04-370Council File # �
Green Sheet # ��Z��`
Referred To
Committee Date
WF�REAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license appiication (ID # 20030005015) for
Restaurant (B)-more than 12 seats, Liquor on Sale-Sunday, Liquor On Sale-100 Seats or Less (C), Gambling
Location, Cigazette/Tobacco, and Alann Pernut (new) by GKTC Corporafion, doing business as Lucky Foxx
Baz & Grill, 731 Randolph Avenue, be approved with the following conditions:
1. No trash or bottle dumping between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
2. The bar owner will enclose the dumpster area with visual screening on the east and west sides. Owner will
work with the trash hauler to develop a viable screening plan. Screening will be completed by May 1, 2004
3. Security lighting will be installed and operational on the rear and east side of the building by July 1, 2004
4. The exisring four internal security cameras will be maintained. The outside camera on the rear of the
building will be replaced. All cameras must be operational and tapes maintained for seven (7) days.
5. The square footage of windows on the building wiil not be decreased. Windows will not be obscured with
6. The owner will work with the property owner to the west to determine if the chain link fence should have
screening slats added at the cost of the bar owner. Any screening work approved by the properiy owner
must be completed by the baz by July 1, 2004. Maintenance of the chain link fence is the responsibility of
the property owner.
7. Bar owner will place "No Parking on Sidewalk" signs at the east entrance of the building.
8. The rear pazking lot will be paved no later than May 1,2005.
9. Baz doors must remain closed when entertainment is being offered.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license
application with the aforementioned conditions.
Grreen Sheet 3012816 ����D
Yeas Nays Absent
Benanav �
Bosuom ,,
Harris �-
Helgen �
Lanhy �/
Mo[rtgomery �/
Thune �
Adopted by Council: Date �� j����l�
Requested by Department of.
Form Approved by City Attorney
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci]
_� ; p�1�3 b
�r � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
DepartmenHOffice/councii: Date Initiated:
co -��o�� o�-� Green Sheet NO: 3012816
Contact Person 8 Phone: Deoartrnent SeM To Person InitiaUDate
Marcia Moermond � 0 oonc7
2 � 8 � Assign 1 ouuc'1 De a eutDirector
Must Be on Council AgeMla by (Date): Num6er 2 � erk
For 3
Order 4
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approving ]icense application with conditions, per the Legisla6ve Heazing Officer, for GKTC Corponrion, DBA The Lucky Fo� Bar
and Grill, 731 Randolph Avenue.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrecfs Must Answer the Following Questions:
� Pianning Commission �. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No - -
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
.. 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes a�swers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): '
Advantages If Approved:
DisadvanWqes If Approved:
DisadvanWges If Not Approved:
ToWI AmouM of - CastlRevenue Budgeted:
Fundinp Source: Activity Number:
Finaneial infortnation;
� (Explain)
0`'� 3 'tD
LUCKY FOXX BAR AND GRILL - 731 Randolph Avenue
Thursday, Februu•y 14, 2004
Room 330 City HalUCourthouse
Mazcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer
The hearing was called to order at 11:07 a.m.
STAFF PRESENT: Claristine Rozek, License, Inspections, Environmental Protecfion (LIEP)
Mazcia Moermond reported she will be developing a recommenda6on for the City Council to
consider regarding this license applicafion. There are three possible outcomes that she could
recommend to the City Council: 1) grant the licenses without conditions; 2) grant the licenses
with conditions that have to be agreed upon by the applicant, or 3) send the license application to
an Administrative Law Judge (AL.p, which will be used if there are conditions that Ms.
Moermond feels should be piaced on the license that the applicant will not agree to ar the license
should not be issued at all. The ALJ process can take about five months. There will be a public
hearing at the ALJ hearing and there will be another public hearing at the City Councillevel.
The license application cannot be denied at this hearing today; instead, it would have to be sent
to an ALJ.
Christine Rozek reported this is a license application submitted to LIEP by GKTC Corporation
doing business as Lucky Foxx Baz and Grill, located at 731 Randolph Avenue. The application
is for Liquor On Sale, Liquor On Sale-Sunday, Liquor On Sa1e 2 AM Closing, Restaurant,
Entertainment A, Ganibiing Location, and Cigarette/Tobacco Sales. At this point, LIEP
recommends no conditions for the license. The licenses will not be issued by Environxnental
Health until they have a final inspection. Fire has approved the license application. Licensing
will approval the application pending liquor liability insurance. Upon receipt of liquor liability
and an opening inspecrion, LIEP's recommendation is that the license be issued.
