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►�� �� :: . DEFARiMEN7AFFlCE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEE v v v v v TS AGEMENT 07/08/97 INITIAIlOATE wirinvonre CONTACTPERSON & PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR O CITY COUNCIL Ron Ross 6-6692Bob Hammer 6-6693 A��� CITYATTORNEY CITYCLERK NUNBERFOA � � BE ON CqUNCILAGEN�A BY (DATEJ ROUTING '� BUDGET �IflECTOR O FIN.B MGT. SERVICE$ DIR. ORUEP O MpYOR (OR ASSISTANn � ' TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION RE�UESTED: Approval of the attached budget revision which assigns new project codes to CDBG funded projects and programs. RECAMMENDA710NS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEii THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLqNNING CAMMISS�ON _ CIVIL SERVIGE COMMISSION �� Hd5 thls per50n/flfm 8V8f WOrked Untler d CAntfeCt fOr this tlepdrtment? _ CIB GOMMITTEE YES NO _ STAFF Z. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — VES NO _ DISTRICTCOUH7 _ 3. Doesthis ersonRirm p possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current City employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL O&IECTIVE? YES NO � Expla�n all yea answera on separata shaet antl anach to 9�een sheM INITIATIN6 PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (VJho, W�at. When, Where, Why): The City is converting to a new system to access funding from the Dept. of Housing & Urban Development (HUD). This budget revision moves the financing for CDBG funded projects and programs into new project codes which correspond to the codes assigned by the new HUD system. NTAGES IF APPROVEP. � The project codes an the Cily finance system and HUD system will be coordinated. DISADVANTpGES IFAPPROVED: None. RECEIVED JUL 14 ��7 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: � The project codes will not be coordinated. TOTAL AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE CpBG AC7IVITY NUMBER VBT1011S CS V'V FINANCIAL INFORFSATION (EXPLAIN) �oo c Z�q North End Revit.-Residentiai P6-100-37804-0547-61324 �-100-94002-0547-00425 Conc. East Side Residential P6-100-37803-0547-61325 P6-100-37812-0547-61325 P6-100-94002-0547-00427 Commercial Vacant Bidg Prog P6-100-37812-0583-61331 P6-100-94002-0583-00429 Skyway Accessibility P6-10037810-0565-61334 P6-100-94002-0565-00430 URAP/Housing Dev Public Imp P6-1Q0-37803-0565-61335 P6-100-94002-0565-�0431 Crime Prevention Program P6-100-37805-0547-61336 P6-100-94002-0547-00432 �ighborhood Non-Profits P6-140-37805-0547-61337 P6-100-94002-0547-00433 Summit-U Teen Center P6-100-37803-0565-61340 P6-100-94002-0565-00434 Community Stabilization P6-100-37812-0547-61345 P6-100-94002-0547-00436 Sherburne Initiative P6-100-37801-0547-61348 P6-100-37812-0547-61348 P6-100-94002-0547-00437 Wabasha Redevelopment Init. P6-100-37812-0547-61389 P6-100-94002-0547-00440 $79,832.50 $0.00 $49,000.00 $473,250.00 $0.00 $1,315,000.00 $0.00 $115,000.00 $0.00 $377,0OO.OQ $�.