO YOli FOR YOC,R FII.ES. ACCEPTED: � BY: AUCHOtZ[ZED S[GNATURE AMBASSADOR STEEL MINNEAPOLIS SALES OFFICE BY'/Al �y/'I /1e� T (i11�G/'�A.r� — THOMAS T CHEGARISi � � TITLE: TITLB:saLSS REPRESENTATIVE DATE: DATE: $-z-96 TflUE HAPPINESS DEPEN�S UPON A PERSONALRELA7IONSHIP WITH GOO 0 �� �� L ,I 0« �Oi Nonn S«ond Street • Minnaapolis, MN 55401 -(6l2) 33f�{pq9 IJ l , CHANGE PROPOSAL NO. 34 �I�HIS CHANGE: ADD $147.00 PLUS TAX 1 • 1' 1 � ''�' 1 � ' 1 � � ••� S AtfG 12 1996 '-./lJ�� ���0 D PROPOSAL REQti�ST M.A. MORTENSON C0. TO - M. A. MORTENSON DATE: $-$-96 JOB Iv'IiMBER:zs9soss 300 EAGLE ST ST. PAUL, MN 55102 �: ST. PAOL CIVIC CENTER LOCATION: sm. pauL, MN ATTN: HEATHER JENSEN LOWER FOOTING FOR WALI, ON GRID LINE 4.11 ADD .16 TON REINFORCING STEEL: LUMP SUM .................$72.00 FREIGHT CHARGE ....." " ..................$75.00 $147.00 PLUS TAX 7� y. oZ °�� '�lx THIS IS AN ADDITION TO OUR PROPOSAL REQUEST #33. � � 57.29 NOTE: PLEASE CONFIRM'[I PROPOSAL BY S[GNtNG ONE COPY AND [tE'I7JFtNING IT TO OUR OFFICE_ AN ACKNOWLEDGED COPY WII.L B5 R�.TtiRNED "CO YOti FOR YOLR FiLES. ACCEPTED: AMBASSADOR STEEL MINNEAPOLIS SALES OFFICE � BY: BY % nn�.c� — T � / AUI'HOR[ZED SIGNATURE THOMaS T. CxEGARNS • ----- -- - TITLE: TITL,E: saLES REPRESENTATIVE DATE: DATE: $/a/96 TRUE HAPP(NESS DEPEN�S UPON A PERSONAI REIATiONSfiiP WITH GOO L 11:'14r96 U5:19 F.�1% 6127337507 �uovooi I.� f Z�� 1913 Braadway Streat NE - Minneapofis, Minnesota 554t3 - 612-623-0302 • FAX 672-623-3923 `,� ��. • • D• a. � DATE: 916l96 REVtStO �il�"`i--� �BASS.aI>OR STEEL T0: M. A. Mortenson 300 Eagle street St_ Paul, MNI 55102 ATlN: Heathes Jensen Jos Nf7MBER: 2545Q33 S RE= St. Paul C2.vic Center St. -Paul, � C�anqe prpposal No. 43 FiL-'VtSEP C�tANGE PROP0511L N�- 43 R E v i 5 t� TKIS Q3ANGE: Fdditi.on Rebar ADD: $395.00 + tax t : 4 `.:;b ii:i �; _ �� _, : �. �.�,.,,, 3 �:���.�N CQ• - DESt1ZZ�TZ�N OF PROPC�SAL � F/E60 oRi�ER 4-.38 IadditiOTlal rel7aTS for wa11 on grid 4.�1 ordered by A7- Reichow o+"a 9J3/96. App ,63 tons reinforcing steeL $295_00 Fxm i�oo.00 '1�YI'AI, $395.00 + ��SC x I.o7`(o z - A ,� - _ -�9z2. This is aa addition.to �'ie�-a dRDt=l 4.36 di.1 o�lR P�+??��"L 33 d- 34 �E_ pr;Fn�;� ���✓� 'IgIZS PRpPOSAL BX SSGNSNG ONE C70PY AAID REli1RNING IT 'J.t7 IXA2 OFFI(�_ AN AQQ�70WI�ED� COPY WISL HE RETURNED 'IO YOU FOR XOUR F?S,ES _ � • �M�{' p! SY: �kiiT? �E�SSp.DOR si'EE[, a7RPORaTION BY' {i �. ('� `-i"" . 'IY�M CFIEGARIS TI'1`LE • S11I.ES REPRFSII37` �IE nA�• `7�9 TRUE HAPPINE55 DEPENOS UPON A PEpSONAL RELFiTIONSHIP WtTH GOD F�X � � �2�� L.H. SOWLES COMPANY 2813 Bryant Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55408 Date SEPT.25 ,199 � � � � 1_"� Number of pages inciuding cov et 2 � �qq� SEP � A �O�tTEiSSON GO- To: Phone � Fax Phone CC: ALLEN TROSHINSKY ❑ Urgent ❑ For your revievr From: DAN SOWLES Phone 612-872-4656 �ax Phone 612-872-6824 ❑ Repiy ASAP ❑ Piease comment DEAR ALLEN, PLEASE (SSUE A CHANGE ORDER FOR THE FOLLOWING. 1) OUR F{ELD WORK ORDER # 46645,( R.F.P.# 4.5) 2.5 HOURS AT 63.75=$159.00 2)OUR FIELD WORK ORDER # 46644, ( FO, 4.54) 1.5 HOURS AT 63.75= $96.00 3)OUR F1ELD WORK ORDER # 46643, (R.