04-369�Y��� y��(o� Presented RESOLUTION CITY OF SAlNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # 04-369 Green Sheet # 3013955 --- ���i77711 �"�-- i� 1 WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 20030004740) for Restaurant 2(B)-more than 12 seats, Liquor on Sale-Sunday, Liquor On Sale-2 AM Closing, Liquor On Sale-Over 200 Seats (A), 3 Entertainment (A), and Cigazette/Tobacco licenses by Dine A iYlite Restaurant Group LLC, doing business as Bonfire 4 Woodfire Cooking, 850 Grand Avenue, be approved with the foilowing conditions: 5 1. Licensee must post notices at all public enhances to the establishment that encourage patrons to park in the 6 ramp on the southwest comer of Grand and Victoria. Notices will also advise patrons of the necessity of leaving 7 the premises in an orderly manner and with respect for the surrounding neighborhood. 8 2. Establishment doors will remain closed from rr.9�-7:00 p.m. to ciosin� and whenever there is entertainntent. 9 3. All alcoholic beverages must remain inside the licenses premises. 10 4. Licensee will install a camera in the common area that will monitor activiTy at the front entrance of the licensed t 1 premises. Cameras must be recording from 5:00 pm. to closing everyday. Tapes must be kept for a minimum of 12 7 (seven) days. 13 5. Entertainment must discontinue at 1:30 a.m. Last call will be at 130 a.m. la 6. Security must be provided at each entrance when there is entertainment. li 7. Entertainment wil] be restricted to four (4) ni�hts oer week and on holidavs t6 8. Alcohol awareness trainins will be orovided to emolovees annuallv 17 9. Giass and refuse oick-up associated with the restaurant will occur betwean 8�00 a m and il•00 o m 18 10. Council's review of comvliance with the above conditions on the licensed oremises will take olace in 6 months � 19 THEREFORE, BE RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license apptication 2o with the aforementione onditions. 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3t Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � Bostrom � Hazris � Helgen � Lanhy ,/ Montgomery � Thune �/ Adopt d by Councii: Date �D/l.% �/i o�/O�dh` 32 Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary 33 By: _� Requested by Department oE � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � 34 Approved ayor. 35 Date ' 36 BY� _ ,il t ifJ � Green Sheet Green Sheet . (�.�`r , ,', � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green She t�� Deparhnentlofficeleouneii: Date Initiated: co -���� 2�-� Green Sheet NO: 3013955 Contact Person & Phone: DeoarfineM Sent To Person Initial/Date MaTCia Mcertnond 0 oun i1 266-8560 p5g�gn 1 ouncil De rtmentDirector Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 2 i Clerk For Routing 3 Order 4 5 Total # ot Sigmture Pages _(Clip All Locatio� for Sig�ature) Action Requested: Approving the license application with conditions, per the Legislative Heazing Officer, for Restaurant (B)-more than 12 seats, Liquor On Sale-Sunday, Liquor on Sale-2 AM Closing, Liquor On Sale-over 200 Seats (A), Entertainment (A), and Cigazette/Tobacw Licenses by Dine A Mite Group LLC, doing business as Bonfire Woodfue Cooking, 850 Grand Avenue. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personai Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee - Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No � 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any � current city empioyee? , Yes No Explain alI yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvanWStes If Approved: DisadvantaAeslfApproved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: , Total Amount of Cast/Revenue 8udgeted: Transaction: FundinSl Souree: ActivitY Number: Financial Information: (Expiain) Council File # �d s �� Green Sheet # �jU��j�Ss Presented Refened To Committee Date WI3EREAS, the Legislativ�e Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 20030004740) for Restaurant {B}-more than 12:seats, Liquor on Sale-Sunday, Liquor On Sale-2 AM Ciosing, Liquor On Sale-Over 200 Seats (A), Entertainment �(t�), and Cigarette/Tobacco licenses by Dine A Mite Restaurant Group LLC, doing business as Bonfire Woodfire Cooking, 850 Grand Avenue, be approved with the following conditions: 1. Licensee must post notices at all public entrances to the establishment that encourage patrons to park in the ramp on the southwest corner of Grand and Victoria. Notices will also advise patrons of the necessity of leaving the premises in an orderly ma�ner and with respect for the surrounding neighborhood. �2. Establishment doors will remain closefi�om 5:00 p.m. to closing and whenever there is entertainment. 3. All alcoholic beverages must remain insi e the licenses premises. 