Marcia Moermond asked which licenses aze new far this location. Ms. Rozek responded for sure
the entertaiument license is new. The previous licensee might not haue had the 2 a.m. closing.
Ms. Moermond asked is the current owner operating under a management agreement. Ms. Rozek
responded she does not believe so, but the business is open.
The following appeared: Gloria Caselius, owner, 719 Madison Street NE, Minneapolis; and
John Alexander, her representative, 4126 Colfaz� Avenue North, Minneapolis. Ms. Caselius
stated she is purchasing this baz and her intentions are to run it herself and work the hours all day
and night.
Ms. Moermond asked is she buying the building and the business. Ms. Caselius responded both.
In answer to other questions, Ms. Caselius responded that she manages a bar for Mr. Alexander
and has owned a baz and restaurant in the past. For entertainment, she is thinking about a small
band. She has read through the letters of objection.
Ms. Moermond asked has she met with the neighbors or talked with the district councils about
this. She responded she has.
3ohn Alexander explained that he owned a bar called Suliy's Ciub in Minneapolis. Ms. Caselius
was the manager for seven yeazs for the baz. It was a drug-related type of bar. When he bought
it, they cleaned it up. The Folice Department second precinct congratulated them on keeping the
area clean, lighted, and secure. Cameras were put on the outside. Ms. Caselius was a part of
putting this together and keeping the azea well lit. He is here because he wants to help her
through the process. He owns another baz in north Minneapolis that he cleaned up and
remodeled completely called the 200 Club. They went from a few hundred calls to less than 20
calls in a yeaz. They were congratulated by the community there and the second pzecinct. Ms.
Caselius also has plans to do the same thing. She is weil aware of everything she has to do to
make it good for the neighborhood. They keep the neighborhood involved in what they aze
doing. Ms. Caselius wants to be involved in community activities. Mr. Alexander wiil help her
through the process.
Betty Moran, West Seventh/Fort Road Federation, 974 Seventh Street West, appeared and stated
they aze in opposition to the 2:00 closing and entertainment licenses. They would like to revisit
this in a couple of years if the conditions can he met. The 2:00 closing is not acceptable because
this is a residential neighborhood. Regarding the entertainment license, yust the noise from the
bar alone with the drawers doors being open continues to cause probiems in Che neighborhood.
Ms. Moermond asked did the boazd take a vote to this effect. Ms. Moran responded yes.
Frank M. Peterson, 736 7ames Avenue, Block Club Captain, appeazed and stated he has several
concerns because there have been an ongoing problems for years. He wrote a letter to LIEP a
few years ago because he thought the baz should be closed completely. He is talking on behalf of
the whole azea. His would like the following done:
1) Require a paved parking lot, tlus would help grevent damage to his garage and prevent
cars from bar patrons sp'uming their wheels on the rock parking lot and kicking the rocks
up onto my property.
2) I would like to see outdoor security lighting installed and operational on the reaz and east
side of the building.
3) I would like to see fully operational security cameras located on all sides of the building,
helping to prevent serious crimes from occurring. I believe these cameras should be
functional 24 hours a day to help control security.
4) I would like to see an enclosed gazbage area rather than just dumpsters strewn behind the
5) I wouid ask that in winter, all snow be removed from the premises within 48 hours of a
snowfall. He would like the snow removed from the premises instead of piled up there.
Also, there is ice on the sidewalk from the drain.
6) I would not like the bar to offer live music.
7) No parking allowed on the sidewalk. (Note: this condition was not verbally mentioned by
Mr. Peterson, but it is in his letter that he was going through.)
8) Noise levels should be kept to a m;nimum, with no trash or bottle dumping occun�ing
between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
9) The exterior of the building needs to have cracks repairs, and be painted to better fit the
neighborhood. The exterior has not been kept up, and really needs to be kept up on a
regular basis.
10) I want to ensute that at a miuimum the current windows in the building will remain to
help cut down on potential criminal activity in the bar.
