242250 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. ` � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COU ES LU ION�E RAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE Yt eri�A DATF �H$REAS, Additions phich sight prove tc be �ecessarq in the I,�prov�nt described as t�e FFA�IK-ROSB RBLISF S8[iffit SYSTSlI, Co�ptroller's Contr�ct L-7027, Lasetti & Scns, Ine., Coutractor, �ave been provid�d for in t�e Specification�, aad W�BRBAS, It has beea feund neee�csary to �ake the folloiring Ad�itions bacagae an �cistiag �aaitary �eWer service ia the alleq sast fro� Dal�th Stre�t to Orange Ave�ue t�ad to be relaid dge to storv- seWerr coa�trnction ia the alley: ADDITIANS Recomstxvct 6" V.C. pipe aewer 117 li�. f t. @ $ 4,282 $5�0.00 LYtra depth, Type A catch bssin 9 lin. ft. � $25.0� 225.� This additional s�ennt tc9 be financed froa 1969 Lucal I�prove�eat Ft�ads $725.99 Recosstruct curb arouad side inlet at 1fl03 T. Orangs Av��e: Reac�v� conerete cnrb 22 lin. ft. 1� $ 0.30 6.60 Constr�et str�ight concrete c�arb 14 li�. ft. � $ 3.5� 49.00 �astr�ct radi�as coacrete carb 8 lin. f t. � $ 3.75 30.0� Tcp suil and sud 1�.0� This addition�l ea�at to be finaneed froa MaiDtenanc� Fe��ds�eY3�� $ 95.60 �}�p Total Additi�ns ��21.59 t'- and � 'WHSRSAS, The total addition i� $821.59, aAd �he Cc�a�is�ion�r ef Fablic warks �a agre�d �ith the Contractor t�st tbe a�on�t of $821.59 is the carrect �� to ba add�d to said coatrect; ther�fore b� it R�SOLVBD, T�tat the City of St. paal thre�ngh its Citq Comncil apprc�res the faragc+iag ad�litions a�de in accordar�ce With the Speciffcatious in the �� of $821.59, said a�nat to b� added to the laap s� coasidaratioa na�ed in the con- tract, �a4� as Co�ptroller'e Coatract L-7027, aud which a�e�at is tc� be financed ($725.99) frc�m 1968 Local Lproveieat Fuad� a�d ($95.6�) frc� Mainte�aace Fnada. F EB 1 8 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� 1 � 1969 Carlson � Dalglish � pproved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peteraon Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE� FEB 21 196� 0 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER '�)A�����e�n_7 CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL N0, f � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONErt ReUert �P_ peterson DATF I�EIER�AS, Additions wh�,eh aight prov� to be n�cessury in the Imprc+vement described as the F�TK-AOSL RELI�F SE�BK SYST$H, Cc�ptrnller'a Co�trect L-7�27, Lemetti & Sons, Inc., Cantre�ctor, liave be�n gravided for tn the Specific�tiar►�, and Wi�REAS, It has been found necesaary to mnke the fpllafrfng Additions btcauae an eaist3ng sa�itmrq �ewer �ervice in th� ailey �ast fro� Dul�aeh SCreet to Orange Avenue tiad tc3 be r�laid dt�n ta �torm sawa�r const�.vctior► in Che alley: ADDITIOtiS l�econat�cuet C��`' Y.C. �Sipe sewer 117 lia. ft. � $ 4.282 $30�.�� Extra depth, Typ� A catah basir� 9 lin. f t. Q �2,5.00 225.00 This a�dditional amount �Ga ta� fi�a�nced from 1969 Lryeal IsapraveReent Funds $725.99 lteconstresct eurb artiund side inlet ett 1003 T�. Orange A�ernie: Remave concrete cvrb 22 lin. ft. �, $ 0.30 6.60 Construct straight concrete curb 14 lin. f t. 11 $ 3.50 49.00 Cc�nstruct rndius aoncrete curb 8 liz�. ft. C� $ 3.75 30.00 Top soil and �aod 10.Q0 Thi� a�ddi tiana 1 a�aunt tio be f inas►c�d �rom dKain�enance P'und$ C��'3tJ $ 95.60 Totel Additions R621.59 and WHEREAS, The total additian is $821.59, and the Coa�nissioner of Public Works hae agreed with �he Contxactc,r the,� the amount of $821.59 is the correct sua� ta be added tr� satid cantract, therervre be it RESULVED, Tttat the City of St. Peul thr�ugh its City Council appr+aves t�e � £oregoir�g as�ditians �aade tn acCOrciatnce wfth �he� &pecifications in tfie sam �ef $821.59, said emou�t to be �,dd�d �o th� lua�p sum con�ideration named in the cnri- tract, knawr� as Cowptroller's Cantrect L-7Q27, �nd which ama�unt i� t� be financed t$'�25.9Q) fmm 1968 Local Improve�ent Fut�d�s and (�y9S.60? fs� M+�intenance Funda. , �,�;: k_t��4� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson .....,..� , � :, Dalglish � Approved �� 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka C -:� Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne � O