242406 : .:� ��� 242�0� • INTERM:EDIARY � ORDER �oUN�IL �LE N°. By File No. 17366 In the Matter of con�tructing a storm relief srwer in Maria Avenue -from Sixth 3trest to Bighth Street; ia an easement from Maz1a Ave4ns and Eighth Str�et to Hcrth Street; in Bates Aveaue frooa Seventh Stree� to Maury Street; in Greenb�ier Str�et fre+ea S�venth � Stre�t to Nargaret Street; in Saventh Street from Gresnbriar Straet to Eichenwald Strest; in North 3treet frcrm the Pha1e� Greek 3�er ,to 6reenbrier Street; to be knoxn as the Senenth-Greenbrier Stcrm 8elief 5ewer,(S-1036) � 241522 � -�.. ���� � ; under Preliminary Order approved Deeaaber 31, 1968 < The Council af the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance . upon the above improvement, .and having c�naidered said report, liereby resolves. 1. That the �aid report and the s�me is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement > is hereby ordered to be proceeded'witk�. _.... . . 2. That the nature of the improvement which th.e`Council recommends is _ x to construct a storia relief se�er in Karia Aveaue frcam :SixtM 8treet te Eigheh �t�e��; .�r f� in aa.aas�ent from Maria Avenue and Eighth Street to North Street; ia B�tes-A,ve��i�- from Sev.�en�h 3treet to Maury Street; ia Greenbrier 3treet frc� Sevaath Straet to 'M=rgaret-Street; in Seventh Street from areenbri�r �traet to .�ichenWald Street; in � IQorth S�ree.t froffi the �ial�n Creek Se�er to .Greenbrier Str�et; =to be knvwn �s the $eventh-Greeabrier Stone Relief Sea�er. (5-103fi) with no alterna�ives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $_222,g4g-o0 Resolved �'urther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement an the l�t day of April, 1969 , at the hour of 10 o'elcek A:M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hail Building in the City of St. P�ul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of sa.id meeting to the persons and in the manner provided:by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAR 4 19fi9 COUNCILI�IEN Adopted by the Counc' � Yeas �r� Nays 4 �� ' D81$lis#� . Apprav 'M�ed!!h , Spl'ae�� Fayor . r@�� Mayor By�� � .�, . Ag�r�st . PU�LISHE� I__�_l-_�,$ 19�� s-ea.zn[ �� R-1