11) The bar should piace a privacy fence between the west side of the building and the
neighboring house.
Mr. Petersen asked Ms. Moermond did she want a prior letter that he sent years ago. He does
haue police on the force and has ways of fmding tlungs out. He knows that they did drug busts in
the bathrooms in the facility. He would rather have the place sit vacant instead of giving
someone a license and have them do whatever they want.
Mike Strafelda, 740 James Avenue, appeazed and stated that he does not want to make it sound
like they do not want the bar there. The concerns Mr. Peterson mentioned are rea1. Mr. Strafelda
has been there 20 years. If the new owners could negotiate and have a nice compromise, the
communiTy could have a nice relationship with the owners. For the parking lot, the rocks get
strewn all over. The elderly lady that lives next door, slipped and wrenched her back. People do
squeal their tires. Mr. Peterson's gazage is behind there and he gets a lot of those rocks on his
driveway along with the trash.
Aaron Smith, 765 Randolph Avenue, appeared and stated he is encouraged to here that Ms.
Caselius is looking forwazd to working with the community and plan to improve the property.
Mr. Smith has more deep concerns. He does not think a bar should not exist on the property.
There are other bars on Randolph, but there are too many in the neighborhood. The three bars
haue all had an anned robbery ar shooting incident in the last year. Mr. Smith moved into the
neighborhood two years ago. With the existence of the bars, crime has not improved in the
neighborhood in the past yeaz. They have experience with people urinating. They also have a
liquor store at the other end of the block. There is constant trash in the alley. He would hope
there was some way to cut down on traffic in the alley. Some people pazk behind their garage
saying they are waiting for someone. The bars do not seem to haue the resources to keep the
safety of the neighborhood in mind. Seventh Street is a great oppornutity for bars. There is
higher traffic and more parking is available. The applicant should resonsider and find a spot on
Mr. Smith stated he waited for someone to exit the pazking lot behind the baz at about 1:00 p.m.,
and this person hit his truck. People are sometimes on the sidewalk with drinks in their hands.
He is concerned with the 2:00 am. closing because there are so many houses nearby. A 1:00
a.m. closing would be better. The entertainment might cause too much noise and keep people
awake. Bay is a troubling street with troubling properties. There are two schools within two
blocks from the bar. Bazs should not exist that close to neighborhoods, but he does not object to
the existence of bars. He has not felt safe wa.lking atound the bar. There are anned robberies
happening in the spot. Mr. Sxnith ob}ects to all the licenses.
Pat Peterson, 734 Randoph Avenue, appeazed and stated that she lives across the street and also
rents to a tenant who has complained about the noise. She has found it difficult to rent because
there is a baz across the street. She is concerned about the 2:00 a.m. ciosing and the
entertainment. It is noisy enough. Ms. Peterson asked what type of entertaimnent would be
allowed. Ms. Rozek responded the Class A Entettainment License allows for amplified or
nonamplified music and/or singing by performers without limitation as to number and group
singing by patrons of the establishment. There cannot be dancing with the Ciass A. There can be
bands with unlimited numbers of perFormers and karaoke.
Ms. Peterson stated she wonders if they could add pazking because lots are usually taken in front
of her place. There are shady characters that hang azound there. She would prefer that the baz
would not be there.
(No one else wished to speak in opposition.)
Ms. Moermond stated she received two other letters from people who have not come to testify.
A letter was received from Ann and Scott Miller, 744 James Avenue, about suspicious activity,
criminal activity, and the dumping of bottles after 10:00 p.m. Another letter was received from
Therese Lauer Goddazd, 443 Arbor Street, about the inappropriateness of a 2 a.m. closing and her
opposition to the issuance of an entertainment license.
Paul Mateyka, 1899 Portland Avenue, appeared and stated he l�as been an absentee owner for the
last five years, and this is why he is selling the bar. He goes in for an hour in the morning and he
is gone. He stops in twice a month at night to look azound. The new owner plan to be there six
nights a week watching things. Aer friend is going to help her. If this sale does not go through,
he will have to seil it to someone else. He was not aware that the bottles were being dumped
after 10:00 pm. He told his workers not to dump a bottle at that time. This sale would be to the
neighbor's advantage. Mr. Mateyka is not there to control their concerns. Some of Frank
Peterson's concerns are good. Mr. Mateyka has been at this location for 18 yeazs. He owns two
other businesses and does not have time to be all over the place. If there is drug dealing going on
behind the baz, he wishes someone would ca11 the police. He does not condone it.
