242294 Oa3Qina1 to City Clerk � � ORDIN �ANCE 242294 COUNCIL FILE NO � �iti��r'` PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � ���� AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE f3LAIM OF JOHN H'F:T•T,AND A(�AINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUI+. THE COUNCIL OF THE �I�X OF SAINT PAtT� D4E� ORDAINs �ee�ion 1. �ha� th� proper. ei�� off'3.eer�s are hereby authorized to pay or�� of the Tor�t S�i�.bi1�.��r Fund 0035-�21, to John Helland, �he �um of �18�.�0; �.n fu11 settlement of his elaim for. dama�e� and in�uries sustained on January 23, 1969, as a result of an aecident involving a C3.ty vehicle driven by Raymond A. Lusby, at or near �he interseetion of P1ato Bou.levard and Eva Street, Saint Pau1, Mi�ne�o�a. Section 2. That said sum sha.11 be pa3d to �he said ela3.mant upon his exeeu�ion and delivery of a release 3n fu11 to the �i�y, in a form to be approved by i�he Corporation Counsel, for a11 damages and in�uries sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take eff�et and be in forc� �hir�y days after its passage, approval and publication. Mp,R 1 � ��9GQ Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish � In Favor / Meredith /� Peteraon � d Against Ted�es�co^ r� ,.���f-� i -' ��6� Mr. Presiden Byrne) Ap o d: A sti. . ity Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ��LISHE� MAR 15 1969 Duplieate to Printer ORDINANCE ;���;������ COUNCIL FILE NO- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO—�.,��-3 arr oRn�rraNC� ��e�zx� � cr�n+� oF �a�n�r H�LLAND Af�AIN��' 'T'� �ITY OF SAINT PAUL. THE COtJN'CIL OF THE CI'F�t' QF SAINT PAUL DQ�S QRDAIA?: Seation l. '�."h,at the proper City ofP3�ers are h�ereby authorized to paq� aat of th� Tort Liability Fund (J03�-�21, to John Helland, the �um of $180.00, in full �ett�.ement o�' his alaim P4r damage� and in�uriea �ustained on January 23, 1969, a� a reeult of an acaident involvin�,g a City vehicle driven by Raymond A. Lusby�, at or n�ar the intersection of Plata Boulevard and Eva Street, Saint Paul, Minn�eot8. Section 2. That �aid sum shal]. be paid �o th� sa�d clsimani: upon hi� ��ecaution a�d delivery of a releas� in full to the City, �.n � Form to be spproved by the Corporatian Counsel, for all d��es ana in�uriee sustained in the manner aforesai�. Section 3. That this ord3nance shall take e�'f�a� and be in force thi�ty day� after its paesage, approval. and publication. ��`ta��� :1. �. �p��`�:� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson � � Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: ""' Attest: City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By � o� I st � 2nd J _ Leid over to 3rd and app�—Adopted � 7 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �Carlso� Carison �Balglish �alglish �eredith ���`��� �vleredith � �Peterson \Peterson '"� Sprafka � ` �~�"I'edesco v �Tedesco ✓ >..� �lvlr. President Byrne °�,Mr. President Byrne �O