242369 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLHRK � 2423�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '�� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E Na. COUNCIL U ION—GEN L FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson � COMMISSIONE �iI�BRHAS, Additions which ■ight prove to be necessary i� the Improveoent described as the ELARBNCE-IVY-BAZSLWUUD RBLIBF SBWER, Coaptroller's Coatract L-7060, La�etti & Sons, Inc. Contractor, have been prc�vided for in the Speci- fications, and WHHRBAS, It was fot�nd necessary to recoastruct an existing catch basin lead i� the north east corner 0f the interseetion of Ivy AveAUe afld P rc�aperity Aveaue, as the outlet of the �anhole had to be adjusted to clear utility i�astallations in Ivy Ave�e, and it Was fou�d necessarq to oaake the following Additions: ADDITIONS 12" V.C. pfpe, extra strength 13 Lin. Ft. � $4.� _ $52.00 12" R.C. pipe, Cla�s 4 13 Lin. Ft. � 4.75 = 61.75 Remove carb 18 Lin. Ft. Q 0.3� = 5.40 Coastrc�et c�rb 18 Lin. Ft. � 3.75 = 67.5� Reaoee sidewalk 11 Sq. Yds, e A.50 = 5.50 Constr�ct coacrett sidewalk 10� Sq. Ft. � U,8U = 8�.00 Total Additions $272.15 aad,� ,_ . ': i�ERBAS, The tetal addition is $272.15, and the Comuissioner of Fublic Norks has agreed wit� the Contractor that the ae�o�at of $272.15 is the correct saa to be acided to said contract; therefore be it , , R&S�LVSD, That the City of St. �'anl through its City Coeancil appreves the 1 � foregoing additions made in accor�iance With the Specif icationa ia the se� of $272.15, said �ount to be added to the la■p stia consideratio� Aa�ed i� the con- tract, kne�m as Codptrcller's Contract L-7�60, and Which s�ount is to be fina�ced fros Capital Isprov�eent Bond Faad 9267-413. ��;$ 2 7 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� � � ���� Carlson Dalgliah Approved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka �j Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE� MAR 1 1969 O DUPLICATF TO PRINT6R CI I 1 OF ST� � +^���� PAUL FOENCIL N�,. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMMISSDONER RCb@rt �'. Peterson DATF WHEREAS, Additian8 which a�igkt grov� to be neceseary in tt�e �aproueme�nt d�ec�cibed as th� CLAREN6E�IVY-�JAZF.LWQOD R�LIEF SEW�R, CompCroller's Contract L-7�6Q, Leaetti S 5one, Inc. Contrsctar, have b+eer► provided for in the Speci- f icatione� and WHERLAS, It wae found necessetry to r+�cans�ruct �n existing catch bssi.n lead in the narth eaet corner oi` �he ��tersection oE Ivy Avernxe ar�d Prosgerity Avernie, as the au�le� ot' the mar�hole had to be adjust�sd to clear utility installations in Ivy Av�nue, end it was found neceBSary to �ak� the following Additions; ADDITIO�iS 12" V.C. pig�, extra strength 13 Lin. Ft. 6! $4.0(1 = $52.Op 12" R.C. pipe, Class 4 13 Lin. F�. � �.7g = 61.75 Remove curb 18 Lin. Ft. � �.3(3 = 5.4Q Conatruct curb 18 Lin. Ft. � 9.75 = 67.5� Remove s�idewalk �.1 Sq. Yd�. i� 0.5t1 = S.SO Construct concrete sid�walk Lt?d Sq. Ft. � 0.80 a 80�00 ToCal Additiaans $272.1� end W�ERE�S, 7Che total addition is $272.15, and the Cona�ni�sian�r oi Public Works hes agreed with the Contre�ctor thnt the �aaaur�t af $272.15 is the correct sum to b� added to said cantract, �here�are b�r it R1�St3LVED. xhet the City of St. Paesl thmugh its Gity Council approves th� foregoing edditions �a�d� in accordance with Che SpeciEica�ione in the st� of $272.15, said amr�unt tu be edde� to the lumg aw� consfd�rs�ian �named in the con- trnct� �nown as Comptroller's Cr�nrr�ct L-7t�60, ancl which emounr 3s to be ffnanced from Capital Improvement Bond �ur►d 9267-413. �..... � . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ' Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O