Ms. Moermond asked does he currently stay open until 2:00 a.m. Mr. Mateyka responded he
does Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. It is not worth it the other days. He wishes the 2:00 a.m.
had never been passed. He does it because of Joe and Stans, Skinners, etc. There are seven bars
in a three block azea. There is a lot of traffic on a Friday night when people leave the bazs. He
found out his customers were leaving and going to the other bars in the neighborhood at 11:00
p.m. Because they wanted to be at a bar where they could stay unti12:00 a.m.
Ms. Moermond asked when his licenses expire. Mr. Mateyka responded May 2. He mailed the
money last October to get the license for the 2:00 a.m. from the State of Minnesota. He does feel
that the owner has to get along with the neighbors. They aze in a residenrial area. He is not
azguing that fact at all. They could call Ms. Caselius on the phone if there is a problem. He
never got a phone call for the neighbor except about the fence. The pazking lot only holds three
cazs. It is mosfly on street pazldng. He had the building painted four years ago. He had it
restuccoed about 8 yeazs ago. The gazbage dumpsters have covers on them. They are dumped
twice a week.
Ms. Moermond asked aze there any conditions on the current owner about gazbage. Ms. Rozek
responded no.
Ms. Moermond stated there aze lots of concerns about past ownership. She asked how it works
to carry it forwazd. Ms. Rozek responded it is difficult to place conditions based on past owners.
There are some conditions that would give the neighbors some help. Whether or not to issue the
2:00 a.m. closing is a concern.
Ms. Moermond asked about the proximity of other liquor licenses. Ms. Rozek responded this is
not considered to be a new establishment. It is grandfathered in. Issues with proximity would
not fit here. The number of licenses issued is 13mited by ward. Right now, there are no liquor
licenses auailable in Wazd 2. If this location out of business, they would not be able to get a
liquor license.
Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Alexander to talk more specifically about his plans. Mr. Alexander
responded he agrees with the concerns. The City could ca11 the City of Minneapolis and talk to
inspections about what he did with Snlly's Pub and 20� Club. Ms. Caselius would like to open
the kitchen and she would like the neighborhood people to support her establishment. Her
concerns are to have the neighborhood be a part of what is going on. When a person is an
absentee owner, things can get out of hand. Employees are not going to take care of it like an
owner. Ms. Caselius plans to be there. She was not shocked by any of the letters, and she is
willing to address the concerns. They are planning to repave the lot, add security lighting,
cameras, and would like to add larger windows. She wants to work with the neighbors. She is
hoping the neighbars wiil support her fmancially as well as her supporting the neighborhood.
She aiso plans to remodel the interior. If there is a nice place to go, people respect it a little
more; there is a different kind of clientele. A bar has a stigma of being rowdy and rough, but it
shouldn't be that way.
Is the restaurant license new, asked Ms. Moermond. Mr. Alexander responded that Mr. Mateyka
closed down the restaurant. The license was never used. Ms. Caselius' plans to remodel and get
the restaurant going.
Ms. Moermond stated there aze some obvious conditions that have been discussed. She is hoping
that there is sufficient financing to address some of these things coming up. Mr. Alexander
responded they will go to the City of Saint Paul and ask for assistance to unprove the pmperty.
At the same tune, she has contractors who will work with her already. She wants to add
entertainment because she would like to put kazoake in there.
Ms. Moermond asked is he in partnership with this. Mr. Alexander responded no. Because she
was a good employee, he is here to help her in anp way.
NIr. Strafelda asked is there adequate fmancing in place for the conditions to be placed on the
license. Ms. Moermond responded her concern is whether the conditions are meY. If the
conditions aze not met, the City can take adverse action. Ms. Rozek added that her office does
not look into the financing. LIEP would like the tune line to be met.
Mr. Alexander stated he met with Ms. Caselius and Mr. Mateyka. With the conditions, they have
given her a yeaz to take caze of maj or concerns.
