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CITY OF ST. PAUI. ��� ��� NO.
Res�olution Appr�oving Assessment By—
and Figing Time of Hearing Thereon �le No.
In the matter of the asaessment of benefits, cost and expenses for constructioa or recon-
struction a� sidewalks and work incidental ther�to: Contract 68-K-434, District No. 3,
Levy No. 7,
� F.O. �2373I3 - Winelow St. , east side froon W. �elos St. to P�pspact Blvd.
F.O. �237194 - W, Curtice St. , both side� from Delavare Ave. ta Chippewa Ave.
F.O. #237309 - W. Page St. , both sides from Smith Ave. to OttawA Ave.
F.O. #237119 - E. Morton St. , both sides fro� Livingston Ave. to S. Robert St.
F.O. #237314 - W, Robie St. , both sides from Manomin Ave. to Orleana St.
F.O. #237196 - W. George St. , north side from S. Smith Ave. to Ottawa Ave.
F.O. #238418 - Ottaws Ave. , northeast side from W. George St. to Cherokee Ave.
- :�r:1�'.-���38�39+ �-:°Qayn�a.St. , bot� sides f�c��"Agat-e 8t. to L"8rient'St. . _
F.O. i�237036 - Clark St. , both sides from Whitall St. to York Ave.
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F.O. �237313 - Winslow St. , east side from W. Delos St. to Prospect Blvd.
F.U;, ,,,�23?L94.:- W. Curt�ce�-5.t., _bo�l�:"st'�is ft� <�elawere Ave. to Chfppewa Ave �
F.O. �237309 - W. Page St. , both sides from Smith Ave. to Ottawa Ave.
� �P�L�� �23,7i�9 - �E. �Ean St:; �ath sides� '�ran L�vingston Ave. tt� 8. Rober"t S't.
F.O. �237314 - W. �Robie St. , both sides frvm Manomin Ave. to Orleans St.
' F.O. #�33196 - �1. G'e�rge 3`[. , norCh side from S. Smith Ave. to Ottawa Ave.
F�.�. #2370;�6 .- C�ark :Sx. , bQth .sides fro� Wl�i.�all -S.t. to .York A;ve._
' F:t�. �2�$539 �- iCayuga St. , both sides fran Agate St. to L'Orient St.
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. . . . : . _
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' day of 1�arch, 1969 „ , at th� hour of 10 o'cicek A. M., in t�ie Counc� L'nam�aer oi
the Court House a.nd City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Coxnxnissioner of Finance
give natice of said meetings, as required by the Chartex, stating in said notice t$e time a.nd•place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular
owner to whom the notice is directed.
61E�2 b 1969
Yeas Nays
� Adopted by the Gouncit
�� FE� 2 � ����
�n Approvecl
Byrne rn Favor �
� Mayor
Fo� x-E a� ie-ss s� A�ainst PUBLISHE� MAR � �+��