�.P. # 4.2) 3 HOURS AT $66.24= $ 199.00 6 HOURS AT $63.75= 382.00 SUB TOTAL $582.00 4) OUR FIELD WORK ORDER# 46631, (R.F.P. 4.40} 5) OUR �4EtD WORK ORDER # 46636, ( f.o. # 4.41) 8 HOURS AT $63.75= $510.00 7 HOURS AT $ 66.75= $467.00 7 HOURS AT $ 63.75= 446.00 ' l" SUB TOTAL �(((,�-�\� • 6) OUR FIELD WORK ORDER # 46632, ( F.O. # F4-38) 3 HOURS AT $63.75 $_1191.00 \ �� � THANKYOU VERY MUCH, ,_- DAN SOWLES 2613 Bryant Avenue SoutTi ' ���� LHSOWLES Minneapolis, MN 55408-2179 [612J 872-4656 [6121 872-6824 [FAX] �IELD ORDER � �-��J'�°� Job No. Order No. "' �� DatE Job Customer Address LABOR EDUIPMENT AND TOOLS: C O M V 0 H Y %r' _!� , // � �� 1— WHITE 2— YELLOW 3— PINK DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES PERFORMED �or classification and number of hours for eachl oment 6y type and hours. and/or materiais usedl HOURS � RATE Customer ` � � Bv TH1S NUMBEF MUST N O 4 6 6 3 2 APPEAR ON INVOlCE � -�'���- 40� � � • MORi'ENS01�[ The Construction Organization� Minneapolis Office 700 Meadow Lane North P.O. Boz 770 (55440-0710) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4899 04 December 1996 SusanJones CPMI c/o Saint Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul MN 55102-1299 Re: Subject: • Dear Susan: r� L SaintPaulCivic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Project #951042 FO#4.38 - Lower strip footing along grid 4.11 �0 LZ�I C� BUILDING DIVISION Telephone:(612)522-2700 Facsimile: (672) 5203430 In accordance with FO#438 dated Ol August 1996, regarding the lowering of footings along grid 411, we quote the sum of Four Thousand Four Hundred Thiriy-Two Dollars (+$4,432.00) for the added work. Enclosed are copies of subcontractor quotations and our price breakdown. Please let me know if you need additional information or clarification on the enclosed. Please issue a contract change order. The amount quoted includes only the wst of the changes idenfified herein. Changes to the contract not specifically identified as revisions aze not included in this proposal and are excluded. Mortenson reserves the right to submit a pzoposal for additional costs and time related to the impact of this change on unchanged work or for the effect of this change in combination with other changes. Very truly yours, �,. � � .'..,�_� Allen S. Txoshinsky Assistant Project Manager file: C1'MI � FO# 4.38 Minneapolis•Seattle•Denver•ColoradoSprings•Milwaukee•GrandRapids•SanDiego•San Francisco•Honoiulu•LosAngeles � • • RECEIVED F,O.R ' S I� O 12�0 Contractor Pro osal No.: 4.100 Date: FebruaN 20, 'I 997 Project: S. PAUL C .4 Contract No.: 4.01 A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: // �l C/ 1. It is requested the completion date be () extended, () decreased, ( 1 unchanged by cafendar days. The adjusted completion date wi{I be 2. Description of the change: IRefer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). Reference RFP No.: 4.100 ; FO NO.: Title: B 5 PT Beam shorteninq/revised detail 2B/3- I C 3. Basis of payment: (Check onel (X) Firm price for performing this change is S(-826.00) Adequate supporting details and information (Increased) (Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed S ( 1 Actual cost at completion of work S Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: Z° r�eR.�a�l i44� Contractor ��0 0. � � ,.� Contractor Signature FOR CPMI USE Action Recommended: (Check one) ( 1 Change will not be made. Explain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 �Proceed on the following basis: ( � As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. ( � Basis of payment shall be S � The following modification is recommended: () Change in completion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. �[,Change is acceptable wiifi no change i� completion date. � ) Other 2. Reason for Change: �,Design Change ( l Gient Request O Field Condition () Suggested by Contractor ( � Design Omission or Other (explain) 3. Is this a part of the original contract scope7 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? 