4. Licensee will install a camera in the commor� area that will monitor activity at the front entrance of the licensed premises. Cameras must be recording. from 5:00 pm. to closing everyday. Tapes must be kept for a minimum of 7(seven) days. �'� 5, Entertaiimient must discontinue at 130 a.m. Last''e,all will be at 1:30 a.m. � 6. Security must be provided at each entrance when theze is entertainment. '� ,� THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the C�iSy of Saint Paul hereby approves this license application with the aforementioned conditions. �`� Yeas Na s Absent Bevanav Bos4om Hazris Helgen Lantry Montgomery Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Approved by Mayor foi Submission to Council � Approved by Mayor: Date By: O�l �349 MIlVUTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING BONFIRE WOODFIRE COOKING - 850 Grand Avenue Monday, February 9, 2004 Room 330 Courthouse Marcia Moermond, legislative Hearing STAFF PRESENT: Jeff Hawkins, License, Inspections, Environmental Protection (LIEP) The hearing was called to order at 10:02 a.m. Mazcia Moermond explained that this was an informal hearing to come up with a recommendation to the City Council. It is a complicated process now that a hearing is triggered. There are three possible recommendations she can make to the City Council: 1) approve without conditions, 2) approve with conditions that must be agreed upon by the applicant, and 3) recommend sending this matter to an Administrative Law Judge (AL�. She would use 3 if the applicant did not agree with condi6ons that Ms. Moermond feels are appropriate. The City Council will make the final decision on this matter. If this is sent to an ALJ, it may take four to five months. Jeff Hawkins reported this license is Dine A Mite Restaurant Group LLC, doing business as Bonfire Woodfire Cooking at 850 Grand Avenue. The license applica6on is for Liquor on Sale over 200 Seats, Liquor on Sa1e Sunday, Liquor on Sale 2:00 a.m. closing, Restaurant (B) Over 12 Seats, and Cigazette Tobacco. The applicant is a merger group from the former Ciatti's with a new group to make this new Bonfire Woodfire Cooking Restaurant. LIEP has no recommended conditions on the license at this time. Ms. Moermond was informed that ttris address is operating under a management agreement with Ciatti's. The following appeared: Phillip Danford and Michaei Gehlen, co-owners. Mr. Danford stated he is the original founder of Ciatti's. A friend of his owned the Bonfire Woodfire concept. They joined together and changed it to this restaurant. Ms. Moermond asked what would be different from Ciatti's. Mr. Danfard responded the whole cuisine is different. It is the same space as far as square footage. The seating is the same. New bathrooms have been put in. There is all new equipment, heating, air conditioning, and everything is upgraded. The bar seating is the same. Ciatti's bar was just cocktails and bar seating only. The nuxnber of seats in the bar itself were less. The smoking is down there instead of a sepazate area. Mr. Gehlen added that they moved the bar to the front of the building. Mr. Danford confinued and said they have increased the dining seats as opposed to the bar seats. He is there everyday of the restaurant. Saturday night, there was a couple that lived on Goodrich d�1-349 LEGISLATIVE HEAILING MIIVLJTES, BONFIKE WOODFIRE COOKING, 2-9-2004 Page 2 that came in, parents and tluee kids. The comment was that it was a good friendly place and also adult oriented. They make everything fresh, including desserts. Their sales are more food than liquor. They aze a restaurant first. Ms. Moermond stated she received three letters. One is from Vai and Dick Cohn. (Ms. Moermond read their letter.) Val and Dick Cohn, 729 Lincoln Avenue, appeared. Ms. Cohn stated this may haue been curtailed to some extent, but there were obscene and vulgaz entertainment that was inappropriate for the neighborhood. A couple of times that they were in there, she felt the need to say something. It is inappropriate for Grand Avenue because there are residential streets nearby. Ms. Moermond asked what kind of entertainment there is. Mr. Cohn responded it is unfair to describe the restaurant as the same as Ciatti's. The Cohns ate at Ciatti's once a week for many years. There are twin pianos that are vulgar performers. They sing dirty songs. The last time the Cohns were there, the establishment brought people on stage, had them spread eagle, ask them if they are wearing bikini or thong underwear. After a point, Mr. Cohn could not watch it. He goes to a lot of nightclubs and likes live entertainment. He was excited when he heard this place was going to be there. It is definitely not family friendly. It is smoky, even in the hallway in front of the place. It became a problem in Cafe Latte. The bathroom was a mess. When he went to the manager, they said they and Cafe Latte were responsible. When the Cohns said they were a guest at Cafe Iatte, they were told to ask Cafe Latte to cleaned it. There is a button in the bathroom that a person can press; the Cohns did press that button, and someone cleaned it. The entertainment is drawing a singie meat rack crowd. It is not a family oriented restaurant. He has heard the food has a way to go yet. At 2:04 a.m., drunks are urinating in his back yard and screaming at other people, said Mr. Cohn. It is not just this bar that is a problem, but other bars as well. Mrs. Cohn stated that the summer will be interesting. Two hundred people will be exiting out of three restaurants now. She would consider it more a baz. Maybe during the day it is a nice place