04-357� ". �u �� i��M i l O rJ ��`"' 4� �n 1 1 � ao�`� RESOLUTION , , CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, it is not the intent of the City Council to degrade, diminish, or reduce the present protections 2 within the Saint Paul Zoning Code for the Mississippi River Critical Area; and, 3 WHEREAS, the City Council did adopt in 2002 the Mississippi River Corridor Plan; and, 4 WHEREAS, within the Mississippi River Corridor Plan, there aze provisions in which the City committed to 5 reviewing the current condi6ons of the Crifical Area including the nnpact of new development within that area 6 and also committed itself to work with other governmental agencies to further the prospect of protecfions within 7 the Critical Area where need be; now therefore, 8 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby creates the Mississippi River Critical Area Task Force to 9 recommend zoning changes consistent with the policies adopted in the Mississippi River Corridar Plan; and be 10 it fut�ther, 11 RESOLVED, that the MRCA Task Force shall consist of and have a total of twelve (12) members appointed by 12 the City Council equally representing the following three categories: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Council File # Q�1 Green Sheet # ��/ The environmentai community, including possible representation from the Friends of the Paiks and Trails; Parks and Recreation Commission, DNR, MNRRA, watershed districts, Friends of the Mississippi River; The business community, including possible representation from the Port Authority, Chamber of Commerce, Business Review Council, Trades and Labor, Riverfront Corporation, barge operators, river-front housing developers; The greater community, including possible representation from the Planning Commission, the district councils, League of Women Voters, Urban League; and be it fitrther 21 22 RESOLVED, that the committee chairs are directed to ensure Task Force meetings are public and are held for a 23 fu11 discussion on topics of concem; and be it further 24 RESOLVED, that the MRCA Task Force shall be supported by PED and PED shall supply the Task Force with 25 materials and information as required in an expedited manner; and be it further 26 RESOLVED, that the MRCA Task Farce shall review the current zoning code chapters relating to protection of 27 the MRCA in an expedited manner, and be it fin�ther 28 RESOLVED, that the committee shall make a report to the Council within three months of the passage of this 29 resolution on progress achieved and detailing a time-line for completion of the zoning recommendations. S ��/ -_..Z-�1 / Requested by Department of. � Form Approved by City Attorney � Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Sy: Appt By: Adopted by Council: Date �� j 7��1D0'� �.--- Council File # �y— � Green Sheet # a0lpS0/ RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred Ta C���i- � Vg 1 WHEREAS, it is not 2 within the Saint Paul 3 WFIEREAS, the City intent of the City Councii to degrade, diminish, or reduce the present protections �ng Code for the Mississippi River Czitical Area; and, adopt in 2002 the Mississippi River Corridar Plan; and, 4 WHEREAS, within the Mississip ' River Corridor Plan, there aze provisions in which the City committed to 5 reviewing the current conditions of e Critical Area including the impact of new development within that azea 6 and also committeted itself to work wi other governmental agencies to further the prospect of protecrions 7 within the Critical Area where need be; w therefore, 8 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council 9 it fiu ther, 10 RESOLVED, that the MRCA Task Force shall 11 following arganizarions: 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 creates the Mississippi River Critical Area Task Force; and be of and have a total of ten (10) members representing the • The environmental non-profit community, o be appointed by the City Council and to serve as one of two co-chairs; • The Saint Paui Planning Commission; to serv s one of two co-chairs; • The St. Paul Port Authority; • The Saint Paul Planning Commission; • The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; • The U.S. Department of Interior, National Pazk Servic • • The Capitol Regional Watershed District; • The Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission; • The Friends of the Parks and Trails; • The Saint Paul Rivezfront Corporation; and be it further 23 RESOLVED, that the co-chairs are directed to ensure Task Force meetings are pu ic and are held for a full 24 discussion on topics of concern; and be it fiirther 25 RESOLVED, that the MRCA Task Force shall be supported by PED and PED shali sup the Task Force with 26 materials and information as required in an expedited manner; and be it fiuther 27 RESOLVED, that the MRCA Task Force shall review the current zoning code chapters relaAn to protection of 28 the MRCA in an expedited manner with the following timetable: 29 • April- June, 2004: Review a11 current zoning code provisions, Mississippi River Corn or Plans, 1 . . . oN- 3 S7 1 and other relevant docuxnents, and draft preliminary zoning code proposals regarding the 2 protections of the MRCA; 3 June, 2004: Co-chairs aze to report to the City Council at the first City Council meeting in June 4 on the Task Force's progress and reasons for any delays that may affect the overall timetable 5 embodied within this resolution; 6 • June 15, 2004: Proposed MRCA zoning code amendments, if any, shall be distributed to all 7 ' trict Councils, all interested state and federal agencies, all interested environmental groups, 8 deve pers, and other interested individuals or entities for comments, recommendarions, or 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 • September 5, 2004: All comments, recommendtions or determinations are to be returned to the MRCA Task rce no later than this date. The Task Force sha11 revise the proposed zoning code, if necessary, for al public hearings commencing in October 2004. • October, 2004: Pub ' hearings are to be held regarding the proposed final MRCA zoning code amendments. • November 1, 2004: The CA Task Force shall submit to the City Council and the Plamiing Commission a report on its fin ' gs and proposed MRCA zoning code amendments. The report may, if necessary, include a mino ' report; • December l, 2004: The Planning Co ission shall report to the City Council its position on the MRCA Task Force proposed MRCA zo ' g code amendments; • December, 2004: The City Council shall v e on the MRCA zoning code amendments. Requested by Deparnnent oE Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Sy: Approved by Mayor: Date By: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date _ 04- 3S7