5. A/E consulted. Prepared by:� G / — (CPM1) Approved by HGA) Approved by Owner) ( ) YES �(Q NO � YES ( 1 NO YES 1 ) NO Date:� ����� g 7 Approved by: (Owner) Date: CPMI Inc., c/o Saint Paul Civic Center, I.A. O'ShaughnessY P�aza, 143 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, MN 55702-1299 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- . • 2/20/97 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion Change Proposal Summary '.�V`1 � L� O ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION 300 EAGLE STREET !OB ID: 95I042 SA/NTPAUL, b1N 55l01 PH:GIZ/?93-91�4 FAX�GIZ/293-95�i Description: CP 4.700 Title: B.5 PT Beam shoReninglrevised Detai128/3-7C $ Amouni Mortenson Labor: (See attached) Mortenson Material: (See attached) Mortenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposal) $ ( $ (527) $ - $ - General Conditions: $ - (Modenson Work) SUBTOTAL M. A. Mortenson $ (567) SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS 1. Ambassador Steel $ • 2. Amsysco - Not accepted $ 3. Ceco Construction $ 4. Sowles $ 5 $ a $ (I23) 9. 10. SUBTOTALSubNend $ (�23) Sl1BTOTAL Fee Builders Risk GCL Insurance Costs Payment 8 Perfortnance Bond SUBTOTAL Insurance & Bonds 0 OOD7 ($.7Nhousand) 0.0038 ($3.77lfhousand) 0.0050 ($4.9593lfhousand) $ t $ (3) $ (4) $ ( • TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ �826) SUBTOTALTax M A. Mortenson Company Fee: SubcontraclorsNendors Fee 5%: M. A. Mortenson Work 15%: Total Material & Equipment $ M. A. Morte�son Material & Equipment Tax: $ (6) $ (85) $ (91) (527) 7% $ (3�) 5 (37) SUBTOTAL:M.A.Mortenson+SubNend+Fee+Tax $ ($i Page 1 � � . O Q � � • N Q .,; a � N b � L � i S � a � in a M a C � � O � o � c � U � U o c Z d n: °-' m U � O � �Z�la � Q� o� �o �°� J m N � t!J �g `°' 0 � � � W° � o 0 0 0 0 � oao � W� N � O O O O O a . O o � � J ¢� � O O O O O O � K r p p o 0 0 O W p N � a O � Z w � 3W� � o o S Soo Y Z � N o 0 0 0 0 U � o 7 m 0 � w Z � rn a o 0 0 0 W 'n °� o a � o 0 0 a � ° o 0 0 0 0 � � N Q U K � w W n ° o 0 0 0 0 � � a � o 0 0 0 0 � Z � oi ° o 0 0 0 0 g�o K z o v c� W � � � `� � �n rn �n �� n Qi ' � N N� M g o o � � O m C J @ Q � W N Z o � W y �` O � Z � m m Z �' W o � Q W � � = C J � (11 N J J � N � O C� Q� Q tt] m m a � F- m I- � � J � @ o O� O � `o � m a�i � m� m m a d �g� J J 0 F- lL � N N m � a Mat'I 1��2`�0 • �J��OH ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER IXPANSION T7teC�'ttdiqtO�e� 300EAGLESTREET JOBID:9>1012 SA1NT PAUL. MN 55101 PH.- 6l2/293-9154 FAX: 612/?93-9ii7 • • C.P. No. Reference: Date: GP 4.100 2/19l97 Materiai Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Measure 5000 psi concrete 10 cy -52.73 -527.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 a.ao o.00 o.00 o.00 o.00 o.oa o.00 0 00 o.00 0 00 o.ao o.00 o.00 o.00 Subtotal -527 30 Page 1 ' nii'_;: s'r, 16:25 F31 6121357Y07 AMBAS.S.9UfjR STEEL I�oovooi T �'��O • DESCRIFTION OF PROFOSAL R�QUEST PROPOSAL RE4UEST DATE: 1/27/47 TO- M.A. Mortenson JOB NUMBER 304 Eagle Street St. Paul, MN 55102 ATTN: Hea�her Jensen RE: St. Paul Civic Canter St_ Paul, MN Chanqe Proposal No_ 68 CHANGE PROPOSAL NO_ 68 THZS CHANGE: DEDUCT $123.00 + tax • RFP 4,1�� REVIS� BEAMS 4PTB 85, 4 PTB$6 AND POUR STRIP �'!' S r . f N } ,�� . � �1. r'.r .; -_, ' ;�. _::� �.,-. �;� 2595433 pEpUCT .59 TOI3 R£INFORCING STEEL $-273.06 AD17 3 HOFJR REDETAII.ING AT $50.00/HR = $ 150.00 TQTAL DEDUCT $ 123.00 NOTE: PLEASE, COA7FTRM THIS PROPQSAL BY SIGNING pNE COPY ANA RETURNING =T TO OUR pFFICE. AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT COPY WILL BE RETURNED TO Z'OU FOR YOUR FILES. ACCEPTED: BY: TSTLE• DATE: • 1953 Broadw: AMBASSADOR STBEL CORPORA`Y' ON BY • ��w-�` 7 TOM CHEGARIS TITLE:SALE5 REPRESENTATS AATE _ / /Z7�9 � __ TqUE HAPPfNESS DEPENDS UPON A PERSONAL RELATIONSNIP WITH GOQ � 12�2d • AMSYSCO, Inc. AMERICAN SYSTEMS 8 STRUC7URES CO id0 RACAUcTCLU6 DR POST TENSIONING SVSTEMS ADOISON, �L 60101 p08� 628-6969 FAX (�08� 62&6309 � ^ ��✓ 4 f ,rJ ,, � �,; .. �:> �`.' ,� ,�F 4: � B � �"� �`� � j` � 3 ��;,�, h %99� �':� ;� �� C ���jN . "✓ n ti�� Jan 30, 1997 M.A Moztenson Construction Co. 300 Eagle St. St. Paul, MN 55102 Fax: 612-293-9557 Attn: Heather Jensen Subject: RE'P No: 4.100 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion Dear Ms. Jensen �J Please be advised that the RFP No: 4.100 results in additional cost of $750.00 for the re-detailing time for the shop drawings. We have already supplied all the strand for the project.therefore, any reduction in the length of beam or tendons will not result in any savings. Please issue a change order in the amount of $750.00. Very Truly Yours, 1 .. �I.�./►. ►u .� Rattan L. Khosa, P.E. President C.0 Contract File Corr File Bharti Khosa C.�. Fi1e . �����° PLANT PTI CER?IRED � The Construc[ion Org¢nizption FEB 2 0 1997 20 FeUruary 1997 c,��IV�I �22s-�o¢,g'� � � �2.,�� BUILDING DIVISION Minneapolis O�ce 700 Meadow Lane North P.O. Box 710 (55440-0710) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4899 Tefephone: (612) 522-2100 Facsimile: (672) 5203430 Susan Jones CPMI c/o Saint Pau1 Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul MN 55102-1299 Re: SuUject: � Dear Susan: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Project #951042 Request for Proposal #4.100 B.5 PT Beam shortening/revised detail2B/3-1C In response to RFP #4,100 dated 22 January 1997, we are submitting the following cost proposal. Enclosed are copies of subcontractor quotations and our prlce breakdown. We are requesting a Change Order to decrease oux Contract Amount by Eight Hundred Twenty-Six Dollars (-$826.00). Please let me know if you need additional information or clarificarion on the enclosed. The amount quoYed includes only the cost of the changes identified herein. Changes to the conh�act not specifically idenEified as revisions are not included in this proposal and are excluded. Mortenson reseroes the right to submit a proposal for addiflonal costs and Eime related to the impact of tlus change on unchanged woxk ox foi the effect of this change ist comUination with other changes. Very truly yours, �- �• Allen S. Troshinsky Assistant Project Manager �E RFP #4.lOQ T"' • � Minneapolis•Seattle•Denver•ColoradoSprings•Milwaukee•GrandRapids•SanDiego•San Francisco•Honolulu•LosAngeles 1..� CZ�I a . �"� ,� � .} . . -..°"- . � >' �-: :.. ' �.�r�:=°• '_ .. '.� }uz�i"k.�".� _ .:.� � � '�a':.w Contractor Proposat No.: CP 4.1�3R Date: Aaril 18 1997 Project: ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER CP.4 Contract No.: 4.01 A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: /�M � 1. 