242295 OriQtnal to City Clerk � -� ORDINANCE 242�95 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �� ORDINANCE NO -�'���-- AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE GLAIM OF HELEN MCDERM4TT AGAINST TTHE �ITY OF SAINT PAUL. THE COUNC=L �THE CITY OF SATNT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Seetion 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and direc�ed to pay out of the Tort Liabili�y Fund o035—�21, to Helen McDermott, the sum of $300.00, in fu11 set�lement of her e].aim for damages and in�uries sustained by reason of a fall on a defeetive sidewalk at or near Cedar and Fifth Streets, Sa3.nt Paul, Minnesota, on April 30, 1g68. Seet3.on 2. That said sum sha1.1 be paid �o �he said elaimant upon her execution and delivery of a release in full to the Ci'�y, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages and in�uries sustained in tY� manner aforesaid. Section 3. Tha� this ordinance shall take efife�t and be in force �hirty days after its passage, approval ancl publication. MAR � Z 19� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson � fDalglish Tn Favor Meredith D � i^ Peteraon � A gainat Tedesco Mr. President (B e) App M� 1 2 1969 _ _ A est• ' ''' " , ity Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHE� I�AR 15 1969 Duplicate to Priater ORDINANCE ����`��:� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � n 'T AN QRT?INANCE ��'I'T�,INa T�iE CI�AIM 4F HLLEN MGDERMpTT At�AINST !t'HE CITY OF SATNT pAUL THE COUNCIL OF '3'I�iF �ITY QF 9A=1�1'T PAUL DOES t}RDAIN. Sect�.on 1. Tk�at '�h+� prc�per City o�ficer� �.re hereby authorized and diret�ted to pa.y aut o�' the Tort I.i�bility F'und a435-�21, to He�,en MaDexx�nno�t, t�a� �wn of $34(7.04, 3.n. fuSl� settlement of h�r c1�zi� far d�age� and in�urie� sus�ain�d ?ay rea�on oP a fa�.l on s� d�fec��ive aidewalk at � or near Cedar and Fifth Streats, �a3.t�� P�,ul, Minnesota, on Apri1 ,�o, 1968. Section 2. TMat ��,id aut�a �hall b� psid tQ th� ��id elaim�ant upon her �x�c�u�ion and deliv�ry of a reZea�e in full to the Citq, �.n a form to b� approved by �he Corg�axation Counsel, for a�.�. d�ge� �r�d �.r3�uriee �u�tained in �1� manner afare�sid. Seetion 3. That thi� ord�.n�n�e �Mmll take effect and be in �'orce thirty days after ita �a���,�e, approval and publiaation. ��k� � '= f��� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit Carlson � Dalglish Meredith - Tn Favor Peterson a �€}� A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) � �:" '� Attest: Approved: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By `� ' � ' Ist ' 2nd J ` -I Laid over to 3rd and app�—Adopted �� �=�-1 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays � Carlson Carlson �alglish `Dalglish �Meredith ��1���i�eredi+h y � � �`Peterson � Peterson �Sprafka � ` Sp�oiJ�s. °�I'edesco � Tedesco v �r. President Byrne \Mr. President Byrne O