242313 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK 24���� � " CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF ItESOLVED, that out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund weekly compensation of $60.00 be paid John M. Geraghty while he is temporarily totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on January 21, 1969, while employed by the Department of Public Works, and that $240.00 in final settlement, to and including February 19, 1969, is now due and payable. APP E� a r......... st. f,orc�tio" C°u"'� FEB2 � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ���' � � ���� Carlson �a�g�sh � Approved 19— Meredith ��n Favor P�tersan � S�rafku J Mayor Tedesco A gainst :��e:` �. u�. . �@,�`•:�€i PUBLISHEf P MAR 1 �9� Mr. Vice Preeident (PeYerson) �� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER � �� /�� �� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � ��•,� �_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAT� P.ESOLVED, that out o�' the N�orkmen's Compensation Account or the General Func� weekly com�ensat�ion o£ $60.OQ b� �aid John M. Geraghty cahile 3ie is teanporarily totally disabled. by reason of inJuries he received on January 21, 1969, w'�i1e employed '�y t'�e Department of Public �ti'or�;s, and t}iat �240.00 in final sottlement, to an�. includi:n, Febxuary 19, 19ci9, is nok� due and nayanl�. � � �:�i �' �� ���a�' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays _ ' ' `� ,. Carlson Da—Igl#sh Approved 19— Meredith �n Favor P`eter�sart Sprafka �� Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr:;P�eside�€# By�rie . ._�A. .s: i.� ��::��.; ��O