1t is requested ihe completion date be (� extended, (� decreased, ( 1 unchanged by • calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be 2. Description of the change: lRefier to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicabfe). Reference RFP No.: 4.103R ; FO NO.: Title: Interior cabinet and countertoo revisions 3. Sasis of payment: (Check one) (X) Firm price for performing this change is S(701.00) Adequate supporting details and information �fncreased) (Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed S (} Actuat cost at comptetion of work $ Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: 4$ Contractor (�4�� S ,�1�- Contractor Signature FOR CPMI USE 3. 4. 5. Action Recommended: (Check one) CPMI Job No.: 3225 O Change will not be made. Explain: �Proceed on the following basis: ( 1 As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. () Basis of payment shall be S U!JC �� j�'Q, �The folfowing modification is recommended: � () Change in completion date is accepted. /J�� � O Change is acceptabfe with no change in price. 0 � C,.Q/'/(,j�Y`✓ �,Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( ) Other Reason for Change: �(pesign Change () Client Request ( 1 Field Condition �) Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other (explain) Is this a part of the original contract scope? 1 1 YES Is Contractor's Estimate attached? �ES /��E rnnciiltcA ES �NO (1N0 ONO Prepared by Approved b� Approved b' Date: .� ��� Date: 5� 9'97 Date: S� �3�9? • Approved by: (Owner) Date: CPMf Inc., cfo Saiot Paul Civic CenTer, LA. O'Shaughnessy Plaza, 143 West Fourth Street, Saint Paut, MN 55102-1299 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- . 4/18/97 , • � St. Paul Civic Center Expansion Summary Change Proposal � �Z�O ST. PAU! CNlC CENTER EXPANSION SAlMPAUL, MN 55J02 PH: 612/293-9154 FAX: 6l2l293-955i Description: CP 4.103R 7'�tle: Interior cabinet and Mortenson Labor: (See attached) Mortenson Material: (See attacfied) Mortenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposal) revisions $ Amount $ - $ - $ - $ - General Conditiona $ (Mortenson Work) SUBTOTAL M. A. Mortenson $ ' SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS }. Paul's Woodcraft $ • 2. St. Paul Linoleum $ 3. Wasche 1Meriors $ 4. $ 5. $ „ $ (694) IV. SUBTOTAL SubNend $ (694� SUBTOTALFee SUBTOTALTax M. A. Mortenson Company Fee: Subcontractors/Vendors Fee 5%: $ - M. A. Mortenson Work 15%: $ - $ - Totaf Material & Equipment $ - M. A. Mortenson Material & Equipment Tax: 7% $ - SUBTOTAL: M. A. Mortenson + SubNend + Fee + Ta�c $ �694) Builders Risk GCL Insurance Costs Payment & Performance Bond SUBTOTAL lnsurance & Bonds 0.0007 ($.72lfhousand) 0.0038 ($3-77/Thousand) 0.0050 ($4.9593lfhousand) $ (0) $ (3) $ (3) $ (7) • TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ t Page 1 ��� �� • � `C. l�? �2'�C� 0�407 � 199 ��ANGE �RDER Y l➢'J�t; i: s� �ain nrvr,^ c_ . RFP �.. x03 OJECT NTIMBER a6-oQe DATE: z �z l TO: r�ox�rso�� cc Attenticn_ �, Jmrs�rr In order to comply with the statement on your cantract which says (in effect} that extra work will be paid for ONLY WITH WRTTTEN AUTHORIZAT70N for such work, we subinit the fotlowing: �/]Z/ S7 Y.E�I'i'Hh.'4 J�v'SEI� PR0�7EC'� E`^.�dGIIv�ER (request date) {pecson requesting change) (tide} R�QUESTED CHANGE: ADI} D�DUCT 1. arr�zm a�%�� oF c�ItvE� IN RM 242 $o�4 2. Ti2ADE U?PEP. :,ABIA�'iS EOF GTcA.'