�0 $936,665.00 $0.00 $1,739,953.56 $0.00 $250,000.00 $0.00 $60,500.00 $0.00 $80,103.05 $257,396.95 $0.00 ($36,604.65) $36,605.00 ($49,000.00) ($19,850.37) $68,850.00 ($59,140.06) $59,140.00 ($115,000.00) $115,000.00 ($262,472.42) $262,472.00 ($5,222.63) $5,223.00 ($168,766.78) $168,767.00 ($250, 000.00) $250, 000.00 ($47, 942.41) $47,942.00 ($1, 838.26) ($1,244.03) $3,082.00 $43,227.85 $36,605.00 $0.00 $453,399.63 $68,850.00 $1,255,859.94 $59,140.00 $0.00 $115,000.00 $114,527.58 $262,472.0� $931,442.37 $5,223.00 $1,571,186.78 $168,767.00 $0.00 $250,000.00 $12,557.59 $47,942.00 $78,264.79 $256,152.92 $3,082.00 $100, 000.00 $0.00 ($34,850.00) $34,850.00 rburne Initiative II -100-37812-0547-61398 $337,500.00 ($20,426.40) P6-100-94002-0547-00442 $0.00 $20,426.00 $65,150.00 $34,850.00 $317,073.60 $20,426.00 vc� i2�q Lower Bluff Revit Ph III P6-100-37801-0547-61399 100-37808-0547-61399 -1 ��-37812-0547-61399 P6-100-94002-0547-00443 Community Stabilization il P6-100-37812-0547-61400 P6-100-94002-0547-00445 Sherburne Initiative NPP P6-100-37804-0547-61425 P6-1Q0-37812-0547-61425 P6-100-94002-0547-00447 York-Payne Revitalization P6-100-37812-0547-61468 P6-100-94002-0547-00452 North End Industrial Development P6-100-37813-0547-61473 P6-10�-94002-0547-00457 Selby Area Comm Loan & Grant 100-37812-0547-61474 -100-94002-0547-00458 Vacant & Hazardous Bldg Demo P6-100-37804-0565-61482 P6-100-94002-0565-00461 Homeless Facilities Imp. P6-100-37812-0547-61483 P6-100-94002-0581-00462 Recreation Center Access P6-100-37810-0565-61484 Capitol City Youth Employment P6-100-37805-0547-61498 P6-100-94002-0547-00464 Mending Fences P6-100-37805-0547-61501 P6-100-94002-0547-00465 $197,825.00 $22,950.00 $244,975.00 $0.00 $60, 500.00 $0.00 $41,500.00 $1,600.00 $0.00 $38,250.00 $0.00 $121,250.00 $�.�Q $51,250.00 $0.00 $1,800,000.00 $0.00 $150,000.00 $4.00 $330,000.00 $1,400,000.00 $0.00 ($36,628.34) ($22,95Q.00) ($5,831.36) $65,410.00 ($60,500.00) $60, 500.00 ($41,500.00) ($1,600.00) $43,100.00 ($31,666.39) $31,666.00 ($70,000.00) $70,00�.�0 ($34,113.13) $34,113.00 $90,512.58 $0.00 ($104,810.06) $104,810.00 $24,071.35 ($164,985.98) $164,986.Q0 $161,196.66 $0.0� $239,143.64 $65,410.00 $0.00 $60,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $43,'{ 00.00 $6,583.61 $31,666.00 $51,250.00 $70,000.00 $17,136.87 $34,113.00 $1,890,512.58 $0.00 $45,189.94 $104,810.00 $35A,071.35 $1,235,014.02 $164,986.00 $7,400.00 $0.00 ($4,813.00) $4,813.00 ewood Apartments -100-37812-0547-61504 $126,150.00 ($125,000.00) P6-100-94002-0547-00467 $0.00 $125,000.00 $2, 587.00 $4,813.00 $1,150.00 $125,000.00 �oo��� Block By Block Renewaf P6-100-37812-0547-61505 �-100-94002-0547-00468 Get The Lead Out P6-100-37805-0547-61507 P6-100-94002-0547-00470 Oakdale-Prescott Home fmp. P6-100-37$12-0547-61508 P6-100-94002-0547-00471 Phalen Village Revita{ization P6-100-37801-0589-81513 P6-100-37804-0549-61513 P6-100-37808-0581-61513 P6-140-37812-0584-61513 P6-100-94002-0589-00475 Phalen Boulevard P6-100-37803-0581-61514 P6-100-94002-0547-00476 North End Housing � 100-37812-0547-61515 100-94002-0547-00477 Dayton's Sluff P6-100-37812-0547-61516 P6-100-94002-0589-00478 Head Start Center P6-100-37803-0565-61517 BNT P6-100-37812-0547-61519 P6-100-94002-0547-00480 Saint Paul Homestead Program P6-100-37801-0559-61520 P6-100-37812-0589-61520 P6-100-94002-0589-00481 F{ousehold Haz Waste Removal P6-100-37812-0589-61521 P6-10�-94002-0589-00482 . $101,150.00 $0.00 $82,700.00 $O.dO $61,100.00 $0.00 $400,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $800,000.00 $0.00 $100,000.00 $0.00 $100,000.00 $0.00 $250,000.00 $0.00 $254,416.77 $87,000.00 $0.00 $500,000.00 $775,000.00 $0.00 $1,195,��0.00 $0.00 ($6,577.75) $6,578.00 :�: �� .�: �� ($45,000.00) $45,000.00 ($400,000.00) ($50,000.00) ($50,000.�4) ($800,000.00) $1,300,000.00 ($906.33) $4,414.00 ($17,318.60} $17,319.00 ($100,000.00} $100,000.00 ($16,158.39) ($87,000.00) $87,000.00 ($470,750.00) ($455,0�0.00) $925,750.00 ($1,073,576 A0) $1,�73,576.00 $94,572.25 $6,578.00 $37,892.00 $44,808.00 $16,100.00 $45,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,300,000.00 $99,093.67 $4,414.00 $82,681.40 $17,319.00 $150,000.00 $100,000.00 $238,258.38 $0.00 $87,000.00 $29,250.00 $320,000.00 $925,750.00 $121,424.00 $1,073,576.00 Duplex Conversion Program P6-10�-37812-0589-61522 P6-100-94002-0589-00483 �iid Care Facility Rehab P6-100-37812-0547-61523 P6-100-94002-0589-00484 McDonough Playground P6-100-37803-0565-61525 P6-100-94002-0565-00486 Webster Pfayground P6-100-37803-0565-61526 P6-100-94002-0565-00487 Boyd Park P6-100-37803-0565-61528 P6-100-94002-0565-00489 IVewell Park Sitework P6-100-37803-0565-61529 P6-100-94002-0565-00490 Citywide Soccer Fields 100-37803-0565-61530 -100-94002-0565-00491 Comm Hazardous Bldg Demo P6-100-37804-0565-61552 P6-100-94002-0565-00492 Prospect Park P6-100-37803-0565-61553 P6-100-94002-0565-00493 Arlington Hilis L+brary P6-100-37803-0565-61554 P6-100-94002-0565-00494 Margaret Recreation Center P6-100-37803-0565-00555 P6-100-94002-0565-00495 West Minnehaha Playground P6-100-37803-0565-61556 $200,000.�0 $0.00 $300,000.00 $0.00 $149,000.00 $0.00 $298,000.00 $0.00 $207,000.00 $0.00 $219,700.00 $0.00 $94,500.00 $0.00 $900,000.00 $0.00 $123,000.00 $0.00 $339,000.00 $0.00 $203,000.00 $0.00 $91,000.00 ($181,000.00) $181,000.0� ($198,704.00) $198,704.00 ($141,681.10) $141,681.00 ($5,642.06) $5,642.00 ($20,811.96) $20,812.00 ($4,245.00) $4,245.00 ($94,500.00) $94,500.00 ($584,604.33) $494,091.00 ($3,964.06) $3,964.00 ($237,181.80) $237,182.00 ($36,234.85) $36,235.00 $120.00 stern Park -100-37803-0565-61557 $297,000.00 ($255,589.57) P6-100-94002-0565-00497 $0.00 $255,590.00 `�oc� r�c�q $19,000.00 $181,0��.00 $101,296.00 $198,704.00 $7,318.90 $141,681.00 $292,357.94 $5,642.00 $186,188.04 $20,812.00 $215,455.00 $4,245.00 $0.00 $94,500.00 $315,395.67 $494,091.00 $119,035.94 $3,964.00 $101,81$.20 $237,182.00 $166,765.15 $36,235.00 $91,120.00 $41,410.43 $255,590.00 /!! ,�� Cochran Park P6-100-37803-0565-61558 �-100-94002-0565-00498 Duluth & Case Play Area P6-100-37803-0565-61559 P6-100-94002-0565-00499 HUD Training P6-100-37817-0251-61588 P6-100-94002-0251-00500 Rehabilitation Salaries P6-100-37812-0558-61179 P6-100-94002-0558-00501 Rehabilitation Contingency P6-100-37812-0558-61999 P6-100-94002-0558-00502 Unspecified Contingency P6-100-37818-0558-61999 P6-100-94002-0558-00503 � lic Improvement Contingency 100-37803-0558-61999 P6-100-94002-0558-00504 Disposition Salaries P6-100-37802-0558-61179 West Side NHS RLF P6-10�-37812-C1547-61589 P6-100-96011-0547-00506 Homeowner Rehab Matching Grt P6-100-37812-0547-61590 P6-100-96027-0547-00507 Payne-Arcade Comm. {mp. P6-100-37812-0547-61591 P6-1Q0-96028-0547-00508 Econ. Dev. Loan Leverage Fund P6-100-37812-0547-61592 P6-100-96029-0547-00509 • $201,000.00 $0.00 $187,000.00 $0.00 $12, 000.00 $0.00 $2,500,000.00 $0.00 $296,084.00 $0.00 $774,612.14 $0.00 $466,944.99 $0.00 $350,000.00 $427,608.92 $0.00 $100,000.00 $0.00 $200,000.00 $0.00 $100,000.00 $0.00 ($162,614.52) $162,615.00 ($12,247.61) $12,248.00 ($8,604.60) $8,605.00 ($129,048.51) $129,049.00 ($296,084.00) $296,084.00 ($774,612.14) $765,435.84 ($466, 944.99) $466, 945.00 $15,637.72 ($390,036.59) $390,037.00 ($5,146.07) $5,146.00 ($200,000.00) $200,000.00 ($56,354.81) $56,355.00 $38,385.48 $162,615.00 $174,752.39 $12,248.00 $3,395.40 $8,605.00 $2,370,951.49 $129,048.00 $0.00 $296,084.00 $0.00 $765,435.84 $0.00 $466, 945.00 $365,637.72 $37,572.33 $390,037.00 $94,853.93 $5,146.00 $0.00 $200,000.00 $43,645.19 $56,355.00 Douglas Park Play Area P6-100-37803-0565-61593 P6-100-96030-0565-00510 �yton's Bluff Recreation Ctr P6-100-37803-0565-61594 P6-100-96031-�565-�0511 Valley Field Lighting P6-100-37803-0565-61595 P6-100-96032-0565-00512 Carty Park Renovation P6-100-37803-0565-61596 P6-100-96033-0565-00513 Dunning Park Playground P6-100-37803-0565-61597 P6-100-96034-0565-00514 Dunning Park Safety Imp. P6-100-37803-Q565-61598 P6-100-96035-0565-00515 Library ESL Project 100-37805-0565-61600 -100-96037-0565-00516 Williams 4iill P6-100-37801-0547-61626 P6-100-96038-0547-00517 Rental Rehabilitation Program P6-100-37812-0584-61102 P6-100-96004-0584-00518 Commercial Rehabilitation P6-100-37812-0583-61101 P6-100-96007-0583-00519 Enterprise Leverage Fund P6-100-37813-0583-61234 P6-100-96008-4583-04520 Hazel Park Recreation Center P6-100-37803-0565-61601 P6-100-96039-0565-00521 • $131,000.00 $0.00 $464,000.00 $0.00 $85,000.00 $0.00 $231,200.00 $0.00 $220,000.00 $0.00 $80,000.00 $0.00 $50, 000.00 $0.00 $5,500,000.00 $0.00 $9,537,490.48 $0.00 $2,159, 961.00 $0.00 $935,000.00 $0.00 $1,451, 000.00 $0.00 ($97,840.00) $97,840.00 ($459,000.00) $459,00�.00 ($85,000.00) $85, 000.00 ($225,200.00) $225,2Q0.00 ($187,300.00) $187,300.00 �$8�,��QA�) $80,000.00 ($50,000.00) $50,000.00 ($2,111,279.60) $2,111,280.00 ($1,264,455.11) $1,264,455.00 ($358,468.77) $358,469.00 ($426,440.74) $426,441.00 ($1,391,000.00) $1,391,000.00 �ao i2�q $33,160.00 $97,840.00 $5,000.60 $459,000.00 $0.00 $85,000.00 $6,000.00 $225,200.00 $32,700.00 $187,300.00 $0.�� $80,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $3,388,720.40 $2,111,280.00 $8,273,035.37 $1,264,455.00 $1,801,492.23 $358,469.00 $508,559.26 $426,441.00 $60, 000.00 $1,391,000.00 �fZ�q Neighborhood Health Clinics P6-100-37805-0547-61627 �-100-96040-0547-00522 Safe City P6-100-378Q5-0547-61551 P6-10�-96�41-0547-00523 $97,467.44 $0.00 ($53, 901.00) $53,901.00 $16,217.78 $28,782.00 ($45,000.00) $2,482.00 $0.00 $43,566.44 $53,901.00 Summit Hi{I Block Nurse P6-100-37805-0547-61511 EI Rio Vista P6-100-37803-0565-61270 TOTALS u • $25�,0�0.0� $0.00 $64,60d.00 $99,000.00 $81,221,762.52 $266,217.78 $28,782.00 $19,600.00 $101,482.00 $81,221,762.52 C �7��� � �-�-�-�' p ove y: ayor -�� ((��� ate E wa�iawanooeuociv�ci � , �a - �'z fr ) "" G'C' �