Ms. Moermond stated she will go through the list of concerns written by Mr. Peterson.
Condition 1- Paved parking Lot
Mr. Alexander stated that the more important items are lighting and security.
(Ms. Rozek gave Ms. Moermond a GIS photograph of the property.)
Mr. Peterson stated that Mr. Mateyka put the Class 5 material on there, which is a stabilizing
material that they use for a base before putting down the asphalt.
Condition 2 - Security Zighting
Mr. Alexander stated this is not a problem. Mr. Mateyka added that he had a camera in the back
and someone stole it. There is a wire ninning to the corner of the building.
Ms. Peterson asked why Ms. Caselius does not speak for herself. Mr. Alexander responded that
Ms. Caselius has stage fright, but he will be happy to let her talk. Ms. Moermond responded thai
she will leave that up to them. It does happen at legislative heazings that some people are
uncomfortable speaking. It is a matter of eye contact and other things as to whether or not a
person is cognizant of what is going on, and cleazly Ms. Caselius understands everything that is
going on. Mr. Alexander added that he has no fmancial interest in this business at all. He is just
doing this as a friend.
Ms. Moermond continued by saying that there was a concern about the area being adequately lit.
She asked is there security lighting on tlte side. Mr. Mateyka tesponded there aze three feet
between him and the neighbors.
Ms. Moermond asked could he make sure the back parking lot is adequately lit, and the light will
be installed. If it looks like the lighting wili run over into a residenfial property, there aze
different types of light screening they can buy. The City's site plan people know about light
screens. There aze places adjacent to residential areas that have to screen lighting. Mr.
Alexander responded that Ms. Caselius was going to do all of this.
Condition 3 - Security Cameras
Ms. Rozek asked is there a security camera inside. Mr. Mateyka responded yes. For example,
the robbery he had was taped but the robbers were masked.
Ms. Rozek requested that the tapes be auailable for 14 days, and the cameras should be installed
and operational in the parking lot.
On the outside rear of the building, Ms. Moermond stated, they should have a camera. Also, they
should keep the cameras inside the building. All the tapes should be kept for 14 days.
Condition 4- Enclosed garbage area
Ms. Moermond stated that Ms. Rozek gaue her an aerial photo of the site. She asked is screening
feasible. Mr. Alexander asked is it a requirement, as she has limited funds to do everything. The
appropriate things will be done at once: paving the lot, lighting and the security camera. The
interior will not be done within a yeaz.
Condition 5 - Snow Removal
Ms. Rozek stated removing the snow on the property is an unusual request. Ms. Moermond
added that is beyond code. Her issue is getting the snow cieazed so the sidewalks are passable.
She will let this condition lie.
Condition 7- No parking on sidewalk
Mr. Peterson stated motorcycles will park on the sidewalk. They should be towed. Mr. Mateyka
Ms. Moermond stated it is the patrons that are doing this. She asked could signage be added
saying that parking is prohibited on the sidewalk. Mr. Alexander responded there is not now, but
there can be.
Ms. Moermond suggested the owner proactively get the parking people out there when these
situations arise. Mr. Alexander responded the key is communication between the neighborhood
and the baz owner.
Condition 8 - Bottle Dumping
Ms. Moermond would recommend a condition of no bottie dumping between 7:00 p.m. to 7:00
a.m. Mr. Alexander responded that is not a problem.
Condition 9- Exterior of the &uilding
Ms. Moermond stated this is something the Fire Department would have addressed if there were
violations of the code. Mr. Mateyka responded they did not ca11 anything on the building. There
may be some restuccoing that is necessary.
Condition 10 - Windows
Ms. Moermond asked about the windows. Mr. Mateyka responded all the windows have
Venetian blinds.
Ms. Moermond stated a condition will be that the square footage of window space will not be
decreased, and it will not be obscured with signage, although she is not talking about a neon
Condition 11 - Fence
Ms. Moermond asked about the privacy fence between the business and the next house. Mr.
Alexander responded this was not discussed.
Mr. Peterson stated there is an elderly woman next door and the fence has causes her problems.
Ms. Moermond responded that snow piling up against the fence is a private matter beriveen those
parties. Putting the snow issue as a condition on the license is stretching it.
