242349 � Orialnsl to City Clerk . � . C� RDINANCE 2�2,�9 � M ���'` �a y COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � �� — . � An ordinance amending the Building Code of the City of Saint Paul and providing enforcement procedures and penalties therefor. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Section 1.46 - 4a of the Saint Paul Legis- lative Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "a. Whenever the Commissioner finds that a building, structure or any work connected therewith (such as erection, construction, installation, alter- ation, or moving) the execution of which is regulated, permitted or forbidden by this code, is being carried on or has been completed in violation of the provisions or requirements of this code, in violation of a detailed statement or plan submitted and approved thereunder, or in violation of a permit or certificate issued thereunder, -i�lw� he may take action to enforce the penalty provisions as provided hereinafter in 5a. He may also as an al- ternative or in addition, take appropriate steps to . correct snch condition by serving a written notice or order upon the person responsible therefor, directing discontinuance of such illegal action and the repair,���� remodeling or removing of all work done in violation of the provisions and requirements of this code. Section 2. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. � 1 3 196� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson �J Dalgliah In Favor Meredith r G Peterson C Against Sprafka Tedesco � 1 �' 1969 . reside yr App ed: A st: 1-.. . Cit Clert Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel y PUBLISHE� MAR I � �96� � Dnplicate to Priater � ! �ORDINANCE ������� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO..� An ordinan�e amending the Buildi�ag Code of the City of Ssint Paul at�d providing enforcemen� procedure� and penalties therefor. TflE COUN�CIL OF THE CITY 4F SAINT PAt3L UOES ORE)AIDT: �ection 1. That 5ect�.on 1.06 �- 4a of tha 3aint Paul L�gis- lat3.ve Cod� be and the sam� is h�s�by amended to read a� followa: Na. W'h�n�ver the Comznissioner finds� that a building, structure or any work cQnnected tM�rewith {auch as erection, construction, installation, alter- ation, or moving) ths e�c�cution o� whi�h i� regulated. permitted or forbidden by thi� Qode�. is being carried on or has been e4mpleted in viol�tion of the grovi�ion�s or requirem���s a� this code, in viol.ation o� a d�tailed sta�ement or plan �ub�r►it�ed and agproved ther�under� or in violation o� s p�rm3.t or c�rtif3.cate 3��ued thereunder, �ii� he may ta]ce action to enforce the p�nalty provisions as provided hereinaftEr in 5a. Se may aiso as an al- tern2�tive or �.n addition, t�kke appropriate steps to correct such candition by serving a written nc�tice or ord�r upt�n the persan r�spoa�ible th�re�or, c�irecting dis�comtinuance of such illegal aetian and the repa3.Ti.x�g, remodeling or removing of a�.l c�ark done in violation of the provisions and requirement� of this code. Section 2. That this ordinance �ha11 take e�f�ct and be in force thirty daya after its passage, approval anc� pu►blication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by��he Council �r�5��� �., ,���"� Carlson Dalglish in Favor Meredith Peterson v Against Sprafka � Tedesco i`��o�"� �' °' ���� Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• � ,� I st ' � ' 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app � G _._Adopted � �� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson Carlson Dal lish �al lish 9 ���� 9 2�2�-i: Meredith � � � eredith Peterson '�eterson Sprafka � rafka t , �J Tedesco ,� Tedesco Mr. President Byrne �r. President Byrne ` O � .