�TIS'E 'iQt� ZN ROQM 6 GG 00 .6a S[TM TOTAL OF ADDS AND DEDUCTS: a6�L . o0 TOTAL CONTRACT CHANGE: $ 694, �o ADD OR DEDUCT : char.ges, a; deli^e�:ed abc.e, :�q��ir� }�e•: r appro��al. (title) / / � {date} {authorized by) CAITTION 'WE CANNt}T PROCEED OI�T THESE CHANGES WITHOUT �OUR APFROVAL. This form needs to be si¢ned and retumed to Paul's Woodcraft. We wiU accept your faxed authorization of these changes. � TF�ANKS FOR YOUR COOPERATIOII. Paui's G t4a1d �o 000rRa�T �_ paul's Woocicra�c project managuicmmator \ �\�`�f f(/����� c o m p a n y� A �;� "�� • il��� �R.����� �`���'� .... �i�� Archifecturat Designed Millwork 2730 Fernbrook Lane, Minneapolis. MN 55447 PH.612-559-2990 fAX 612•554•2630 Wnitc-Or7^�nai:Cantnc� Book Yellow-Protluctmn \izlta+�t Pink-Pro2et AS2na^trpob File Gotdenrod-Pnrehasing �l2�1C9��zs • r 1 LJ CHANGE O�tDER PROJECT: sT YACrz, czvzc c�srr� PROJECT NUNIBER; �aF_nna DATE: 3 � i� � 97 TO: N',p, MORTEIVTSON Att�ntion: ��R J�vs�m Tn order to comply with the statement on your contract wfiich says (in effect) thai extra work wilI be pa3d for ONLY WITH WR7TTEN AUTHORIZAT7pN for such work, we submit the fottowing: 3 /'i3 / 97 I�,^iHER JE�SEI�i P�OSECT �JGIAlEELL: (request date) (person requesting change) (titlej REQUEST'ED CHANGE- ADD DEDUCT �'�'S�ER�Fr� ..�'. �(13R {RFVTS�) \ ('C14T Q .OG CHt1PdGE Y � �4� � SUM TOTAL OF ADDS AND DEDUCTS: `Q _,� This facm needs to be signed and returned to Paul's We will accept TOTAL CONTRaCT CHANGE: n.g�_ ADD OR DEDUCT The changes, as delia..ated aba.e, reqe�r.; y�e:a: aYgreeal. / ! (authorized by) (title) (date) CAUTION WE CANNOT PROCEED ON THESE CHANGES WITHO�JT YOUR APpROVAL. your faxed authorization of these changes. THANKS FOR YOUR COOPERATtON. Paut's OQDCRAFT -" �c o m p a rt y � Arch�teclural Designed Mitlwork Paul"s woodcraft manageriescimaror � v �\���rii�; �`� 't, � '//%/ �_:..� �AE �. 2734 Fsrn6roak lane, Minneapa(is. MfV 55a47 PH.812�559•2990 FAX Si2-�`�.°.-263� W'rt�<c-prf¢maVConcrecc Pook Ycflow-Producnan A`.zna+s Pmk-Proicct Atana^er/70b Flt Goldrnrod-PUrchasmg rn �R,. . �...�.......�, ...... . _ __ . �I MAR-1�-195? 1E�1� ST. PFUL LINU i Cti�FET CiJ ��ax r�:a�,�,o�,�� r3xu;: fGbruary s �. 7yy7 Ti t'• � g inc '• cvver - 3 A'r.A. Murtensnn, Tc+tn Schwah A.J. Spaniers AmhassaQpr Steel, Tom Chenuri� Anics, Mike Moeller Amsyxo, Ratran Klx�sa Arnietex Inc., W�yne Ripesneki Atlas Faundateon, va�c Peterson � & � C'vmpanies. RiEE JohY� Barfley Sst�,e ('�., Dave Grimm C.K. Fischer, run Fischer Ceco.Jun Paquin Cemstone. Pat Ku�set Uon Nars(ad Cci., Dnn H;�rstad Gaceway Glu�,i. Paul Nealc JGC;. Gtcg Jcihn Kramcr & llavis, Mich�cl I'rxtt L.ti. Snwlcs, Simon Kihanya la�sun-13et1'y. 7im F3cYry 1.eJcune SccCl, Scou Houdek Maho�i D�x�r, Ieff Cruz�eliu.e E12 E8E. EE�6 P.�1i91 � ��� Sl. P¢u/ ( Fv�c Ccntc'r �x�trrza�ivn MAN1,Jo 9S 1 Z M�tmecora �le�azor, Cfuis Andersan Mon[gomery filevatnr, Kcvin l3ardwcll Mutcahy, Mark Peterson N�rcional Spc.�ialqes, I,iz'1'immoas Neil.cen'c �uipmen[, Don Ly43:oskec Y:uteifnld, Juttn Juday XPaul's WU�icraft. Dave Jah�uon Pier�e Sxlcs. Dave T)iiru�c;an !'rc�gressive Hamlling. R�pji Shenard T'yramid Tik, Mike ttarren X Si. Paul Linoleum & Carpet, Gary Farsuiid Securiry Ivjetal Products, Marc Serou� Scan�ou $uildine Spcxialties, Bil! Uhlman Smtttnit lloor, P2tiia r21is TW��� City Acouaicc, C)ave prinkcr Vatley Buttding ProduCte, Juck Rt�msaac XWauhe lnteriorc, ��{y T�r�S�a w3uclzr H�dwatc ,'t'roy 1{aupcn f•.nclpsc^�[ plea.ee find RequcSt £or Propasal 140, ., 4.iy}i_ t>lease review this RrP for any pcxcntia! a�st or �CO�e nf wc�rk impacts arltl pte<�se recp�nd. "1'hese copics should be kept �u a rccord and :,dd�xl co rhe cnnstru�fion de>cuments asse�ci�ted wifl� d1e Sxint P3u1 Civic Cencer lyxpaiuiem CP-4, PIP3GC �CVjt;W (�tLS dCKUlrieilk ;�Slcl II1diL';iiZ Ily 2(27I�Y1 IY it ti;L�GlreS a CI1a11�+C UYC1Ci [i� ytiUr <<�hcno��ct. vl nc�t. 