to have lunch. Mr. Cohn stated he mentioned to the manager about the entertainment, and he stopped what was going on. Ms. Moermond stated she also has a letter from Martha Lufkin, 834 5uuunit Avenue #3, who mentioned there was a private party held there, it got smoky in the Cafe I,atte area, and the problems at bar time. A letter was received from Jim Harrison, Sumuiit Hill Association, 860 Saint Clair Avenue, which endorses the issuance of this license if there are conditions about parking. V� r � V� LEGISLATTVE HEARING MINUTES, BONFIRE WOODFIIZE COOKING, 2-9-2004 Page 3 Jim Harrison, Smnuiit Hill Association, appeared and stated they had a meeting with two other principals in this venture, who presented themselves as owners of the restaurant. They had an earnest d'ascussion about the late night bar. Because the baz was moved out of the back and into the front, it looked like a bar and not a restaurant. Escaping smoke from the facility bothering patrons of the restaurant were discussed. They did a thorough job of notifying nei�bors. They had a meeting January 20. No neighbors registered objections to the issuance of the license. One neighbor came to the meeting and had no comments. The parking was a concern, and they agreed with the applicant to post parking requirements detecting residential parking on the nearby residential streets and acknowledge that the residents should be respected. That would be a condifion they would like to see. The committee voted four in favor and one against far approving the issuance of the license with the pazking restriction. Tt is a residential street and a business thoroughfaze and surrounded by hundreds of residents on either side. The association went to extreme lengths beyond their regular notification circumference to make sure the neighbors knew of their meeting, Their meeting was three weeks ago. He does not know if something has been changed in entertainment. The license allows them to be open until 2:00 am. Based on further information, they can always reconsider their vote. Ms. Moermond asked what licenses are being applied for and in possession of this establisHment. Mr. Hawkins responded the same licenses they are in possession of right now and warking under a management agreement. They have not applied for an Entertainment A License. For a dance floor, that would be Entertainment B. Mr. Danford responded he does not have a dance floor, but they have someone playing a piano on Saturdays. Ms. Moermond added that if they have adult themes in the entertainment, then they need an adult entertainment license. Mr. Danford responded their entertainment consists of people singing and piano playing. He remembers seeing the Cohns there the other n3ght, and they can verify that there was nothing going on that night other than singing. Mr. Cohn responded that was the night someone asked if there were virgins in the audience. Mr. Gehlen responded that it is not his intention to have that type of entertainment. Ms. Moermond asked about the expirarion date for Ciatti's. Mr. Danford responded May 2004. Ms. Moermnnd stated there wouid be a 45 day notice on the entertainment license and it wiil require neighborhood notification and trigger another heazing like this one. These license can be sent through or she can lay ali of them over. Tt would be her preference to have them go to the Council together. She asked how much of a layover there would be. Mr. Hawkins responded two months and two weeks. Ms. Moermond responded it would be the week of Apri126. The district council will get a letter. She asked when the management agreement expires. (Someone answered May 31.) Mr. Danford stated he has been on Grand Avenue for 20 years. He has not had any problems with authority in any of his establishments. He has a his history of taking responsibility seriously and making things go right. His history backs that up. Ms. Moermond responded she has not p�l- 3�to9 LEGISLATIVE HEt1RING NIINIJTES, BONFII2E WOODFIRE COOKING, 2-9-2004 Page 4 heazd anything bad about this appiicant. It would be above boazd and neighboriy to apply for the entertaimnent license and get that taken caze o£ If there aze legal problems, he can cali LIEP or Ms. Moermond to see if things can be worked out until a hearing can be conducted. She would like to deal with all the licenses together. Mr. Danford stated he knows what the parking situation is. The landlord next door and he all warked together as a group to get that building approved with the extra parking. They have also reduced the price of that parking. They have always had a lot of complaints. They are dilagent to make sure the employees are parked in the right place. The residential and the commercial have to be friendly, In general, it works good. Ms. Moermond stated she wiil lay this over to another legislative hearing. In the meantime, she wouid encourage the owners to go ahead with the notification about the parking. The hearing was adjourned at 10:35 p.m. rrn The hearing regarding the entertainment license application is on March 15, 2004, 10:00 am. F' � OI �+` i ?� I�� � ' � ���«������ . o :'iiLq!i �. 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