242357 OR1471NAL TO CITY CLERK 24235� , CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE TY CLERK NCIL RESO I N FORM PRESENTED BY �/ � COMMISSIONE � � � DAT 4 ti�_� '�`, t� �}�._-. .�'��� ti V i`�� ���� WHEREAS, ' he Gity of Saint Paul face d icul problems in raising sufficient revenues to continue municipal services ; and WHEREAS, this problem is common to municipal govern- ments in the metropolitan area; and WHEREAS, steeply increased property taxes , particu- larly for school purposes , coupled with a reduction in personal property tax base owing to the 1967 tax relief act, replaced only at 1g66 levels, will cause greatly increased burdens on homes and businesses in Saint Paul; and WHEREAS� the Council is desirous of obtaining new sources of revenue not dependent upon property taxation; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Section of the League of Minnesota Municipalities has proposed a comprehensive areawide tax and distribution program based upon ability to pay and need, and which would have the further effect of equalizing taxation in the metropQlitan area and reducing intermunicipal competition for industry� thus promoting sound planning; now, the refore, be it RESOLVED� by the Gouncil of the Gity of Saint Paul, that the Charter Gommission be memorialized to study in depth the report of the Metropolitan Section with respect to taxation and to indicate to this Council its opinions with respect thereto . F � VE A�tt. Co tion Cou►� F E B 2 7 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas Nays ,�� � ) ��69 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson ' S�rafku (> Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne pUBLISHE� �AR � ��b� � DUP!.ICATE TO PRINTER �j�����/ CITY OF ST. PAUL ��E NC�� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY COMMISSIONER DATF ��:i����L�'��, ti�e City o� :�aar�t :i'aazl faces dif�icu�.t problems in raising sufficierit revenues �� eontinue r�unici��l services ; anc� �`►��.;i;�:�;.��.��5, ���i. �robl���i is com�aon �o ��aa�.icipal govern— , ments in t��e r,�e;tro�ao�.itaAra �ar���; �.�ad i,al�t�:�l::�, stec��l�, iricreaaed ��rot��;rt;� �t�..xES , particu— 1ar13� �or �e.�oc�l �ur�oses, couj�leci wit�� �c reda�ctio�� iii persondl property ��:� �:�s� o��in� to t�ze 1�6; t�� reliel �.et, re�1;.�eed only �t 1966 3�evels, caill cause greatly i�.cre�secl ��:taclens on homes �f1d businesse� in Saint #�aul; and zaIiETtLAS, the Council is deai�ous of abt�zining new socirces o� revenue not dependent upon property ta�ation; and ��i�ERLAS, the Ntetropalitan :�ection of the Lea,gue of Mxniz�sota Municipalities ilas proposed a cor�prehensive areawid� tax �.nd distrii�ution prograz� basea�. upon ability to �a�r and need, and which wo�l.cl h�ve the further e��eet o�' equ�,li�ing taxation in the metroperlitar ��-area and reducing intermunicip�.�. cn�npetition for iaaciust�y, thus �,romoting sound g�lannin�; now, therefore, be i t ; ,. �tLSOLV�D9 by the Council of t.ze City of S�int PRUZ, that tPie Charter Cor��isaior:� be �nemorialized to study in depth the report o� thE Metropolitan Section with respect to taxation and to indic�,t� to this Couneil its opin.ions with reapec t thereto. _ � , +���';r� . � �.� �: , . ��.i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19_ Yeas Nays .'� � _�`.,.I r,' _ Carlson Dalgliah Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka � Mayor Tedeaco ASainst Mr. President, Byrne O