'Ihe SuheontracWr is respn3t�if�te tbr reviewSn� :�If nppre�priate liuld tonditiony belure i c�F�<,�i��� ze � the Requect for 1'ropos�3. if y��u do nat recpp�i� by the da[e stateci ahove, you have f��rfcncd �n daiin tor aJditional costs or time whid3 Liiis Jc mav have generatul. 1P you do ncx rrspnnd by the deadlis�e a�id it i� later diseaveroc( (l�at y��ur company ���,s have a change in �ope, cnct, Ur +chedttic, !hx[ is direttly relaicCl to ihis RrP, you wi[I I� re�uired to comPletc �hc 12FP at nu additional coa! t<� [he t}wnca �r IV1.q. Mortenspn, lf (here 3Ce Ccicis assaCtated ai(!i your work, �1� nut procecd un(il yo�i liavu received audiorization. Ai] Clait2�5 for additi�nal cosla mus[ be dctailed ane� �er allowances .ce; forth in [hc cunu�ct dcxument.S. If ycw tizve ;»ry yues[ions, pl�;,.c do noc hesita[c !�� contac� me. S�nc ely, �.��J�i�:.c�.�./ rl� ! leather Jeixscn Aroj�ct �ineer L� RFT' fil� . 77ie ahnve rcfcreflc�d RPP has h�en ;evicwed and we tind chis issur W�iti N ar schedute isnpact to our Wc,rk nT resuh in .i��y cutii, credit ''� � ��� �i�Ja��rn ��' '�d�� Subcontracc�r Namc Y f ���� �f /"/�WEcj �/f•'J�'69`� -�/�� I>ate TCiTGL F.Oi ,, t 322�-'-{04;� � SJ `i� t2�0 • The Corsstruction Organizatinn 18 Apri11997 Susan Jones CPMI c/o Saint Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul MN 55102-1299 Re: Subject: . Dear Susan: REGEIV APR 2 4 1997 CPMI Saint Paul Civic CenEer Expansion CP-4 Mortenson ProjecE #951042 Request for Proposal #4.103R Interior cabinet and muntertop revisions BUILDING DIVISION Minneapolis O�ce 700 Meadow Lane North P.O. Box 710 (55440-0770) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4899 Telephone: (612) 522-2700 Facsimile: (612) 520-3430 In response to RFP #4.103R dated 3 Maxch 1997, we axe submitking the following mst proposal. Enclosed are copies of subcontractor quotations and our price breakdown. We aze requesting a Change Order to decrease our Contract Amount by Seven Hundred and One DoJlars (-$701.00). Piease let me know if you need additional information or clarificaiion on the enclosed. The amount guoted includes only the cost of the changes identified herein. Changes to the contract not specifically identified as revisions are not included in fihis proposal and aze excluded. Mortenson xeserves the right to submit a proposal for additional costs and time related to the impact of this change on unchanged work or for the effect of this change in combination with other changes. Very truly yours, C1�.� S�-=_ Allen S. Troshinsky Assistant Project Manager file: RFP #4.103R CPMI � . Minneapolis•Seattle•Denver•ColoradoSprings•Milwaukee•GrandRapids•SanDiego•San Francisco•Honolulu•LOSAngeles � �x • � ' ' ' ' Date: 07 March 1997 Contract No.: 4.01 It is requested the completion date be O extended, O decreased, O unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be Description ofi the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if appficable). Reference RFP No.: ; FO No.: ; PCO No.: 114 Title: Correct Owner Chanqe Orders #15 and #17 Basis of payment: (Check one) (X) Firm price for performing this change is $ 816.00 Adequate supporting details and information (Increasedl (Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed S O Actual cost at compfetion of work S . � Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSOfV Date: 07 March 1997 Con actor� � � il�^��� Contractor Signature FOR CPMI USE Action Recommended: (Check one) ( y Change will not be made. Explain: �.Proceed on the following basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable, () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. () Basis of payment shall be S �7he following modification is recommended: (} Change in completion date is accepted. () Change is accegtahle with no change in price. �Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( ) Other � 2. Reasonfor Change: O Design Change ( 1 Client Requesi O Field Condition ( � Suggested by Contractor �Design Omission or Other (explain) /j�jp.�'h Q�- 3. Is this a part of the original contract scope? ( � YES �tNO 4, ls Contractor's Estimate attached? ES O NO 5. A/E consulted. ES O NO Prepared by: CPMp Approved by /} ��GA) Approved by �ie ( -/ !� (Owner) CPMI Job No.: 3225 .. - /�:r Approved by: (Owner) Date: CPMI Inc., c/o Saint Paul Civic Center, I.A. 0'Shaughnessy Plaza, 743 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: r�/� g t� � RECEIVED � MORtENSO�[ The Coastruction Org¢nization� Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Project #951042 � �`s-� � � � L� �2� DIVISION Minneapolis Office 700 Meadow Lane North P.O. Box 770 (55440-0710) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4599 07 March 1997 SusanJones CPMI c J o Saint Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St.Paul MN 55102-1299 Re: SuUject: Dear Susan: MAR 1 0 1997 L � ��, PCO#114 - Carrection to Ownez Change Orders 15 and 17 Telephone. (612) 522-2100 Facsimile: (672) 5203430 • Subsequent to CPMI's negotiarions with Mortenson, LeJeune, and Sowles to equitably resolve the cost issues related to PCO#25 and RFP#4.34, change orders weze issued Uy Hle Owner HoweveL, Mortenson s mark-ups foi these two issues were inadvertenfly excluded from the change orders; instead, the designated dollar amounts were only the raw subcontractor costs. In accordance with our conversation earlier today, we will execute change orders 15 and 17 as issued, so as not to cause any unnecessazy confusion, with the understanding that Mortenson will Ue reimbursed for the excluded ainounts. Acmrdingly, we quote the sum of Eight Hundred Sixteen Dollars (+$816.00) for our entitled mark-ups. Please let me know if you need additional clarificarion. Please issue a contract d�ange order. CO#15, item 4, PCO#025 - enritled mark-up: $ 478.00 CO#17, item 2, RFP#4.34 - entifled mark-up: + 338.00 Total: $ 816.00 The amount quoted includes only the mst of the changes identified herein. Changes to tl�e contract not specifically identified as revisions are not included in this proposal and are excluded. Mortenson reserves the right to submit a proposal for additional costs and time related to the impact of tltis change on unchanged work or for the effect of this �hange in combination with other changes. Very truly yours, V.xxt- ' a � � Allen S. Troshinsky Assistant Project Manager � EIle: CPMI PCO#114 Minneapolis•Seattle •Denver•COlorado Springs•Milwaukee•Grand Rapids•San Diego•San Francisco•Honolulu•Los Angeles