She is not prepared to rule on the entertainment right now, said Ms. Moermond. She would like
to look at conditions for the entertainment to make it workable. She would like to set up a
meeting that will include Ms. Moermond, the owner, district council representative, and LIEP
staff. Ms. Moermond asked about the 2 a.m. closing. Ms. Rozek responded that license is not
issued by the City. The City sends an approval to 2he State and they issue it. The State will not
take action on this until the City gets back to them. She imagines it would go through the same
process of an ALJ hearing.
The hearing was adjourned at 12:26 pm.
Note: Afrer this hearing, a meeting was set for Thursday, February 26, 1:00 p.m.
a y_3�o
LUCKY FOXX BAR & GRILL - 731 Randolph Avenue
Thursday, February 26, 2004
Room 310 Courthouse
Mazcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer
The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m.
Present: 7ohn Alexander, friend of applicant; Barb Benson, City Council Offices; Gloria
Caselius, applicant; Betty Moran, West Seventhl�ort Road Federation; Racquel Naylor, CiTy
Council Offices; Christine Rozek, License, Inspecrions, Environmentai Protection (LIEP)
(Note: this meeting is a follow-up to the legislative hearing on February 19, 2004.)
Ms. Moermond asked about secluded azeas for the garbage. Ms. Caselius asked is that a
requirement for the City. Ms. Moermond responded it varies considerably. Once a legislative
hearing has been triggered, the license is not operating under the conditSons everyone
automatically gets. In terms of the blinds, they are concerned with the (visual) aesthetics as
opposed to the botties (noise).
(They looked at the GIS maps.)
Mr. Alexander stated one of the doors should be closed. Mr. Alexander responded that he wiil
advise Ms. Caselius to keep one door locked for her own protection. People can walk around to
the side. As for the dumpster, he is not sure where else it can be located. Ms. Moran suggested a
screen. Mr. Alexander responded that is not a problem, but the owner would have to talk to the
people who haul the rubbish to see what is workable for them.
Ms. Moran stated this is not an issue until they start having food.
Ms. Moermond asked about slats for the fence to provide a screen. It seems the garbage
dumpster is not screened from the residential. Mr. Alesander added that there is not much room
there. Three cars is about a11 that can fit in the lot. He would advise her to put strips in there to
blind people from seeing it. Ms. Rozek added that screening the two sides of the dumpster
wouid be adequate at this point, as it is a small area. Mr. Alexander stated the owner could give
the company a key so they can open it. She would like to build something that is acceptable to
the neighborhood.
Ms. Moermond stated the fence belongs to the residential property. In regards to screening, that
should be negotiated with the property owner. If they can reach accommodations with that
property owner to pravide screening, that would be an alternative to the City requiring complete
screening on that side. One or the other must be done. Screening on two sides would be a
Ms. Moermond stated outside security lighting was talked about on the rear and the sides. Mr.
Alexander responded they plan to add lighting along the front. The back will haue lighting so
that it will not shine on other people's houses. It can take 45 to 60 days for approval to build
LUCKY FOXX BAR & GRILL - MEETING - Februazy 26, 2004 Page 2
that. The cost is about $8,500. Ms. Rozek responded pernuts wili be needed. There are police
officers that can come out about security lighting. She will find out who is doing that.
Ms. Moermond stated May 1 is the compiiance date for the gazbage and July 1 is the compliance
date for the lighting. Security cameras would stay the same. Ms. Rozek added that she looked at
other licenses, and seven days is the usual amount of rime for keeping videotapes. Mr.
Alexander asked why a camera is needed on the sides, which would be another $800 in costs.
Ms. Rozek responded she would not feel so strongly about that as long as the interior camera will
catch someone coming in. There will be four internal cameras covering the entire building. Ms.
Moran stated the pull tab booth is in the front.
Ms. Rozek asked is he replacing the one in the reaz. Mr. Alexander responded yes.
Ms. Moran summarized: there are four cameras on the interior and one on the exterior and the
owner maintain the tapes for seven days. Ms. Moermond responded yes.
Ms. Moermond asked if the Fire Department has been there. Ms. Rozek responded Fire
approved the license. It is unknown if they have orders out. Mr. Alexander stated the building is
in great shape. Ms. Moermond responded she will look at the Fire Inspector's determination on
that one. If they find something on the exterior, that is something he will have to do for his
Certificate of Occupancy.
