242309 ����J Conaoil File No..... . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEIVT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemalungof thefollowingpubliaianprovement by the City of 8aint Psul�vis.: reconstruct the sidewalk and_replace_with inte�ral.curb and sidewalk on the north side of lOth. St. from Cedar St. to MinnesotaSt. and�doin�,all other.work which is necessarx_and,.incidental..to�complete..said im_proyement;,.._,._.__._..,__�.�_...�� _��...., _. Dated thie........2�T�b,.....dsy og......--•-•--......��}1����X......... .. ... ............... 1 9. ................ ..... ..........__�.����^��+-. .__ co���:....... PRELIMINARY O1tDEIt. WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement�v�.: reconstruct the sidewalk and replac�_with integ�ral_.curb and sidewalk on the north �__side_of..lOth:._3t: _from.Cedar St; �to_Minnesota St:.and.by_doing__all_other.work,which is_necessary,_and__incidental„to_comgletg„sai;d,,,improveq��}� ................._..�._...._.....,_ _,� a. ...............•------......................................-------........___......_.................._................---....-----....._._......_......----•--...-------........._»............ hsving been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul..............._............................---....._................ _.... therefore, be it BESOLVED, That the Commieeioner of Publio Worke be and ie herebq ordered and direoted: P n 1. To inveatigate the neeeeaity for, or deairability of,.the making of said impmvement. � �.,� ; 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and estimated ooet of said improvement, and the total eoat thereof. � 3. To furnieh a plan, proSle or eketch of said improvement. - ' 4. To etste whether or ao�eaid improvement ie seked for oa 4,he petition of three�r more ownere. b. To report upon all of the goregoing mattere to the Commiesioner of�nsnoe. Aaoptea by the Conncil..--...............................�B.2.�.19 69.--........ Y�s �'E� 2 � ��s9 Councilman Carlson Baigi:fsir APProved.................................................................... f�o�ait�- Meredith �e-t�r�tsrr � Tedesco � - e.�__: ......................_... Mr. .� P�esid�t. .�.��.� . Msqor. ._. �;�, . „ ,.. ,... �000 7d�4r, 'vy'scF� i're�iaur:t ��ut�rsun) .s � �� PUBLISHE� r�A� 1 196