242335 R � ~ a � 5���� . `
File Na 172765 _ ,
In the Matter of conde�ing and taking an:easement in the land necessary for the
slop�s, cuts and fills including right vf removal of lateral support fron subject
land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavationa thereof cr .cot�struction of al'opes
fn I,$E)NE AVB. from West line oi Samolptz Add. to Keunard St. -
under Preliminary Order� 237658- approvec�- . March I9, '1968
The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance
uppn the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:
1. That the said report and the'same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement '
is hereby ordered to be prceeeded with. :
2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is
to condemn and take an easement in the land n�cessary for the slopes, c�ts ai�d fills
including right ,of rermoval of lateral support from subject land or r�inder thereof
_� o�caaioned bq.a�tanrrt�ns t�i�r�crf -or constr�ct�ivs_�f aivpes_i�-LBE�`aAj►E. _f�om T�Test;.t �.......: _.�:,
Ifne ef Samolptz Add. to Rea�a.rd �t., ,fn ae�o�rda�ce �vith the blueprint hereta
attached and ipade a part hereof, the hatched portions ahcrwing t�e cut� a�d-�the shaded
portiou= sha,riag the filla.
with no alternatives, axid that the estimated coat thereof is $ 20.00
Resolved Further, That� public hearing be had on said improvement on the 25th , day of
March, 1969 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.1VI., in the Council Chamber of the Court
House and City Ha1I$uilding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notic+e of
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, ata,ting the time and plaoe af
hearing, the nature of the impro�zement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
cotrrrci�Ex F E 8�2 � 1969
Adopted by the Counc' ,.
Yeas Ce�ISpA Nays
. Me� Approved.,
S�r, • -. �—In Favor , ,
T� , , Mayor
r c�
Ag�n�t . PuBt�sHE� MAR 11� .
s_6�.� �� ��