Ms. Moremond stated they talked about not decreasing the square footage of windows.
Ms. Moermond asked would the owner be willing to construct a privacy fence. This is regazding
the hurricane fence being damaged by snow removal. Mr. Alexander stated the position of the
dumpster affects the plowing of the snow. There has to be a happy medium here. There are
limited finances. The owner can wark with the neighbors. Ms. Moran added that one corner is
leaning. For some reason, they plow it in one corner instead of up and down. Ms. Rozek stated a
privacy fence may go down in the snow. It would be hazd to maintain it. Mr. Alexander
responded that the other owner should reinforce the fence. He would not suggest putting up a
privacy fence because of the expense, and there may be other problems.
Ms. Moermond asked Ms. Moran would she be willing to followup on the house next door to see
if she would like to keep the cyclone fence repaired or slats. Ms. Moran responded she would.
Ms. Rozek stated if any damage is done by the snow removal, it is Ms. Caselius' responsibility to
fix it, but Ms. Rozek is not sure it is her responsibility to maintain the fence in general.
Ms. Moermond asked are they willing to go with the slats. Ms. Caselius responded yes, if the
neighbor wants it.
Ms. Rozek asked is the neighbor going to be responsible for fixing them. Ms. Moermond
responded yes.
LUCKY FOXX BAR & GRILL - MEETTNG - Febniary 26, 2004 Page 3
Ms. Moetmond asked about entertaintuent hours. Ms. Caselius responded the previous owner is
open Thwsday, Friday, Saturday until 2 am.
Ms. Moermond asked if any remodeling will involve soundproofmg, tiles on the ceiling, eta and
Ms. Rozek asked is sound coming out of the open door. Ms. Moran responded the issue is
entertainment. Ms. Moermond responded there is no basis of bad behavior.
Ms. Moran asked about paving the lot They said they would pave, said Ms. Moermond, but not
immediately. She asked when they would be abie to pave it. Mr. Alexander responded that
would cost $3,000. There aze a lot of expenses going on here. Ms. Moran responded the
neighbars aze willing to go nine months out or a year.
Mr. Alexander stated Ms. Caselius' plans aze to get the neighbors involved. She would like the
neighbors to accept her. Ms. Caselius stated that she is not here to make trouble with the
neighbors. She is there to work with everyone and make a place to go for people to have
breakfast. Ms. Moermond responded she hears these cases all the time. This issue is not
extraordinary. This is what happens when there is residential and commercial next to each other.
(Ms. Moermond left the room for a few minutes and returned.)
Mr. Alexander stated the owner is agreeable to putting a sign at the rear entrance about no
parking on Bay Street. As for the parking, it would be completed in 12 months.
Ms. Moeranond stated May 1, 2005 to install the paving work.
Ms. Benson stated she laiows someone that knows Mr. Alexander and no one goes in there at
night. Ms. Moran added that no one goes in there after 6:00 p.m.
Ms. Rozek asked about security. Ms. Caselius responded mostly weekends. Mr. Alexander
added especially when there is music or entertainment. Ms. Moermond added that they can have
security without providing entertainment. Also, the door couid be closed during entertainment or
when the jukebox is playing. Ms. Rozek stazed that the doors should be closed but not locked.
Ms. Moermond asked the hours she wants to do kazaoke. Ms. Caselius responded she does not
know yet.
Ms. Moermond stated she would like the keep the 2 a.m. closing in the legislative hearing
process. This would give the owner a chance to show good performance, meet deadlines, and
people can see that things are getting done. The owner does not have a bad history of providing
entertainment, but the baz is surrounded completely by residential. Ms. Moermond is trying to
figure out a reasonable time: perhaps Sunday through Thursday instead of a Friday and Saturday
night entertainment deal. 5he is thinking 11 p.m. for Sunday through Thursday and midnight or
1:00 a.m. for the entertauunent provision on Friday and Saturday.
LUCKY FOXX BAR & GRILL - MEETING - February 26, 2004 Page 4
Ms. Moermond stated this issue can be revisited. The Council can send this back to more
legislative heatings, wluch would be better than going to an ALJ.
Mr. Alexander asked the following: if she accepts this and proves to be a good neighbor, can she
get this advanced to 1:00 a.m. Ms. Moermond responded absolutely. Condiiions can be
liberalized. Ms. Rozek added that they can do this for a given period of tune.
Mr. Alexander stated if Ms. Caselius has Kazoake on Sunday and quits at ll:00 p.m. and the bar
down the street is open unti11:00 a.m., then he wonders where the patrons aze going to go. It
may hurt her business. Ms. Moermond responded this is what you negotiate when you buy a
business. The owner bought a site with liabilities. The liability is the history of the
neighborhood in this case.
Ms. Rozek asked who has noise complaints or is it just because the doors aze open. Ms. Moran
responded the back and the side in mostly the spring and the fall.
Ms. Rozek stated it seems that entertainment is not the issue; the issue is that the doors are open.
If there is entertainment and the doors are kept closed, noise would not be an issue. Ms. Moran
responded that the neighbors do not want the entertainment at all until they get to know the
Ms. Moermond stated she will send the entertainment and all the other licenses to the Council,
and she will hold back the 2:00 a.m. license until they see how it is going in terms of the noise
late at night. The 2:00 a.m. is a legitimate concern. Mr. Alexander responded that Mr. Mateyka
said that the new owner has to have the 2:00 am. license or people will leave the bar at 1030 or
11:00 and he will haue any business at night. As soon as Mr. Mateyka got that license, people
started coming back to his baz. Mr. Mateyka even made that statement in the hearing. Ms.
Rozek responded that may not be the case because most bars don't stay open unti12:00 a.m. In
addition, Mr. Mateyka's business did increase when he got the 2:00 a.m. license, but he was
attracting the wrong kind of people. Mr. Alexander responded that is why the new owner is
going to be there. She wiil not be an absentee owner. Ms. Caselius was a very good employee,
and he would never speak for someone else. The City should give her a chance to make some
money here, get in business, and show herself.
Ms. Moermond stated it is reasonable far the neighbors to look for something on this. She will
leave it up to them if they want this matter to go to an ALJ or if they would like the matter to lay
over with Ms. Moermond. If it goes to an AL7, they can look at five to six months and they
probably want to hire an attorney. Ms. Moermond can turn azound the license issue a lot faster.
She will look to see if they followed steps to see if they followed their deadlines, this history,
called the police department, and is there likely to be a problem. Hours of operation is one of the
items. There is a heck of a lot of latitude. She is looking at a three month layover in legislative
hearings. Perhaps they may want to talk to some other people in the business. The entertainment
is going to go through no conditions. There are no problems associated with the entertainment.
If she does not agree with the conditions, it goes to an AL7.
LUCKY FOXX BAR & GRILL - MEETING - Febivary 26, 2004 Page 5
Ms. Moermond stated there will be another hearing in 90 days after the issuance of the licenses.
She would like to keep this issue here and talk about it again. The 2:00 am. closing license is
laid over.
The meeting was adjourned at 223 p.m.
Mazcia Moermond recommends the following: the entertainment license is laid over to another
legislative hearing; all the other licenses aze approved with the conditions listed below, which
have been signed by the applicant.
1. No trash or bottle dumping between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
2. The baz owner will enclose the dumpster azea with visual screening on the east and west
sides. Owner will work with the trash hauler to develop a viable screening plan.
Screening wiil be completed by May 1, 2004.
3. Security lighting will be installed and operational on the reaz and east side of the building
by July 1, 2004.
4. The existing four internal security cameras will be maintained. The outside camera on
the rear of the building will be replaced. All cameras must be operational and tapes
maintained for seven (7) days.
5. The square footage of windows on the building will not be decreased. Windows will not
be obscured with signs.
6. The owner will work with the property owner to the west to determine if the chain link
fence should have screening slats added at the cost of the bar owner. Any screening work
approved by the properiy owner must be completed by the bar by July 1, 2004.
Maintenance of the chain link fence is the responsibility of the properiy owner.
7. Bar owner will place "No Pazking on Sidewalk" signs at the east entrance of the building.
8. The rear parking lot will be paved no later than May 1,2005.
9. Bar doors must remain closed when entertainment is being offered.